5 resultados para Vivero de planta ornamental
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Five commonly imported freshwater ornamental fish: Poecilia reticulata (guppy); Xiphophorus maculatus (platy); Paracheirodon innesi (neon tetra); Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal tetra); and Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (sucking catfish), 361 individuals in total, were examined for parasites immediately after being released from quarantine in Australia. Ten parasites species were found: Camallanus cotti; Centrocestus formosanus; Bothriocephalus acheilognathi; Urocleidoides reticulatus; Tetrahymena corlissi; Chilodonella piscicola; Hexamita sp.; Cryptobia sp.; Chloromyxum sp.; and an unidentified larval nematode. Though shipments had come from up to five different exporting companies, parasite prevalence was uniformly high. We suggest that prior to release, fish transported internationally should be checked for high risk pathogens such as Camallanus cotti, B. acheilognathi and Centrocestus formosanus, and treated for common infections such as Hexamita sp., Cryptobia sp. T. corlissi and Chilodonella piscicola to inhibit the spread of disease and enhance the survival of the fish.
Selected isolates of Cladosporium tenuissimum were tested for their ability to inhibit in vitro aeciospore germination of the two-needle pine stem rusts Cronartium flaccidum and Peridermium pini and to suppress disease development in planta. The antagonistic fungus displayed a number of disease-suppressive mechanisms. Aeciospore germination on water agar slides was reduced at 12, 18, and 24 h when a conidial suspension (1.5 x 10(7) conidia per ml) of the Cladosporium tenuissimum isolates was added. When the aeciospores were incubated in same-strength conidial suspensions for 1, 11, 21, and 31 days, viability was reduced at 20 and 4 degreesC. Light and scanning electron microscopy showed that rust spores were directly parasitized by Cladosporium tenuissimum and that the antagonist had evolved several strategies to breach the spore wail and gain access to the underlying tissues. Penetration occurred with or without appressoria. The hyperparasite exerted a mechanical force to destroy the spore structures (spinules, cell wall) by direct contact, penetrated the aeciospores and subsequently proliferated within them. However, an enzymatic action could also be involved. This was shown by the dissolution of the host tell wall that comes in contact with the mycelium of the mycoparasite, by the lack of indentation in the host wall at the contact site, and by the minimal swelling at the infecting hyphal tip. Culture filtrates of the hyperparasite inhibited germination of rust propagules. A compound purified from the filtrates was characterized by chemical and spectroscopic analysis as cladosporol, a known beta -1,3-glucan biosynthesis inhibitor. Conidia of Cladosporium tenuissimum reduced rust development on new infected pine seedlings over 2 years under greenhouse conditions. Because the fungus is an aggressive mycoparasite, produces fungicidal metabolites, and can survive and multiply in forest ecosystems without rusts, it seems a promising agent for the biological control of pine stem rusts in Europe.
We report the cloning and characterization in tobacco and Arabidopsis of a Vigna radiata L. (mung bean) promoter that controls the expression of VR-ACS1, an auxin-inducible ACC synthase gene. The VR-ACS1 promoter exhibits a very unusual behavior when studied in plants different from its original host, mung bean. GUS and luciferase in situ assays of transgenic plants containing VR-ACS1 promoter fusions show strong constitutive reporter gene expression throughout tobacco and Arabidopsis development. In vitro quantitative analyses show that transgenic plants harboring VR-ACS1 promoter-reporter constructs have on average 4-6 fold higher protein and activity levels of both reporter genes than plants transformed with comparable CaMV 35S promoter fusions. Similar transcript levels are present in VR-ACS1 and CaMV 35S promoter lines, suggesting that the high levels of gene product observed for the VR-ACS1 promoter are the combined result of transcriptional and translational activation. All tested deletion constructs retaining the core promoter region can drive strong constitutive promoter activity in transgenic plants. This is in contrast to mung bean, where expression of the native VR-ACS1 gene is almost undetectable in plants grown under normal conditions, but is rapidly and highly induced by a variety of stimuli. The constitutive behavior of the VR-ACS1 promoter in heterologous hosts is surprising, suggesting that the control mechanisms active in mung bean are impaired in tobacco and Arabidopsis. The 'aberrant' behavior of the VR-ACS1 promoter is further emphasized by its failure to respond to auxin and cycloheximide in heterologous hosts. VR-ACS1 promoter regulatory mechanisms seem to be different from all previously characterized auxin-inducible promoters.
Female reproductive tissues of the ornamental tobacco amass high levels of serine proteinase inhibitors (PIs) for protection against pests and pathogens. These PIs are produced from a precursor protein composed of six repeats each with a protease reactive site. Here we show that proteolytic processing of the precursor generates five single-chain PIs and a remarkable two-chain inhibitor formed by disulfide-bond Linkage of Nand C-terminal peptide fragments. Surprisingly, PI precursors adopt this circular structure regardless of the number of inhibitor domains, suggesting this bracelet-like conformation is characteristic of the widespread potato inhibitor II (Pot II) protein family.
Background: The ornamental tobacco Nicotiana alata produces a series of proteinase inhibitors (Pls) that are derived from a 43 kDa precursor protein, NaProPl. NaProPl contains six highly homologous repeats that fold to generate six separate structural domains, each corresponding to one of the native Pls. An unusual feature of NaProPl is that the structural domains lie across adjacent repeats and that the sixth Pl domain is generated from fragments of the first and sixth repeats. Although the homology of the repeats suggests that they may have arisen from gene duplication, the observed folding does not appear to support this. This study of the solution structure of a single NaProPl repeat (aPl1) forms a basis for unravelling the mechanism by which this protein may have evolved, Results: The three-dimensional structure of aPl1 closely resembles the triple-stranded antiparallel beta sheet observed in each of the native Pls. The five-residue sequence Glu-Glu-Lys-Lys-Asn, which forms the linker between the six structural domains in NaProPl, exists as a disordered loop in aPl1. The presence of this loop in aPl1 results in a loss of the characteristically flat and disc-like topography of the native inhibitors. Conclusions: A single repeat from NaProPl is capable of folding into a compact globular domain that displays native-like Pl activity. Consequently, it is possible that a similar single-domain inhibitor represents the ancestral protein from which NaProPl evolved.