69 resultados para Van Allen radiation belts.

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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This article considers the conditions placed on the autonomous architectural history discipline often understood at stake in Manfredo Tafuri's 1968 book Teorie e storia dell'architettura.


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The gamma-radiolysis of poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfuoromethyl vinyl ether) (TFE/PMVE) was investigated using solid state F-19 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Chain scission products identified in the polymer were saturated chain ends -CF2CF3 (G = 1.0), methyl ether end groups -CF2OCF3 (G = 0.9), acid end groups -CF2COOH (G = 0.5), and a small amount of terminal unsaturation -CF=CF2 (G = 0.2). A mechanism for the formation of these scission products was proposed and the G value for main chain scission, G(S), was determined to be 1.4. Cross-linking of TFE/PMVE was found to proceed via a Y-linking mechanism. The G value for cross-linking, G(X), was determined to be 0.9. A maximum of 0.2 mol % cross-links were formed under the experimental conditions.


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To simulate cropping systems, crop models must not only give reliable predictions of yield across a wide range of environmental conditions, they must also quantify water and nutrient use well, so that the status of the soil at maturity is a good representation of the starting conditions for the next cropping sequence. To assess the suitability for this task a range of crop models, currently used in Australia, were tested. The models differed in their design objectives, complexity and structure and were (i) tested on diverse, independent data sets from a wide range of environments and (ii) model components were further evaluated with one detailed data set from a semi-arid environment. All models were coded into the cropping systems shell APSIM, which provides a common soil water and nitrogen balance. Crop development was input, thus differences between simulations were caused entirely by difference in simulating crop growth. Under nitrogen non-limiting conditions between 73 and 85% of the observed kernel yield variation across environments was explained by the models. This ranged from 51 to 77% under varying nitrogen supply. Water and nitrogen effects on leaf area index were predicted poorly by all models resulting in erroneous predictions of dry matter accumulation and water use. When measured light interception was used as input, most models improved in their prediction of dry matter and yield. This test highlighted a range of compensating errors in all modelling approaches. Time course and final amount of water extraction was simulated well by two models, while others left up to 25% of potentially available soil water in the profile. Kernel nitrogen percentage was predicted poorly by all models due to its sensitivity to small dry matter changes. Yield and dry matter could be estimated adequately for a range of environmental conditions using the general concepts of radiation use efficiency and transpiration efficiency. However, leaf area and kernel nitrogen dynamics need to be improved to achieve better estimates of water and nitrogen use if such models are to be use to evaluate cropping systems. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Previous work has identified several short-comings in the ability of four spring wheat and one barley model to simulate crop processes and resource utilization. This can have important implications when such models are used within systems models where final soil water and nitrogen conditions of one crop define the starting conditions of the following crop. In an attempt to overcome these limitations and to reconcile a range of modelling approaches, existing model components that worked demonstrably well were combined with new components for aspects where existing capabilities were inadequate. This resulted in the Integrated Wheat Model (I_WHEAT), which was developed as a module of the cropping systems model APSIM. To increase predictive capability of the model, process detail was reduced, where possible, by replacing groups of processes with conservative, biologically meaningful parameters. I_WHEAT does not contain a soil water or soil nitrogen balance. These are present as other modules of APSIM. In I_WHEAT, yield is simulated using a linear increase in harvest index whereby nitrogen or water limitations can lead to early termination of grainfilling and hence cessation of harvest index increase. Dry matter increase is calculated either from the amount of intercepted radiation and radiation conversion efficiency or from the amount of water transpired and transpiration efficiency, depending on the most limiting resource. Leaf area and tiller formation are calculated from thermal time and a cultivar specific phyllochron interval. Nitrogen limitation first reduces leaf area and then affects radiation conversion efficiency as it becomes more severe. Water or nitrogen limitations result in reduced leaf expansion, accelerated leaf senescence or tiller death. This reduces the radiation load on the crop canopy (i.e. demand for water) and can make nitrogen available for translocation to other organs. Sensitive feedbacks between light interception and dry matter accumulation are avoided by having environmental effects acting directly on leaf area development, rather than via biomass production. This makes the model more stable across environments without losing the interactions between the different external influences. When comparing model output with models tested previously using data from a wide range of agro-climatic conditions, yield and biomass predictions were equal to the best of those models, but improvements could be demonstrated for simulating leaf area dynamics in response to water and nitrogen supply, kernel nitrogen content, and total water and nitrogen use. I_WHEAT does not require calibration for any of the environments tested. Further model improvement should concentrate on improving phenology simulations, a more thorough derivation of coefficients to describe leaf area development and a better quantification of some processes related to nitrogen dynamics. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Theoretical analyses have shown the radiation use efficiency of maize, soybean, and peanut to increase with a decrease in the level of incident radiation and an increase in the proportion of diffuse radiation. This study compared the growth and radiation use efficiency of Panicum maximum cv. Petrie (green panic) and Bothriochloa insculpta cv. Bisset (creeping bluegrass) beneath shading treatments (birdguard and solarweave shadecloths) with that in full sunlight. A level of incident radiation reduced by 25% under birdguard shadecloth decreased final yield and final leaf area index, but increased canopy leaf nitrogen concentration and radiation use efficiency (19-14%) (compared with the full sun treatment). A similar level of reduced incident radiation under solarweave shadecloth (which provided an increased proportion of diffuse radiation), increased final yield and radiation use efficiency (46-50%). An understanding of the effects of composition of incident radiation on radiation use efficiency of tropical grasses enables more accurate estimation of potential pasture growth in shaded environments. It also has impact upon crop production in glasshouses and greenhouses.


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The gamma-radiolysis of poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoromethyl vinyl ether) (TFE/PMVE) was investigated using chemical and mechanical analyses. The polymer was found to form an insoluble network with a dose of gelation of 15.8 kGy. Tensile and glass transition temperature measurements indicated the predominance of crosslinking, with optimal elastomeric properties reached in the dose range of 120 to 200 kGy. Photoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy CPAS) showed the formation of new carboxylic acid end groups on irradiation. These new end groups were shown to decrease the thermal oxidative stability of the crosslinked network as determined by thermal gravimetric analysis. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of the polymer at 77 K indicated the presence of radical precursors. A G-value of 1.1 was determined for radical production at 77 K. Comparison of radical concentrations for a copolymer with a different mole ratio of PMVE, indicated that the PMVE units contribute to scission reactions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mangrove communities in the Australian tropics presently occur as narrow belts of vegetation in estuaries and on sheltered, muddy coasts. Palynological data from continental shelf and deep-sea cores indicate a long-term cyclical component of mangrove development and decline at a regional scale, which can be linked to specific phases of late Quaternary sealevel change. Extensive mangrove development, relative to today, occurs during periods of marine transgression, whereas very diminished mangrove occurs during marine regressions and during rarer periods of relative sea-level stability. Episodes of flourishing mangrove cannot be linked to phases of humid climate, as has been suggested in studies elsewhere. Rather, the cycle of expansion and decline of mangrove communities on a grand scale is explained in terms of contrasting physiographic settings characteristic of continental-shelf coasts during transgressive and regressive phases, in particular by the existence, or lack, of well-developed tidal estuaries. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The radiolysis of nitrile rubbers with different acrylonitrile/butadiene composition and the homopolymers, poly(butadiene) (PBD) and poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) has been investigated and compared with the photolysis of the same polymers. A significantly different mechanism of degradation was found for the two types of radiation. The results obtained by ESR, FTIR and measurements of soluble fractions of irradiated samples, indicated that the acrylonitrile units of the nitrile rubbers are more sensitive units to gamma-radiation, with the effects of irradiation increasing with the acrylonitrile content. The reactions observed were consumption of double bonds, crosslinking, and cyclization with the formation of conjugated double bonds. No chain-scission reactions were detected. In contrast to gamma-irradiation, the effects of photolysis were centred at the butadiene units, and increases in the acrylonitrile content resulted in a proportional decrease in the sensitivity of the copolymers. Crosslinking and chain scission were identified as the main effects of photolysis of NBR rubbers. (C) 1999 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The thermal and gamma-irradiation induced curing of two phenylethynyl terminated composite resin systems, DFB/BPF and PETI5A, was investigated. Thermal curing of these matrix resin samples was performed at a temperature of 360 degrees C, gamma irradiation of the samples was conducted at 300 degrees C at a dose rate of 2.2 kGy h(-1). The reaction and subsequent loss of ethynyl groups in the resins for both cure methods was demonstrated by observing the decrease of the 2215 cm(-1) peak in the Raman spectra of the resins. Fully cured resin samples were found to have glass transition temperatures of 244-246 degrees C and 278-280 degrees C for DFB/BPF and PETI5A respectively. Similar relationships between T-g and fractional conversion were observed in both resins. The apparent polymerization rate, R-p, for thermal cure at 360 degrees C, was found to be 4.79 x 10(-2)% s(-1) in PETI5A and 3.22 x 10(-2)% s(-1) in DFB/BPF. Catastrophic degradation under nitrogen was observed to commence near 450 degrees C and 530 degrees C, with 5% weight losses occurring at 455 degrees C and 540 degrees C for DFB/BPF and PETI5A respectively. Gamma radiation induced cure at 300 degrees C was shown to be feasible, with full cure being reached with doses of 40 kGy for DFB/BPF and 100 kGy for PETI5A.


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Many Archean cratons are surrounded by Proterozoic mobile belts that have experienced episodes of tectonic re-activation over their lifetimes. This suggests that mobile belt lithosphere may be associated with long lived, inherited weakness. It is proposed that the proximity of this weakness can increase the longevity of deep Archean lithosphere by buffering Archean cratons from mantle derived stresses. The physical plausibility of this idea is explored through numerical simulations of mantle convection that include continents and allow for material rheologies that model the combined brittle and ductile behavior of the lithosphere. Within the simulations, the longevity of deep cratonic lithosphere does increase if it is buffered by mobile belts that can fail at relatively low stress levels.


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The radiation chemistry of poly(dimethyl siloxane) has been investigated with respect to identification of the nature of the small molecule chain scission products. Low molecular weight linear and cyclic products have been identified through the use of Si-29 solution NMR, GPC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. It has been suggested that the low molecular weight cyclic products are formed by back-biting depolymerization reactions.


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H-1- and C-13-NMR spectroscopy and FT-Raman spectroscopy are used to investigate the properties of a polymer gel dosimeter post-irradiation. The polymer gel (PACT) is composed of acrylamide, N,N'-methylene-bisacrylamide, gelatin, and water. The formation of a polyacrylamide network within the gelatin matrix follows a dose dependence nonlinearly correlated to the disappearance of the double bonds from the dissolved monomers within the absorbed dose range of 0-50 Gy. The signal from the gelatin remains constant with irradiation. We show that the NMR spin-spin relaxation times (T-2) of PAGs irradiated to up to 50 Gy measured in a NMR spectrometer and a clinical magnetic resonance imaging scanner can be modeled using the spectroscopic intensity of the growing polymer network. More specifically, we show that the nonlinear T-2 dependence against dose can be understood in terms of the fraction of protons in three different proton pools. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The effects of ionizing radiation in different compositions of polymer gel dosimeters are investigated using FT-Raman spectroscopy and NMR T-2 relaxation times. The dosimeters are manufactured from different concentrations of comonomers (acrylamide and N,N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide) dispersed in different concentrations of an aqueous gelatin matrix. Results are analysed using a model of fast exchange of magnetization between three proton pools. The fraction of protons in each pool is determined using the known chemical composition of the dosimeter and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Based on these results, the physical and chemical processes in interplay in the dosimeters are examined in view of their effect on the changes in T-2 The precipitation of growing macroradicals and the scavenging of free radicals by gelatin are used to explain the rate of polymerization. The model describes the changes in T-2 as a function of the absorbed dose up to 50 Gy for the different compositions. This is expected to aid the theoretical design of new, more efficient dosimeters, since it was demonstrated that the optimum dosimeter (i.e, with the lowest dose resolution) must have a range of relaxation times which match the range of T-2 values which can be determined with the lowest uncertainty using an MRI scanner.


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This work presents new Structural data from a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) metamorphic terrane exposed on the islands of Syros and Sifnos (Cyclades, Greece). The structure and the metamorphism of a relatively coherent HP/LT rock section were studied in order to elucidate how strain was accommodated at deep crustal levels during the formation and exhumation of HP/LT rocks. At least three deformation phases associated with eclogite- and blueschist-facies conditions (P = 8-15 kbar; T = 400-550 degreesC) were recognised. The earliest deformation fabric (S1), preserved as inclusion trails within garnet porphyroblasts, is aligned to define a sub-vertical schistosity (at present orientation), which is frequently orthogonal to the flat matrix schistosity (S2), and may indicate that deep crustal thickening involved upright folding. The currently dominant fabric in the HP rock section, S2, is Usually moderately dipping and locally contains NW-trending glaucophane lineations, symmetric pressure-shadows and eclogitic boudins. The symmetric structures associated with this fabric seem to indicate coaxial vertical thinning, although the existence of non-coaxial structures out of the study area cannot be excluded. Glaucophane-bearing shear bands (S3), with top-to-NW sense of shearing, locally crosscut the earlier structures. The latest recognised fabric (D4) is scarce and often absent within the HP rocks. It is associated with top-to-NE kinematic criteria that formed at greenschist-facies conditions (P = 4-7 kbar; T = 400-450 degreesC). Based on these observations, it is suggested that partitioning of strain occurred at different crustal levels and at different times. Deep crustal deformation was governed by thickening via upright folding followed by coaxial vertical thinning, whereas non-coaxial shearing occurred when the rocks were already exhumed to relatively shallow crustal levels. The earliest fabrics (D1 to D3) pertain to Alpine orogenesis and possibly to syn-orogenic extension, whereas the latest correspond to whole-crust back-are extension. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.