4 resultados para VSMC

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The durability of all forms of open or percutaneous revascularisation is affected by the development of localised stenoses within the bypass graft or at the site of endarterectomy, stent or angioplasty. The reported incidence of significant restenosis has varied dependent on initial procedure, site, case mix and definition, but is greatest during the first 12 months (Table 1).1 Over the last 40 years tens of thousands of studies have been carried out in an effort to understand or reduce the incidence of restenosis, with two major mechanisms identified as being responsible for the luminal narrowing, namely intimal hyperplasia and constrictive remodelling. Intimal hyperplasia is provoked by changes in the balance of local cytokines controlling vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation, apoptosis and migration, brought about by endothelial or medial injury and alterations in haemodynamic forces. The overall vessel diameter reduction that occurs in constrictive remodelling is less well defined, but likely involves matrix turnover under the control of proteinases, particularly metalloproteinases.


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Sustained delivery of heparin to the localized adventitial surface of grafted blood vessels has been shown to prevent the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation that can lead to graft occlusion and failure. In this study heparin was incorporated into electrospun poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) fiber mats for assessment as a controlled delivery device. Fibers with smooth surfaces and no bead defects could be spun from polymer solutions with 8% w/v PCL in 7:3 dichloromethane: methanol. A significant decrease in fiber diameter was observed with increasing heparin concentration. Assessment of drug loading, and imaging of fluorescently labeled heparin showed homogenous distribution of heparin throughout the fiber mats. A total of approximately half of the encapsulated heparin was released by diffusional control from the heparin/PCL fibers after 14 days. The fibers did not induce an inflammatory response in macrophage cells in vitro and the released heparin was effective in preventing the proliferation of VSMCs in culture. These results suggest that electrospun PCL fibers are a promising candidate for delivery of heparin to the site of vascular injury. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background-Marfan syndrome (MFS), a condition caused by fibrillin-1 gene mutation is associated with aortic aneurysm that shows elastic lamellae disruption, accumulation of glycosaminoglycans, and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) apoptosis with minimal inflammatory response. We examined aneurysm tissue and cultured cells for expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 to -beta3 (TGF beta 1 to 3), hyaluronan content, apoptosis, markers of cell migration, and infiltration of vascular progenitor cells (CD34). Methods and Results-MFS aortic aneurysm (6 males, 5 females; age 8 to 78 years) and normal aorta (5 males, 3 females; age 22 to 56 years) were used. Immunohistochemistry showed increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3, hyaluronan, and CD34-positive microcapillaries in MFS aneurysm compared with control. There was increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3 and hyaluronan in MFS cultured VSMCs, adventitial fibroblasts (AF), and skin fibroblasts (SF). Apoptosis was increased in MFS (VSMC: mean cell loss in MFS 29%, n of subjects = 5, versus control 8%, n = 3, P < 0.05; AF: 28%, n = 5 versus 7%, n = 5, P < 0.05; SF: 29%, n = 3 versus 4%, n = 3, not significant). In MFS, there was a 2-fold increase in adventitial microcapillaries containing CD34-positive cells compared with control tissue. Scratch wound assay showed absence of CD44, MT1-MMP, and beta-3 integrin at the leading edge of migration in MFS indicating altered directional migration. Western blot showed increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3 in MFS but no change in expression of CD44, MT1-MMP, or beta-3 integrin compared with controls. Conclusions-There was overexpression of TGF-beta in MFS associated with altered hyaluronan synthesis, increased apoptosis, impaired progenitor cell recruitment, and abnormal directional migration. These factors limit tissue repair and are likely to contribute to aneurysm development.


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Introduction: The vasoconstricting peptide Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, AAA, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. It is known to stimulate quiescent vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) into the growth cycle and has been linked to intimal thickening following endothelial injury and is associated with vessel wall remodelling in salt-sensitive hypertension models. Enhanced ET-1 expression has been reported in the internal mammary artery (IMA) and was markedly higher in patients undergoing cardiac bypass surgery who were diabetic and /or hypercholesterolemic. Aims: To firstly review the histopathology of the IMA and secondly, determine the relationship between ET-1 expression in this vessel and mitogenic activity in the medial VSMC. Methods: Vessel tissue collected at the time of CABG surgery was formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded for histological investigation. Cross sections of the left distal IMAwere stained with Alcian Blue/Verhoeff’s van Gieson to assess medial degeneration and identify the elastic lamellae and picrosirius red to determine the collagen content (specifically type I and type III). Immunohistochemistry staining was used to assess VSMC growth (PCNA label), tissue ET-1 expression, VSMC (SMCa-actin) area and macrophage/monocyte (anti-CD68) infiltration. Quantitative analysis was performed to measure the VSMC area in relation to ET-1 staining. Results: Fifty-five IMA specimens from the CABG patients (10F; 45M; mean age 65 years) were collected for this study. Fourteen donor IMAspecimens were used as controls (7F; 7M; mean age 45 years). Significant medial hypertrophy, VSMC disorganisation and elastic lamellae destruction was detected in the CABG IMA. The amount of Alcian blue staining in the CABG IMA was almost double that of the control (31.85+/14.52% Vs 17.10+/9.96%, P= .0006). Total collagen and type I collagen content was significantly increased compared with controls (65.8+/18.3% Vs 33.7 + / 13.7%, P= .07), (14.2 + /10.0% Vs 4.8 + /2.8%, P= .01), respectively. Tissue ET-1 and PCNA labelling were also significantly elevated the CABG IMA specimens relative to the controls (69.99 + /18.74%Vs 23.33 + /20.53%, P= .0001, and 37.29 + /12.88% Vs 11.06 + /8.18, P= .0001), respectively. There was mild presence of macrophages and monocytes in both CABG and control tissue. Conclusions: The IMA from CABG patients has elevated levels of type I collagen in the extracellular matrix indicative of fibrosis and was coupled with deleterious structural remodelling. Abnormally high levels of ET-1 were measured in the medial SMC layer and was associated with VSMC growth but not related to any chronic inflammatory response within the vessel wall.