em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) seronegative solid organ transplant recipients remains a significant problem, particularly in the first year post-transplant. Immune monitoring of a cohort of high-risk patients indicated that four EBV seronegative transplant recipients developed early-onset PTLD prior to evidence of an EBV humoral response. EBV status has been classically defined serologically, however these patients demonstrated multiple parameters of EBV infection, including the generation of EBV-specific CTL, outgrowth of spontaneous lymphoblastoid cell lines, and elevated EBV DNA levels, despite the absence of a classic EBV antibody response. As EBV serology is influenced by both immunosuppression and cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin treatment, both the EBV-specific CTL response and elevated EBV levels are more reliable indicators of EBV infection post-transplant.


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This paper analyses surveillance as a technique of power in the culture of physical education, including its impact upon the health of teachers. Additionally, gendered aspects of surveillance are investigated because physical education is an important location in and through which bodies are inscribed with gendered identities. The embodied nature of physical educators' work renders the body as particularly significant in patterns of privilege and domination. The research was guided by Michel Foucault's work and poststructural feminist perspectives on the importance of power in social life. At nine schools across two international research sites, the functioning of surveillance was evidenced through the multi-directional workings of power in top-down, lateral, and bottom-up configurations. Data indicated that surveillance occurred on, through and about bodies. It had a strong gender dimension as the male gaze inscribed both female teachers' and students' bodies with value and competence. In terms of teachers' health, as well as responses to surveillance on a physical and emotional level, the workings of power were also influential in shaping teachers' identities.


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Background Reliable information on causes of death is a fundamental component of health development strategies, yet globally only about one-third of countries have access to such information. For countries currently without adequate mortality reporting systems there are useful models other than resource-intensive population-wide medical certification. Sample-based mortality surveillance is one such approach. This paper provides methods for addressing appropriate sample size considerations in relation to mortality surveillance, with particular reference to situations in which prior information on mortality is lacking. Methods The feasibility of model-based approaches for predicting the expected mortality structure and cause composition is demonstrated for populations in which only limited empirical data is available. An algorithm approach is then provided to derive the minimum person-years of observation needed to generate robust estimates for the rarest cause of interest in three hypothetical populations, each representing different levels of health development. Results Modelled life expectancies at birth and cause of death structures were within expected ranges based on published estimates for countries at comparable levels of health development. Total person-years of observation required in each population could be more than halved by limiting the set of age, sex, and cause groups regarded as 'of interest'. Discussion The methods proposed are consistent with the philosophy of establishing priorities across broad clusters of causes for which the public health response implications are similar. The examples provided illustrate the options available when considering the design of mortality surveillance for population health monitoring purposes.


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Background: Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) is the most common clinical presentation of acute poliovirus infection, occurring in 0.1-1% of infected cases. AFP surveillance has been used world-wide to monitor the control and eradication of circulating wild poliovirus. This study aims to review the significance of all enteroviruses, including polioviruses, isolated from patients with AFP in Australia between 1996 and 2004. Methods: We undertook a retrospective review of all notified cases of AFP, aged 0-15 years and resident in Australia at the time of notification. We reviewed all available clinical and virological data for these cases and all records of the Polio Expert Committee, which determined the final classification for all cases. Results: There were 335 notified cases that satisfied the case definition for AFP, 162 (48%) of whom had at least one faecal sample tested. Enteroviruses isolated from the faeces of 26 (16%) of the 162 cases were Coxsackie A24, Coxsackie B5, enterovirus 71, enterovirus 75, echovirus 9, echovirus 11 and echovirus 18. In addition, one or more polioviruses were isolated from the faeces of seven patients. Six of seven polioviruses were characterised as Sabin-like, one was not characterised, but all were considered to be incidental isolates. Five of these cases were classified as infant botulism, one case as transverse myelitis and one as a focal mononeuropathy. Conclusion: With the eradication of circulating wild polioviruses, other enteroviruses are being more commonly identified as the cause of polio-like illnesses. In the polio end game, when there is increased testing for polioviruses, it is important to consider infant botulism as a differential diagnosis in cases presenting with AFP.


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This is the third article of a series entitled Astronauts as Audiences. In this article, we investigate the roles that situation awareness (SA), communications, and reality TV (including media communications) might have on the lives of astronauts in remote space communities. We examined primary data about astronauts’ living and working environments, applicable theories of SA, communications, and reality TV (including media communications). We then surmised that the collective application of these roles might be a means of enhancing the lives of astronauts in remote space communities.