123 resultados para Ultrafast MRI
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Almost all clinical magnetic resonance imaging systems are based on circular cross-section magnets. Recent advances in elliptical cross-section RF probe and gradient coil hardware raise the question of the possibility of using elliptical cross-section magnet systems, This paper presents a methodology for calculating rapidly the magnetic fields generated by a multi-turn coil of elliptical cross-section and incorporates this in a stochastic optimization method for magnet design, An open magnet system of elliptical cross-section is designed that both reduces the claustrophobia for the patients and allows ready access by attending physicians, The magnet system is optimized for paediatric use, The coil geometry produced by the optimization method has several novel features.
A simple design process for the design of elliptical cross-section, transverse gradient coils for use in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is presented. This process is based on a flexible stochastic optimization method and results in designs of high linearity and efficiency with low switching times. A design study of a shielded, transverse asymmetric elliptical coil set for use in neural imaging is presented and includes the minimization of the torques experienced by the gradient set.
A novel three-axis gradient set and RF resonator for orthopedic MRT has been designed and constructed. The set is openable and may be wrapped around injured joints. The design methodology used was the minimization of magnetic field spherical harmonics by simulated annealing. Splitting of the longitudinal coil presents the major design challenge to a fully openable gradient set and in order to efficiently design such coils, we have developed a new fast algorithm for determining the magnetic field spherical harmonics generated by an are of multiturn wire. The algorithm allows a realistic impression of the effect of split longitudinal designs. A prototype set was constructed based on the new designs and tested in a 2-T clinical research system. The set generated 12 mT/m/A with a linear region of 12 cm and a switching time of 100 mu s, conforming closely with theoretical predictions. Preliminary images from the set are presented. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
This paper describes a hybrid numerical method for the design of asymmetric magnetic resonance imaging magnet systems. The problem is formulated as a field synthesis and the desired current density on the surface of a cylinder is first calculated by solving a Fredholm equation of the first kind. Nonlinear optimization methods are then invoked to fit practical magnet coils to the desired current density. The field calculations are performed using a semi-analytical method. A new type of asymmetric magnet is proposed in this work. The asymmetric MRI magnet allows the diameter spherical imaging volume to be positioned close to one end of the magnet. The main advantages of making the magnet asymmetric include the potential to reduce the perception of claustrophobia for the patient, better access to the patient by attending physicians, and the potential for reduced peripheral nerve stimulation due to the gradient coil configuration. The results highlight that the method can be used to obtain an asymmetric MRI magnet structure and a very homogeneous magnetic field over the central imaging volume in clinical systems of approximately 1.2 m in length. Unshielded designs are the focus of this work. This method is flexible and may be applied to magnets of other geometries. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) relies on the physical properties of unpaired protons in tissues to generate images. Unpaired protons behave like tiny bar magnets and will align themselves in a magnetic field. Radiofrequency pulses will excite these aligned protons to higher energy states. As they return to their original state, they will release this energy as radio waves. The frequency of the radio waves depends on the local magnetic field and by varying this over a subject, it is possible to build the images we are familiar with. In general, MRI has not been sufficiently sensitive or specific in the assessment of diffuse liver disease for clinical use. However, because of the specific characteristics of fat and iron, it may be useful in the assessment of hepatic steatosis and iron overload. Magnetic resonance imaging is useful in the assessment of focal liver disease, particularly in conjunction with contrast agents. Haemangiomas have a characteristic bright appearance on T-2 weighted images because of the slow flowing blood in dilated sinusoids. Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) has a homogenous appearance, and enhances early in the arterial phase after gadolinium injection, while the central scar typically enhances late. Hepatic adenomas have a more heterogenous appearance and also enhance in the arterial phase, but less briskly than FNH. Hepatocellular carcinoma is similar to an adenoma, but typically occurs in a cirrhotic liver and has earlier washout of contrast. The appearance of metastases depends on the underlying primary malignancy. Overall, MRI appears more sensitive and specific than computed tomography with contrast for the detection and evaluation of malignant lesions. (C) 2000 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.
Ischaemic preconditioning in rats was studied using MRI. Ischaemic preconditioning was induced, using an intraluminal filament method, by 30 min middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), and imaged 24 h later. The secondary insult of 100 min MCAO was induced 3 days following preconditioning and imaged 24 and 72 h later. Twenty four hours following ischaemic preconditioning most rats showed small sub-cortical hyperintense regions not seen in sham-preconditioned rats. Twenty-four hours and 72 h following the secondary insult preconditioned animals showed significantly smaller lesions (24 h = 112 +/- 31 mm(3), mean +/- standard error; 72 h = 80 +/- 35 mm(3)) which were confined to the striatum, than controls (24 h = 234 +/- 32 mm(3), p = 0.026; 72 h = 275 +/- 37 mm(3), p = 0.003). In addition during Lesion maturation from 24 to 72 h post-secondary MCAO, preconditioned rats displayed an average reduction in lesion size as measured by MRI whereas sham-preconditioned rats displayed increases in lesion size; this is the first report of such differential lesion volume evolution in cerebral ischaemic preconditioning. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
An inverse methodology is described to assist in the design of radio-frequency (RF) coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. The time-harmonic electromagnetic Green's functions are used to calculate current on the coil and shield cylinders that will generate a specified internal magnetic field. Stream function techniques and the method of moments are then used to implement this theoretical current density into an RF coil. A novel asymmetric coil operating for a 4.5 T MRI machine was designed and constructed using this methodology and the results are presented.
Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging provides important pathophysiological information in acute bra-in ischemia. We performed a prospective study in 19 sub-6-hour stroke patients using serial diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging before intravenous thrombolysis, with repeat studies, both subacutely and at outcome. For comparison of ischemic lesion evolution and clinical outcome, we used a historical control group of 21 sub-6-hour ischemic stroke patients studied serially with diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging. The two groups were well matched for the baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and magnetic resonance parameters. Perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch was present in 16 of 19 patients treated with tissue plasminogen activator, and 16 of 21 controls. Perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch patients treated with tissue plaminogen activator had higher recanalization rates and enhanced reperfusion at day 3 (81% vs 47% in controls), and a greater proportion of severely hypoperfused acute mismatch tissue not progressing to infarction (82% vs -25% in controls). Despite similar baseline diffusion-weighted imaging lesions, infarct expansion was less in the recombinant tissue plaminogen activator group (14cm(3) vs 56cm(3) in controls). The positive effect of thrombolysis on lesion growth in mismatch patients translated into a greater improvement in baseline to outcome National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in the group treated with recombinant tissue plaminogen activator, and a significantly larger proportion of patients treated with recombinant tissue plaminogen activator having a clinically meaningful improvement in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale of;2:7 points. The natural evolution of acute perfusion-weighted imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch tissue may be altered by thrombolysis, with improved stroke outcome. This has implications for the use of diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging in selecting and monitoring patients for thrombolytic therapy.
This paper presents a numerical technique for the design of an RF coil for asymmetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems. The formulation is based on an inverse approach where the cylindrical surface currents are expressed in terms of a combination of sub-domain basis functions: triangular and pulse functions. With the homogeneous transverse magnetic field specified in a spherical region, a functional method is applied to obtain the unknown current coefficients. The current distribution is then transformed to a conductor pattern by use of a stream function technique. Preliminary MR images acquired using a prototype RF coil are presented and validate the design method. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In this article we report on progress in high magnetic field MRI at the University of Florida in support of our new 750MHz wide bore and 11.7T/40cm MR instruments. The primary emphasis is on the associated rf technology required, particularly high frequency volume and phased array coils. Preliminary imaging results at 750MHz are presented. Our results imply that the pursuit of even higher fields seems warranted. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, rapidly switching magnetic gradient fields that, in extreme cases, may be able to elicit nerve stimulation. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced current inside human tissues caused by pulsed z-gradient fields. A variety of gradient waveforms have been studied. The simulations are based on a new, high-definition, finite-difference time-domain method and a realistic inhomogeneous 10-mm resolution human body model with appropriate tissue parameters. it was found that the eddy current densities are affected not only by the pulse sequences but by many parameters such as the position of the body inside the gradient set, the local biological material properties and the geometry of the body. The discussion contains a comparison of these results with previous results found in the literature. This study and the new methods presented herein will help to further investigate the biological effects caused by the switched gradient fields in a MRI scan. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The supplementary motor area (SMA) is thought to play in important role in the preparation and organisation of voluntary movement. It has long been known that cortical activity begins to increase up to 2 s prior to voluntary self-initiated movement. This increasing premovement activity measured in EEG is known as the Bereitschaftspotential or readiness potential. Modern functional brain imaging methods, using event-related and time-resolved functional MRI techniques, are beginning to reveal the role of the SMA, and in particular the more anterior pre-SMA, in premovement activity associated with the readiness for action. In this paper we review recent studies using event-related time-resolved fMRI methods to examine the time-course of activation changes within the SMA throughout the preparation, readiness and execution of action. These studies suggest that the preSMA plays a common role in encoding or representing actions prior to our own voluntary self-initiated movements, during motor imagery, and from the observation of others' actions. We suggest that the pre-SMA generates and encodes motor representations which are then maintained in readiness for action. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.