90 resultados para Tuberculosis infection

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The cytokine, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of many chronic inflammatory and rheumatic diseases, in particular, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis. Controlled trials have shown that the TNF inhibitors (etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab) significantly reduce symptoms and signs, improve function and quality of life, and reduce radiologically evident damage in patients with rheumatoid diseases. For reasons that are not entirely clear, etanercept does not work in Crohn's disease. Injection site and intravenous reactions and increased risk of infection (in particular, reactivation of tuberculosis) are associated with the use of these agents. Increased risk of lymphoproliferative disease, the development of lupus-like syndromes and demyelination, including optic neuritis and reactivation of multiple sclerosis, are under evaluation in long-term follow-up studies. The TNF inhibitors are expensive (about $18000 per year), and in some patients need to be given continuously to maintain benefit, even in the presence of other immunosuppressive therapy.


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SETTING: New cases of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) were noted in a cluster of young Caucasian males, an unusual ethnic group for this disease in Queensland, Australia. It was noted that marijuana water pipe ('bong') smoking was common amongst cases and contacts. OBJECTIVE: To report this cluster of TB and to investigate whether shared use of a marijuana water pipe was associated with transmission of TB. DESIGN: All contacts were identified and screened according to standard protocols. Cases were asked to list contacts with whom they had shared a marijuana water pipe. RESULTS: Five cases of open pulmonary TB were identified clinically and on sputum culture, and all isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were identical on typing. Of 149 contacts identified, 114 (77%) completed screening, and 57 (50%) had significant tuberculin skin test (TST) reactions on follow-up. Of 45 contacts who had shared a marijuana water pipe with a case, 29 (64%) had a significant TST reaction. CONCLUSION: Sharing a marijuana water pipe with a case of pulmonary TB was associated with transmission of TB (OR 2.22, 95% CI 0.96-5.17), although the most important risk factor for acquiring TB infection in this cluster was close household contact with a case (OR 4.91, 95% CI 1.13-20.70).


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There is now considerable evidence that host genetic factors are important in determining the outcome of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). The aim of this study was to assess the role of several candidate genes in the variation observed in the immune responses to MTB antigens. In-vitro assays of T-cell proliferation, an in-vivo intradermal delayed hypersensitivity response; cytokine and antibody secretions to several mycobacterial peptide antigens were assessed in healthy, but exposed, West African twins. Candidate gene polymorphisms were typed in the NRAMP1, Vitamin D receptor, IL10, IL4, IL4 receptor and CTLA-4 genes. Variants of the loci IL10 (-1082 G/A), CTLA-4 (49 A/G) and the IL4 receptor (128 A/G) showed significant associations with immune responses to several antigens. T-cell proliferative responses and antibody responses were reduced, TNF-alpha responses were increased for subjects with the CTLA-4 G allele. The T-cell proliferative responses of subjects with IL10 GA and GG genotypes differed significantly. IL4 receptor AG and GG genotypes also showed significant differences in their T-cell proliferative responses to MTB antigens. These results yield a greater understanding of the genetic mechanisms that underlie the immune responses in tuberculosis and have implications for the design of therapeutic interventions.


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Background: Tuberculosis is an important cause of wasting. The functional consequences of wasting and recovery may depend on the distribution of lost and gained nutrient stores between protein and fat masses. Objective: The goal was to study nutrient partitioning, ie, the proportion of weight change attributable to changes in fat mass (FM) versus protein mass (PM), during anti mycobacterial treatment. Design: Body-composition measures were made of 21 men and 9 women with pulmonary tuberculosis at baseline and after 1 and 6 mo of treatment. All subjects underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and deuterium bromide dilution tests, and a four-compartment model of FM, total body water (TBW), bone minerals (BM), and PM was derived. The ratio of PM to FM at any time was expressed as the energy content (p-ratio). Changes in the p-ratio were related to disease severity as measured by radiologic criteria. Results: Patients gained 10% in body weight (P < 0.001) from baseline to month 6. This was mainly due to a 44% gain in FM (P < 0.001); PM, BM, and TBW did not change significantly. Results were similar in men and women. The p-ratio decreased from baseline to month 1 and then fell further by month 6. Radiologic disease severity was not correlated with changes in the p-ratio. Conclusions: Microbiological cure of tuberculosis does not restore PM within 6 mo, despite a strong anabolic response. Change in the p-ratio is a suitable parameter for use in studying the effect of disease on body composition because it allows transformation of such effects into a normal distribution across a wide range of baseline proportion between fat and protein mass.


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Wolbachia pipientis is a vertically transmitted, obligate intracellular symbiont of arthropods. The bacterium is best known for its ability to manipulate host reproductive biology where it can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, feminization and male-killing. In addition to the various reproductive phenotypes it generates through interaction with host reproductive tissue it is also known to infect somatic tissues. However, relatively little is known about the consequences of infection of these tissues with the exception that in some hosts Wolbachia acts as a classical mutualist and in others a pathogen, dramatically shortening adult insect lifespan. Manipulation experiments have demonstrated that the severity of Wolbachia-induced effects on the host is determined by a combination of host genotype, Wolbachia strain, host tissue localization, and interaction with the environment. The recent completion of the whole genome sequence of Wolbachia pipientis wMel strain indicates that it is likely to use a type IV secretion system to establish and maintain infection in its host. Moreover, an unusual abundance of genes encoding proteins with eukaryotic-like ankyrin repeat domains suggest a function in the various described phenotypic effects in hosts.


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A nested polymerase chain reaction protocol yielded positive detection of the maternally inherited cytoplasmic proteobacterium Wolbachia in total genomic DNA from coffee berry borers collected in Benin, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Uganda. Wolbachia was not detected in specimens from Cameroon, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Jamaica, and Peru. Amplified bands from India and Brazil were cloned and sequenced. The 438-bp sequence clearly conformed to Wolbachia group B and was nearly identical to that of Ephestia kuehniella. The possible implications of Wolbachia infection in the coffee berry borer are discussed.


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Polymerase chain reaction screening revealed that Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett), a vector of filariasis, was infected with the intracellular bacteria Wolbachia. Laboratory crosses between infected males and uninfected females resulted in less than half the number of offspring than control crosses between uninfected individuals when young (2- to 3-d-old) males were used in the cross. However, incompatibility was lost when old (14- to 17-d-old) males were used. Field-collected females did not show detectable cytoplasmic incompatibility, and this may be because of the age at which males mate in the field. We used head pigment fluorescence levels to age field males collected from mating swarms, and found that 25-63% of swarming males were older than 13 d. Male age may be one factor influencing the observed low levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility detected in the field.


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Drosophila simulans strains infected with three different Wolbachia strains were generated by experimental injection of a third symbiont into a naturally double-infected strain. This transfer led to a substantial increase in total Wolbachia density in the host strain. Each of the three symbionts was stably transmitted in the presence of the other two. Triple-infected males were incompatible with double-infected females. No evidence was obtained for interference between modification effects of the different Wolbachia strains in males. Some incompatibility was observed between triple-infected males and females. However, this incompatibility reaction is not a specific property of triple-infected flies, because it was also observed in double-infected strains.


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The dental profession has possessed traditional standards of cross-infection control but the recent expression of real concerns by both the public and the profession over the transmissibility of infectious diseases in the dental surgery has demanded a formalized and extended approach to teaching cross-infection control in the dental curriculum. Clear curriculum content must be formulated within contemporary Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines and the Strategic Plan of the Dental School or academic health centre. The full integration demands that the area is taught as a discrete entity but recognized as an intrinsic part of each clinical encounter. This paper discusses the structure and integration of cross-infection control into the curriculum at the University of Queensland Dental School.


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This paper reports a study of sources of information about HIV/AIDS and trust of the sources among heterosexuals in 1989 (113 females and 91 males) and 1994 (185 females and 66 males). We also examined whether perceived personal risk of HIV infection was predicted by sources of information about HIV/AIDS, trust of the sources, how informed about AIDS people believed they were, and perceived risk of infection to others, as well as whether there was a relationship between perceived personal risk and safe sex behaviour Participants received most of their information about AIDS/HIV from magazines, newspapers, and television, but placed most trust on sources such as doctors and HIV/AIDS organisations. Perceived personal risk was influenced most by perceived risk to friends and to people with the same sexual practices. In the 1994 sample, perceived personal risk was correlated with the amount of condom use among participants with sexual experience. These results indicate ther has been. relative stability across a five-year period. They also point to the continuing discrepancy among young heterosexuals between the most-used and most-trusted sources of information, as well as to the importance of peer influence on perceptions of personal risk of HIV infection.


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Seventy-two epaulette sharks, Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Bonnaterre), were infected with the nematode parasite Proleptus australis Bayliss, 1933. The parasite population was overdispersed. Infection intensity ranged from 3 to 1002 worms per fish stomach, and there was a positive correlation between shark length and number of parasites present. The majority of worms were attached to the stomach wall, and scanning electron microscopy and histological examination showed that worms penetrated the stomach lining. Worms were observed within the lamina propria of the stomach and occasionally penetrated the muscularis mucosa. Little to no inflammatory or cellular immune reaction to the presence of the parasites was observed, except in one case where a worm was being degraded by a host tissue response. There was a large amount of connective tissue proliferation as a result of nematode attachment,, but no obvious effects on the overall health of the sharks were seen. Three sharks were also found to be infected by the cestode Callitetrarhynchus sp.


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The severity of systemic infection with the yeast Candida albicans has been shown to be under complex genetic control. C57/L mice carry an allele that is associated with an increase in tissue destruction when compared with C57BI/6 mice; however, the gene affects only the severity of tissue lesions, and does not influence the magnitude of the fungal burden in either kidney or brain. Studies in [C57/L x C57BI/6]F1 hybrid mice, and [C57/L x C57BI/6]F1 x C57/L backcross mice, demonstrated that the gene behaves as a simple Mendelian co-dominant. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of twice-weekly directly observed therapy (DOT) for tuberculosis (TB) in HIV-infected and uninfected patients, irrespective of their previous treatment history. Also to determine the predictive value of 2-3 month smears on treatment outcome. Methods: Four hundred and sixteen new and 113 previously treated adults with culture positive pulmonary TB (58% HIV infected, 9% combined drug resistance) in Hlabisa, South Africa. Daily isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z) and ethambutol (E) given in hospital (median 17 days), followed by HRZE twice a week to 2 months and HR twice a week to 6 months in the community. Results: Outcomes at 6 months among the 416 new patients were: transferred out 2%; interrupted treatment 17%; completed treatment 3%; failure 2%; and cured 71%. Outcomes were similar among HIV-infected and uninfected patients except for death (6 versus 2%; P = 0.03). Cure was frequent among adherent HIV-infected (97%; 95% CI 94-99%) and uninfected (96%; 95% CI 92-99%) new patients. Outcomes were similar among previously treated and new patients, except for death (11 versus 4%; P = 0.01), and cure among adherent previously treated patients 97% (95% CI 92-99%) was high. Smear results at 2 months did not predict the final outcome. Conclusion: A twice-weekly rifampicin-containing drug regimen given under DOT cures most adherent patients irrespective of HIV status and previous treatment history. The 2 month smear may be safely omitted. Relapse rates need to be determined, and an improved system of keeping treatment interrupters on therapy is needed. Simplified TB treatment may aid implementation of the DOTS strategy in settings with high TB caseloads secondary to the HIV epidemic. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.