57 resultados para Trypsin Inhibitors

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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SFTI-1 is a bicyclic 14 amino acid peptide that was originally isolated from the seeds of the sunflower Helianthus annuus. It is a potent inhibitor of trypsin, with a sub-nanomolar K, value and is homologous to the active site region of the well-known family of serine protease inhibitors known as the Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitors. It has a cyclic backbone that is cross-braced by a single disulfide bridge and a network of hydrogen bonds that result in a well-defined structure. SFTI-1 is amenable to chemical synthesis, allowing for the creation of synthetic variants. Alterations to the structure such as linearising the backbone or removing the disulfide bridge do not reduce the potency of SFTI-1 significantly, and minimising the peptide to as few as nine residues results in only a small decrease in reactivity. The creation of linear variants of SFTI-1 also provides a tool for investigating putative linear precursor peptides. The mechanism of biosynthesis of SFTI-1 is not yet known but it seems likely that it is a gene-coded product that has arisen from a precursor protein that may be evolutionarily related to classic Bowman-Birk inhibitors.


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Backbone-cyclized proteins are becoming increasingly well known, although the mechanism by which they are processed from linear precursors is poorly understood. In this report the sequence and structure of the linear precursor of a cyclic trypsin inhibitor, sunflower trypsin inhibitor 1 (SFTI-1) from sunflower seeds, is described. The structure indicates that the major elements of the reactive site loop of SFTI-1 are present before processing. This may have importance for a protease-mediated cyclizing reaction as the rigidity of SFTI-1 may drive the equilibrium of the reaction catalyzed by proteolytic enzymes toward the formation of a peptide bond rather than the normal cleavage reaction. The occurrence of residues in the SFTI-1 precursor susceptible to cleavage by asparaginyl proteases strengthens theories that involve this enzyme in the processing of SFTI-1 and further implicates it in the processing of another family of plant cyclic proteins, the cyclotides. The precursor reported here also indicates that despite strong active site sequence homology, SFTI-1 has no other similarities with the Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitors, presenting interesting evolutionary questions.


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The aim of this work was to elucidate the oxidative folding mechanism of the macrocyclic cystine knot protein MCoTI-II. We aimed to investigate how the six-cysteine residues distributed on the circular backbone of the reduced unfolded peptide recognize their correct partner and join up to form a complex cystine-knotted topology. To answer this question, we studied the oxidative folding of the naturally occurring peptide using a range of spectroscopic methods. For both oxidative folding and reductive unfolding, the same disulfide intermediate species was prevalent and was characterized to be a native-like two-disulfide intermediate in which the Cys(1)-Cys(18) disulfide bond was absent. Overall, the folding pathway of this head-to-tail cyclized protein was found to be similar to that of linear cystine knot proteins from the squash family of trypsin inhibitors. However, the pathway differs in an important way from that of the cyclotide kalata B1, in that the equivalent two-disulfide intermediate in that case is not a direct precursor of the native protein. The size of the embedded ring within the cystine knot motif appears to play a crucial role in the folding pathway. Larger rings contribute to the independence of disulfides and favor an on-pathway native-like intermediate that has a smaller energy barrier to cross to form the native fold. The fact that macrocyclic proteins are readily able to fold to a complex knotted structure in vitro in the absence of chaperones makes them suitable as protein engineering scaffolds that have remarkable stability.


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SFTI-1 is a small cyclic peptide from sunflower seeds that is one of the most potent trypsin inhibitors of any naturally occurring peptide and is related to the Bowman-Birk family of inhibitors (BBIs). BBIs are involved in the defense mechanisms of plants and also have potential as cancer chemopreventive agents. At only 14 amino acids in size, SFTI-1 is thought to be a highly optimized scaffold of the BBI active site region, and thus it is of interest to examine its important structural and functional features. In this study, a suite of 12 alanine mutants of SFTI-1 has been synthesized, and their structures and activities have been determined. SFTI-1 incorporates a binding loop that is clasped together with a disulfide bond and a secondary peptide loop making up the circular backbone. We show here that the secondary loop stabilizes the binding loop to the consequences of sequence variations. In particular, full-length BBIs have a conserved cis-proline that has been shown previously to be required for well defined structure and potent activity, but we show here that the SFTI-1 scaffold can accommodate mutation of this residue and still have a well defined native-like conformation and nanomolar activity in inhibiting trypsin. Among the Ala mutants, the most significant structural perturbation occurred when Asp(14) was mutated, and it appears that this residue is important in stabilizing the trans peptide bond preceding Pro(13) and is thus a key residue in maintaining the highly constrained structure of SFTI-1. This aspartic acid residue is thought to be involved in the cyclization mechanism associated with excision of SFTI-1 from its 58-amino acid precursor. Overall, this mutational analysis of SFTI-1 clearly defines the optimized nature of the SFTI-1 scaffold and demonstrates the importance of the secondary loop in maintaining the active conformation of the binding loop.


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Cyclotides are plant-derived miniproteins that have the unusual features of a head-to-tail cyclized peptide backbone and a knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds. It had been postulated that they might be an especially large family of host defense agents, but this had not yet been tested by field data on cyclotide variation in wild plant populations. In this study, we sampled Australian Hybanthus (Violaceae) to gain an insight into the level of variation within populations, within species, and between species. A wealth of cyclotide diversity was discovered: at least 246 new cyclotides are present in the 11 species sampled, and 26 novel sequences were characterized. A new approach to the discovery of cyclotide sequences was developed based on the identification of a conserved sequence within a signal sequence in cyclotide precursors. The number of cyclotides in the Violaceae is now estimated to be >9000. Cyclotide physicochemical profiles were shown to be a useful taxonomic feature that reflected species and their morphological relationships. The novel sequences provided substantial insight into the tolerance of the cystine knot framework in cyclotides to amino acid substitutions and will facilitate protein engineering applications of this framework.


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Few reported inhibitors of secretory phospholipase A(2) enzymes inhibit the IIa human isoform (hnpsPLA(2)-IIa) noncovalently at submicromolar concentrations. Herein, the simple chiral precursor D-tyrosine was derivastised to give a series of potent new inhibitors of hnpsPLA(2)-IIa. A 2.2-Angstrom crystal structure shows an inhibitor bound in the active site of the enzyme, chelated to a Ca2+ ion through carboxylate and amide oxygen atoms, H bonded through an amide NH group to His48, with multiple hydrophobic contacts and a T-shaped aromatic-group-His6 interaction. Antiinflammatory activity is also demonstrated for two compounds administered orally to rats.


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The most potent known naturally occurring Bowman-Birk inhibitor, sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1), is a bicyclic 14-amino acid peptide from sunflower seeds comprising one disulfide bond and a cyclic backbone. At present, little is known about the cyclization mechanism of SFTI-1. We show here that an acyclic permutant of SFTI-1 open at its scissile bond, SFTI-1[ 6,5], also functions as an inhibitor of trypsin and that it can be enzymatically backbone-cyclized by incubation with bovine beta-trypsin. The resulting ratio of cyclic SFTI-1 to SFTI1[6,5] is similar to9:1 regardless of whether trypsin is incubated with SFTI-1[ 6,5] or SFTI-1. Enzymatic resynthesis of the scissile bond to form cyclic SFTI-1 is a novel mechanism of cyclization of SFTI-1[ 6,5]. Such a reaction could potentially occur on a trypsin affinity column as used in the original isolation procedure of SFTI-1. We therefore extracted SFTI-1 from sunflower seeds without a trypsin purification step and confirmed that the backbone of SFTI-1 is indeed naturally cyclic. Structural studies on SFTI-1[ 6,5] revealed high heterogeneity, and multiple species of SFTI-1[ 6,5] were identified. The main species closely resembles the structure of cyclic SFTI-1 with the broken binding loop able to rotate between a cis/trans geometry of the I7-P8 bond with the cis conformer being similar to the canonical binding loop conformation. The non-reactive loop adopts a beta-hairpin structure as in cyclic wild-type SFTI-1. Another species exhibits an isoaspartate residue at position 14 and provides implications for possible in vivo cyclization mechanisms.


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Human urotensin-II (hU-II) is processed from its prohormone (ProhU-II) at putative cleavage sites for furin and serine proteases such as trypsin. Although proteolysis is required for biological activity, the endogenous urotensin-converting enzyme (UCE) has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate UCE activity in cultured human cells and in blood, comparing activity with that of furin and trypsin. In a cell-free system, hU-II was detected by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry after coincubating 10 muM carboxyl terminal fragment (CTF)-ProhU-II with recombinant furin (2 U/ml, 3 h, 37degreesC) at pH 7.0 and pH 8.5, but not at pH 5.0, or when the incubating medium was depleted of Ca2+ ions and supplemented with 2 mM EDTA at pH 7.0. hU-II was readily detected in the superperfusate of permeabilized epicardial mesothelial cells incubated with CTF-ProhU-II (3 h, 37degreesC), but it was only weakly detected in the superperfusate of intact cells. Conversion of CTF-ProhU-II to hU-II was attenuated in permeabilized cells using conditions found to inhibit furin activity. In a cell-free system, trypsin (0.05 mg/ml) cleaved CTF-ProhU-II to hU-II, and this was inhibited with 35 muM aprotinin. hU-II was detected in blood samples incubated with CTF-ProhU-II (3 h, 37degreesC), and this was also inhibited with aprotinin. The findings revealed an intracellular UCE in human epicardial mesothelial cells with furin-like activity. Aprotinin-sensitive UCE activity was detected in blood, suggesting that an endogenous serine protease such as trypsin may also contribute to proteolysis of hU-II prohormone, if the prohormone is secreted into the circulation.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) have been proven beneficial to the cardiac-compromised patient, but whether there is an advantage associated with using a tissue-active or systemically-active ACEI is debatable. An investigation into the clinical benefits of tissue ACEI for veterinary patients was undertaken by comparing enalapril with ramipril. Results obtained concluded that although there is much evidence to prove that tissue ACEIs are superior over systemic ACEIs at the cellular level, this does not correlate in the clinical sense. Both enalapril and ramipril provided similar clinical benefits to the cardiac-compromised patient.


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Hookworms feed on blood, but the mechanism by which they lyse ingested erythrocytes is unknown. Here we show that Ancylostoma caninum, the common dog hookworm, expresses a detergent soluble, haemolytic factor. Activity was identified in both adult and larval stages, was heat-stable and unaffected by the addition of protease inhibitors, metal ions, chelators and reducing agents. Trypsin ablated lysis indicating that the haemolysin is a protein. A closely migrating doublet of hookworm proteins with apparent molecular weights of 60-65 kDa bound to the erythrocyte membrane after lysis of cells using both unlabeled and biotinylated detergent-solubilised hookworm extracts. In addition, separation of detergent-soluble parasite extracts using strong cation-exchange chromatography, resulted in purification of 60-65 kDa proteins with trypsin-sensitive haemolytic activity. Erythrocytes lysed with particulate, buffer-insoluble worm extracts were observed using scanning electron microscopy and appeared as red cell ghosts with approximately 100 nm diameter pores formed in the cell membranes. Red blood cell ghosts remained visible indicating that lysis was likely caused by pore formation and followed by osmotic disruption of the cell. (C) 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a promising new class of chemotherapeutic drug currently in early phase clinical trials. A large number of structurally diverse HDACi have been purified or synthesised that mostly inhibit the activity of all eleven class I and II HDACs. While these agents demonstrate many features required for anti-cancer activity such as low toxicity against normal cells and an ability to inhibit tumor cell growth and survival at nanomolar concentrations, their mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Initially, a model was proposed whereby HDACi-mediated transactivation of a specific gene or set of genes was responsible for the inhibition of cell cycle progression or induction of apoptosis. Given that HDACs can regulate the activity of a number of nonhistone proteins and that histone acetylation is important for events such as DNA replication and mitosis that do not directly involve gene transcription, it appears that the initial mechanistic model for HDACi may have been too simple. Herein, we provide an update on the transcription-dependent and - independent events that may be important for the anti-tumor activities of HDACi and discuss the use of these compounds in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs.