7 resultados para Transcriptional control

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Recent findings relating to SOX transcription factors indicate that defects in organogenesis can be caused not only by impairment of the biochemical properties of transcription factors but also, in some cases, by deficient nuclear import. In addition, experimentally interfering with the nuclear export signals of some SOX factors has now been found to cause developmental defects. Controlling the balance of nuclear import and export might be a common means by which transcription factor activity can be regulated during development, and defects in these processes might underlie a broader spectrum of inherited developmental disorders.


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Classic Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) tissue contains a small population of morphologically distinct malignant cells called Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells, associated with the development of HL. Using 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( RACE) we identified an alternative mRNA for the DEC-205 multilectin receptor in the HRS cell line L428. Sequence analysis revealed that the mRNA encodes a fusion protein between DEC-205 and a novel C-type lectin DCL-1. Although the 7.5-kb DEC-205 and 4.2-kb DCL-1 mRNA were expressed independently in myeloid and B lymphoid cell lines, the DEC-205/DCL-1 fusion mRNA (9.5 kb) predominated in the HRS cell lines ( L428, KM-H2, and HDLM-2). The DEC-205 and DCL-1 genes comprising 35 and 6 exons, respectively, are juxtaposed on chromosome band 2q24 and separated by only 5.4 kb. We determined the DCL-1 transcription initiation site within the intervening sequence by 5'-RACE, confirming that DCL-1 is an independent gene. Two DEC-205/DCL-1 fusion mRNA variants may result from cotranscription of DEC-205 and DCL-1, followed by splicing DEC-205 exon 35 or 34-35 along with DCL-1 exon 1. The resulting reading frames encode the DEC-205 ectodomain plus the DCL-1 ectodomain, the transmembrane, and the cytoplasmic domain. Using DCL-1 cytoplasmic domain-specific polyclonal and DEC-205 monoclonal antibodies for immunoprecipitation/Western blot analysis, we showed that the fusion mRNA is translated into a DEC-205/DCL-1 fusion protein, expressed in the HRS cell lines. These results imply an unusual transcriptional control mechanism in HRS cells, which cotranscribe an mRNA containing DEC-205 and DCL-1 prior to generating the intergenically spliced mRNA to produce a DEC-205/DCL-1 fusion protein.


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Germ cells in the mouse embryo remain undifferentiated until about 13.5 days post-coitum (dpc), when male germ cells enter mitotic arrest and female germ cells enter meiosis. The molecular signals and transcriptional control mechanisms governing the differential fate of germ cells in males and females remain largely unknown. In order to gain insights into the behavior of germ cells around this period and into likely mechanisms controlling entry into meiosis, we have studied by wholemount in situ hybridization the expression pattern of two germ cell-specific markers, Oct4 and Sycp3, during mouse fetal gonad development. We observed a dynamic wave of expression of both genes in developing ovaries, with Oct4 expression being extinguished in a rostro-caudal wave and Sycp3 being upregulated in a corresponding wave, during the period 13.5-15.5 dpc. These results indicate that entry into meiosis proceeds in a rostro-caudal progression, in turn suggesting that somatically derived signals may contribute to the control of germ cell entry into meiosis in developing ovaries. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The function of the prion protein gene (PRNP) and its normal product PrPC is elusive. We used comparative genomics as a strategy to understand the normal function of PRNP. As the reliability of comparisons increases with the number of species and increased evolutionary distance, we isolated and sequenced a 66.5 kb BAC containing the PRNP gene from a distantly related mammal, the model Australian marsupial Macropus eugenii (tammar wallaby). Marsupials are separated from eutherians such as human and mouse by roughly 180 million years of independent evolution. We found that tammar PRNP, like human PRNP, has two exons. Prion proteins encoded by the tammar wallaby and a distantly related marsupial, Monodelphis domestica (Brazilian opossum) PRNP contain proximal PrP repeats with a distinct, marsupial-specific composition and a variable number. Comparisons of tammar wallaby PRNP with PRNPs from human, mouse, bovine and ovine allowed us to identify non-coding gene regions conserved across the marsupial-eutherian evolutionary distance, which are candidates for regulatory regions. In the PRNP 3' UTR we found a conserved signal for nuclear-specific polyadenylation and the putative cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), indicating that post-transcriptional control of PRNP mRNA activity is important. Phylogenetic footprinting revealed conserved potential binding sites for the MZF-1 transcription factor in both upstream promoter and intron/intron 1, and for the MEF2, MyTI, Oct-1 and NFAT transcription factors in the intron(s). The presence of a conserved NFAT-binding site and CPE indicates involvement of PrPC in signal transduction and synaptic plasticity. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chronic alcohol exposure induces lasting behavioral changes, tolerance, and dependence. This results, at least partially, from neural adaptations at a cellular level. Previous genome-wide gene expression studies using pooled human brain samples showed that alcohol abuse causes widespread changes in the pattern of gene expression in the frontal and motor cortices of human brain. Because these studies used pooled samples, they could not determine variability between different individuals. In the present study, we profiled gene expression levels of 14 postmortem human brains (seven controls and seven alcoholic cases) using cDNA microarrays (46 448 clones per array). Both frontal cortex and motor cortex brain regions were studied. The list of genes differentially expressed confirms and extends previous studies of alcohol responsive genes. Genes identified as differentially expressed in two brain regions fell generally into similar functional groups, including metabolism, immune response, cell survival, cell communication, signal transduction and energy production. Importantly, hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed genes accurately distinguished between control and alcoholic cases, particularly in the frontal cortex.


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The effect of methyl jasmonate treatment on gene expression in sugarcane roots signalling between roots and shoots was studied. A collection of 829 ESTs were obtained from sugarcane roots treated with the defence-regulator methyl jasmonate (MJ) treatment. A subset of 747 of these were combined with 4793 sugarcane ESTs obtained from stem tissues in a cDNA microarray and experiments undertaken to identify genes that were induced in roots 24-120 h following treatment with MJ. Two data analysis systems (t-statistic and tRMA) were used to analyse the microarray results and these methods identified a common set of 21 ESTs corresponding to transcripts significantly induced by MJ in roots and 23 that were reduced in expression following MJ treatment. The induction of six transcripts identified in the microarray analysis was tested and confirmed using northern blotting. Homologues of genes encoding lipoxygenase and PR-10 proteins were induced 824 It after MJ treatment while the other four selected transcripts were induced at later time points. Following treatment of roots with MJ, the lipoxygenase homologue, but not the PR-10 homologue, was induced in untreated stem and leaf tissues. The PR-10 homologue and a PR-1 homologue, but not the lipoxygenase homologue, were induced in untreated tissues after the application of SA to roots. Repeated foliar application of MJ had no apparent effects on plant growth and was demonstrated to increase lipoxygenase transcripts in roots, but did not increase transcript levels-of other genes tested. These results lay a foundation for further studies of induced pest and disease resistance in sugarcane roots. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recently, we identified a large number of ultraconserved (uc) sequences in noncoding regions of human, mouse, and rat genomes that appear to be essential for vertebrate and amniote ontogeny. Here, we used similar methods to identify ultraconserved genomic regions between the insect species Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila pseudoobscura, as well as the more distantly related Anopheles gambiae. As with vertebrates, ultraconserved sequences in insects appear to Occur primarily in intergenic and intronic sequences, and at intron-exon junctions. The sequences are significantly associated with genes encoding developmental regulators and transcription factors, but are less frequent and are smaller in size than in vertebrates. The longest identical, nongapped orthologous match between the three genomes was found within the homothorax (hth) gene. This sequence spans an internal exon-intron junction, with the majority located within the intron, and is predicted to form a highly stable stem-loop RNA structure. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis of different hth splice isoforms and Northern blotting showed that the conserved element is associated with a high incidence of intron retention in hth pre-mRNA, suggesting that the conserved intronic element is critically important in the post-transcriptional regulation of hth expression in Diptera.