11 resultados para Transcriptional Regulatory Element

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Cross-species comparative genomics is a powerful strategy for identifying functional regulatory elements within noncoding DNA. In this paper, comparative analysis of human and mouse intronic sequences in the breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1) revealed two evolutionarily conserved noncoding sequences (CNS) in intron 2, 5 kb downstream of the core BRCA1 promoter. The functionality of these elements was examined using homologous-recombination-based mutagenesis of reporter gene-tagged cosmids incorporating these regions and flanking sequences from the BRCA1 locus. This showed that CNS-1 and CNS-2 have differential transcriptional regulatory activity in epithelial cell lines. Mutation of CNS-1 significantly reduced reporter gene expression to 30% of control levels. Conversely mutation of CNS-2 increased expression to 200% of control levels. Regulation is at the level of transcription and shows promoter specificity. Both elements also specifically bind nuclear proteins in vitro. These studies demonstrate that the combination of comparative genomics and functional analysis is a successful strategy to identify novel regulatory elements and provide the first direct evidence that conserved noncoding sequences in BRCA1 regulate gene expression. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Topological measures of large-scale complex networks are applied to a specific artificial regulatory network model created through a whole genome duplication and divergence mechanism. This class of networks share topological features with natural transcriptional regulatory networks. Specifically, these networks display scale-free and small-world topology and possess subgraph distributions similar to those of natural networks. Thus, the topologies inherent in natural networks may be in part due to their method of creation rather than being exclusively shaped by subsequent evolution under selection. The evolvability of the dynamics of these networks is also examined by evolving networks in simulation to obtain three simple types of output dynamics. The networks obtained from this process show a wide variety of topologies and numbers of genes indicating that it is relatively easy to evolve these classes of dynamics in this model. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transcriptional regulatory networks govern cell differentiation and the cellular response to external stimuli. However, mammalian model systems have not yet been accessible for network analysis. Here, we present a genome-wide network analysis of the transcriptional regulation underlying the mouse macrophage response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Key to uncovering the network structure is our combination of time-series cap analysis of gene expression with in silico prediction of transcription factor binding sites. By integrating microarray and qPCR time-series expression data with a promoter analysis, we find dynamic subnetworks that describe how signaling pathways change dynamically during the progress of the macrophage LPS response, thus defining regulatory modules characteristic of the inflammatory response. In particular, our integrative analysis enabled us to suggest novel roles for the transcription factors ATF-3 and NRF-2 during the inflammatory response. We believe that our system approach presented here is applicable to understanding cellular differentiation in higher eukaryotes. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The c-fms gene encodes the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1). The gene is expressed selectively in the macrophage and trophoblast cell lineages. Previous studies have indicated that sequences in intron 2 control transcript elongation in tissue-specific and regulated expression of c-fms. In humans, an alternative promoter was implicated in expression of the gene in trophoblasts. We show that in mice, c-fms transcripts in trophoblasts initiate from multiple points within the 2-kilobase (kb) region flanking the first coding exon. A reporter gene construct containing 3.5 kb of 5' flanking sequence and the down-stream intron 2 directed expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) to both trophoblasts and macrophages. EGFP was detected in trophoblasts from the earliest stage of implantation examined at embryonic day 7.5. During embryonic development, EGFP highlighted the large numbers of c-fms-positive macrophages, including those that originate from the yolk sac. In adult mice, EGFP location Was consistent with known F4/80-positive macrophage populations, including Langerhans cells of the skin, and permitted convenient sorting of isolated tissue macrophages from disaggregated tissue. Expression of EGFP in transgenic mice was dependent on intron 2 as no lines with detectable EGFP expression were obtained where either all of intron 2 or a conserved enhancer element FIRE (the Fms intronic regulatory element) was removed. We have therefore defined the elements required to generate myeloid- and trophoblast-specific transgenes as well as a model system for the study of mononuclear phagocyte development and function. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which encodes a chloride channel present in many cells. In cardiomyocytes, we report that multiple exon 1 usage and alternative splicing produces four CFTR transcripts, with different 5'-untranslated regions, CFTRTRAD-139, CFTR-1C/-1A, CFTR-1C, and CFTR-1B. CFTR transcripts containing the novel upstream exons (exons -1C, -1B, and -1A) represent more than 90% of cardiac expressed CFTR mRNA. Regulation of cardiac CFTR expression, in response to developmental and pathological stimuli, is exclusively due to the modulation of CFTR-1C and CFTR-1C/-1A expression. Upstream open reading frames have been identified in the 5'-untranslated regions of all CFTR transcripts that, in conjunction with adjacent stem-loop structures, modulate the efficiency of translation initiation at the AUG codon of the main CFTR coding region in CFTRTRAD-139 and CFTR-1C/-1A transcripts. Exon(-1A), only present in CFTR-1C/-1A transcripts, encodes an AUG codon that is in-frame with the main CFTR open reading frame, the efficient translation of which produces a novel CFTR protein isoform with a curtailed amino terminus. As the expression of this CFTR transcript parallels the spatial and temporal distribution of the cAMP-activated whole-cell current density in normal and diseased hearts, we suggest that CFTR-1C/-1A provides the molecular basis for the cardiac cAMP-activated chloride channel. Our findings provide further insight into the complex nature of in vivo CFTR expression, to which multiple mRNA transcripts, protein isoforms, and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms are now added.


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Bacterial LPS triggers dramatic changes in gene expression in macrophages. We show here that LPS regulated several members of the histone deacetylase (HDAC) family at the mRNA level in murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM). LPS transiently repressed, then induced a number of HDACs (Hdac-4, 5, 7) in BMM, whereas Hdac-1 mRNA was induced more rapidly. Treatment of BMM with trichostatin A (TSA), an inhibitor of HDACs, enhanced LPS-induced expression of the Cox-2, Cxcl2, and Ifit2 genes. In the case of Cox-2, this effect was also apparent at the promoter level. Overexpression of Hdac-8 in RAW264 murine macrophages blocked the ability of LPS to induce Cox-2 mRNA. Another class of LPS-inducible genes, which included Ccl2, Ccl7, and Edn1, was suppressed by TSA, an effect most likely mediated by PU.1 degradation. Hence, HDACs act as potent and selective negative regulators of proinflammatory gene expression and act to prevent excessive inflammatory responses in macrophages.


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The function of the prion protein gene (PRNP) and its normal product PrPC is elusive. We used comparative genomics as a strategy to understand the normal function of PRNP. As the reliability of comparisons increases with the number of species and increased evolutionary distance, we isolated and sequenced a 66.5 kb BAC containing the PRNP gene from a distantly related mammal, the model Australian marsupial Macropus eugenii (tammar wallaby). Marsupials are separated from eutherians such as human and mouse by roughly 180 million years of independent evolution. We found that tammar PRNP, like human PRNP, has two exons. Prion proteins encoded by the tammar wallaby and a distantly related marsupial, Monodelphis domestica (Brazilian opossum) PRNP contain proximal PrP repeats with a distinct, marsupial-specific composition and a variable number. Comparisons of tammar wallaby PRNP with PRNPs from human, mouse, bovine and ovine allowed us to identify non-coding gene regions conserved across the marsupial-eutherian evolutionary distance, which are candidates for regulatory regions. In the PRNP 3' UTR we found a conserved signal for nuclear-specific polyadenylation and the putative cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), indicating that post-transcriptional control of PRNP mRNA activity is important. Phylogenetic footprinting revealed conserved potential binding sites for the MZF-1 transcription factor in both upstream promoter and intron/intron 1, and for the MEF2, MyTI, Oct-1 and NFAT transcription factors in the intron(s). The presence of a conserved NFAT-binding site and CPE indicates involvement of PrPC in signal transduction and synaptic plasticity. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The staggerer mice carry a deletion in the RORalpha gene and have a prolonged humoral response, overproduce inflammatory cytokines, and are immunodeficient. Furthermore, the staggerer mice display lowered plasma apoA-I/-II, decreased plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides, and develop hypo-alpha-lipoproteinemia and atherosclerosis. However, relatively little is known about RORalpha in the context of target tissues, target genes, and lipid homeostasis. For example, RORalpha is abundantly expressed in skeletal muscle, a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for similar to40% of total body weight and 50% of energy expenditure. This lean tissue is a primary site of glucose disposal and fatty acid oxidation. Consequently, muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, obesity, and the blood-lipid profile. In particular, the role of RORalpha in skeletal muscle metabolism has not been investigated, and the contribution of skeletal muscle to the ROR-/- phenotype has not been resolved. We utilize ectopic dominant negative RORalpha expression in skeletal muscle cells to understand the regulatory role of RORs in this major mass peripheral tissue. Exogenous dominant negative RORalpha expression in skeletal muscle cells represses the endogenous levels of RORalpha and -gamma mRNAs and ROR-dependent gene expression. Moreover, we observed attenuated expression of many genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Furthermore, we show that the muscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 and caveolin-3 promoters are directly regulated by ROR and coactivated by p300 and PGC-1. This study implicates RORs in the control of lipid homeostasis in skeletal muscle. In conclusion, we speculate that ROR agonists would increase fatty acid catabolism in muscle and suggest selective activators of ROR may have therapeutic utility in the treatment of obesity and atherosclerosis.


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We report the cloning and characterization in tobacco and Arabidopsis of a Vigna radiata L. (mung bean) promoter that controls the expression of VR-ACS1, an auxin-inducible ACC synthase gene. The VR-ACS1 promoter exhibits a very unusual behavior when studied in plants different from its original host, mung bean. GUS and luciferase in situ assays of transgenic plants containing VR-ACS1 promoter fusions show strong constitutive reporter gene expression throughout tobacco and Arabidopsis development. In vitro quantitative analyses show that transgenic plants harboring VR-ACS1 promoter-reporter constructs have on average 4-6 fold higher protein and activity levels of both reporter genes than plants transformed with comparable CaMV 35S promoter fusions. Similar transcript levels are present in VR-ACS1 and CaMV 35S promoter lines, suggesting that the high levels of gene product observed for the VR-ACS1 promoter are the combined result of transcriptional and translational activation. All tested deletion constructs retaining the core promoter region can drive strong constitutive promoter activity in transgenic plants. This is in contrast to mung bean, where expression of the native VR-ACS1 gene is almost undetectable in plants grown under normal conditions, but is rapidly and highly induced by a variety of stimuli. The constitutive behavior of the VR-ACS1 promoter in heterologous hosts is surprising, suggesting that the control mechanisms active in mung bean are impaired in tobacco and Arabidopsis. The 'aberrant' behavior of the VR-ACS1 promoter is further emphasized by its failure to respond to auxin and cycloheximide in heterologous hosts. VR-ACS1 promoter regulatory mechanisms seem to be different from all previously characterized auxin-inducible promoters.


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To examine the genetic controls of endosperm (ES) specificity, several cereal seed storage protein (SSP) promoters were isolated and studied using a transient expression analysis system. An oat globulin promoter (AsGlo1) capable of driving strong ES-specific expression in barley and wheat was identified. Progressive 5' deletions and cis element mutations demonstrated that the mechanism of specificity in the AsGlo1 promoter was distinct from that observed in glutelin and prolamin promoters. A novel interrupted palindromic sequence, ACATGTCAT-CATGT, was required for ES specificity and substantially contributed to expression strength of the AsGlo1 promoter. This sequence was termed the endosperm specificity palindrome (ESP) element. The GCN4 element, which has previously been shown to be required for ES specificity in cereal SSP promoters, had a quantitative role but was not required for tissue specificity. The 960-bp AsGlo1 promoter and a 251-bp deletion containing the ESP element also drove ES-specific expression in stably transformed barley. Reporter gene protein accumulated at very high levels (10% of total soluble protein) in ES tissues of plants transformed with an AsGlo1:GFP construct. Expression strength and tissue specificity were maintained over five transgenic generations. These attributes make the AsGlo1 promoter an ideal promoter for biotechnology applications. In conjunction with previous findings, our data demonstrate that there is more than one genetically distinct mechanism by which ES specificity can be achieved in cereal SSP promoters, and also suggest that there is redundancy between transcriptional and post-transcriptional tissue specificity mechanisms in cereal globulin genes.


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Although MYB overexpression in colorectal cancer (CRC) is known to be a prognostic indicator for poor survival, the basis for this overexpression is unclear. Among multiple levels of MYB regulation, the most dynamic is the control of transcriptional elongation by sequences within intron I. The authors have proposed that this regulatory sequence is transcribed into an RNA stem-loop and 19-residue polyuridine tract, and is subject to mutation in CRC. When this region was examined in colorectal and breast carcinoma cell lines and tissues, the authors found frequent mutations only in CRC. It was determined that these mutations allowed increased transcription compared with the wild type sequence. These data suggest that this MYB regulatory region within intron I is subject to mutations in CRC but not breast cancer, perhaps consistent with the mutagenic insult that occurs within the colon and not mammary tissue. In CRC, these mutations may contribute to MYB overexpression, highlighting the importance of noncoding sequences in the regulation of key cancer genes. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.