13 resultados para Toluene permeabilization
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Various mesoporous catalysts with titanium loadings between 0.5 and 4 Ti wt. % and surface areas between 600 and 1,600 m(2)/g were synthesized using the molecular designed dispersion technique. These catalysts were tested using toluene oxidation in a fixed bed reactor at temperatures between 300 and 550degreesC. The reaction products were found to be CO2 and CO with selectivity towards CO2 above 80% for all catalysts. The catalytic activity of the catalysts increases with titanium loading. The total conversion at 550degreesC was not affected by the textural porosity, but increased textural porosity did significantly reduce the ignition temperature by up to 50degreesC. The Thiele modulus was calculated to be much less than one for all these materials indicating that the reaction rate is not diffusion, limited.
Various mesoporous catalysts with vanadium loadings between 0.5 and 6 V wt.% and surface areas around 1300 m(2)/g were synthesized using the isomorphous substitution (IS) and molecular designed dispersion (MDD) techniques. Their catalytic properties were tested using toluene as a model VOC in a fixed bed reactor at temperatures between 300 and 550 degrees C. It was found that during the oxidation of toluene, over V-HMS synthesized via IS, conversion of toluene mainly results in carbon oxides, benzene, benzaldehyde and water. Total conversion is greatly improved when the vanadium content is increased from around 1.5 to 3.0 wt.%, but an increase in the textural porosity (V-TEX/V-MESO) from 0.3 to 0.6 had no discernable effect on the conversion. This can be explained by the fact that a V-TEX/V-MESO as low as 0.3 is sufficient to facilitate the access of toluene into the framework confined mesopores without any molecular transport limitations. However, when using V-HMS synthesized by MDD, conversion of toluene is greatly improved when the V-TEX/ V-MESO ratio is increased from 0.1 to 0.6. This is because the diffusion limitations are minimized by this increase. V-HMS synthesized via MDD does not exhibit selectivity to benzaldehyde, favoring total oxidation to CO and CO2. This different oxidation mechanism can be explained in terms of location, accessibility and number of active species on the surface of the HMS support. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A method is presented for the direct extraction of the recombinant protein Long-R-3-IGF-I from inclusion bodies located in the cytoplasm of intact Escherichia coli cells. Chemical treatment with 6M urea, 3 mM EDTA, and 20 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) at pH 9.0 proved an effective combination for extracting recombinant protein from intact cells. Comparable levels of Long-R-3-IGF-I were recovered by direct extraction as achieved by in vitro dissolution following mechanical disruption. However, the purity of directly extracted recombinant protein was lower due to contamination by bacterial cell components. The kinetics of direct extraction are described using a first-order equation with the time constant of 3 min. Urea appears important for permeabilization of the cell and dissolution of the inclusion body. Conversely, EDTA is involved in permeabilization of the cell wall and DTT enhances protein release. pH proved to be important with lower levels of protein release achieved at low pH values (
In previous parts of this study we developed procedures for the high-efficiency chemical extraction of soluble and insoluble protein from intact Escherichia coli cells. Although high yields were obtained, extraction of recombinant protein directly from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies led to low product purity due to coextraction of soluble contaminants. In this work, a two-stage procedure for the selective extraction of recombinant protein at high efficiency and high purity is reported. In the first stage, inclusion-body stability is promoted by the addition of 15 mM 2-hydroxyethyldisulfide (2-HEDS), also known as oxidized P-mercaptoethanol, to the permeabil ization buffer (6 M urea + 3 mM ethylenediaminetetra-acetate [EDTA]). 2-HEDS is an oxidizing agent believed to promote disulfide bond formation, rendering the inclusion body resistant to solubilization in 6 M urea. Contaminating proteins are separated from the inclusion-body fraction by centrifugation. in the second stage, disulfide bonds are readily eliminated by including reducing agent (20 mM dithiothreitol [DTT]) into the permeabilization buffer. Extraction using this selective two-stage process yielded an 81% (w/w) recovery of the recombinant protein Long-R-3-IGF-I from inclusion bodies located in the cytoplasm of intact E. coli, at a purity of 46% (w/w). This was comparable to that achieved by conventional extraction (mechanical disruption followed by centrifugation and solubilization). A pilot-scale procedure was also demonstrated using a stirred reactor and diafiltration. This is the first reported study that achieves both high extraction efficiency and selectivity by the chemical treatment of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in intact bacterial cells. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Mechanically skinned skeletal muscle fibres from rat and toad were exposed to the permeabilizing agents beta-escin and saponin. The effects of these agents on the sealed transverse tubular system (t-system) and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) were examined by looking at changes in the magnitude of the force responses to t-system depolarization, the time course of the fluorescence of fura-2 trapped in the sealed t-system, and changes in the magnitude of caffeine-induced contractures following SR loading with Ca2+ under defined conditions. In the presence of 2 mu g ml(-1) beta-escin and saponin, the response to t-system depolarization was not completely abolished, decreasing to a plateau, and a large proportion of fura-2 remained in the sealed t-system. At 10 mu g ml(-1), both agents abolished the ability of both rat and toad preparations to respond to t-system depolarization after 3 min of exposure, but a significant amount of fura-2 remained in sealed t-tubules even after exposure to 100 mu g ml(-1) beta-escin and saponin for 10 min. beta-Escin took longer than saponin to reduce the t-system depolarizations and fura-2 content of the sealed t-system to a similar level. The ability of the SR to load Ca2+ was reduced to a lower level after treatment with beta-escin than saponin. This direct effect on the SR occurred at much lower concentrations for rat (2 mu g ml(-1) beta-escin and 10 mu g ml(-1) saponin) than toad (10 mu g ml(-1) beta-escin and 150 mu g ml(-1) saponin). The reverse order in sensitivities to beta-escin and saponin of t-system and SR membranes indicates that the mechanisms of action of beta-escin and saponin are different in the two types of membrane. In conclusion, this study shows that: (1) beta-escin has a milder action on the surface membrane than saponin; (2) beta-escin is a more potent modifier of SR function; (3) simple permeabilization of membranes is not sufficient to explain the effects of beta-escin and saponin on muscle membranes; and (4) the t-system network within muscle fibres is not a homogeneous compartment.
NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing calculations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structure of RK-1, an antimicrobial peptide from rabbit kidney recently discovered from homology screening based on the distinctive physicochemical properties of the corticostatins/defensins. RK-1 consists of 32 residues, including six cysteines arranged into three disulfide bonds. It exhibits antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and activates Ca2+ channels in vitro. Through its physicochemical similarity, identical cysteine spacing, and linkage to the corticostatins/defensins, it was presumed to be a member of this family. However, RK-1 lacks both a large number of arginines in the primary sequence and a high overall positive charge, which are characteristic of this family of peptides. The three-dimensional solution structure, determined by NMR, consists of a triple-stranded antiparallel beta -sheet and a series of turns and is similar to the known structures of other alpha -defensins. This has enabled the definitive classification of RK-1 as a member of this family of antimicrobial peptides. Ultracentrifuge measurements confirmed that like rabbit neutrophil defensins, RK-1 is monomeric in solution, in contrast to human neutrophil defensins, which are dimeric.
Extraction of intracellular protein from Escherichia coli is traditionally achieved by mechanical disruption. A chemical treatment that destroys the integrity of the bacterial cell wall and could provide an alternative technique is examined in this study. Treatment with a combination of the chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) (greater than 0.3 mM) and the chaotropic agent urea (6 M) is highly effective at releasing protein from uninduced E. coli. The 6 M urea in the presence of 3 mM EDTA can release cytoplasmic protein from both logarithmic-phase and stationary-phase E. coli cells at levels equivalent to mechanical disruption. The concentrations of the two chemical agents were the major variables affecting the maximum levels of protein release. Several minor variables and interactions were also identified. The kinetics of protein release is first order. For 2, 4, and 6 M urea with 3 mM EDTA, the time constant is approximately 2.5 min independent of urea concentration. Kinetics for 3 mM EDTA without urea is considerably slower, with a time constant of 12.3 min. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In this paper we apply a method recently developed by Do and co-workers(1) for the prediction of adsorption isotherms of pure vapors on carbonaceous materials. The information required for the prediction is the pore size distribution and the BET constant, C, of a corresponding nonporous surface (graphite). The dispersive adsorption force is assumed to be the dominant force in adsorption mechanism. This applies to nonpolar and weakly polar hydrocarbons. We test this predictive model against the adsorption data of benzene, toluene, n-pentane, n-hexane, and ethanol on a commercial activated carbon. It is found that the predictions are excellent for all adsorbates tested with the exception of ethanol where the predicted values are about 10% less than the experimental data, and this is probably attributed to the electrostatic interaction between ethanol molecules and the functional groups on the carbon surfaces.
In this paper, we present a model accounting for the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction in the adsorbed phase in the description of adsorption of pure vapors on carbonaceous materials. The details of the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction of a particular species are obtained from the analysis of its adsorption data on non-porous carbon black. The predictability of the model is tested against the adsorption isotherm data for benzene, toluene, n-pentane, n-hexane, carbon tetrachloride, methanol and ethanol on microporous activated carbon. It was found that the model prediction for non-polar adsorbates are satisfactory while it under-predicts for polar adsorbates, which is attributed to their additional interaction with functional groups. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The extent of swelling of cross-linked poly(dimethylsiloxane) and linear low-density poly(ethylene) in supercritical CO2 has been investigated using high-pressure NMR spectroscopy and microscopy. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) was cross-linked to four different cross-link densities and swollen in supercritical CO2. The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, x, was found to be 0.62 at 300 bar and 45 degrees C, indicating that supercritical CO2 is a relatively poor solvent compared to toluene or benzene. Linear low-density poly(ethylene) was shown to exhibit negligible swelling upon exposure to supercritical CO2 up to 300 bar. The effect Of CO2 pressure on the amorphous region of the poly(ethylene) was investigated by observing changes in the H-1 T-2 relaxation times of the polymer. These relaxation times decreased with increasing pressure, which was attributed to a decrease in mobility of the polymer chains as a result of compressive pressure.
Defensins are mediators of mammalian innate immunity, and knowledge of their structure-function relationships is essential for understanding their mechanisms of action. We report here the NMR solution structures of the mouse Paneth cell α-defensin cryptdin-4 (Crp4) and a mutant (E15D)-Crp4 peptide, in which a conserved Glu15 residue was replaced by Asp. Structural analysis of the two peptides confirms the involvement of this Glu in a conserved salt bridge that is removed in the mutant because of the shortened side chain. Despite disruption of this structural feature, the peptide variant retains a well defined native fold because of a rearrangement of side chains, which result in compensating favorable interactions. Furthermore, salt bridge-deficient Crp4 mutants were tested for bactericidal effects and resistance to proteolytic degradation, and all of the variants had similar bactericidal activities and stability to proteolysis. These findings support the conclusion that the function of the conserved salt bridge in Crp4 is not linked to bactericidal activity or proteolytic stability of the mature peptide.
Titanium containing wormhole-like mesoporous silicas, denoted Ti-HMS, synthesized both via the hydrothermal synthesis route and the post synthesis grafting technique, known as molecular designed dispersion, have been successfully applied in the gas phase oxidation of Toluene to CO and CO2. Selectivity towards CO2 for all catalysts, at temperatures between 400-600degreesC, was above 80%. Benzene and benzaldehyde were observed at temperatures above 450degreesC, but in very low concentrations. The conversion of toluene was shown to increase significantly when the V-TEX/N-MESO ratios were increased from 0.07 to 0.84. No significant difference in catalytic activity was observed for catalysts prepared via the different synthesis techniques. The catalytic activity also depends on the concentration of tetrahedrally coordinated titanium atoms and not on the total concentration of titanium in the catalyst.