13 resultados para Thermal potential

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Adsorption of ethylene and ethane on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores whose walls are composed of graphene layers is studied in detail to investigate the packing efficiency, the two-dimensional critical temperature, and the variation of the isosteric heat of adsorption with loading and temperature. Here we used a Monte Carlo simulation method with a grand canonical Monte Carlo ensemble. A number of two-center Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential models are investigated to study the impact of the choice of potential models in the description of adsorption behavior. We chose two 2C-LJ potential models in our investigation of the (i) UA-TraPPE-LJ model of Martin and Siepmann (J. Phys. Chem. B 1998,102, 25692577) for ethane and Wick et al. (J. Phys. Chem. B 2000,104, 8008-8016) for ethylene and (ii) AUA4-LJ model of Ungerer et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 2000,112, 5499-5510) for ethane and Bourasseau et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 118, 3020-3034) for ethylene. These models are used to study the adsorption of ethane and ethylene on graphitized thermal carbon black. It is found that the solid-fluid binary interaction parameter is a function of adsorbate and temperature, and the adsorption isotherms and heat of adsorption are well described by both the UA-TraPPE and AUA models, although the UA-TraPPE model performs slightly better. However, the local distributions predicted by these two models are slightly different. These two models are used to explore the two-dimensional condensation for the graphitized thermal carbon black, and these values are 110 K for ethylene and 120 K for ethane.


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In this paper, we investigate the effects of various potential models in the description of vapor–liquid equilibria (VLE) and adsorption of simple gases on highly graphitized thermal carbon black. It is found that some potential models proposed in the literature are not suitable for the description of VLE (saturated gas and liquid densities and the vapor pressure with temperature). Simple gases, such as neon, argon, krypton, xenon, nitrogen, and methane are studied in this paper. To describe the isotherms on graphitized thermal carbon black correctly, the surface mediation damping factor introduced in our recent publication should be used to calculate correctly the fluid–fluid interaction energy between particles close to the surface. It is found that the damping constant for the noble gases family is linearly dependent on the polarizability, suggesting that the electric field of the graphite surface has a direct induction effect on the induced dipole of these molecules. As a result of this polarization by the graphite surface, the fluid–fluid interaction energy is reduced whenever two particles are near the surface. In the case of methane, we found that the damping constant is less than that of a noble gas having the similar polarizability, while in the case of nitrogen the damping factor is much greater and this could most likely be due to the quadrupolar nature of nitrogen.


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We address the practical issue of using thermal image data without adjustment or calibration for projects which do not require actual temperatures per se. Large scale airborne scanning in the thermal band at 8.5–13 μm was obtained for a mangrove and salt marsh in subtropical eastern Australia. For open sites, the raw image values were strongly positively correlated with ground level temperatures. For sites under mangrove canopy cover, image values indicated temperatures 2–4°C lower than those measured on the ground. The raw image was useful in identifying water bodies under canopy and has the potential for locating channel lines of deeper water. This could facilitate modification to increase flushing in the system, thereby reducing mosquito larval survival.


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The performance of intermolecular potential models on the adsorption of carbon tetrachloride on graphitized thermal carbon black at various temperatures is investigated. This is made possible with the extensive experimental data of Machin and Ross(1), Avgul et al.,(2) and Pierce(3) that cover a wide range of temperatures. The description of all experimental data is only possible with the allowance for the surface mediation. If this were ignored, the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation results would predict a two-dimensional (2D) transition even at high temperatures, while experimental data shows gradual change in adsorption density with pressure. In general, we find that the intermolecular interaction has to be reduced by 4% whenever particles are within the first layer close to the surface. We also find that this degree of surface mediation is independent of temperature. To understand the packing of carbon tetrachloride in slit pores, we compared the performance of the potential models that model carbon tetrachloride as either five interaction sites or one site. It was found that the five-site model performs better and describes the imperfect packing in small pores better. This is so because most of the strength of fluid-fluid interaction between two carbon tetrachloride molecules comes from the interactions among chlorine atoms. Methane, although having tetrahedral shape as carbon tetrachloride, can be effectively modeled as a pseudospherical particle because most of the interactions come from carbon-carbon interaction and hydrogen negligibly contributes to this.


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In this paper, we studied vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE) and adsorption of ethylene on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores whose walls are composed of graphene layers. Simple models of a one-center Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential and a two-center united atom (UA)-LJ potential are investigated to study the impact of the choice of potential models in the description of VLE and adsorption behavior. Here, we used a Monte Carlo simulation method with grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) and Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo ensembles. The one-center potential model cannot describe adequately the VLE over the practical range of temperature from the triple point to the critical point. On the other hand, the two-center potential model (Wick et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104, 8008-8016) performs well in the description of VLE (saturated vapor and liquid densities and vapor pressure) over the wide range of temperature. This UA-LJ model is then used in the study of adsorption of ethylene on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores. Agreement between the GCMC simulation results and the experimental data on graphitized thermal carbon black for moderate temperatures is excellent, demonstrating that the potential of the GCMC method and the proper choice of potential model are essential to investigate adsorption. For slit pores of various sizes, we have found that the behavior of ethylene exhibits a number of features that are not manifested in the study of spherical LJ particles. In particular, the singlet density distribution versus distance across the pore and the angle between the molecular axis and the z direction provide rich information about the way molecules arrange themselves when the pore width is varied. Such an arrangement has been found to be very sensitive to the pore width.


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In this paper, we investigate the effects of potential models on the description of equilibria of linear molecules (ethylene and ethane) adsorption on graphitized thermal carbon black. GCMC simulation is used as a tool to give adsorption isotherms, isosteric heat of adsorption and the microscopic configurations of these molecules. At the heart of the GCMC are the potential models, describing fluid-fluid interaction and solid-fluid interaction. Here we studied the two potential models recently proposed in the literature, the UA-TraPPE and AUA4. Their impact in the description of adsorption behavior of pure components will be discussed. Mixtures of these components with nitrogen and argon are also studied. Nitrogen is modeled a two-site plus discrete charges while argon as a spherical particle. GCMC simulation is also used for generating simulation mixture isotherms. It is found that co-operation between species occurs when the surface is fractionally covered while competition is important when surface is fully loaded.


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In this paper we consider the adsorption of argon on the surface of graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores at temperatures ranging from subcritical to supercritical conditions by the method of grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation. Attention is paid to the variation of the adsorbed density when the temperature crosses the critical point. The behavior of the adsorbed density versus pressure (bulk density) shows interesting behavior at temperatures in the vicinity of and those above the critical point and also at extremely high pressures. Isotherms at temperatures greater than the critical temperature exhibit a clear maximum, and near the critical temperature this maximum is a very sharp spike. Under the supercritical conditions and very high pressure the excess of adsorbed density decreases towards zero value for a graphite surface, while for slit pores negative excess density is possible at extremely high pressures. For imperfect pores (defined as pores that cannot accommodate an integral number of parallel layers under moderate conditions) the pressure at which the excess pore density becomes negative is less than that for perfect pores, and this is due to the packing effect in those imperfect pores. However, at extremely high pressure molecules can be packed in parallel layers once chemical potential is great enough to overcome the repulsions among adsorbed molecules. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we study the effect of solid surface mediation on the intermolecular potential energy of nitrogen, and its impact on the adsorption of nitrogen on a graphitized carbon black surface and in carbon slit-shaped pores. This effect arises from the lower effective interaction potential energy between two particles close to the surface compared to the potential energy of the same two particles when they are far away from the surface. A simple equation is proposed to calculate the reduction factor and this is used in the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation of nitrogen adsorption on graphitized thermal carbon black. With this modification, the GCMC simulation results agree extremely well with the experimental data over a wide range of pressure; the simulation results with the original potential energy (i.e. no surface mediation) give rise to a shoulder in the neighbourhood of monolayer coverage and a significant over-prediction of the second and higher layer coverages. The influence of this surface mediation on the dependence of the pore-filling pressure on the pore width is also studied. It is shown that such surface mediation has a significant effect on the pore-filling pressure. This implies that the use of the local isotherms obtained from the potential model without surface mediation could give rise to a serious error in the determination of the pore-size distribution.


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In this paper, we study the surface heterogeneity and the surface mediation on the intermolecular potential energy for nitrogen adsorption on graphitized thermal carbon black (GTCB). The surface heterogeneity is modeled as the random distribution of effective carbonyl functional groups on the graphite surface. The molecular parameters and the discrete charges of this carbonyl group are taken from Jorgensen, et al. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., (1984) 106, 6638) while those for nitrogen (dispersive parameters and discrete charges) are taken from Murthy et al. (Mol. Phys., (1983) 50, 531) in our Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation. The solid surface mediation in the reduction of intermolecular potential energy between two fluid molecules was taken from a recent work by Do et al. (Langmuir, (2004) 20, 7623). Our simulation results accounting for the surface heterogeneity and surface mediation on intermolecular potential energy were compared with the experimental data of nitrogen at 77 and 90 K. The solid-fluid dispersive parameters are determined from the Lorentz-Berthelot (LB) rule. The fraction of the graphite surface covered with carbonyl functional groups was then derived from the consideration of the Henry constant, and for the data of Kruk et al. (Langmuir, (1999) 15, 1435) we have found that 1% of their GTCB surface is covered with effective carbonyl functional groups. The damping constant, due to surface mediation, was determined from the consideration of the portion of the adsorption isotherm where the first layer is being completed, and it was found to take a value of 0.0075. With these parameters, we have found that the GCMC simulation results describe the data over the complete range of pressure substantially better than any other MC models in the literature. The implication of this work is demonstrated with local adsorption isotherms of 10 and 20 A slit pores. One was obtained without allowance for surface mediation, while the other correctly accounts for these factors. The two local isotherms differ substantially, and the implication is that if we used incorrect local isotherms (i.e. without the surface mediation) the pore size distribution would be incorrectly derived.


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In this paper, we investigate the suitability of the grand canonical Monte Carlo in the description of adsorption equilibria of flexible n-alkane (butane, pentane and hexane) on graphitized thermal carbon black. Potential model of n-alkane of Martin and Siepmann (J. Phys. Chem. 102 (1998) 2569) is employed in the simulation, and we consider the flexibility of molecule in the simulation. By this we study two models, one is the fully flexible molecular model in which n-alkane is subject to bending and torsion, while the other is the rigid molecular model in which all carbon atoms reside on the same plane. It is found that (i) the adsorption isotherm results of these two models are close to each other, suggesting that n-alkane model behaves mostly as rigid molecules with respect to adsorption although the isotherm for longer chain n-hexane is better described by the flexible molecular model (ii) the isotherms agree very well with the experimental data at least up to two layers on the surface.


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The performance of intermolecular potential models on the adsorption of benzene on graphitized thermal carbon black at various temperatures is investigated. Two models contain only dispersive sites, whereas the other two models account explicitly for the dispersive and electrostatic sites. Using numerous data in the literature on benzene adsorption on graphitized thermal carbon black at various temperatures, we have found that the effect of surface mediation on interaction between adsorbed benzene molecules must be accounted for to describe correctly the adsorption isotherm as well as the isosteric heat. Among the two models with partial charges tested, the WSKS model of Wick et at. I that has only six dispersive sites and three discrete partial charges is better than the very expensive all-atom model of Jorgensen and Severance.(2) Adsorbed benzene molecules on graphitized thermal carbon black have a complex orientation with respect to distance from the surface and also with respect to loading. At low loadings, they adopt the parallel configuration relative to the graphene surface, whereas at higher loadings (still less than monolayer coverage) some molecules adopt a slant orientation to maximize the fluid-fluid interaction. For loadings in the multilayer region, the orientation of molecules in the first layer is influenced by the presence of molecules in the second layer. The data that are used in this article come from the work of Isirikyan and Kiselev,(3) Pierotti and Smallwood,(4) Pierce and Ewing,(5) Belyakova, Kiselev, and Kovaleva,(6) and Carrott et al.(7)


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High purity one-dimensional ZnO nanobelts were synthesized by thermally evaporating commercial ZnS powders in a hydrogen-oxygen mixture gas at 1050 degrees C. It was found that these ZnO nanobelts had a single crystal hexagonal wurtzite structure growing along the [0001] direction. They had a rectangle-shaped cross-section with typical widths of 20 to 100 nanometers and lengths of up to hundreds of micrometers with lattice constants of a = 0.325 nm and c = 0.520 nm. The self-catalytic hydrogen-oxygen assisted growth of ZnO nanobelt is discussed. The photoluminescence (PL) characterization of the ZnO nanobelts shows strong near-band UV emission (about 383 nm) and one broad peak at 501 nm, which indicates that the ZnO nanobelts have good potential application in optoelectronic devices.


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Hydrocarbon migration pathways and organic mineral matter associations were used to identify brine pathways in Paleoproterozic to early Mesoproterozoic rocks from the Lawn Hill platform, Mount Isa. Several types of organic matter are identified, and their thermal imprints are used to reconstruct the thermal history of the northern to central parts of the Isa superbasin. Three major thermal hydrothermal episodes are recognized from the organic maturation studies. Isotherm plots on a 175-km-long structural-sedimentological north-south section of the Isa superbasin highlight specific fault systems that acted as hot fluid conduits during the geologic history of the basin. Some of these systems indicate continuing activity into the south Nicholson basin, supported by the presence of low reflectance (type B) bitumen. This bitumen has not been overprinted by later hydrothermal episodes and therefore represents the latest thermal event. Along the north-south profile a general southward increase in temperature is evident. The lowest temperatures are recorded in proximity to the basin margin on the southern flank of the Murphy inlier. Thermal processes and their sequence of events in the basin are recorded by organic maturation, subsequent hydrocarbon generation, its migration and destruction coincident with transport and precipitation of minerals. As some timing and trapping mechanisms for minerals may have analogues with hydrocarbon entrapment, relative timing of processes leading to organic maturation, hydrocarbon generation and migration are utilized in this study to enhance understanding of ore-grade mineralization. In the Proterozoic successions of the Mount Isa basin multiple hydrocarbon generation events are recognized. These events record the transient passage of potential metal-bearing fluids rather than background conductive heat flow from the basement. Such hydrothermal fluids are responsible for inverse maturation profiles in the vicinity of the Termite Range fault and extreme maturation (reflectance values) up to 6 percent Ro at the Grevillea prospect. At Century, intermediate Ro values of