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Some paramagnetic superoxide ions detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) can be generated on Au/ZnO catalyst by oxygen adsorption at room temperature as well as at 553 K. In both the cases, the O-2(-) ions are present on the catalyst surface. The disappearance of the O-2(-) signal by the introduction of carbon monoxide over the catalyst surface implies that the O-2(-) ions are either the active oxygen species or the precursors of the active oxygen species. The CO3- species produced are also detected by EPR. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The measurement of organic carbon in soils has traditionally used dichromate oxidation procedures including the Wakley and Black and the Heanes methods. The measurement of carbon in soils by high temperature combustion is now widely used providing a rapid automated procedure without the use of toxic chemicals. This procedure however measures total carbon thus requiring some means of correction for soil samples containing carbonate and charcoal forms of carbon. This paper examines the effects of known additions of charcoal to a range of soil types on the results obtained by the Walkley and Black, Heanes and combustion methods. The results show, that while the charcoal carbon does not react under Walkley and Black conditions, some proportion does so with the Heanes method. A comparison of six Australian Soil and Plant Analysis Council reference soil samples by the three methods showed good agreement between the Heanes method, the combustion method and only slightly lower recoveries by the Walkley and Black procedure. Carbonate carbon will cause an overestimation of soil organic carbon by the combustion method thus requiring a separate determination of carbonate carbon to be applied as a correction. This work shows that a suitable acid pre-treatment of alkaline soils in the sample boats followed by a drying step eliminates the carbonate carbon prior to combustion and the need for an additional measurement. The measurement of carbon in soils by high temperature combustion in an oxygen atmosphere has been shown to be a rapid and reliable method capable of producing results in good agreement with one of the established dichromate oxidation procedures.


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This paper presents a theoretical and experimental investigation into the oxidation reactions of Si3N4-bonded SiC ceramics. Such ceramics which contain a small amount of silicon offer increased oxidation and wear resistance and are widely used as lining refractories in blast furnaces. The thermodynamics of oxidation reactions were studied using the JANAF tables. The weight gain was measured using a thermogravimetric analysis technique to study the kinetics. The temperature range of oxidation measurements is from 1073 to 1573 K and the oxidation atmosphere is water vapour, pure CO and CO-CO2 gas mixtures with various CO-to-CO2 ratios. Thermodynamic simulations showed that the oxidation mechanism of Si3N4-bonded SiC ceramics is passive oxidation and all components contribute to the formation of a silica film. The activated energies of the reactions follow the sequence Si3N4>SiC>Si. The kinetic study revealed that the oxidation of Si3N4-bonded SiC ceramics occurred in a mixed regime controlled by both interface reaction and diffusion through the silica film. Under the atmosphere conditions prevailing in the blast furnace, this ceramic is predicted to be passively oxidized with the chemical reaction rate becoming more dominant as the CO concentration increases. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall.


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A series of TiO2 samples with different anatase-to-rutile ratios was prepared by calcination, and the roles of the two crystallite phases of titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2) on the photocatalytic activity in oxidation of phenol in aqueous solution were studied. High dispersion of nanometer-sized anatase in the silica matrix and the possible bonding of Si-O-Ti in SiO2/TiO2 interface were found to stabilize the crystallite transformation from anatase to rutile. The temperature for this transformation was 1200 degrees C for the silica-titania (ST) sample, much higher than 700 degrees C for Degussa P25, a benchmarking photocatalyst. It is shown that samples with higher anatase-to-rutile ratios have higher activities for phenol degradation. However, the activity did not totally disappear after a complete crystallite transformation for P25 samples, indicating some activity of the rutile phase. Furthermore, the activity for the ST samples after calcination decreased significantly, even though the amount of anatase did not change much. The activity of the same samples with different anatase-to-rutile ratios is more related to the amount of the surface-adsorbed water and hydroxyl groups and surface area. The formation of rutile by calcination would reduce the surface-adsorbed water and hydroxyl groups and surface area, leading to the decrease in activity.


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First of all, we would like to clarify that the passive to active transition was determined not by using Solgasmix [1], but by combining thermodynamic equilibrium and mass balance for the oxidation of SiC under pure CO2 and pure CO. The model used in our paper [2]was an extension ofWagner’s model [3], in a similar way as Balat et al. [4] did for the oxidation of SiC in oxygen.


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A heterogeneous copper catalyst supported on mesoporous MCM-41 was developed. The parent MCM-41 has a large pore area of over 1400 m(2)/g. Copper was chosen as the active element of catalyst and loaded into MCM-41 by adsorption at ambient temperature. The prepared catalysts were evaluated in the catalytic wet oxidation of phenol solution with an initial concentration of 1,300 ppm at 150 and 200 degreesC. The catalyst was found to be of high catalytic activity. It is also shown that the catalyst with a higher copper loading exhibits higher ability of accelerating the catalytic reaction to certain extent but reaches its constant level afterwards. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Various mesoporous catalysts with titanium loadings between 0.5 and 4 Ti wt. % and surface areas between 600 and 1,600 m(2)/g were synthesized using the molecular designed dispersion technique. These catalysts were tested using toluene oxidation in a fixed bed reactor at temperatures between 300 and 550degreesC. The reaction products were found to be CO2 and CO with selectivity towards CO2 above 80% for all catalysts. The catalytic activity of the catalysts increases with titanium loading. The total conversion at 550degreesC was not affected by the textural porosity, but increased textural porosity did significantly reduce the ignition temperature by up to 50degreesC. The Thiele modulus was calculated to be much less than one for all these materials indicating that the reaction rate is not diffusion, limited.


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Structural and surface property changes of macadamia nut-shell (MNS) char upon activation and high temperature treatment (HTT) were studied by high-resolution nitrogen adsorption, diffuse reflectance infra-red Fourier transform spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed desorption. It is found that activation of MNS char can be divided into the low extent activation which may involve the reactions of internal oxygen-containing groups and leads to the formation of comparatively uniform micropores, and the high extent activation which induces reactions between carbon and activating gas and produces a large amount of micropores. The surface functional groups (SFGs) basically increase with the increase of activation extent, but high extent activation preferentially increases the amount of -C-O and -C=O. HTT in air for a short tithe at a high temperature (1173 K) greatly increases the micropore volume and the amounts of SFGs. By appropriately choosing the activation and HTT conditions, it is possible to control both the textural structure and the type and amounts of SFG. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The outer-sphere oxidation of Fell in the mixed-valence complex trans-[(LCoNCFeII)-Co-14S-N-III(CN)(6)](-), being L-14S an N3S2 macrocylic donor set on the cobalt(III) center, has been studied. The comparison with the known processes of N-5 macrocycle complexes has been carried out in view of the important differences occurring on the redox potential of the cobalt center. The results indicate that the outer-sphere oxidation reactions with S2O82- and [Co(ox)(3)](3-) involve a great amount of solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding that, as a consequence from the change from two amines to sulfur donors, are more restricted. This is shown by the more positive values found for DeltaS(double dagger) and DeltaV(double dagger). The X-ray structure of the oxidized complex has been determined, and it is clearly indicative of the above-mentioned solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding between nitrogen and cyanide donors on the cobalt and iron centers, respectively. trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-14S-N-III(CN)(6)], as well as the analogous N-5 systems trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-14-N-III(CN)(6)], trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-15-N-III-(CN)(6)], and cis-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(6)], Oxidize water to hydrogen peroxide at pH > 10 with a rather simple stoichiometry, i.e., [(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(5)] + OH- - [(LCoNCFeII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(5)](-) + 1/2H(2)O(2). In this way, the reversibility of the iron oxidation process is achieved. The determination of kinetic and thermal and pressure activation parameters for this water to hydrogen peroxide oxidation leads to the kinetic determination of a cyanide based OH- adduct of the complex. A second-order dependence on the base concentration is associated with deprotonation of this adduct to produce the final inner-sphere reduction process. The activation enthalpies are found to be extremely low (15 to 35 kJ mol(-1)) and responsible for the very fast reaction observed. The values of DeltaS(double dagger) and DeltaV(double dagger) (-76 to -113 J K-1 mol(-1) and -5.5 to -8.9 cm(3) mol(-1), respectively) indicate a highly organized but not very compressed transition state in agreement with the inner-sphere one-electron transfer from O2- to Fe-III.


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Effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on fully developed forced convection in a duct of rectangular cross-section occupied by a fluid-saturated porous medium is investigated analytically. The Darcy flow model is applied and the viscosity-temperature relation is assumed to be an inverse-linear one. The case of uniform heat flux on the walls, i.e. the H boundary condition in the terminology of Kays and Crawford, is treated. For the case of a fluid whose viscosity decreases with temperature, it is found that the effect of the variation is to increase the Nusselt number for heated walls. Having found the velocity and the temperature distribution, the second law of thermodynamics is invoked to find the local and average entropy generation rate. Expressions for the entropy generation rate, the Bejan number, the heat transfer irreversibility, and the fluid flow irreversibility are presented in terms of the Brinkman number, the Péclet number, the viscosity variation number, the dimensionless wall heat flux, and the aspect ratio (width to height ratio). These expressions let a parametric study of the problem based on which it is observed that the entropy generated due to flow in a duct of square cross-section is more than those of rectangular counterparts while increasing the aspect ratio decreases the entropy generation rate similar to what previously reported for the clear flow case.


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We introduce a time-dependent projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation to describe a partially condensed homogeneous Bose gas, and find that this equation will evolve randomized initial wave functions to equilibrium. We compare our numerical data to the predictions of a gapless, second order theory of Bose-Einstein condensation [S. A. Morgan, J. Phys. B 33, 3847 (2000)], and find that we can determine a temperature when the theory is valid. As the Gross-Pitaevskii equation is nonperturbative, we expect that it can describe the correct thermal behavior of a Bose gas as long as all relevant modes are highly occupied. Our method could be applied to other boson fields.


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We calculate the two-particle local correlation for an interacting 1D Bose gas at finite temperature and classify various physical regimes. We present the exact numerical solution by using the Yang-Yang equations and Hellmann-Feynman theorem and develop analytical approaches. Our results draw prospects for identifying the regimes of coherent output of an atom laser, and of finite-temperature “fermionization” through the measurement of the rates of two-body inelastic processes, such as photoassociation.


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We present the temperature dependence of the uniform susceptibility of spin-half quantum antiferromagnets on spatially anisotropic triangular lattices, using high-temperature series expansions. We consider a model with two exchange constants J1 and J2 on a lattice that interpolates between the limits of a square lattice (J1=0), a triangular lattice (J2=J1), and decoupled linear chains (J2=0). In all cases, the susceptibility, which has a Curie-Weiss behavior at high temperatures, rolls over and begins to decrease below a peak temperature Tp. Scaling the exchange constants to get the same peak temperature shows that the susceptibilities for the square lattice and linear chain limits have similar magnitudes near the peak. Maximum deviation arises near the triangular-lattice limit, where frustration leads to much smaller susceptibility and with a flatter temperature dependence. We compare our results to the inorganic materials Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CuBr4 and to a number of organic molecular crystals. We find that the former (Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CuBr4) are weakly frustrated and their exchange parameters determined through the temperature dependence of the susceptibility are in agreement with neutron-scattering measurements. In contrast, the organic materials considered are strongly frustrated with exchange parameters near the isotropic triangular-lattice limit.


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We present an analysis of previously published measurements of the London penetration depth of layered organic superconductors. The predictions of the BCS theory of superconductivity are shown to disagree with the measured zero temperature, in plane, London penetration depth by up to two orders of magnitude. We find that fluctuations in the phase of the superconducting order parameter do not determine the superconducting critical temperature as the critical temperature predicted for a Kosterlitz–Thouless transition is more than an order of magnitude greater than is found experimentally for some materials. This places constraints on theories of superconductivity in these materials.


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A numerical study is reported to investigate both the First and the Second Law of Thermodynamics for thermally developing forced convection in a circular tube filled by a saturated porous medium, with uniform wall temperature, and with the effects of viscous dissipation included. A theoretical analysis is also presented to study the problem for the asymptotic region applying the perturbation solution of the Brinkman momentum equation reported by Hooman and Kani [1]. Expressions are reported for the temperature profile, the Nusselt number, the Bejan number, and the dimensionless entropy generation rate in the asymptotic region. Numerical results are found to be in good agreement with theoretical counterparts.