9 resultados para Syndrome of Acquired Imunodeficiência

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Human Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) natural killer T (NKT) cells are a distinct CD1d-restricted lymphoid subset specifically and potently activated by alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) (KRN7000) presented by CD1 d on antigen-presenting cells. Preclinical models show that activation of Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT cells induces effective antitumor immune responses and potentially important secondary immune effects, including activation of conventional T cells and NK cells. We describe the first clinical trial of cancer immune therapy with alpha-GalCer-pulsed CD1d-expressing dendritic cells. The results show that this therapy has substantial, rapid, and highly reproducible specific effects on Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT cells and provide the first human in vivo evidence that Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT cell stimulation leads to activation of both innate and acquired immunity, resulting in modulation of NK, T-, and B-cell numbers and increased serum interferon-gamma. We present the first clinical evidence that Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT cell memory produces faster, more vigorous secondary immune responses by innate and acquired immunity upon restimulation.


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Individuals living in regions where malaria is endemic develop an acquired immunity to malaria which enables them to remain asymptomatic while still carrying parasites. Field studies indicate that cumulative exposure to a variety of diverse Plasmodium parasites is required for the transition from symptomatic to asymptomatic malaria. This study used a simulation model of the within-host dynamics of P. falciparum to investigate the development of acquired clinical immunity under different transmission conditions and levels of parasite diversity. Antibodies developed to P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), a clonally variant molecule, were assumed to be a key human immunological response to P. falciparum infection, along with responses to clonally conserved but polymorphic antigens. The time to the development of clinical immunity was found to be proportional to parasite diversity and inversely proportional to transmission intensity. The effect of early termination of symptomatic infections by chemotherapy was investigated and found not to inhibit the host's ability to develop acquired immunity. However, the time required to achieve this state was approximately double that compared to when no treatment was administered. This study demonstrates that an immune response primarily targeted against PfEMP1 has the ability to reduce clinical symptoms of infections irrespective of whether treatment is administered, supporting its role in the development of acquired clinical immunity. The results also illustrate a novel use for simulation models of P. falciparum infections, investigation of the influence of intervention strategies on the development of naturally acquired clinical immunity.


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Electropalatography (EPG) has been employed to measure speech articulation since the mid-1970s. This technique has predominately been used in experimental phonetic research and in the diagnosis and treatment of articulation disorders in children. However, there is a growing body of research employing EPG to diagnose and treat articulatory impairment associated with acquired motor speech disorder (MSD) in adults. The purpose of this paper was to (1) review the findings of studies pertaining to the assessment and treatment of MSDs in adults using EPG, (2) highlight current methodologies employed, and (3) discuss the potential limitations of EPG in the assessment and treatment of MSDs and examine directions for future applied research and treatment studies.


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Background. To date few studies have investigated the impact of management for supratentorial tumour on the language abilities of children. In reporting children with brain tumour as part of a larger cohort of various aetiologies of brain injury, such studies have failed to differentiate between the causes of acquired childhood language disorders, or specifically report associated information relating to site and treatment. Material and methods. The present study examined the general language abilities of six children managed for supratentorial tumour, using a comprehensive standardized general language assessment battery, including receptive and expressive components, receptive vocabulary, and naming. Results. At a group level, children managed for supratentorial tumour performed below an individually matched control group in the area of general expressive language. However, at an individual case level it was revealed that only two cases exhibited specific language deficits. Reduced performance in the area of expressive language and syntax was evident in the language profile of one child treated surgically for a left parietal astrocytoma, while a child treated surgically for an optic nerve glioma demonstrated difficulties in receptive semantic abilities. The remaining four cases with similar treatments and locations demonstrated intact general language abilities. Conclusions. Factors such as site, long-term presence of tumour prior to diagnosis, young age at diagnosis, and variations in time post treatment were considered to have contributed to the findings. The need for long-term monitoring of language abilities post treatment as well as larger group sizes and the investigation of higher-level abilities was highlighted


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Ornithologists, and especially northern hemisphere ornithologists, have traditionally thought of migration as an annual return movement of populations between regular breeding and non-breeding grounds. Problems arise because selection does not ordinarily act on populations and because organisms of many taxa (including birds) are clearly migrants, but fail to undertake movements of the kind described. There are also extensive return movements that are not migratory. I propose that it is more useful to think of migration as a syndrome of behavioral and other traits that function together within individuals, and that such a syndrome provides a common ground across taxa from aphids to albatrosses. Large-scale return movements of populations are one outcome of the syndrome. Similar behavioral and physiological traits serve both to define migration and to provide a test for it. I use two insect (Hemipteran) examples to illustrate migratory syndromes and to demonstrate that, in many migrants, behavior and physiology correlate with life history and morphological traits to form syndromes at two levels. I then compare the two Hemipterans with migration in birds, butterflies, and fish to assess the question of whether there are migratory syndromes in common between these diverse migrants. Syndromes are more similar at the level of behavior than when morphology and life history traits are included. Recognizing syndromes leads to important evolutionary questions concerning migration strategies, trade-offs, the maintenance of genetic variance and the responses of migratory syndromes to both similar and different selective regimes.


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Previous studies of human affective learning, the acquisition of likes and dislikes, provided evidence that extinction training does not affect changes in conditional stimulus (CS) valence as indexed by paper/pencil ratings. Experiment 1 (N = 32) investigated whether this is an artifact of the CS valence assessment, which is taken in test sessions before and after training. Pleasantness ratings were collected in pre/post training tests and, for half of the participants, on-line during training. Rated unpleasantness of the CS that preceded the aversive US (CS+) increased during acquisition and decreased during extinction back to neutral. However, as in previous studies, post extinction paper/pencil ratings revealed the maintenance of rated CS+ unpleasantness. Experiment 2 (N = 34) replicated this finding for two measures of CS valence, paper/pencil and the continuous measure used during training. The present results indicate that previous reports of failures to find extinction of affective learning may reflect renewal rather than maintenance of acquired CS valence across extinction training. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To identify and demonstrate necrotizing dermatitis in infancy; an uncommon, puzzling syndrome, in which anecdotal reporting and personal experience indicates that one third of cases may require skin grafting. Much informed discussion about the pathogenesis of this distressing syndrome centres on the role of spider envenomation; and in particular on the speculative role of the Australian White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata. Methods: We present here six cases of necrotizing dermatitis treated surgically at the Royal Children's Hospital and Mater Children's Hospital in Brisbane over the period from 1991 to 1999. Clinical history, surgical details and pathological investigations were reviewed in each case. Microbiological investigation of necrotic ulcers included standard aerobic and anaerobic culture. Result: Nocardia and Staphylococcus were cultured in two cases, but no positive bites were witnessed and no spiders were identified by either the children or their parents. All cases were treated with silver sulphadiazine creme. Two of the infants required general anaesthesia, excision debridement and split skin grafting. The White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata, does not occur in Queensland, but Lampona murina does; neither species has necrotizing components in its venom. Circumstantial evidence is consistent with this syndrome being due to invertebrate envenomation, possibly following arachnid bites. Conclusion: In our experience there is insufficient evidence to impute a specific genus as the cause, at this stage of scientific knowledge. If the offending creature is a spider, we calculate that the syndrome of necrotizing dermatitis occurs in less than 1 in 5000 spider bites.


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We investigated the adaptive significance of behavioural thermoregulation in univoltine populations of the grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes along an altitudinal gradient in California using laboratory tests of animals raised under different temperatures. Trials consisted of continuous body temperature measurements with semi-implanted microprobes in a test arena, and observation and simultaneous recording of behavioural responses. These responses included mobility, basking and orientation of the body axes (aspect angle) towards a radiation source. Mobility and basking are determined by the altitudinal origin of the parental generation and not by the temperature treatments. With increasing altitude, individuals tend increasingly to raise body temperatures via mobility and increased basking. In contrast, body orientation towards the radiation source is influenced by the temperature treatments but not by the altitude of origin. Individuals experiencing higher temperatures during rearing show a lower tendency to lateral flanking. We conclude that body orientation responses are not adapted locally. In contrast other components of the behavioural syndrome that increase body temperature, such as mobility and basking, are adaptive in response to local selection pressure. The thermoregulatory syndrome of these grasshoppers is an important contribution to life-history adaptations that appropriately match season lengths.