32 resultados para Surveys - stars: low-mass
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
We present a new set of dissipationless N-body simulations to examine the feasibility of creating bright ellipticals (following the Kormendy relation, hereafter KR) by hierarchically merging present-day early-type dwarf galaxies, and to study how the encounter parameters affect the location of the end product in the (mu(e))-R-e plane. We investigate the merging of one-component galaxies of both equal and different masses, the merging of two-component galaxy models to explore the effect of dark haloes on the final galaxy characteristics, and the merging of ultracompact dwarf galaxies. We find that the increase of (mu(e)) with R-e is attributable to an increase in the initial orbital energy. The merger remnants shift down in the (mu(e))-R-e plane and fail to reach the KR. Thus, the KR is not reproducible by mergers of dwarf early-type systems, rendering untenable the theory that present-day dwarfs are responsible for even a small fraction of the present-day ellipticals, unless a considerable amount of dissipation is invoked. However, we do find that present-day dwarfs can be formed by the merger of ultracompact dwarfs.
The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey is a major survey to discover blue stellar objects brighter than B similar to 18 in the southern sky. It is planned to cover an area of sky of 10 000 deg(2) with \b\ > 30 degrees and delta < 0 degrees. The blue stellar objects are selected by automatic techniques from U and B pairs of UK Schmidt Telescope plates scanned with the COSMOS measuring machine. Follow-up photometry and spectroscopy are being obtained with the SAAO telescopes to classify objects brighter than B = 16.5. This paper describes the survey, the techniques used to extract the blue stellar objects, the photometric methods and accuracy, the spectroscopic classification, and the limits and completeness of the survey.
The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey will use the Two degree Field spectrograph (2dF) of the Angle-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14000 objects with 16.5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19.7 in a 12 square degree area centred on the Fornax Cluster. The aims of this project include the study of dwarf galaxies in the cluster (both known low surface brightness objects and putative normal surface brightness dwarfs) and a comparison sample of background field galaxies. We will also measure quasars and other active galaxies, any previously unrecognised compact galaxies and a large sample of Galactic stars. By selecting all objects-both stars and galaxies-independent of morphology, we cover a much larger range of surface brightness and scale size than previous surveys. In this paper we first describe the design of the survey. Our targets are selected from UK Schmidt Telescope sky survey plates digitised by the Automated Plate Measuring (APM) facility. We then describe the photometric and astrometric calibration of these data and show that the APM astrometry is accurate enough for use with the 2dF. We also describe a general approach to object identification using cross-correlations which allows us to identify and classify both stellar and galaxy spectra. We present results from the first 2dF field. Redshift distributions and velocity structures are shown for all observed objects in the direction of Fornax, including Galactic stars? galaxies in and around the Fornax Cluster, and for the background galaxy population. The velocity data for the stars show the contributions from the different Galactic components, plus a small tail to high velocities. We find no galaxies in the foreground to the cluster in our 2dF field. The Fornax Cluster is clearly defined kinematically. The mean velocity from the 26 cluster members having reliable redshifts is 1560 +/- 80 km s(-1). They show a velocity dispersion of 380 +/- 50 km s(-1). Large-scale structure can be traced behind the cluster to a redshift beyond z = 0.3. Background compact galaxies and low surface brightness galaxies are found to follow the general galaxy distribution.
The H I Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) is a blind 21 cm survey for extragalactic neutral hydrogen, covering the whole southern sky. The HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalog (BGC) is a subset of HIPASS and contains the 1000 H I brightest (peak flux density) galaxies. Here we present the 138 HIPASS BGC galaxies that had no redshift measured prior to the Parkes multibeam H I surveys. Of the 138 galaxies, 87 are newly cataloged. Newly cataloged is defined as having no optical ( or infrared) counterpart in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. Using the Digitized Sky Survey, we identify optical counterparts for almost half of the newly cataloged galaxies, which are typically of irregular or Magellanic morphological type. Several H I sources appear to be associated with compact groups or pairs of galaxies rather than an individual galaxy. The majority ( 57) of the newly cataloged galaxies lie within 10degrees of the Galactic plane and are missing from optical surveys as a result of confusion with stars or dust extinction. This sample also includes newly cataloged galaxies first discovered by Henning et al. in the H I shallow survey of the zone of avoidance. The other 30 newly cataloged galaxies escaped detection because of their low surface brightness or optical compactness. Only one of these, HIPASS J0546-68, has no obvious optical counterpart, as it is obscured by the Large Magellanic Cloud. We find that the newly cataloged galaxies with -b->10degrees are generally lower in H I mass and narrower in velocity width compared with the total HIPASS BGC. In contrast, newly cataloged galaxies behind the Milky Way are found to be statistically similar to the entire HIPASS BGC. In addition to these galaxies, the HIPASS BGC contains four previously unknown H I clouds.
Stalker (AIAA Paper 87-0403) has suggested that, by ejecting molecules directly upstream from the entire face of a satellite, it is possible to reduce the drag on a satellite in low-Earth orbit and hence maintain orbit with a total fuel mass (for forward ejection and conventional reaction rockets) less than the typical mass requirements of conventional rockets. An analytical analysis is presented here, as well as Monte Carlo simulations. These indicate that to reduce the overall drag on the satellite significantly, collisions between the freestream and ejected molecules must occur at least two satellite diameters upstream. This can be achieved if the molecules are ejected far upstream from the satellite’s surface through a sting that projects forward from the satellite. Using some estimates of what would be feasible sting arrangements, we find that the drag on the satellite can be reduced to such an extent that the satellite’s orbit can be maintained with a total fuel mass of less than 60% of that required for reaction rockets alone. Upstream ejection is effective in reducing the drag for freestream Knudsen numbers less than approximately 250, but not otherwise.
The ligand-binding domain of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor is comprised of seven tandemly repeated ligand-binding modules, each being approximately 40 amino acids long and containing six conserved cysteine residues. We have expressed and characterized a concatemer of the first two modules (LB1 and LB2) of the human LDL receptor. Oxidative folding of the recombinant concatemer (rLB(1-2)), in the presence of calcium ions, gave a single dominant isomer with six disulfide bonds. Peptic cleavage of the short Linker region that connects the last cysteine residue of LB1 and the first cysteine residue of LB2 yielded two discrete fragments, thus excluding the presence of intermodule disulfide bonds. The N-terminal module, LB1, reacted with a conformation-specific monoclonal antibody (IgG-C7) made to LB1 in the native LDL receptor. From this, we concluded that the first module was correctly folded, with the same set of disulfide bonds as LB1 of the LDL receptor. The disulfide bond connections of LB2 were identified from mass spectral analysis of fragments formed by digestion of the C-terminal peptic fragment with elastase. These data showed that the disulfide bonds of LB2 connected Cys(I) and Cys(III), Cys(II) and Cys(V), and Cys(IV) and Cys(VI). This pattern is identical to that found for recombinant LB1 and LB2. The concatemer has two high-affinity calcium-binding sites, one per module. An analysis of the secondary chemical shifts of C alpha protons shows that the conformations of LB1 and LB2 in the concatemer are very similar to those of the individual modules, with no evidence for strong interactions between the two modules.
The removal of chemicals in solution by overland how from agricultural land has the potential to be a significant source of chemical loss where chemicals are applied to the soil surface, as in zero tillage and surface-mulched farming systems. Currently, we lack detailed understanding of the transfer mechanism between the soil solution and overland flow, particularly under field conditions. A model of solute transfer from soil solution to overland flow was developed. The model is based on the hypothesis that a solute is initially distributed uniformly throughout the soil pore space in a thin layer at the soil surface. A fundamental assumption of the model is that at the time runoff commences, any solute at the soil surface that could be transported into the soil with the infiltrating water will already have been convected away from the area of potential exchange. Solute remaining at the soil surface is therefore not subject to further infiltration and may be approximated as a layer of tracer on a plane impermeable surface. The model fitted experimental data very well in all but one trial. The model in its present form focuses on the exchange of solute between the soil solution and surface water after the commencement of runoff. Future model development requires the relationship between the mass transfer parameters of the model and the time to runoff: to be defined. This would enable the model to be used for extrapolation beyond the specific experimental results of this study. The close agreement between experimental results and model simulations shows that the simple transfer equation proposed in this study has promise for estimating solute loss to surface runoff. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background. A decline in muscle mass and muscle strength characterizes normal aging. As clinical and animal studies show it relationship between higher cytokine levels and low muscle mass, the aim of this study was to investigate whether markers, of inflammation are associated with muscle mass and strength in well-functioning elderly persons. Methods. We Used baseline data (1997-1998) of the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study on 3075 black and white men and women aged 70-79 years. Midthigh muscle cross-sectional area (computed tomography), appendicular muscle mass (dual-energy x-ray ab absorptiometry). isokinetic knee extensor strength (KinCom). and isometric inip strength were measured. plasma levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. Higher cytokine levels were generally associated with lower muscle mass and lower muscle strength. The most consistent relationship across the gender and race groups was observed for IL-6 and grip strength: per SD increase in IL-6, grip strength was 1.1 to 2.4 kg lower (p < .05) after adjustment for age, clinic Site. health status, medications, physical activity. smoking. height. and body fat. Ail overall measure of elevated cytokine level was created by combining the levels of IL-6 and TNF-alpha. With the exception of white men, elderly persons having high levels of IL-6 (> 1.80 pg/ml) as well as high levels of TNF-alpha (> 3.20 pg/ml) had a smaller muscle area, less appendicular mass. a lower knee extensor strength. and a lower grip strength compared to those with low levels of both cytokines. Conclusions. Higher plasma concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-alpha are associated with lower muscle mass and lower muscle strength in well-functioning older men and women. Higher cytokine levels. as often observed in healthy older persons. may contribute to the loss Of muscle mass and strength that accompanies aging.
The first deep catalog of the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) is presented, covering the south celestial cap (SCC) region. The SCC area is similar to2400 deg(2) and covers delta < -62&DEG;. The average rms noise for the survey is 13 mJy beam(-1). Five hundred thirty-six galaxies have been cataloged according to their neutral hydrogen content, including 114 galaxies that have no previous cataloged optical counterpart. This is the largest sample of galaxies from a blind H I survey to date. Most galaxies in optically unobscured regions of sky have a visible optical counterpart; however, there is a small population of low-velocity H I clouds without visible optical counterparts whose origins and significance are unclear. The rms accuracy of the HIPASS positions is found to be 1.'9. The H I mass range of galaxies detected is from &SIM;10(6) to &SIM;10(11) M-.. There are a large number of late-type spiral galaxies in the SCC sample (66%), compared with 30% for optically selected galaxies from the same region in the NASA Extragalactic Database. The average ratio of H I mass to B luminosity of the sample increases according to optical type, from 1.8 M-./L-. for early types to 3.2 M-./L-. for late-type galaxies. The H I-detected galaxies tend to follow the large-scale structure traced by galaxies found in optical surveys. From the number of galaxies detected in this region of sky, we predict the full HIPASS catalog will contain &SIM;5000 galaxies, to a peak flux density limit of &SIM;39 mJy (3 σ), although this may be a conservative estimate as two large voids are present in the region. The H I mass function for this catalog is presented in a subsequent paper.
We present a new estimate of the mass of the Milky Way based on the escape velocity of a sample of distant stars, about 12 kpc from the Galactic centre and about 5 kpc from the plane of the Galaxy. Our sample is very different from previous escape-velocity studies, being compiled from an all-object spectroscopic survey of a region of sky. The derived mass within 12 kpc of the Galactic centre is (1.3 +/- 0.3) x 10(11) M-circle dot.
The tidal influence on groundwater hydrodynamics, salt-water intrusion and submarine groundwater discharge from coastal/estuarine aquifers is poorly quantified for systems with a mildly sloping beach, in contrast to the case where a vertical beach face is assumed. We investigated the effect of beach slope for a coastal aquifer adjacent to a low-relief estuary, where industrial waste was emplaced over the aquifer. The waste was suspected to discharge leachate towards the estuary. Field observations at various locations showed that tidally induced groundwater head fluctuations were skewed temporally. Frequency analysis suggested that the fluctuation amplitudes decreased exponentially and the phase-tags increased Linearly for the primary tidal signals as they propagated inland. Salinisation zones were observed in the bottom part of the estuary and near the beach surface. Flow and transport processes in a cross-section perpendicular to the estuary were simulated using SEAWAT-2000, which is capable of depicting density-dependent flow and multi-species transport. The simulations showed that the modelled water table fluctuations were in good agreement with the monitored data. Further simulations were conducted to gain insight into the effects of beach slope. In particular the limiting case of a vertical beach face was considered. The simulations showed that density difference and tidal forcing drive a more complex hydrodynamic pattern for the mildly sloping beach than the vertical beach, as well as a profound asymmetry in tidally induced water table fluctuations and enhanced salt-water intrusion. The simulation results also indicated that contaminant transport from the aquifer to the estuary was affected by the tide, where for the mildly sloping beach, the tide tended to intensify the vertical mass exchange in the vicinity of the shorelines, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
in a recent publication, Eriksson et al. [1] explored the relationship between size at birth and resting metabolic rate and body composition in adulthood in a cohort of over 300 men and women. They reported an unexpected finding that people of both sexes who had a low birth weight also had a higher metabolic activity per unit muscle tissue. This conclusion was drawn from an analysis where resting metabolic rate (expressed as kcal/kg fat-free mass) in adulthood was examined relative to the birth weight of the subject. One explanation that they suggested was that the apparent increased activity of muscle tissue resulted from an increased sympathetic drive associated with low birth weight. There may be a less physiological reason for the findings of Eriksson et al. Whilst the data are not given specifically in the text, it can be seen clearly from Fig. 1 in the paper that the mean fat-free mass measured in adulthood increased, in both sexes, from the lightest birth weight group to the heaviest birth weight group when the cohort were divided into tertiles based on birth weight. The crux of the issue is that in many - indeed most - cases, expressing resting energy expenditure as kcal/kg fat-free mass does not totally adjust for fat-free mass [2 - 5], and a bias is introduced so that those who have a higher fat-free mass will tend to have a lower resting energy expenditure when expressed per kg fat-free mass. This bias found when expressing many physiological parameters relative to body size, body weight or body composition has long been known [6], and should be carefully considered by appropriate adjustment and hence analysis.
Evaporative cooling is extremely important for large-scale operation of rotating drum bioreactors (RDBs). Outlet water vapour concentrations were measured for a RDB containing wet wheat bran with the aim of determining the mass transfer coefficient for evaporation from the bran bed to the headspace. Mass transfer was expressed as the mass transfer coefficient times the area for transfer per unit volume of void space in the drum. Values of ka' were determined under combinations of aeration superficial velocities ranging from 0.006 to 0.017 ms(-1) and rotation rates ranging from 0 to 9 rpm. Mass transfer coefficients were evaluated using a variety of residence time distributions (RTDs) for flow in the gas phase including plug flow and well-mixed and a Central Jet RTD based on RTD studies. If plug flow is assumed, the degree of holdup at low effective Peclet (Pe(eff)) numbers gives an apparent under-estimate of ka' compared with empirical correlations. Values of ka' calculated using the Central Jet RTD agree well with values of ka' from literature correlations. There was a linear relationship between ka' and effective Peclet number: ka' = 2.32 x 10(-3) Pe(eff). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This article addresses the effect of parenthood on pay, examining potential reasons for-differences between Australia and the UK that are evident in spite of their similarly minimalist. male, breadwinner style approaches to work/family issues, Although cross-national differences reflect complex intersections of policy combinations, institutional frameworks, patterns of employment and gender contracts that cannot be assessed in a single analysis, the data used in this analysis uncover some of the factors that contribute to different outcomes. Motherhood penalties in the UK appear to be associated primarily with the comparatively low level of part-time earnings in that country, while higher premiums to fatherhood at least in part reflect a wider overall wage distribution. These findings reinforce the heed to interpret earnings effects of parenthood within the context of national patterns of employment and wage distribution; and highlight the breadth of strategies needed to deliver more equitable outcomes.
We studied the variation in toxin profiles of purified extracts of 10 individual specimens and two pools of ciguateric Caranx latus. High-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) identified in all individual samples at least seven Caribbean ciguatoxins (C-CTXs) comprising C-CTX-1 and its epimer C-CTX-2 ([M + H](+) m/z 1141.58), and five new C-CTX congeners with pseudo-molecular ions at m/z 1141.58, 1143.60, 1157.57, 1159.58, and 1127.57. In some samples, additional C-CTX isomers were detected with [M + H](+) ions at m/z 1141.58 (two), 1143.60 (one) and 1157.57 (two). The two low-toxic pools contained only four to six ciguatoxins. The comparison in relative proportions of four different mass classes ([M + H](+) at m/z 1141, 1143, 1157 and 1127) showed that the group at m/z 1157 increased (2-20%) with flesh toxicity. More than 80% of group m/z 1141 comprised C-CTX-1, C-CTX-2 and their isomer C-CTX-1 a whose level in this group correlated with fish toxicity. Contrary to low-toxic fishes, high-risk specimens had C-CTX-1 levels