38 resultados para Supporting methodology
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
For purposes of interstate and international fruit trade, it is necessary to demonstrate that in areas in which fruit fly species have not previously established permanent populations, but which are subject to introductions of fruit flies from outside the area, the introduced population once detected, has not become established. In this paper, we apply methodology suggested mainly by Carey (1991, 1995) to introductions of Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata Weid., and Queensland fruit fly (QFF) Bactrocera tryoni Froggatt (Diptera: Tephritidae) to South Australia, a state in which these species do not occur naturally and in which introductions, once detected, are actively treated. By analysing historical data associated with fruit fly outbreaks in South Australia, we demonstrate that: (i) fruit flies occur seasonally, as would occur in established populations, except there is no evidence of the critical spring generation of either species; (ii) there is no evidence of increasing frequency of outbreaks, trapped flies or larval occurrences over 29 years; (iii) there is no evidence of decreasing time between catches of adult flies as the years progress; (iv) there is no decrease in the mean number of years between outbreaks in the same locations; (v) there is no statistically significant recurrence of outbreaks in the same locations in successive years; (vi) there is no evidence of spread of outbreaks outwards from a central location; (vii) the likelihood of outbreaks in a city or town is related to the size of the human population; (viii) introduction pathways by road from Western Australia (for Medfly) and eastern Australia (for QFF) are shown to exist and to illegally or accidentally carry considerable amounts of fruit into South Australia; and (ix) there was no association between the numbers of either Queensland fruit fly or Medfly and the spatial pattern of either loquat or cumquat trees as sources of larval food in spring. This analysis supports the hypothesis that most fruit fly outbreaks in South Australia have been the result of separate introductions of infested fruit by vehicular traffic and that most of the resultant fly outbreaks were detected and died out within a few weeks of the application of eradication procedures. An alternative hypothesis, that populations of fruit flies are established in South Australia at below detectable levels, is impossible to disprove with conventional technology, but the likelihood of it being true is minimised by our analysis. Both hypotheses could be tested soon with newly developed genetic techniques.
Global Software Development (GSD) is an emerging distributive software engineering practice, in which a higher communication overhead due to temporal and geographical separation among developers is traded with gains in reduced development cost, improved flexibility and mobility for developers, increased access to skilled resource-pools and convenience of customer involvements. However, due to its distributive nature, GSD faces many fresh challenges in aspects relating to project coordination, awareness, collaborative coding and effective communication. New software engineering methodologies and processes are required to address these issues. Research has shown that, with adequate support tools, Distributed Extreme Programming (DXP) – a distributive variant of an agile methodology – Extreme Programming (XP) can be both efficient and beneficial to GDS projects. In this paper, we present the design and realization of a collaborative environment, called Moomba, which assists a distributed team in both instantiation and execution of a DXP process in GSD projects.
A simple design process for the design of elliptical cross-section, transverse gradient coils for use in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is presented. This process is based on a flexible stochastic optimization method and results in designs of high linearity and efficiency with low switching times. A design study of a shielded, transverse asymmetric elliptical coil set for use in neural imaging is presented and includes the minimization of the torques experienced by the gradient set.
An inverse methodology is described to assist in the design of radio-frequency (RF) coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. The time-harmonic electromagnetic Green's functions are used to calculate current on the coil and shield cylinders that will generate a specified internal magnetic field. Stream function techniques and the method of moments are then used to implement this theoretical current density into an RF coil. A novel asymmetric coil operating for a 4.5 T MRI machine was designed and constructed using this methodology and the results are presented.
The earth's tectonic plates are strong, viscoelastic shells which make up the outermost part of a thermally convecting, predominantly viscous layer. Brittle failure of the lithosphere occurs when stresses are high. In order to build a realistic simulation of the planet's evolution, the complete viscoelastic/brittle convection system needs to be considered. A particle-in-cell finite element method is demonstrated which can simulate very large deformation viscoelasticity with a strain-dependent yield stress. This is applied to a plate-deformation problem. Numerical accuracy is demonstrated relative to analytic benchmarks, and the characteristics of the method are discussed.
The classification rules of linear discriminant analysis are defined by the true mean vectors and the common covariance matrix of the populations from which the data come. Because these true parameters are generally unknown, they are commonly estimated by the sample mean vector and covariance matrix of the data in a training sample randomly drawn from each population. However, these sample statistics are notoriously susceptible to contamination by outliers, a problem compounded by the fact that the outliers may be invisible to conventional diagnostics. High-breakdown estimation is a procedure designed to remove this cause for concern by producing estimates that are immune to serious distortion by a minority of outliers, regardless of their severity. In this article we motivate and develop a high-breakdown criterion for linear discriminant analysis and give an algorithm for its implementation. The procedure is intended to supplement rather than replace the usual sample-moment methodology of discriminant analysis either by providing indications that the dataset is not seriously affected by outliers (supporting the usual analysis) or by identifying apparently aberrant points and giving resistant estimators that are not affected by them.
As nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy move inexorably toward higher field-strength magnets in search of improved signal-to-noise ratio, spectral resolution, and spatial resolution, the way in which radiofrequency (RF) probes are designed changes. At higher frequencies, resonant cavities become the favored RF ''coil'' type and may be built using streamline elements to reduce the inductance of the system. In modeling such systems, the quasi-static approach of assuming that current flows evenly in all conductor cross sections and that adjacent conductors do not affect each other becomes less reasonable. The proximity of RF conductors in resonators typically causes RF eddy currents to flow, whereby the current density in each rung is altered by the RF fields generated by nearby conductors. The proper understanding and prediction of how resonators will perform require a model of the current densities flowing in conducting sections, including all RF eddy current effects. Very few models of this type have been presented in the literature. This article presents an overview of one such model and of how it may be applied to a variety of resonators, both shielded and unshielded, circular, and elliptical, in cross section. Results are presented from a shielded head coil operating at 2 tesla. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A program can be refined either by transforming the whole program or by refining one of its components. The refinement of a component is, for the main part, independent of the remainder of the program. However, refinement of a component can depend on the context of the component for information about the variables that are in scope and what their types are. The refinement can also take advantage of additional information, such as any precondition the component can assume. The aim of this paper is to introduce a technique, which we call program window inference, to handle such contextual information during derivations in the refinement calculus. The idea is borrowed from a technique, called window inference, for handling context in theorem proving. Window inference is the primary proof paradigm of the Ergo proof editor. This tool has been extended to mechanize refinement using program window inference. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
A methodology, based on a combination of routinely performed analyses and investigation of fundamental charge and anion sorption properties, was used to characterize the soils of the humid forest zone of Cameroon, In general, the soils have about 2 cmol kg(-1) permanent negative charge, with about 1 cmol kg(-1) from variable-charge sources at current soil pH values, Furthermore, they are impoverished with respect to Ca, Mg, and K, while Al frequently dominates the exchange complex. Thus, the ability of these soils to retain base cations is more limited than is suggested by the cation-exchange capacity (CEC), Therefore we propose the concept of a degradation index (DI) defined as: DI = 100(CEC5.5 - sum of basic cations)/CEC5.5, where CEC5.5 is the CEC measured at pH 5.5, This index encompasses degradation a soil may have experienced from natural or man-made causes, Extractable PO4 concentrations are considered very low and the soils have a moderate to high capacity to fix added PO4. Surface soil SO4 concentrations are considered marginal to deficient for plant growth, though adequate reserves of SO4 are held in the subsoil by SO4 sorption, The approach used demonstrated that the five morphologically different soil profile classes identified in the zone have similar chemical characteristics. Thus, the results of experimentation conducted on one of the soil profile classes will be applicable throughout the zone, Furthermore, the approach has provided a means of identifying comparable soil types in other parts of the world and will guide technology transfer, The analytical methods used in this study are relatively simple and require no specialized equipment, and are therefore within the capabilities of many laboratories in the developing world.