6 resultados para Subsoil

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Unusually high concentrations of exchangeable-NH4+ (up to 270 kg-N/ha) were observed in a Vertisol below 1 m in southeast Queensland. This study aimed to identify the source of this NH4+. Preliminary sampling of native vegetation and cropping areas had found that elevated NH4+was only present under cropped soil, indicating that clearing was linked to the NH4+formation. Mechanisms of NH4+formation that may have occurred in the subsoil after clearing were hypothesised to be a) mineralisation of organic-N; b) NO3- reduction to NH4+; and/or c) the release of fixed-NH4+. In addition it was proposed that nitrification was inhibited in the subsoil, and that this allowed any NH4+formed to accumulate over time. Incubation experiments to examine nitrification rates revealed that nitrification was undetectable, and appeared to be limited by a combination of subsoil acidity and low numbers of nitrifying organisms. Mineralisation studies also revealed that the mineralisation of organic-N was undetectable, and that mineralising organisms were limited by acidity. A small amount of nitrate ammonification could be observed with the aid of a 15N tracer if the soil was waterlogged. However, this NH4+was insufficient to account for the overall NH4+accumulation, and these waterlogged conditions were not observed in the field. Concentrations of fixed- NH4+ measured were also too low to have been responsible for the accumulation of exchangeable-NH4+. It was concluded that none of the proposed hypotheses of NH4+formation could account for the NH4+accumulation observed.


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High concentrations of ammonium (up to 0.1 cmol/kg) have been observed below 1 m depth in a Vertosol soil near Warra in south-eastern Queensland. This study examined whether ammonium leaching could be responsible for the ammonium accumulation observed in the Warra soil. This was done by using quantity/intensity (Q/I) relationships to compare the ammonium retention capacity of the Warra soil with other similar soils throughout the region that did not contain elevated subsoil ammonium concentrations. Analysis of Q/I curves revealed that in the concentration range studied, the amount of ammonium retained on high affinity adsorption sites in all 3 soils was low, and the Warra soil was not significantly different from the other 2 soils. The ability of the soils to retain ammonium in the soil solution against leaching [i.e. their potential buffer capacity (PBC)] did differ between soils and was greatest at Warra. This indicates that at any one time the Warra soil holds more ammonium on the exchange complex and less in solution than the other soils examined. It was concluded that ammonium is no more likely to leach through the surface horizons of the Warra soil than the other soils examined. Indeed, the data indicated that the Warra soil probably has greater capacity to retain ammonium against leaching due to its greater PBC. Consequently, it is considered unlikely that leaching of ammonium has been a major contributor to the subsoil ammonium concentrations at Warra.


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Pesticides in soil are subject to a number of processes that result in transformation and biodegradation, sorption to and desorption from soil components, and diffusion and leaching. Pesticides leaching through a soil profile will be exposed to changing environmental conditions as different horizons with distinct physical, chemical and biological properties are encountered. The many ways in which soil properties influence pesticide retention and degradation need to be addressed to allow accurate predictions of environmental fate and the potential for groundwater pollution. Degradation and sorption processes were investigated in a long-term (100 days) study of the chloroacetanilide herbicide, acetochlor. Soil cores were collected from a clay soil profile and samples taken from 0-30cm (surface), 1.0-1.3m (mid) and 2.7-3.0m (deep) and treated with acetochlor (2.5, 1.25, 0.67 mu g acetochlor g(-1) dry wt soil, respectively). In sterile and non-sterile conditions, acetochlor concentration in the aqueous phase declined rapidly from the surface and subsoil layers, predominantly through nonextractable residue (NER) formation on soil surfaces, but also through biodegradation and biotic transformation. Abiotic transformation was also evident in the sterile soils. Several metabolites were produced, including acetochlor-ethane sulphonic acid and acetochlor-oxanilic acid. Transformation was principally microbial in origin, as shown by the differences between non-sterile and sterile soils. NER formation increased rapidly over the first 21 days in all soils and was mainly associated with the macroaggregate (> 2000 mu m diameter) size fractions. It is likely that acetochlor is incorporated into the macroaggregates through oxidative coupling, as humification of particulate organic matter progresses. The dissipation (ie total loss of acetochlor) half-life values were 9.3 (surface), 12.3 (mid) and 12.6 days (deep) in the non-sterile soils, compared with 20.9 [surface], 23.5 [mid], and 24 days [deep] in the sterile soils, demonstrating the importance of microbially driven processes in the rapid dissipation of acetochlor in soil.


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Survival of vegetation on soil-capped mining wastes is often impaired during dry seasons due to the limited amount of water stored in the shallow soil capping. Growth and survival of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) during soil drying on various layered capping sequences constructed of combinations of topsoil, subsoil, seawater-neutralised residue sand and low grade bauxite was determined in a glasshouse. The aim was to describe the survival of Rhodes grass in terms of plant and soil water relationships. The soil water characteristic curve and soil texture analysis was a good predictor of plant survival. The combination of soil with a high water holding capacity and low soil water diffusivity (e.g. subsoil with high clay contents) with soil having a high water holding capacity and high diffusivity (e.g. residue sand) gave best survival during drying down (up to 88 days without water), whereas topsoil and low grade bauxite were unsuitable (plants died within 18-39 days). Clayey soil improved plant survival by triggering a water stress response during peak evaporative water demand once residue sand dried down and its diffusivity fell below a critical range. Thus, for revegetation in seasonally dry climates, soil capping should combine one soil with low diffusivity and one or more soils with high total water holding capacity and high diffusivity.


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The effect of soil puddling on growth of lowland rice (Oryza sativa) and post-rice mungbean (Vigna radiata) was investigated using mini rice beds under controlled glasshouse conditions. Each mini rice bed was approximately 1 m(3) in size. Three different soil types were used: a well-drained, permeable loam; a hardsetting, structurally unstable silty loam; and a medium clay. Rice yields were reduced by low puddling compared with high puddling intensity on the loam but not affected on the heavier textured soils (silty loam and clay). Yield of mungbean was reduced on highly puddle, structurally unstable soil, indicating that puddling should be reduced on structurally unstable soils. Under glasshouse condition where crop establishment was not a limiting factor and plant available water in 0.65 m of soil was 100 mm, mungbean yields of >1 t/ha were achieved. However, under conditions where subsoil water reserves were depleted for the production of vegetative biomass during initial optimal growing condition, grain yield remained well below 1 t/ha.