113 resultados para Strenght in the lower members

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Objectives: To assess narrowing of the inferior dental canal in the lower third molar regions using computed tomography (CT) and to determine the value of radiographic markers on rotational panoramic radiographs in assessing the true relationships of the inferior dental canal. Methods: Patients referred for CT assessment of impacted lower third molars were used in this study. The lower third molars were assessed using CT to determine the position and morphology of the inferior dental canal relative to the roots and the cortical plates. The radiographic markers on rotational panoramic radiographs were correlated with the CT findings when rotational panoramic radiographs were available. Results: The patients referred had 202 lower third molars. Inferior positioning of the inferior dental canal was the most common location on CT. Narrowing of the inferior dental canal was found in relation to the lower third molars in 66.8% of cases. The chance of narrowing of the inferior dental canal as shown using CT increased when at least one of the radiographic markers, superimposition, narrowing, deviation or reduction in density was present on the rotational panoramic radiograph. Deviation of the inferior dental canal on rotational panoramic radiographs was found to be the most significant predictor of narrowing of the inferior dental canal and a close relationship to the roots, as shown in CT. Conclusions: Narrowing of the inferior dental canal is a common finding when impacted lower third molars are assessed using CT. On rotational panoramic radiographs deviation of the inferior dental canal is the best predictor of narrowing of the inferior dental canal and a close relationship to the roots.


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Molecular investigation of the origin of colour vision has discovered five visual pigment (opsin) genes, all of which are expressed in an agnathan (jawless) fish, the lamprey Geotria australis. Lampreys are extant representatives of an ancient group of vertebrates whose origins are thought to date back to at least the early Cambrian, approximately 540 million years ago [1.]. Phylogenetic analysis has identified the visual pigment opsin genes of G. australis as orthologues of the major classes of vertebrate opsin genes. Therefore, multiple opsin genes must have originated very early in vertebrate evolution, prior to the separation of the jawed and jawless vertebrate lineages, and thereby provided the genetic basis for colour vision in all vertebrate species. The southern hemisphere lamprey Geotria australis (Figure 1A,B) possesses a predominantly cone-based visual system designed for photopic (bright light) vision [2. S.P. Collin, I.C. Potter and C.R. Braekevelt, The ocular morphology of the southern hemisphere lamprey Geotria australis Gray, with special reference to optical specializations and the characterisation and phylogeny of photoreceptor types. Brain Behav. Evol. 54 (1999), pp. 96–111.2. and 3.]. Previous work identified multiple cone types suggesting that the potential for colour vision may have been present in the earliest members of this group. In order to trace the molecular evolution and origins of vertebrate colour vision, we have examined the genetic complement of visual pigment opsins in G. australis.


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The temporal parameters of the response of the trunk muscles associated with movement of the lower limb were investigated in people with and without low back pain (LBP). The weight shift component of the task was completed voluntarily prior to a stimulus to move to allow investigation of the movement component of the response. In the control subjects the onset of electromyographic (EMG) activity of all trunk muscles preceded that of the muscle responsible for limb movement, thus contributing to the feed forward postural response. The EMG onset of transversus abdominis was delayed in the LBP subjects with movement in each direction, while the EMG onsets of rectus abdominis, erector spinae, and oblique abdominal muscles were delayed with specific movement directions. This result provides evidence of a change in the postural control of the trunk in people with LBP.


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The report was commissioned by the Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programmes in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes, especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. These target groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, students with a language background other than English, rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years. The project involved large scale national and international literature reviews on Australian and international middle years approaches as well as an analysis of key literacy and numeracy teaching and learning strategies being used. In the report, there is emergent evidence of the relative efficacy of a combination of explicit state policy, dedicated funding and curriculum and professional development frameworks that are focused on the improvement of classroom pedagogy in the middle years. The programs that evidenced the greatest current and potential value for target group students tended to have developed in state policy environments that encouraged a structural rather than adjunct approach to middle years innovations. The authors conclude that in order to translate the gains made into sustainable improvement of educational results in literacy and numeracy for target groups, there is a need for a second generation of middle years theorising, research, development and practice.


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This research project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programs in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes - especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. The latter groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) communities, students with a Language Background Other than English (hereafter LBOTE), rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years.


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Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus causing severe encephalitis with a resultant high morbidity and mortality. In the period 1989-1993. we undertook a cross-sectional and longitudinal studs by annually screening members of a small remote Aboriginal community in northwestern Australia for MVE virus antibodies. Of the estimated 250-300 people in the community. 249 were tested, and 52.6% had positive serology to MVE. The proportion testing positive increased with increasing age group. and males were slightly more likely to be positive than females. During the study period. a high proportion of the population seroconverted to MVE: the clinical/subclinical ratio seems to be lower than previously reported. Although MVE is mostly asymptomatic, the devastating consequences of clinical illness indicate that advice should be provided regarding the avoidance of mosquito bites. Our longitudinal study showed that the risk of seroconversion was similar for each age group. not just the young.


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It is generally acknowledged that it is no longer socially acceptable to espouse prejudiced beliefs, yet prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behaviours still occur. The present study sought to determine when and by whom prejudiced attitudes would be expressed. Specifically, an experiment was conducted to examine the impact of injunctive social norms emanating from a social group with which participants identified and participants' level of homophobia on the expression of opinions about gay men. Participants were presented with information indicating that the majority of group members agreed with a number of prejudiced injunctive statements (pro-prejudice norm), that the majority disagreed with the statements (anti-prejudice norm), or they were given no information about other group members' opinions (control). Participants then reported their own responses to the same injunctive statements. Participants' levels of homophobia were assessed either before or after they were given the normative information. The results indicated that activation of a pro-prejudice injunctive norm for those higher in homophobia resulted in more prejudiced opinions being expressed in comparison to those who received no normative information or those who had a nonprejudiced norm activated. Those lower in homophobia expressed less prejudiced opinions than those higher in homophobia and this did not differ as a function of social norm. The results demonstrate how prejudice can come to be expressed even in the presence of a broad societal norm that suggests that is it wrong to express such opinions.


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This study explored the impact of downsizing on levels of uncertainty, coworker and management trust, and communicative effectiveness in a health care organization downsizing during a 2-year period from 660 staff to 350 staff members. Self-report data were obtained from employees who were staying (survivors), from employees were being laid off (victims), and from employees with and without managerial responsibilities. Results indicated that downsizing had a similar impact on the amount of trust that survivors and victims had for management. However, victims reported feeling lower levels of trust toward their colleagues compared with survivors. Contrary to expectations, survivors and victims reported similar perceptions of job and organizational uncertainty and similar levels of information received about changes. Employees with no management responsibilities and middle managers both reported lower scores than did senior managers on all aspects of information received. Implications for practice and the management of the communication process are discussed.


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Orthotic therapy is frequently advocated for the treatment Of musculoskeletal pain and injury of the lower limb. The clinical efficacy, mechanical effects, and Underlying mechanism of the action of foot orthotics has not been Conclusively determined making it difficult for practitioners to agree on a reliable and valid clinical approach to their application and indeed even their fabrication. This problem is compounded by evidence suggesting that the most commonly used approach for orthotic prescription, the (Biomechanical Evaluation of the Foot. Vol. 1. Clinical Biomechanics Corporation, Los Angeles, 1971) approach, has poor validity and many of the associated clinical measurements of that approach lack adequate levels of reliability. This paper proposes a new approach that is based on two key elements. One is the identification, verification and quantification of physical tasks that serve as client specific outcome measures. The second is the application of specific physical manipulations during the performance of these physical tasks. The physical manipulations are selected on the basis of motion dysfunction and their immediate effects on the client specific outcome measures serve as the basis to making an informed decision on the propriety of using orthotics in individual clients. The motion dysfunction also guides the type of orthotic that is applied. Practical case examples as well Lis generic and specific guidelines to the application of this clinical assessment process and orthotics are provided in this paper. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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We present 547 optical redshifts obtained for galaxies in the region of the Horologium-Reticulum supercluster (HRS) using the 6 degrees field (6dF) multifiber spectrograph on the UK Schmidt Telescope at the Anglo-Australian Observatory. The HRS covers an area of more than 12 degrees x 12 degrees on the sky centered at approximately alpha = 03(h)19(m), delta = 50 degrees 02'. Our 6dF observations concentrate on the intercluster regions of the HRS, from which we describe four primary results. First, the HRS spans at least the redshift range from 17,000 to 22,500 km s(-1). Second, the overdensity of galaxies in the intercluster regions of the HRS in this redshift range is estimated to be 2.4, or delta rho/(rho) over bar similar to 1: 4. Third, we find a systematic trend of increasing redshift along a southeast-northwest spatial axis in the HRS, in that the mean redshift of HRS members increases by more than 1500 km s(-1) from southeast to northwest over a 12 degrees region. Fourth, the HRS is bimodal in redshift with a separation of similar to 2500 km s(-1) (35 Mpc) between the higher and lower redshift peaks. This fact is particularly evident if the above spatial-redshift trend is fitted and removed. In short, the HRS appears to consist of two components in redshift space, each one exhibiting a similar systematic spatial-redshift trend along a southeast-northwest axis. Lastly, we compare these results from the HRS with the Shapley supercluster and find similar properties and large-scale features.