9 resultados para Stimuli de deuxième ordre
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The effect that the difficulty of the discrimination between task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimuli has on the relationship between skin conductance orienting and secondary task reaction time (RT) was examined. Participants (N = 72) counted the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and ignored presentations of another shape (task-irrelevant). The difficulty of discriminating between the two shapes varied across three groups (low, medium, and high difficulty). Simultaneous with the primary counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to acoustic probes presented 50, 150, and 2000 ms following shape onset. Skin conductance orienting was larger, and secondary RT at the 2000 ms probe position was slower during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes in the low-difficulty group. This difference declined as the discrimination difficulty was increased, such that there was no difference in the high-difficulty group. Secondary RT was slower during task-irrelevant shapes than during task-relevant shapes only in the medium-difficulty group-and only at the 150 ms probe position in the first half of the experiment. The close relationship between autonomic orienting and secondary RT at the 2000 ms probe position suggests that orienting reflects the resource allocation that results from the number of matching features between a stimulus input and a mental representation primed as significant.
In four experiments ERPs to emotional (negative and positive) and neutral stimuli were examined as a function of participants’ trait anxiety and repressivedefensiveness. The experiments investigated the time course of attentional bias in the processing of such stimuli. Pictures of angry, happy, and neutral faces were used in two of the experiments and pictures ofmutilated, happy, and neutral faces were used in the others. ERP’s to emotional and neutral stimuli were recorded from parietal, temporal, and frontal sites. Analysis of the P3 component indicated that the peak magnitude of the P3 at the parietal and temporal sites reflected an interactive function of trait anxiety and defensiveness. Repressors (low reported anxiety, high defensiveness) showed a consistent pattern of greater P3 magnitude at the parietal and temporal sites for emotional faces (angry, happy, and mutilated) than did high-anxious and low-anxious participants. Participants did not differ in P3 magnitude when ERPs to neutral stimuli were investigated (e.g., a fixation cross). The findings indicate that Repressors dedicate greater processing resources to emotional material, as compared to neutral material, than either the high-anxious or low-anxious individuals. Results of the four experiments are discussed within the theoretical framework of Derakshan and Eysenck (1998). The importance of understanding the role of differences in information processing, in the experience and avoidance of emotional information, as a function of trait anxiety and defensiveness is emphasized.
We compared the responsiveness of the LGN and the early retinotopic cortical areas to stimulation of the two cone-opponent systems (red - green and blue - yellow) and the achromatic system. This was done at two contrast levels to control for any effect of contrast. MR images were acquired on seven subjects with a 4T Bruker MedSpec scanner. The early visual cortical areas were localised by phase encoded retinotopic mapping with a volumetric analysis (Dumoulin et al, 2003 NeuroImage 18 576 - 587). We initially located the LGN in four subjects by using flickering stimuli in a separate scanning session, but subsequently identified it using the experimental stimuli. Experimental stimuli were sine-wave counterphasing rings (2 Hz, 0.5 cycle deg-1), cardinal for the selective activation of the L/M cone-opponent (RG), S cone-opponent (BY), and achromatic (Ach) systems. A region of interest analysis was performed. When presented at equivalent absolute contrasts (cone contrast = 5% - 6%), the BOLD response of the LGN is strongest to isoluminant red - green stimuli and weakest to blue - yellow stimuli, with the achromatic response falling in between. Area V1, on the other hand, responds best to both chromatic stimuli, with the achromatic response falling below. The key change from the LGN to V1 is a dramatic boost in the relative blue - yellow response, which occurred at both contrast levels used. This greatly enhanced cortical response to blue - yellow relative to the red - green and achromatic responses may be due to an increase in cell number and/or cell response between the LGN and V1. We speculate that the effect might reflect the operation of contrast constancy across colour mechanisms at the cortical level.
OBJECTIVE: To establish body mass index (BMI) norms for standard figural stimuli using a large Caucasian population-based sample. In addition, we sought to determine the effectiveness of the figural stimuli to identify individuals as obese or thin. DESIGN: All Caucasian twins born in Virginia between 1915 and 1971 were identified by public birth record. In addition, 3347 individual twins responded to a letter published in the newsletter of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). All adult twins (aged 18 and over) from both of these sources and their family members were mailed a 16 page 'Health and Lifestyle' questionnaire. SUBJECTS: BMI and silhouette data were available on 16 728 females and 11 366 males ranging in age from 18- 100. MEASUREMENTS: Self-report information on height-weight, current body size, desired body size and a discrepancy score using standard figural stimuli. RESULTS: Gender- and age-specific norms are presented linking BMI to each of the figural stimuli. Additional norms for desired body size and discrepancy scores are also presented. Receiver operating curves (ROC) indicate that the figural stimuli are effective in classifying individuals as obese or thin. CONCLUSIONS: With the establishment of these norms, the silhouettes used in standard body image assessment can now be linked to BMI. Differences were observed between women and men in terms of desired body size and discrepancy scores, with women preferring smaller sizes. The figural stimuli are a robust technique for classifying individuals as obese or thin.
The present research investigated blink startle modulation during the anticipation of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral pictures. In Experiment 1 (N = 18), participants were presented with three different tone-picture pairings. Tones differed in pitch and were followed by pleasant, neutral or unpleasant pictures. Acoustic blink reflexes were elicited during some tones and during stimulus free intervals. Blink facilitation during tones that preceded pleasant and unpleasant pictures was larger than during the tone that preceded neutral pictures. Experiment 2 (N = 10) assessed whether this difference was due to a difference in the presentation frequency of the three conditions. No difference in blink facilitation between the conditions was found when pictures of flowers and mushrooms replaced the pleasant and unpleasant pictures, indicating that picture content was instrumental in causing the differential blink facilitation in Experiment 1. The results from Experiment 1 seem to indicate that startle modulation during the anticipation of pictorial material reflects the interest in or the arousal associated with the pictures rather than picture valence.
We investigated the effects of conditional stimulus fear-relevance and of instructed extinction on human Pavlovian conditioning as indexed by electrodermal responses and verbal ratings of conditional stimulus unpleasantness. Half of the participants (n = 64) were trained with pictures of snakes and spiders (fear-relevant) as conditional stimuli, whereas the others were trained with pictures of flowers and mushrooms (fear-irrelevant) in a differential aversive Pavlovian conditioning procedure. Half of the participants in each group were instructed after the completion of acquisition that no more unconditional stimuli were to be presented. Extinction of differential electrodermal responses required more trials after training with fear-relevant pictures. Moreover, there was some evidence that verbal instructions did not affect extinction of second interval electrodermal responses to fear-relevant pictures. However, neither fear-relevance nor instructions affected the changes in rated conditional stimulus pleasantness. This dissociation across measures is interpreted as reflecting renewal of Pavlovian learning.
The present series of experiments was designed to assess whether rule-based accounts of Pavlovian learning can account for cue competition effects observed after elemental training. All experiments involved initial differential conditioning training with A-US and B alone presentations. Miscuing refers to the fact that responding to A is impaired after one B-US presentation whereas interference is the impairment of responding to A after presentation of C-US pairings. Omission refers to the effects on B of A alone presentations. Experiments 1-2a provided clear evidence for miscuing whereas interference was not found after 1, 5 or 10 C-US pairings. Moreover, Experiments 3 and 3a found only weak evidence for interference in an A-US, B I C-US, D I A design used previously to show the effect. Experiments 4 and 5 failed to find any effect of US omission after one or five omission trials. The present results indicate that miscuing is more robust than is the interference effect. Moreover, the asymmetrical effects of US miscuing and US omission are difficult to accommodate within rule-based accounts of Pavlovian conditioning. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.