38 resultados para Space-time intervention

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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This paper derives the performance union bound of space-time trellis codes in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system (STTC-OFDM) over quasi-static frequency selective fading channels based on the distance spectrum technique. The distance spectrum is the enumeration of the codeword difference measures and their multiplicities by exhausted searching through all the possible error event paths. Exhaustive search approach can be used for low memory order STTC with small frame size. However with moderate memory order STTC and moderate frame size the computational cost of exhaustive search increases exponentially, and may become impractical for high memory order STTCs. This requires advanced computational techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GAS). In this paper, a GA with sharing function method is used to locate the multiple solutions of the distance spectrum for high memory order STTCs. Simulation evaluates the performance union bound and the complexity comparison of non-GA aided and GA aided distance spectrum techniques. It shows that the union bound give a close performance measure at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). It also shows that GA sharing function method based distance spectrum technique requires much less computational time as compared with exhaustive search approach but with satisfactory accuracy.


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Arriving in Brisbane some six years ago, I could not help being impressed by what may be prosaically described as its atmospheric amenity resources. Perhaps this in part was due to my recent experiences in major urban centres in North America, but since that time, that sparkling quality and the blue skies seem to have progressively diminished. Unfortunately, there is also objective evidence available to suggest that this apparent deterioration is not merely the result of habituation of the senses. Air pollution data for the city show trends of increasing concentrations of those very substances that have destroyed the attractiveness of major population centres elsewhere, with climates initially as salubrious. Indeed, present figures indicate that photochemical smog in unacceptably high concentrations is rapidly becoming endemic also over Brisbane. These regrettable developments should come as no surprise. The society at large has not been inclined to respond purposefully to warnings of impending environmental problems, despite the experiences and publicity from overseas and even from other cities within Australia. Nor, up to the present, have certain politicians and government officials displayed stances beyond those necessary for the maintenance of a decorum of concern. At this stage, there still exists the possibility for meaningful government action without the embarrassment of losing political favour with the electorate. To the contrary, there is every chance that such action may be turned to advantage with increased public enlightenment. It would be more than a pity to miss perhaps the final remaining opportunity: Queensland is one of the few remaining places in the world with sufficient resources to permit both rational development and high environmental quality. The choice appears to be one of making a relatively minor investment now for a large financial and social gain the near future, or, permitting Brisbane to degenerate gradually into just another stagnated Los Angeles or Sydney. The present monograph attempts to introduce the problem by reviewing the available research on air quality in the Brisbane area. It also tries to elucidate some seemingly obvious, but so far unapplied management approaches. By necessity, such a broad treatment needs to make inroads into extensive ranges of subject areas, including political and legal practices to public perceptions, scientific measurement and statistical analysis to dynamics of air flow. Clearly, it does not pretend to be definitive in any of these fields, but it does try to emphasize those adjustable facets of the human use system of natural resources, too often neglected in favour of air pollution control technology. The crossing of disciplinary boundaries, however, needs no apology: air quality problems are ubiquitous, touching upon space, time and human interaction.


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Algorithms for explicit integration of structural dynamics problems with multiple time steps (subcycling) are investigated. Only one such algorithm, due to Smolinski and Sleith has proved to be stable in a classical sense. A simplified version of this algorithm that retains its stability is presented. However, as with the original version, it can be shown to sacrifice accuracy to achieve stability. Another algorithm in use is shown to be only statistically stable, in that a probability of stability can be assigned if appropriate time step limits are observed. This probability improves rapidly with the number of degrees of freedom in a finite element model. The stability problems are shown to be a property of the central difference method itself, which is modified to give the subcycling algorithm. A related problem is shown to arise when a constraint equation in time is introduced into a time-continuous space-time finite element model. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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A causally well-behaved solution of the localization problem for the free electron is given, with natural space-time transformation properties, in terms of Dirac's position operator x. It is shown that, although x is not an observable in the usual sense, and has no positive-energy (generalized) eigenstates, the four-vector density (rho(x, t), j(x, t)/c) is observable, and can be localized arbitrarily precisely about any point in space, at any instant of time, using only positive energy states. A suitable spin operator can be diagonalized at the same time.


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Genetic algorithms (GAs) are known to locate the global optimal solution provided sufficient population and/or generation is used. Practically, a near-optimal satisfactory result can be found by Gas with a limited number of generations. In wireless communications, the exhaustive searching approach is widely applied to many techniques, such as maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) and distance spectrum (DS) techniques. The complexity of the exhaustive searching approach in the MLD or the DS technique is exponential in the number of transmit antennas and the size of the signal constellation for the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems. If a large number of antennas and a large size of signal constellations, e.g. PSK and QAM, are employed in the MIMO systems, the exhaustive searching approach becomes impractical and time consuming. In this paper, the GAs are applied to the MLD and DS techniques to provide a near-optimal performance with a reduced computational complexity for the MIMO systems. Two different GA-based efficient searching approaches are proposed for the MLD and DS techniques, respectively. The first proposed approach is based on a GA with sharing function method, which is employed to locate the multiple solutions of the distance spectrum for the Space-time Trellis Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (STTC-OFDM) systems. The second approach is the GA-based MLD that attempts to find the closest point to the transmitted signal. The proposed approach can return a satisfactory result with a good initial signal vector provided to the GA. Through simulation results, it is shown that the proposed GA-based efficient searching approaches can achieve near-optimal performance, but with a lower searching complexity comparing with the original MLD and DS techniques for the MIMO systems.


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This paper uses the international education sector in Australia as a case study to argue against understanding globalization as an exogenous force. It introduces the notion of globalization as a governmentality and discusses alternative interpretations which take into account notions of subjectivity, positionality and space/time. The paper examines the types of global imaginaries used to govern international education. A discourse of cultural hybridity is mobilized to construct Australia as a safe multicultural study destination. The expressions of hybridity which are sanctioned within the international university are scripted by a neoliberal text, limiting the possibilities for more sophisticated intellectual engagements with the global.


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An inverse methodology for the design of biologically loaded radio-frequency (RF) coils for magnetic resonance imaging applications is described. Free space time-harmonic electromagnetic Green's functions and de-emphasized B-1 target fields are used to calculate the current density on the coil cylinder. In theory, with the B-1 field de-emphasized in the middle of the RF transverse plane, the calculated current distribution can generate an internal magnetic field that can reduce the central overemphasis effect caused by field/tissue interactions at high frequencies. The current distribution of a head coil operating at 4 T (170 MHz) is calculated using an inverse methodology with de-emphasized B-1. target fields. An in-house finite-difference time-domain routine is employed to evaluate B-1 field and signal intensity inside a homogenous cylindrical phantom and then a complete human head model. A comparison with a conventional RF birdcage coil is carried out and demonstrates that this method can help in decreasing the normal bright region caused by field/tissue interactions in head images at 170 MHz and higher field strengths.


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An inverse methodology to assist in the design of radio-frequency (RF) head coils for high field MRI application is described in this work. Free space time-harmonic electromagnetic Green's functions and preemphasized B1 field are used to calculate the current density on the coil cylinder. With B1 field preemphasized and lowered in the middle of the RF transverse plane, the calculated current distribution can generate an internal magnetic field that can reduce the EM field/tissue interactions at high frequencies. The current distribution of a head coil operating at 4 T is calculated using inverse methodology with preemphasized B1 fields. FDTD is employed to calculate B1 field and signal intensity inside a homogenous cylindrical phantom and human head. A comparison with conventional RF birdcage coil is reported here and demonstrated that inverse-method designed coil with preemphasized B1 field can help in decreasing the notorious bright region caused by EM field/tissue interactions in the human head images at 4 T.


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The paper presents investigations into multiple input multiple output wireless communication systems, which are carried out from an electromagnetic perspective. The first part of the paper focuses on signal propagation models, which can be used for determining the MIMO system capacity or its performance when various space-time coding schemes are applied. Two types of models are considered. In the first model, array antennas are treated in an exact electromagnetic manner but interactions with scattering objects are incorporated using an approximate single bounce scattering approach. The other model is a simple but exact electromagnetic (EM) model, which takes into account EM interactions between antennas and scatterers. In this model, parallel wire dipoles represent antennas as well as scatterers. The second part of the paper reports on investigations into two types of MIMO testbeds. The first one is a simple transmit/receive diversity tested while the other one is a full MIMO testbed. The paper briefly describes the results obtained during the undertaken investigations


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In this paper, a channel emulator for assessing the performance of MIMO testbed implemented in a field programmable gate array technology is described. The FPGA based MIMO system includes a signal generator, modulation/demodulation and space time coding/decoding modules. The emulator uses information about a wireless channel from computer simulations or actual measurements. In simulations, a single bounce scattering model for an indoor environment is applied. The generated data is stored in the FPGA board. The tests are performed for a 2times2 MIMO system that uses Alamouti scheme for space coding/decoding. The performed tests show proper operation of the FPGA implemented MIMO testbed. Good agreement between the results using measured and simulated channel data is obtained.


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This paper describes the design of a Multiple Input Multiple Output testbed for assessing various MIMO transmission schemes in rich scattering indoor environments. In the undertaken design, a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board is used for fast processing of Intermediate Frequency signals. At the present stage, the testbed performance is assessed when the channel emulator between transmitter and receiver modules is introduced. Here, the results are presented for the case when a 2x2 Alamouti scheme for space time coding/decoding at transmitter and receiver is used. Various programming details of the FPGA board along with the obtained simulation results are reported


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Testing ecological models for management is an increasingly important part of the maturation of ecology as an applied science. Consequently, we need to work at applying fair tests of models with adequate data. We demonstrate that a recent test of a discrete time, stochastic model was biased towards falsifying the predictions. If the model was a perfect description of reality, the test falsified the predictions 84% of the time. We introduce an alternative testing procedure for stochastic models, and show that it falsifies the predictions only 5% of the time when the model is a perfect description of reality. The example is used as a point of departure to discuss some of the philosophical aspects of model testing.