4 resultados para South of Córdoba

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Pumicestone Passage is a narrow waterway that lies to the north of and adjacent to Moreton Bay, and between mainland Queensland and Bribie Island, Australia. Anecdotal reports have suggested that the Passage is home to dugongs year-round despite winter water temperatures that are known to cause dugongs to migrate elsewhere. To examine the pattern of distribution and abundance of dugongs within the passage on a year-round basis, eight years of sightings data collected by a charter boat operator were examined. Dedicated aerial surveys of the passage were also conducted at two-monthly intervals over two years, and more intensively over a single winter. Dugong sightings were examined in relation to water temperatures and seagrass prevalence. The number of dugongs sighted in the area on any one survey varied from 0 to 13. Dugongs were seen in all months of the year and in each of the eight winters, indicating that Pumicestone Passage is used year-round despite winter water temperatures dropping to below 18 degrees C from June to August inclusive and below 16 degrees C in June. All dugong sightings occurred in the southern part of the passage, south of Tripcony Bight. Dugongs were associated with shallows that support Halophila and Halodule species of seagrass, food species that are favoured elsewhere in their range. The northern part of the passage also supports seagrasses that are eaten by dugongs and has water temperature ranges that are not appreciably different to those of the southern passage. However, the narrow channels and very shallow nature of the northern passage provides little to no deep-water refugia for dugongs and the seagrass beds are less extensive. This study suggests that southern Pumicestone Passage requires protection concomitant with it being a year-round refuge of the vulnerable dugong.


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Widespread drought and record maximum temperatures in eastern Australia produced a large dust storm on 23 October, 2002 which traversed a large proportion of eastern Australia and engulfed communities along a 2000 km stretch of coastline from south of Sydney ( NSW) to north of Mackay ( Queensland). This event provided an opportunity for a study of the impacts of rural dust upon the air quality of four Australian cities. A simple model is used to predict dust concentrations, dust deposition rates and particle size characteristics of the airborne dust in the cities. The total dust load of the plume was 3.35 to 4.85 million tones, and assuming a ( conservative) plume height of 1500 m, 62 - 90% of this dust load was deposited in-transit to the coast. It is conservatively estimated that 3.5, 12.0, 2.1 and 1.7 kilotonnes of dust were deposited during the event in Sydney, Brisbane, Gladstone and Mackay, respectively. In the South East Queensland region, this deposition is equivalent to 40% of the total annual TSP emissions for the region. The event increased TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations and reduced the visibility beyond the health and amenity guidelines in the four cities. For example, the 24-h average PM10 concentrations in Brisbane and Mackay, were 161 and 475 mu g m(-3) respectively, compared with the Australian national ambient air quality standard of 50 mu g m(-3). The 24-h average PM2.5 concentration in Brisbane was 42 mu g m(-3), compared with the national advisory standard of 25 mu g m(-3). These rural dusts significantly increased PM10/TSP ratios and decreased PM2.5/PM10 ratios, indicating that most of the particles were between PM2.5 and PM10.


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The relationship between the production of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the upper ocean and atmospheric sulfate aerosols has been confirmed through local shipboard measurements, and global modeling studies alike. In order to examine whether such a connection may be recoverable in the satellite record, we have analyzed the correlation between mean surface chlorophyll (CHL) and aerosol optical depth (AOD) in the Southern Ocean, where the marine atmosphere is relatively remote from anthropogenic and continental influences. We carried out the analysis in 5-degree zonal bands between 50 degrees S and 70 degrees S, for the period ( 1997 - 2004), and in smaller meridional sectors in the Eastern Antarctic, Ross and Weddell seas. Seasonality is moderate to strong in both CHL and AOD signatures throughout the study regions. Coherence in the CHL and AOD time series is strong in the band between 50 degrees S and 60 degrees S, however this synchrony is absent in the sea-ice zone (SIZ) south of 60 degrees S. Marked interannual variability in CHL occurs south of 60 degrees S, presumably related to variability in sea-ice production during the previous winter. We find a clear latitudinal difference in the cross correlation between CHL and AOD, with the AOD peak preceding the CHL bloom by up to 6 weeks in the SIZ. This suggests that substantial trace gas emissions ( aerosol precursors) are being produced over the SIZ in spring ( October - December) as sea ice melts. This hypothesis is supported by field data that record extremely high levels of sulfur species in sea ice, surface seawater, and the overlying atmosphere during ice melt.


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Since 2002, the usually uncommon endemic filamentous brown alga Hincksia sordida (Harvey) Silva (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyta) has formed nuisance blooms annually during spring/early summer at Main Beach, Noosa on the subtropical east Australian coast. The Hincksia bloom coincides with the normally intensive recreational use of the popular bathing beach by the local population and tourists. The alga forms dense accumulations in the surf zone at Main Beach, giving the seawater a distinct brown coloration and deterring swimmers from entering the water. Decomposing algae stranded by receding tides emit a nauseating sulphurous stench which hangs over the beach. The stranded algal biomass is removed from the beach by bulldozers. During blooms, the usually crowded Main Beach is deserted, bathers preferring to use the many unaffected beaches on the Sunshine Coast to the south of Main Beach. The bloom worsens with north-easterly winds and is cleared from Noosa by south easterly winds, observations which have prompted the untenable proposal by local authorities that the bloom is forming offshore of Fraser Island in the South Pacific Ocean. The Noosa River estuarine system/Laguna Bay is the more probable source of the bloom and the nutrient inputs into this system must be substantial to generate the high bloom biomass. Current mitigation procedures of removing the blooming alga off the beach with bulldozers treat the symptom, not the cause and are proving ineffective. Environmental management must be based on science and the Noosa bloom would benefit greatly from the accurate ecological data on which to base management options. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.