97 resultados para Soluble lignin
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
A method for regional assessment of the distribution of saline outbreaks is demonstrated for a large area (68 000 km(2)) in north Queensland, Australia. Soil samples were used in conjunction with a digital elevation model and a map of potentially saline discharge zones to examine the landscape distribution of soluble salts in the region. The hypothesis of atmospheric accession of salt was tested for the topographically defined catchment regions feeding into each potentially saline discharge area. Most catchments showed a salt distribution consistent with this hypothesis, i.e. %TSS was large near the discharge areas and decreased rapidly with distance uphill from the discharge areas. In some catchments, however, local saline outbreaks were apparent at significant distances uphill from discharge areas. The possibility of geological sources of this salt was examined by comparing random point distributions with the location of saline points with distance downhill from geological units (excluding points near discharge zones). The distribution of some saline outbreaks was consistent with the occurrence of Cambro-Ordovician metasediments, Devonian limestone, Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous volcanics, and Triassic sediments. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
CD83 is an inducible glycoprotein expressed predominantly by dendritic cells (DC) and B lymphocytes. Expression of membrane CD83 (mCD83) is widely used as a marker of differentiated/ activated DC but its function and ligand(s) are presently unknown. We report the existence of a soluble form of CD83 (sCD83). Using both a sCD83-specific ELISA and Western blotting, we could demonstrate the release of sCD83 by mCD83(+) B cell and Hodgkin's disease-derived cell lines, but not mCD83(-) cells. Inhibition of de novo protein synthesis did not affect the release of sCD83 during short-term (2 h) culture of cell lines although mCD83 expression was significantly reduced, suggesting sCD83 is generated by the release of mCD83. Isolated tonsillar B lymphocytes and monocyte-derived DC, which are mCD83(low), released only low levels of sCD83 during culture. However, the differentiation/activation of these populations both up-regulated mCD83 and increased sCD83 release significantly. Analysis of sera from normal donors demonstrated the presence of low levels (121 +/- 3.6 pg/ml) of circulating sCD83. Further studies utilizing purified sCD83 and the analysis of sCD83 levels in disease may provide clues to the function and ligand(s) of CD83.
Despite a century's knowledge that soluble aluminum (Al) is associated with acid soils and poor plant growth, it is still uncertain how Al exerts its deleterious effects. Hypotheses include reactions of Al with components of the cell wall, plasmalemma, or cytoplasm of cells close to the root tip, thereby reducing cell expansion and root growth. Digital microscopy was used to determine the initial injuries of soluble Al to mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) roots. Roots of young seedlings were marked with activated carbon particles and grown in 1 mm CaCl2 solution at pH 6 for ca. 100 min (control period), and AlCl3 solution was added to ensure a final concentration of 50 muM Al (pH 4). Further studies were conducted on the effects of pH 4 with and without 50 muM Al. Four distinct, but possibly related, initial detrimental effects of soluble Al were noted. First, there was a 56-75% reduction in the root elongation rate, first evident 18-52 min after the addition of Al, root elongation continuing at a decreased rate for ca. 20 It. Decreasing solution pH from 6 to 4 increased the root elongation rate 4-fold after 5 min, which decreased to close to the original rate after 130 min. The addition of Al during the period of rapid growth at pH 4 reduced the root elongation rate by 71% 14 min after the addition of Al. The activated carbon marks on the roots showed that, during the control period, the zone of maximum root growth occurred at 2,200-5,100 mum from the root tip (i.e. the cell elongation zone). It was there that Al first exerted its detrimental effect and low pH increased root elongation. Second, soluble Al prevented the progress of cells from the transition to the elongation phase, resulting in a considerable reduction of root growth over the longer term. The third type of soluble Al injury occurred after exposure for ca. 4 h to 50 mum Al when a kink developed at 2,370 mum from the root tip. Fourth, ruptures of the root epidermal and cortical cells at 1,900-2,300 mum from the tip occurred greater than or equal to4.3 h after exposure to soluble Al. The timing and location of Al injuries support the contention that Al initially reduces cell elongation, thus decreasing root growth and causing damage to epidermal and cortical cells.
Background and Aims Summer dormancy in perennial grasses has been studied inadequately, despite its potential to enhance plant survival and persistence in Mediterranean areas. The aim of the present work was to characterize summer dormancy and dehydration tolerance in two cultivars of Dactylis glomerata (dormant 'Kasbah', non-dormant 'Oasis') and their hybrid using physiological indicators associated with these traits. Methods Dehydration tolerance was assessed in a glasshouse experiment, while seasonal metabolic changes which produce putative protectants for drought, such as carbohydrates and dehydrins that might be associated with summer dormancy, were analysed in the field. Key Results The genotypes differed in their ability to survive increasing soil water deficit: lethal soil water potential (ψ(s)) was -3(.)4 MPa for 'Kasbah' (although non-dormant), -1(.)3 MPa for 'Oasis', and -1(.)6 MPa for their hybrid. In contrast, lethal water content of apices was similar for all genotypes (approx. 0(.)45 g H2O g d. wt(-1)), and hence the greater survival of 'Kasbah' can be ascribed to better drought avoidance rather than dehydration tolerance. In autumn-sown plants, 'Kasbah' had greatest dormancy, the hybrid was intermediate and 'Oasis' had none. The more dormant the genotype, the lower the metabolic activity during summer, and the earlier the activity declined in spring. Decreased monosaccharide content was an early indicator of dormancy induction. Accumulation of dehydrins did not correlate with stress tolerance, but dehydrin content was a function of the water status of the tissues, irrespective of the soil moisture. A protein of approx. 55 kDa occurred in leaf bases of the most dormant cultivar even in winter. Conclusions Drought avoidance and summer dormancy are correlated but can be independently expressed. These traits are heritable, allowing selection in breeding programmes.
Soluble linear (non-cross-linked) poly(monoacryloxyethyl phosphate) (PMAEP) and poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl phosphate) (PMOEP) were successfully synthesized through reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)-mediated polymerization and by keeping the molecular weight below 20 K. Above this molecular weight, insoluble (cross-linked) polymers were observed, postulated to be due to residual diene (cross-linkable) monomers formed during purification of the monomers, MOEP and MAEP. Block copolymers consisting of PMAEP or PMOEP and poly(2-(acetoacetoxy) ethyl methacrylate) (PAAEMA) were successfully prepared and were immobilized on aminated slides. Simulated body fluid studies revealed that calcium phosphate (CaP) minerals formed on both the soluble polymers and the cross-linked gels were very similar. Both the PMAEP polymers and the PMOEP gel showed a CaP layer most probably brushite or monetite based on the Ca/P ratios. A secondary CaP mineral growth with a typical hydroxyapatite (HAP) globular morphology was found on the PMOEP gel. The soluble PMOEP film formed carbonated HAP according to Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Block copolymers attached to aminated slides showed only patchy mineralization, possibly due to the ionic interaction of negatively charged phosphate groups and protonated amines.
The solubilities and dissolution rates of three gypsum sources (analytical grade (AG), phosphogypsum (PG) and mined gypsum (MG)) with six MG size fractions ((mm) > 2.0, 1.0-2.0, 0.5-1.0, 0.25-0.5, 0.125-0.25, and < 0.125) were investigated in triple deionised water (TDI) and seawater to examine their suitability for bauxite residue amelioration. Gypsum solubility was greater in seawater (3.8 g L 1) than TDI (2.9 g L 1) due to the ionic strength effect, with dissolution in both TDI and seawater following first order kinetics. Dissolution rate constants varied with gypsum source (AR > PG > MG) due to reactivity and surface area differences, with 1:20 gypsum:solution suspensions reaching saturation within 15 s (AR) to 30 min (MG > 2.0). The ability of bauxite residue to adsorb Ca from solution was also examined. The quantity of the total solution Ca adsorbed was found to be small (5 %). These low rates of solution Ca adsorption combined with the comparatively rapid dissolution rates preclude the application of gypsum to the residue sand/seawater slurry as a method for residue amelioration. Instead, direct field application to the residue would ensure more efficient gypsum use. In addition, the formation of a sparingly soluble CaCO3 coating around the gypsum particles after mixing in a highly alkaline seawater/supernatant liquor (SNL) solution greatly reduced the rate of gypsum dissolution.
Despite the increasing prevalence of salinity world-wide, the measurement of exchangeable cation concentrations in saline soils remains problematic. Two soil types (Mollisol and Vertisol) were equilibrated with a range of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) solutions at various ionic strengths. The concentrations of exchangeable cations were then determined using several different types of methods, and the measured exchangeable cation concentrations compared to reference values. At low ionic strength (low salinity), the concentration of exchangeable cations can be accurately estimated from the total soil extractable cations. In saline soils, however, the presence of soluble salts in the soil solution precludes the use of this method. Leaching of the soil with a pre-wash solution (such as alcohol) was found to effectively remove the soluble salts from the soil, thus allowing the accurate measurement of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). However, the dilution associated with this pre-washing increased the exchangeable Ca concentrations while simultaneously decreasing exchangeable Na. In contrast, when calculated as the difference between the total extractable cations and the soil solution cations, good correlations were found between the calculated exchangeable cation concentrations and the reference values for both Na (Mollisol: y=0.873x and Vertisol: y=0.960x) and Ca (Mollisol: y=0.901x and Vertisol: y=1.05x). Therefore, for soils with a soil solution ionic strength greater than 50 mM (electrical conductivity of 4 dS/m) (in which exchangeable cation concentrations are overestimated by the assumption they can be estimated as the total extractable cations), concentrations can be calculated as the difference between total extractable cations and soluble cations.