11 resultados para Sodium-chloride

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The present study was carried out to determine the ileal digestibility of Arg and Lys in acutely heatstressed broilers using diets varying in Arg:Lys ratio, NaCl concentration, and Met Source. Male broilers were maintained at 22degreesC from 21 to 33 d of age and then at 32degreesC from 33 to 38 d of age. From 28 to 38 d of age, birds were fed a diet with an Arg:Lys ratio of 1.05 and 3 g of supplemental NaCl/kg of diet with or without L-arg free base to increase the Arg:Lys to 1.35, and with or without 3 g/kg of additional NaCl. Methionine was supplied as equimolar amounts of DL-Met or 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)-butanoic acid in a 2 x 2 x 2 design. At 38 d of age, digesta were collected from the terminal ileum, and amino acid analyses were conducted on feed and digesta samples and compared with acid-insoluble ash (dietary celite) to calculate the apparent ileal digestibilities of Lys and Arg. Increasing the NaCl concentration and the presence of HMB significantly decreased the digestibility of both Arg and Lys, whereas increasing the Arg:Lys ratio increased the digestibility of only Arg but did increase BW gain (P = 0.08). An interaction between dietary NaCl and Arg:Lys ratio as well as the 3-way interaction suggested that dietary NaCl could affect the apparent ileal digestibility of Arg and Lys at certain Arg:Lys ratios and the response may be influenced by the Met source.


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Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) were captured across a salinity gradient from freshwater (FW) to seawater (SW). Across all salinities, C leucas were hyperosmotic to the environment. Plasma osmolarity in FW-captured animals (642 +/- 7 mosM) was significantly reduced compared to SW-captured animals (1067 +/- 21 mosM). In FW animals, sodium, chloride and urea were 208 +/- 3, 203 +/- 3 and 192 +/- 2 mmol l(-1), respectively. Plasma sodium, chloride and urea in SW-captured C leucas were 289 +/- 3, 296 +/- 6 and 370 +/- 10 mmol l(-1), respectively. The increase in plasma osmolarity between FW and SW was not linear. Between FW (3 mosM) and 24%o SW (676 mosM), plasma osmolarity increased by 22% or 0.92% per 1parts per thousand rise in salinity. Between 24%o and 33parts per thousand, plasma osmolarity increased by 33% or 4.7% per 1 parts per thousand rise in salinity, largely due to a sharp increase in plasma urea between 28parts per thousand and 33parts per thousand. C. leucas moving between FW and SW appear to be faced with three major osmoregulatory challenges, these occur between 0-10parts per thousand, 11-20parts per thousand and 21-33parts per thousand. A comparison between C leucas captured in FW and estuarine environments (20-28%o) in the Brisbane River revealed no difference in the mass of rectal glands between these animals. However, a comparison of rectal gland mass between FW animals captured in the Brisbane River and Rio San Juan/Lake Nicaragua showed that animals in the latter system had a significantly smaller rectal gland mass at a given length than animals in the Brisbane River. The physiological challenges and mechanisms required for C leucas moving between FW and SW, as well as the ecological implications of these data are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the temperature profile of home intravenous (iv) antibiotic reservoirs and the stability of 16 megaunits of benzylpenicillin sodium in 120 mL of sodium chloride 0.9% at constant and variable temperatures. Methods: A Tinytag computerized thermometer recorded temperatures every minute in the home iv antibiotic reservoir pouches of nine patients over a 24 h period. Similar bags containing benzylpenicillin sodium (16 megaunits) were maintained either at a constant 36degreesC, 26degreesC or 21-22degreesC or were worn in a pouch by five healthy volunteers for a 24 h period. Other bags were stored at 3-5degreesC for 10 days. The bags were sampled at timed intervals and benzylpenicillin concentrations assayed by HPLC. Results: Median temperatures recorded in the infusion bags worn by the nine patients were in the range 16.7-34.1degreesC. For infusion bags maintained at 36degreesC, 26degreesC and 21-22degreesC, the concentrations of benzylpenicillin dropped below 90% of the initial concentration at a mean time of 5 h 18 min, 12 h 54 min and 13 h 20 min, respectively, whereas for bags worn by the healthy volunteers the mean time for 10% loss of benzylpenicillin was 9 h 20 min. In contrast, at 3-5degreesC, concentrations of benzylpenicillin only dropped below 90% of the initial concentration at 8 days. Conclusions: Significant temperature-dependent degradation of benzylpenicillin occurs during continuous home iv antibiotic programme infusions, which could result in loss of efficacy.


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Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate the effect of mixtures of glucose and fructose, and five types of honeys on starch gelatinisation. At a 1:1 starch:water ratio, glucose generally increased the enthalpy (DeltaH(gel)) and temperatures (T-onset, T-peak and T-end) of gelatinisation more than fructose. Upon mixing, DeltaH(gel) of the low-temperature endotherm decreased in comparison to the sole sugars, but was fairly constant (7.7 +/- 0.33 J/g dry starch). DeltaH(gel) of the high-temperature endotherm increased with the fructose content. For both endotherms, the gelatinisation temperatures were unchanged (CV less than or equal to 3%) for the mixtures. With the honeys (moisture, 14.9-18.0%; fructose, 37.2-44.0%; glucose, 28.3-31.9%) added at 1.1-4.4 g per g dry starch, the enthalpy and temperatures of gelatinisation did not vary significantly (CV less than or equal to 6%). Typical thermograms are presented, and the results are interpreted in the light of the various proposed mechanisms for starch gelatinisation in sugar-water systems, total sugar content and possible sugar-sugar interactions. The thermograms were broader in the presence of the sugars and honeys, and a biphasic character was consistently exhibited. The application of an exponential equation to the gelatinisation temperatures of the starch-honey mixtures revealed an opposing influence of fructose and glucose during gelatinisation. The mechanism of starch gelatinisation may be better understood if techniques could be perfected to quantify breakage and formation of hydrogen bonds in the starch granules, and suggested techniques are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The thermal properties of soft and hard wheat grains, cooked in a steam pressure cooker, as a function of cooking temperature and time were investigated by modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC). Four cooking temperatures (110, 120, 130 and 140 degrees C) and six cooking times (20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 min) for each temperature were studied. It was found that typical non-reversible heat flow thermograms of cooked and uncooked wheat grains consisted of two endothermic baseline shifts localised around 40-50 degrees C and then 60-70 degrees C. The second peaks of non-reversible heat flow thermograms (60-70 degrees C) were associated with starch gelatinisation. The degree of gelatinisation was quantified based on these peaks. In this study, starch was completely gelatinised within 60-80 min for cooking temperatures at 110-120 degrees C and within 20 min for cooking temperatures at 130-140 degrees C. MTDSC detected reversible endothermic baseline shifts in most samples, localised broadly around 48-67 degrees C with changes in heat capacity ranging from 0.02 to 0.06 J/g per degrees C. These reversible endothermic baseline shifts are related to the glass transition, which occurs during starch gelatinisation. Data on the specific heat capacity of the cooked wheat samples are provided. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In subtropical and tropical climates, dehydration is common in cystic fibrosis patients with respiratory exacerbations. This may lead to a clinical presentation of metabolic alkalosis with associated hyponatraemia and hypochloraemia. An adult cystic fibrosis patient who presented with a severe respiratory exacerbation accompanied by metabolic alkalosis is presented and the effects of volume correction are reported.


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This study examined the effect of transfer to increased environmental salinity on the circulating levels of angiotensin II (ANG II), C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), and arginine vasotocin (AVT) in the euryhaline elasmobranch, Carcharhinus letteas. Plasma levels of ANG 11 and CNP were significantly increased in C. leucas chronically acclimated to seawater (SW) in comparison to freshwater (FW) acclimated fish. There was no difference in plasma AVT levels. Acute transfer of FW fish to 75% SW induced an increase in plasma ANG II levels within 12 h, and subsequent transfer from 75 to 100% SW further increased plasma ANG 11 levels at both 24 and 72 h. No change in plasma CNP was observed during acute transfer to increased salinity. However, a significant increase in plasma AVT levels was observed following 96 h in 75% SW and 24 h in 100% SW. In chronically SW acclimated C leucas plasma osmolality, sodium, chloride, and Urea were all significantly higher than FW acclimated fish but there was no difference in haematocrit. Acute transfer of C letteas to 75% SW induced a significant increase in plasma osmolality, sodium and urea concentrations within 96 h of transfer. Subsequent transfer from 75 to 100% SW induced a further increase in these variables within 24 h in addition to a significant increase in plasma chloride above control levels. Haematocrit did not differ between the experimental and control groups throughout the acute study. Circulating levels of ANG 11 were significantly correlated to plasma, sodium, chloride, and urea concentrations during acclimation to SW. Conversely, circulating levels of CNP and AVT did not correlate to plasma osmolytes, however, CNP was significantly correlated to haematocrit during acclimation to seawater. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The past decade has witnessed a resurgence of interest in the use of hypertonic saline for low-volume resuscitation after trauma. Preliminary studies suggested that benefits are limited to a subgroup of trauma patients with brain injury, but a recent study of prehospital administration of hypertonic saline to patients with traumatic brain injury failed to confirm a benefit. Animal and human studies have demonstrated that hypertonic saline has clinically desirable physiological effects on cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressure, and inflammatory responses in models of neurotrauma. There are few clinical studies in traumatic brain injury with patient survival as an end point. In this review, we examined the experimental and clinical knowledge of hypertonic saline as an osmotherapeutic agent in neurotrauma.


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Colored wastewater poses a challenge to the conventional wastewater treatment techniques. Solid-liquid phase adsorption has been found to be effective for the removal of dyes from effluent. In this paper, the ability of bentonite as an adsorbent for the removal of a commercial dye, Basic Red 2 (BR2), from an aqueous solution has been investigated under various experimental conditions. The adsorption kinetics was shown to be pseudo-second-order. It was found that bentonite had high adsorption capacity for BR2 due to cation exchange. The adsorption equilibrium data can be fitted well by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. The effect of the experimental parameters, such as temperature, salt, and pH was investigated through a number of batch adsorption experiments. It was found that the removal of dye increased with the increase in solution pH. However, the change of temperature (15-45 degrees C) and the addition of sodium chloride were found to have little effect on the adsorption process. The results show that electrostatic interactions are not dominant in the interaction between BR2 and bentonite. It was found that the adsorption was a rapid process with 80-90% of the dye removed within the first 2-3 min. Bentonite as an adsorbent is promising for color removal from wastewater.


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Salinity acts to inhibit plant access to soil water by increasing the osmotic strength of the soil solution. As the soil dries, the soil solution becomes increasingly concentrated, further limiting plant access to soil water. An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of salt on plant available water in a heavy clay soil, using a relatively salt tolerant species, wheat ‘Kennedy’, and a more salt sensitive species, chickpea ‘Jimbour’. Sodium chloride was applied to Red Ferrosol at 10 rates from 0 to 3 g/kg. Plants were initially maintained at field capacity. After 3 weeks, plants had become established and watering was ceased. The plants then grew using the water stored in the soil. Once permanent wilting point was reached plants were harvested, and soil water content was measured. The results showed that without salt stress, wheat and chickpea extracted approximately the same amount of water. However, as the salt concentration increased, the ability of chickpea to extract water was severely impaired, while wheat’s ability to extract water was not affected over the range of concentrations examined. Growth of both wheat and chickpea was reduced even from low salt concentrations. Possible explanations for this are that the effect on growth is due to Cl- toxicity and that this occurs at lower concentrations than the osmotic effect of salinity, or that the metabolic demands of maintaining plant water balance and extracting soil water under saline conditions result in reduced growth.


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We report here on the use of optical tweezers in the growth and manipulation of protein and inorganic crystals. Sodium chloride and hen egg-white lysozyme crystals were grown in a batch process, and then seeds from the solution were introduced into the optical tweezers. The regular and controllable shape and the known optical birefringence in these structures allowed a detailed study of the orientation effects in the beam due to both polarization and gradient forces. Additionally, we determined that the laser tweezers could be used to suspend a crystal for three-dimensional growth under varying conditions. Studies included increasing the protein concentration, thermal cycling, and a diffusion-induced increase in precipitant concentration. Preliminary studies on the use of the tweezers to create a localized seed for growth from polyethylene oxide solutions are also reported.