9 resultados para Singular spectrum analysis

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production by Klebsiella pneumonia approaches 50% in some countries, with particularly high rates in eastern Europe and Latin America. No randomized trials have ever been performed on treatment of bacteremia due to ESBL-producing organisms; existing data comes only from retrospective, single-institution studies. In a prospective study of 455 consecutive episodes of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia in 12 hospitals in 7 countries, 85 episodes were due to an ESBL-producing organism. Failure to use an antibiotic active against ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae was associated with extremely high mortality. Use of a carbapenem ( primarily imipenem) was associated with a significantly lower 14-day mortality than was use of other antibiotics active in vitro. Multivariate analysis including other predictors of mortality showed that use of a carbapenem during the 5-day period after onset of bacteremia due to an ESBL-producing organism was independently associated with lower mortality. Antibiotic choice is particularly important in seriously ill patients with infections due to ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae.


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Columnar cell lesions (CCLs) of the breast are a spectrum of lesions that have posed difficulties to pathologists for many years, prompting discussion concerning their biologic and clinical significance. We present a study of CCL in context with hyperplasia of usual type (HUT) and the more advanced lesions ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinoma. A total of 81 lesions from 18 patients were subjected to a comprehensive morphologic review based upon a modified version of Schnitt's classification system for CCL, immunophenotypic analysis (estrogen receptor [ER], progesterone receptor [PgR], Her2/neu, cytokeratin 5/6 [CK5/6], cytokeratin 14 [CK14], E-cadherin, p53) and for the first time, a whole genome molecular analysis by comparative genomic hybridization. Multiple CCLs from 3 patients were studied in particular detail, with topographic information and/or showing a morphologic spectrum of CCL within individual terminal duct lobular units. CCLs were ER an PgR positive, CK5/6 and CK14 negative, exhibit low numbers of genetic alterations and recurrent 16q loss, features that are similar to those of low grade in situ and invasive carcinoma. The molecular genetic profiles closely reflect the degree of proliferation and atypia in CCL, indicating some of these lesions represent both a morphologic and molecular continuum. In addition, overlapping chromosomal alterations between CCL and more advanced lesions within individual terminal duct lobular units suggest a commonality in molecular evolution. These data further support the hypothesis that CCLs are a nonobligate, intermediary step in the development of some forms of low grade in situ and invasive carcinoma. Copyright: © 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.


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Objective: Recent data from Education Queensland has identified rising numbers of children receiving diagnoses of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Faced with funding diagnostic pressures, in clinical situations that are complex and inherently uncertain, it is possible that specialists err on the side of a positive diagnosis. This study examines the extent to which possible overinclusion of ASD diagnosis may exist in the presence of uncertainty and factors potentially related to this practice in Queensland. Methods: Using anonymous self-report, all Queensland child psychiatrists and paediatricians who see paediatric patients with development/behavioural problems were surveyed and asked whether they had ever specified an ASD diagnosis in the presence of diagnostic uncertainty. Using logistic regression, elicited responses to the diagnostic uncertainty questions were related to other clinical- and practice-related characteristics. Results: Overall, 58% of surveyed psychiatrists and paediatricians indicated that, in the face of diagnostic uncertainty, they had erred on the side of providing an ASD diagnosis for educational ascertainment and 36% of clinicians had provided an autism diagnosis for Carer's Allowance when Centrelink diagnostic specifications had not been met. Conclusion: In the absence of definitive biological markers, ASD remains a behavioural diagnosis that is often complex and uncertain. In response to systems that demand a categorical diagnostic response, specialists are providing ASD diagnoses, even when uncertain. The motivation for this practice appears to be a clinical risk/benefit analysis of what will achieve the best outcomes for children. It is likely that these practices will continue unless systems change eligibility to funding based on functional impairment rather than medical diagnostic categories.


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This study of ventilated patients investigated current clinical practice in 476 episodes of pneumonia (48% community-acquired pneumonia, 24% hospital-acquired pneumonia, 28% ventilator-associated pneumonia) using a prospective survey in 14 intensive care units (ICUs) within Australia and New Zealand. Diagnostic methods and confidence, disease severity, microbiology and antibiotic use were assessed. All pneumonia types had similar mortality (community-acquired pneumonia 33%, hospital-acquired pneumonia 37% and ventilator-associated pneumonia 24%, P = 0.15) with no inter-hospital differences (P = 0.08-0.91). Bronchoscopy was performed in 26%, its use predicted by admission hospital (one tertiary: OR 9.98, CI 95% 5.11-19.49, P < 0.001; one regional: OR 629, CI 95% 3.24-12.20, P < 0.001), clinical signs of consolidation (OR 3.72, CI 95% 2.09-662, P < 0.001) and diagnostic confidence (OR 2.19, CI 95% 1.29-3.72, P = 0.004). Bronchoscopy did not predict outcome (P = 0.11) or appropriate antibiotic selection (P = 0.69). Inappropriate antibiotic prescription was similar for all pneumonia types (11-13%, P = 0.12) and hospitals (0-16%, P = 0.25). Blood cultures were taken in 51% of cases. For community-acquired pneumonia, 70% received a third generation cephalosporin and 65% a macrolide. Third generation cephalosporins were less frequently used for mild infections (OR 0.38, CI 95% 0.16-0.90, P = 0.03), hospital-acquired pneumonia (OR 0.40, CI 95% 0.23-0.72, P < 0.01), ventilator-associated pneumonia (OR 0.04, CI 95% 0.02-0.13, P < 0.001), suspected aspiration (OR 0.20, CI 95% 0.04-0.92, P = 0.04), in one regional (OR 0.26, CI 95% 0.07-0.97, P = 0.05) and one tertiary hospital (OR 0.14, CI 95% 0.03-0.73, P = 0.02) but were more commonly used in older patients (OR 1.02, CI 95% 1.01-1.03, P = 0.01). There is practice variability in bronchoscopy and antibiotic use for pneumonia in Australian and New Zealand ICUs without significant impact on patient outcome, as the prevalence of inappropriate antibiotic prescription is low. There are opportunities for improving microbiological diagnostic work-up for isolation of aetiological pathogens.


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All signals that appear to be periodic have some sort of variability from period to period regardless of how stable they appear to be in a data plot. A true sinusoidal time series is a deterministic function of time that never changes and thus has zero bandwidth around the sinusoid's frequency. A zero bandwidth is impossible in nature since all signals have some intrinsic variability over time. Deterministic sinusoids are used to model cycles as a mathematical convenience. Hinich [IEEE J. Oceanic Eng. 25 (2) (2000) 256-261] introduced a parametric statistical model, called the randomly modulated periodicity (RMP) that allows one to capture the intrinsic variability of a cycle. As with a deterministic periodic signal the RMP can have a number of harmonics. The likelihood ratio test for this model when the amplitudes and phases are known is given in [M.J. Hinich, Signal Processing 83 (2003) 1349-13521. A method for detecting a RMP whose amplitudes and phases are unknown random process plus a stationary noise process is addressed in this paper. The only assumption on the additive noise is that it has finite dependence and finite moments. Using simulations based on a simple RMP model we show a case where the new method can detect the signal when the signal is not detectable in a standard waterfall spectrograrn display. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have undertaken two-dimensional gel electrophoresis proteomic profiling on a series of cell lines with different recombinant antibody production rates. Due to the nature of gel-based experiments not all protein spots are detected across all samples in an experiment, and hence datasets are invariably incomplete. New approaches are therefore required for the analysis of such graduated datasets. We approached this problem in two ways. Firstly, we applied a missing value imputation technique to calculate missing data points. Secondly, we combined a singular value decomposition based hierarchical clustering with the expression variability test to identify protein spots whose expression correlates with increased antibody production. The results have shown that while imputation of missing data was a useful method to improve the statistical analysis of such data sets, this was of limited use in differentiating between the samples investigated, and highlighted a small number of candidate proteins for further investigation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), based on commodity hardware, present a promising technology for a wide range of applications due to their self-configuring and self-healing capabilities, as well as their low equipment and deployment costs. One of the key challenges that WMN technology faces is the limited capacity and scalability due to co-channel interference, which is typical for multi-hop wireless networks. A simple and relatively low-cost approach to address this problem is the use of multiple wireless network interfaces (radios) per node. Operating the radios on distinct orthogonal channels permits effective use of the frequency spectrum, thereby, reducing interference and contention. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of the multi-radio Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a specific focus on hybrid WMNs. Our simulation results show that under high mobility and traffic load conditions, multi-radio AODV offers superior performance as compared to its single-radio counterpart. We believe that multi-radio AODV is a promising candidate for WMNs, which need to service a large number of mobile clients with low latency and high bandwidth requirements.


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Dimethylsulfide (DMS) dehydrogenase catalyses the oxidation of DMS to dimethylsulfoxide. The purified enzyme has three subunits of Mr = 94, 38 and 32 kDa and has an optical spectrum dominated by a b-type cytochrome. The metal ion and nucleotide analysis revealed 0.5 g-atom Mo, 9.8 g-atom Fe and 1.96 mol GMP per tool of enzyme. Taken together, these data indicate that DMS dehydrogenase contains a bis(MGD)Mo cofactor. A comparison of the Nterminal amino acid sequence of DMS dehydrogenase revealed that the Mo-containing ct-subunit was most closely related to the c~-subunits of nitrate reductase (NarG) and selenate reductase (SerA). Similarly, the [~-subunit of DMS dehydrogenase was most closely related to the [3-subunits of nitrate reductase (NarH) and selenate reductase (SerB). Variable temperature X-band EPR spectra (120-2K) of 'as isolated' DMS dehydrogenase showed resonances arising from multiple redox centres, Mo(V), [3Fe-4S] +, [4Fe-4S] ÷. A pH dependent EPR study of the Mo(V) centre in lH20 and 2H20 reveals the presence of three Mo(V) species in equilibrium, Mo(V)-OH2, Mo(V)-X and Mo(V)-OH. Between pH6 and 8.2 the dominant species is Mo(V)-OH2 and Mo(V)-X is a minor component. X is probably the anion, chloride. Comparison of the rhombicity and anisotropy parameters for the Mo(V) species in DMS dehydrogenase with other Mo(V) centres in metalloproteins showed that it was most similar to the low pH nitrite spectrum of E. coli nitrate reductase (NarGHI). The spin Hamiltonian parameters (2.0158, 1.8870, 1.8620) for the [4Fe-4S] + cluster suggests the presence of histidine (N) coordination to iron in this cluster. It is suggested that this unusual [Fe-S] cluster may be associated with a histidine-cysteine rich sequence at the N-terminus of the ct-subunit of DMS dehydrogenase.