18 resultados para Signatures of Selection

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The work presented was conducted within the scope of a larger study investigating impacts of the Stuart Oil Shale project, a facility operating to the north of the industrial city of Gladstone, Australia. The aims of the investigations were threefold: (a) the identification of the plant signatures in terms of particle size distributions in the submicrometer range (13-830 nm) through stack measurements, (b) exploring the applicability of these signatures in tracing the source contributions at locations of interest, at a distance from the plant, and (c) assessing the contribution of the plant to the total particle number concentration at locations of interest. The stack measurements conducted for three different conditions of plant operation showed that the particle size distributions were bimodal with average modal count median diameters (CMDs) of 24 (SD 4) and 52 (SD 9) nm. The average of all the particle size distributions recorded within the plant sector at a site located 4.5 km from the plant, over the sampling period when the plant was operating, also showed a bimodal distribution. The modal CMDs in this case were 27 and 50 nm, similar to those at the stack. This bimodal size distribution is distinct from the size distribution of the most common ambient anthropogenic emission source, which is vehicle emissions, and can be considered as a signature of this source. The average contribution of the plant (for plant sector winds) was estimated to be (10.0 +/- 3.8) x 10(2) particles cm(-3) and constituted approximately a 50% increase over the local particle ambient concentration for plant sector winds. This increase in particle number concentration compared to the local background concentration, while high compared to the clean environment concentration, is not significant when compared to concentrations generally encountered in the urban environment of Brisbane.


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Seventy sorghum inbred lines which formed part of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI) sorghum breeding program were screened with 104 previously mapped RFLP markers. The lines were related by pedigree and consisted of ancestral source lines, intermediate lines and recent releases from the program. We compared the effect of defining marker alleles using either identity by state (IBS) or identity by descent (IBD) on our capacity to trace markers through the pedigree and detect evidence of selection for particular alleles. Allelic identities defined using IBD were much more sensitive for detecting non-Mendelian segregation in this pedigree. Only one marker allele showed significant evidence of selection when IBS was used compared with ten regions with particular allelic identities when IBD was used. Regions under selection were compared with the location of QTLs for agronomic traits known to be under selection in the breeding program. Only two of the ten regions were associated with known QTLs that matched with knowledge of the agronomic characteristics of the ancestral lines. Some of the other regions were hypothesised to be associated with genes for particular traits based on the properties of the ancestral source lines.


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Plant breeders use many different breeding methods to develop superior cultivars. However, it is difficult, cumbersome, and expensive to evaluate the performance of a breeding method or to compare the efficiencies of different breeding methods within an ongoing breeding program. To facilitate comparisons, we developed a QU-GENE module called QuCim that can simulate a large number of breeding strategies for self-pollinated species. The wheat breeding strategy Selected Bulk used by CIMMYT's wheat breeding program was defined in QuCim as an example of how this is done. This selection method was simulated in QuCim to investigate the effects of deviations from the additive genetic model, in the form of dominance and epistasis, on selection outcomes. The simulation results indicate that the partial dominance model does not greatly influence genetic advance compared with the pure additive model. Genetic advance in genetic systems with overdominance and epistasis are slower than when gene effects are purely additive or partially dominant. The additive gene effect is an appropriate indicator of the change in gene frequency following selection when epistasis is absent. In the absence of epistasis, the additive variance decreases rapidly with selection. However, after several cycles of selection it remains relatively fixed when epistasis is present. The variance from partial dominance is relatively small and therefore hard to detect by the covariance among half sibs and the covariance among full sibs. The dominance variance from the overdominance model can be identified successfully, but it does not change significantly, which confirms that overdominance cannot be utilized by an inbred breeding program. QuCim is an effective tool to compare selection strategies and to validate some theories in quantitative genetics.


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Fundamental to many theories of sexual selection is the expectation that sexual traits, which males use in an attempt to increase mating success, confer costs as well as benefits to individual males. Although evolution of exaggerated male traits is predicted to be halted, by costs applied by natural selection, there is a lack of empirical work devoted to quantitatively establishing whether natural selection opposes sexual selection generated by the preferences of females. In this study, we quantified natural and sexual selection gradients on breeding values for cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) components of male contact pheromones in Drosophila serrata. As male sexual traits may often be environmentally condition dependent, breeding values were used in the selection analysis to remove the possibility of environmental correlations between the measured trait and fitness biasing estimates of selection. The direction of natural selection was found to oppose sexual selection on a subset of CHCs examined. Opposing natural and sexual selection suggests that further evolution of the male pheromone may in part be limited by costs associated with attractive male CHC blends.


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I-2 is an avirulent strain of Newcastle disease virus. During establishment of the I-2 strain master vaccine seed, a series of selection procedures was carried out at 56 degrees C in order to enhance heat resistance. This master seed is used to produce a working seed, which is then employed to produce the vaccine. These two passages are done without further heat selection; however, it is not known how rapidly and to what extent thermostable variants would be lost during further passage. The study was therefore conducted to determine the effect of passage on thermostability of strain I-2. The virus was serially passaged and at various passage levels samples were subjected to heat treatment at 56 degrees C for 120 min. The inactivation rates for infectivity and haemagglutinin (HA) titres were assayed by use of chicken embryonated eggs and HA test, respectively. Thermostability of HA and infectivity of I-2 virus were reduced after 10 and 5 passages, respectively, without heat selection at 56 degrees C. These results suggest that 5 more passages could be carried out between the working seed and vaccine levels without excessive loss of thermostability. This would result in increased vaccine production from a single batch of a working seed.


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ATCA H I and radio continuum observations of the peculiar southern galaxy IC 2554 and its surroundings reveal typical signatures of an interacting galaxy group. We detected a large H I cloud between IC 2554 and the elliptical galaxy NGC 3136B. The gas dynamics in IC 2554 itself, which is sometimes described as a colliding pair, are surprisingly regular, whereas NGC 3136B was not detected. The H I cloud, which emerges from IC 2554 as a large arc-shaped plume, has a size of similar to30 kpc, larger than that of IC 2554. The total H I mass of the IC 2554 system is similar to2 x 10(9) M., one-third of which resides in the H I cloud. It is possible that tidal interaction between IC 2554 and NGC 3136B caused this spectacular H I cloud, but the possibility of IC 2554 being a merger remnant is also discussed. We also detected H I gas in the nearby galaxies ESO 092-G009 and RKK 1959 and an associated H I cloud, ATCA J1006-6710. Together they have an H I mass of similar to4.6 x 10(8) M-.. Another new H I source, ATCA J1007-6659, with an H I mass of only similar to2.2 x 10(7) M. was detected roughly between IC 2554 and ESO 092-G009 and corresponds to a face-on low surface brightness dwarf galaxy. Star formation is evident only in the galaxy IC 2554 with a rate of similar to4 M. yr(-1).


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A combination of physical and chemical measurements and biological indicators identified nutrient impacts throughout an Australian subtropical river estuary. This was a balance of sewage inputs in the lower river and agricultural inputs in the mid-upper river, the combined influence being greater in the wet season due to greater agricultural surface runoff. Field sampling in the region was conducted at 6 sites within the river, over 5 surveys to encapsulate both wet and dry seasonal effects. Parameters assessed were tissue nitrogen (N) contents and delta(15)N signatures of mangroves and macroalgae, phytoplankton nutrient addition bioassays, and standard physical and chemical variables. Strong spatial (within river) and temporal (seasonal) variability was observed in all parameters. Poorest water quality was detected in the middle (agricultural) region of the river in the wet season, attributable to large diffuse inputs in this region. Water quality towards the river mouth remained constant irrespective of season due to strong oceanic flushing. Mangrove and macroalgal tissue delta(15)N and %N proved a successful combination for discerning sewage and agricultural inputs. Elevated delta(15)N and %N represented sewage inputs, whereas low delta(15)N and elevated %N was indicative of agricultural inputs. Phytoplankton bioassays found the system to be primarily responsive to nutrient additions in the warmer wet season, with negligible responses observed in the cooler dry season. These results indicate that the Tweed River is sensitive to the different anthropogenic activities in its catchment and that each activity has a unique influence on receiving water quality.


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Comparison of initial Pb-isotope signatures of several early Archaean (3.65-3.82 Ga) lithologies (orthogneisses and metasediments) and minerals (feldspar and galena) documents the existence of substantial isotopic heterogeneity in the early Archaean, particularly in the Pb-207/Pb-204 ratio. The magnitude of isotopic variability at 3.82-3.65 Ga requires source separation between 4.3 and 4.1 Ga, depending on the extent of U/Pb fractionation possible in the early Earth. The isotopic heterogeneity could reflect the coexistence of enriched and depleted mantle domains or the separation of a terrestrial protocrust with a U-238/Pb-204 (mu) that was ca. 20-30% higher than coeval mantle. We prefer this latter explanation because the high-p signature is most evident in metasediments (that formed at the Earth's surface). This interpretation is strengthened by the fact that no straightforward mantle model can be constructed for these high-mu lithologies without violating bulk silicate Earth constraints. The Pb-isotope evidence for a long-lived protocrust complements similar Hf-isotope data from the Earth's oldest zircons, which also require an origin from an enriched (low Lu/Hf) environment. A model is developed in which greater than or equal to3.8-Ga tonalite and monzodiorite gneiss precursors (for one of which we provide zircon U-Pb data) are not mantle-derived but formed by remelting or differentiation of ancient (ca. 4.3 Ga) basaltic crust which had evolved with a higher U/Pb ratio than coeval mantle in the absence of the subduction process. With the initiation of terrestrial subduction at, we propose, ca. 3.75 Ga, most of the greater than or equal to3.8-Ga basaltic shell (and its differentiation products) was recycled into the mantle, because of the lack of a stabilising mantle lithosphere. We argue that the key event for preservation of all greater than or equal to3.8-Ga terrestrial crust was the intrusion of voluminous granitoids immediately after establishment of global subduction because of complementary creation of a lithospheric keel. Furthermore, we argue that preservation of !3.8-Ga material (in situ rocks and zircons) globally is restricted to cratons with a high U/Pb source character (North Atlantic, Slave, Zimbabwe, Yilgarn, and Wyoming), and that the Pb-isotope systematics of these provinces are ultimately explained by reworking of material that was derived from ca. 4.3 Ga (i.e. Hadean) basaltic crust.


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Effluent from a land based shrimp farm was detected in a receiving creek as changes in physical, chemical and biological parameters. The extent and severity of these changes depended on farm operations. This assessment was conducted at three different stages of shrimp-pond maturity, including (1) when the ponds were empty, (2) full and (3) being harvested. Methods for assessing farm effluent in receiving waters included physical/chemical analyses of the water column, phytoplankton bioassays and nitrogen isotope signatures of marine flora. Comparisons were made with an adjacent creek that served as the farms intake creek and did not directly receive effluent. Physical/chemical parameters identified distinct changes in the receiving creek with respect to farm operations. Elevated water column NH4+ (18.5+/-8.0 muM) and chlorophyll a concentrations (5.5+/-1.9 mug/l) were measured when the farm was in operation, in contrast to when the farm was inactive (1.3+/-0.3 muM and 1.2+/-0.6 mug/l, respectively). At all times, physically chemical parameters at the mouth of the effluent creek, were equivalent to control values, indicating effluent was contained within the effluent-receiving creek. However, elevated delta(15)N signatures of mangroves (up to similar to8parts per thousand) and macroalgae (up to similar to5parts per thousand) indicated a broader influence of shrimp farm effluent, extending to the lower regions of the farms intake creek. Bioassays at upstream sites close to the location of farm effluent discharge indicated that phytoplankton at these sites did not respond to further nutrient additions, however downstream sites showed large growth responses. This suggested that further nutrient loading from the shrimp farm, resulting in greater nutrient dispersal, will increase the extent of phytoplankton blooms downstream from the site of effluent discharge. When shrimp ponds were empty water quality in the effluent and intake creeks was comparable. This indicated that observed elevated nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations were directly attributable to farm operations. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is concern that the commercial harvest of kangaroos (Macropus spp.) is affecting species fitness and evolutionary potential because the harvest selects for larger individuals, particularly males. This paper reviews the likely effect of selective harvesting on specific traits associated with fitness, including size, and on adaptive genotypes through generalised loss of gene diversity. Heritability for traits associated with fitness is low generally. The intensity of selection imposed by harvesting is low for several reasons: the geographic size of genetic populations is much larger than the harvest localities, which are therefore not closed but open with immigration acting to correct any change in allele frequencies through harvesting; the harvest targets kangaroos above a threshold weight that includes all adult males, not the largest males specifically; larger, older males may not confer significant fitness benefits on offspring; fitness traits are inherited through both sexes while males are targeted predominantly; populations are not at a selective equilibrium because food availability fluctuates, and the fittest is unlikely to be the largest. Comparisons of harvested and unharvested populations do not show any loss of gene diversity as a result of harvesting. The likelihood of a long-term genetic impact of kangaroo harvesting as currently practiced is negligible.


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Single male sexually selected traits have been found to exhibit substantial genetic variance, even though natural and sexual selection are predicted to deplete genetic variance in these traits. We tested whether genetic variance in multiple male display traits of Drosophila serrata was maintained under field conditions. A breeding design involving 300 field-reared males and their laboratory-reared offspring allowed the estimation of the genetic variance-covariance matrix for six male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) under field conditions. Despite individual CHCs displaying substantial genetic variance under field conditions, the vast majority of genetic variance in CHCs was not closely associated with the direction of sexual selection measured on field phenotypes. Relative concentrations of three CHCs correlated positively with body size in the field, but not under laboratory conditions, suggesting condition-dependent expression of CHCs under field conditions. Therefore condition dependence may not maintain genetic variance in preferred combinations of male CHCs under field conditions, suggesting that the large mutational target supplied by the evolution of condition dependence may not provide a solution to the lek paradox in this species. Sustained sexual selection may be adequate to deplete genetic variance in the direction of selection, perhaps as a consequence of the low rate of favorable mutations expected in multiple trait systems.


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Variations in the growth and survival of six families of juvenile (initial mean weight = 4.16 g) Penaeus japonicus were examined at two densities (48 and 144 individuals m(-2)) in a controlled laboratory experiment. Survival was very high throughout the experiment (95.4%), but differed significantly between densities and rearing tanks. Family, sex and family x density interaction did not significantly affect survival. Mean specific growth rate (SGR) of the shrimp was 18% faster at the low density (1.93 +/- 0.05% day(-1)) than at high density (1.64 +/- 0.03% day(-1)). However, there was a small but significant interaction between family and density indicating that growth of the families was not consistent at both densities. The inconsistent growth of the families across the two densities resulted in a change in the relative performance (ranking) of families at each density. Sex, rearing tank and rearing cage also affected growth of the shrimp. Mean SGR of the females (1.79 +/- 0.03% day(-1)) was 5% faster than males (1.70 +/- 0.03% day(-1)) when averaged across both densities. Shrimp grew significantly faster in rearing tank 3 than rearing tank 1 or 2 at both densities. Results of the present study suggest that family x density interaction could affect the efficiency of selection for growth if shrimp stocks produced from shrimp breeding programs are to be grown across a wide range of densities. Crown Copyright (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mechanisms of speciation are not well understood, despite decades of study. Recent work has focused on how natural and sexual selection cause sexual isolation. Here, we investigate the roles of divergent natural and sexual selection in the evolution of sexual isolation between sympatric species of threespine sticklebacks. We test the importance of morphological and behavioral traits in conferring sexual isolation and examine to what extent these traits have diverged in parallel between multiple, independently evolved species pairs. We use the patterns of evolution in ecological and mating traits to infer the likely nature of selection on sexual isolation. Strong parallel evolution implicates ecologically based divergent natural and/or sexual selection, whereas arbitrary directionality implicates nonecological sexual selection or drift. In multiple pairs we find that sexual isolation arises in the same way: assortative mating on body size and asymmetric isolation due to male nuptial color. Body size and color have diverged in a strongly parallel manner, similar to ecological traits. The data implicate ecologically based divergent natural and sexual selection as engines of speciation in this group.


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An absence of genetic variance in traits under selection is perhaps the oldest explanation for a limit to evolutionary change, but has also been the most easily dismissed. We review a range of theoretical and empirical results covering single traits to more complex multivariate systems, and show that an absence of genetic variance may be more common than is currently appreciated. From a single-trait perspective, we highlight that it is becoming clear that some trait types do not display significant levels of genetic variation, and we raise the possibility that species with restricted ranges may differ qualitatively from more widespread species in levels of genetic variance in ecologically important traits. A common misconception in many life-history studies is that a lack of genetic variance in single traits, and genetic constraints as a consequence of bivariate genetic correlations, are different causes of selection limits. We detail how interpretations of bivariate patterns are unlikely to demonstrate genetic limits to selection in many cases. We advocate a multivariate definition of genetic constraints that emphasizes the presence (or otherwise) of genetic variance in the multivariate direction of selection. For multitrait systems, recent results using longer term studies of organisms, in which more is understood concerning what traits may be under selection, have indicated that selection may exhaust genetic variance, resulting in a limit to the selection response.


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Drought is a major constraint for rice production in the rainfed lowlands in Southeast Asia and Eastern India. The breeding programs for tainted lowland rice in these regions focus on adaptation to a range of drought conditions. However, a method of selection of drought tolerant genotypes has not been established and is considered to be one of the constraints faced by rice breeders. Drought response index (DRI) is based on grain yield adjusted for variation in potential yield and flowering date, and has been used recently, but its consistency among drought environments and hence its usefulness is not certain. In order to establish a selection method and subsequently to identify donor parents for drought resistance breeding, a series of experiments with 15 contrasting genotypes was conducted under well-watered and managed drought conditions at two sites for 5 years in Cambodia. Water level in the field was recorded and used to estimate the relative water level (WLREL) around flowering as an index of the severity of water deficit at the time of flowering for each entry. This was used to determine if DRI or yield reduction was due to drought tolerance or related to the amount of available water at flowering, i.e. drought escape. Grain yield reduction due to drought ranged from 12 to 46%. The drought occurred mainly during the reproductive phase, while four experiments had water stress from the early vegetative stage. There was significant variation for water availability around flowering among the nine experiments and this was associated with variation in mean yield reduction. Genotypic variation in DRI was consistent among most experiments, and genotypic mean DRI ranged from -0.54 to 0.47 (LSD 5% = 0.47). Genotypic variation in DRI was not related to WLREL around flowering in the nine environments. It is concluded that selection for DRI under drought conditions would allow breeders to identify donor lines with high drought tolerance as an important component of breeding better adapted varieties for the rainfed lowlands; two genotypes were identified with high DRI and low yield reduction and were subsequently used in the breeding program in Cambodia. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.