5 resultados para Sedimentary Pyrite Formation

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Fisherman Islands is an area of reclaimed land at the mouth of the Brisbane River in Queensland, Australia. Ongoing groundwater monitoring has found elevated concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the groundwater on the island. The presence of H2S on Fisherman Islands is of concern because of its toxic nature, the potential for acid sulfate soil formation, and its noxious odor. The aim of this study was,to, identify the sources of H2S within the groundwater on Fisherman Islands. It was hypothesized that the H2S is being formed by sulfate reducing bacteria acting on sulfate from seawater, rather than the introduction of sulfide with the dredge sediments. Groundwater and soil samples were collected and analyzed for sulfide, sulfate, and organic carbon contents. Elevated concentrations of sulfides coincide with,elevated concentrations of sulfate in the groundwater and elevated concentrations of organic carbon in the sediments, supporting the hypothesis that sulfide formation is the result of heterotrophic, sulfate reducing organisms.


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Bedded carbonate rocks from the 3.45 Ga Warrawoona Group, Pilbara Craton, contain structures that have been regarded either as the oldest known stromatolites or as abiotic hydrothermal deposits. We present new field and petrological observations and high-precision REE + Y data from the carbonates in order to test the origin of the deposits. Trace element geochemistry from a number of laminated stromatolitic dolomite samples of the c. 3.40 Ga Strelley Pool Chert conclusively shows that they precipitated from anoxic seawater, probably in a very shallow environment consistent with previous sedimentological observations. Edge-wise conglomerates in troughs between stromatolites and widespread cross-stratification provide additional evidence of stromatolite construction, at least partly, from layers of particulate sediment, rather than solely from rigid crusts. Accumulation of particulate sediment on steep stromatolite sides in a high-energy environment suggests organic binding of the surface. Relative and absolute REE + Y contents are exactly comparable with Late Archaean microbial carbonates of widely agreed biological origin. Ankerite from a unit of bedded ankerite–chert couplets from near the top of the stratigraphically older (3.49 Ga) Dresser Formation, which immediately underlies wrinkly stromatolites with small, broad, low-amplitude domes, also precipitated from anoxic seawater. The REE + Y data of carbonates from the Strelley Pool Chert and Dresser Formation contrast strongly with those from siderite layers in a jasper–siderite–Fe-chlorite banded iron-formation from the base of the Panorama Formation (3.45 Ga), which is clearly hydrothermal in origin. The geochemical results, together with sedimentological data, strongly support: (1) deposition of Dresser Formation and Strelley Pool Chert carbonates from Archaean seawater, in part as particulate carbonate sediment; (2) biogenicity of the stromatolitic carbonates; (3) a reducing Archaean atmosphere; (4) ongoing extensive terrestrial erosion prior to ∼3.45 Ga.


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We present high-spatial resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements of Pb and S isotopes in sulphides from early Archaean samples at two localities in southwest Greenland. Secondary pyrite from a 3.71 Ga sample of magnetite-quartz banded iron formation in the Isua Greenstone Belt, which has previously yielded unradiogenic Pb consistent with its ancient origin, contains sulphur with a mass independently fractionated (MIF) isotope signature (Delta(33)S =+3.3 parts per thousand). This reflects the secondary mineralization of remobilized sedimentary S carrying a component modified by photochemical reactions in the early Archaean atmosphere. It further represents one of the most extreme positive excursions so far known from the early Archaean rock record. Sulphides from a quartz-pyroxene rock and an ultramafic boudin from the island of Akilia, in the Godth (a) over circle bsfjord, have heterogeneous and generally radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions that we interpret to represent partial re-equilibration of Pb between the sulphides and whole rocks during tectonothermal events at 3.6, 2.7 and 1.6 Ga. Both these samples have Delta(33)S=0 (within analytical error) and therefore show no evidence for MIF sulphur. These data are consistent with previous interpretations that the rock cannot be proven to have a sedimentary origin. Our study illustrates that SIMS S-isotope measurements in ancient rocks can be used to elucidate early atmospheric parameters because of the ability to obtain combined S and Pb-isotope data, but caution must be applied when using such data to infer protolith. When information from geological context, petrography and chronology (i.e. by Pb isotopes) is combined and fully evaluated, Delta(33)S signatures from sulphides and their geological significance can be interpreted with a higher degree of confidence. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), which forms part of the Variscan orogenic massif, is renowned for the magnitude and extent of its massive sulfide mineralization. The stratigraphic record of the IPB consists of Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks. In ascending order, these comprise the thick Phyllite-Quartzite Group attributed to the Middle and Upper Devonian and characterized by shales and quartzites with conglomeratic and carbonate intercalations towards the top; the appreciably thinner Volcano-Sedimentary Complex, a heterogeneous uppermost Devonian-Mississippian unit embodying diverse volcanic, subvolcanic, and sedimentary rocks that host the massive sulfide deposits; and the shaly and sandy, turbiditic Culm Group (Carboniferous). This entire succession was folded and faulted during the Asturian phase of the Variscan Orogeny that gave rise to a thin-skinned type structure. The present study constitutes a detailed blostratigraphic investigation of palynologically productive samples representative of the Phyllite-Quartzite Group and the basal (anoxic) portion of the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex. These were collected from surface and mine exposures variously located in the Spanish part of the IPB; out of 282 samples processed, 117 proved to be productive palynologically. The aim of this project is to provide comprehensive palynostratigraphic data applicable to precise dating and correlation of the IPB's stratigraphic succession (i.e., of the two sampled lithostratigraphic units), which has hitherto been investigated biostratigraphically on a relatively localized basis. The results are incorporated in two successive parts. The first of these, i. e., the present paper, focuses on the systematic analysis of the terrestrial (miospore) component of the palynological assemblages. The second part, devoted to the marine, organic-walled microphytoplankton (acritarchs and prasinophytes), will evaluate the stratigraphic significance of the IPB palynofloras and their application to elucidating the geological history of the region. In the systematic-descriptive section, which occupies the bulk of this paper, 55 species of trilete miospores are described and are allocated among 34 genera, two of which (Cristicavatispora and Epigruspora) are newly instituted herein. The majority of the species are either positively identifiable or closely affiliable with previously named species. The nine newly established species are as follows: Camptozonotriletes confertus, Indotriradites diversispinosus, Cristicavatispora dispersa (type species), Epigruspora regularis (type species), Ancyrospora? implicata, Endosporites tuberosus, Rugospora explicata, Spelaeotriletes plicatus, and Teichertospora iberica.


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Upper Devonian rocks of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) in southwest Spain, comprising the Phyllite-Quartzite Group (PQ) and the lower part of the overlying Volcano-Sedimentary Complex (VSC), contain a diversity of terrestrial and marine palynomorphs (miospores and organic-walled microphytoplankton, respectively), which constitute the basis of this biostratigraphically oriented research project. Part One of the report has previously detailed the miospore content of the constituent 117 palyniferous samples. In the present paper (i.e., the concluding Part Two), the organic-walled microphytoplankton (acritarchs and prasinophyte phycomata) are systematically described and illustrated, and their occurrence in the study material is fully documented. The acritarchs are represented by 23 species (including one species complex) allocated among 14 genera (one of which, Dupliciradiatum, is newly established), together with a very rare and novel category (informally termed Gen. nov. A). The following new acritarch species are formally instituted: Dupliciradiatum crassum (type species), D. tenue, Histopalla languida, and Winwaloeusia repagulata. Five genera allied with the prasinophycean algae are identified; these accommodate a total of 15 species of which two - Cymatiosphaera tenuimembrana and Maranhites multioculus - are formally proposed as new. In addition, representatives of the prasinophyte genera Leiosphaeridia and Tasmanites are recorded but are not discriminated at species level. The microphytoplankton suite is clearly consonant, from previously published occurrences in other regions, with a Late Devonian dating. However, most of the species are known to be relatively long ranging through (and in some cases beyond) that epoch and hence are not amenable to detailed biozonal subdivision of the IPB succession. Moreover, the distribution of the species therein tends to be erratic in comparison with the more consistently occurring miospores, possibly due to stress factors induced by fluctuating conditions in the IPBs Upper Devonian marine environment. By contrast, the land-derived (miospore) assemblages are readily applicable in a blostratigraphic context: they can be correlated precisely with the Devonian miospore biozonation scheme for Western Europe. In those terms, the sampled PQ strata are assignable to the Diducites versabilis-Grandispora cornuta (VCo) Biozone of late Famennian age; while the samples from the anoxic sequence at the base of the VSC belong to the Retispora lepidophyta-Verrucosisporites nitidus (LN) Biozone (latest Famennian = latest Devonian). The biochronostratigraphic data, in conjunction with the findings from earlier IPB studies, imply two appreciable palynostratigraphic breaks within the PQ. These are representative, respectively, of the lower Frasnian-middle Famennian interval and of part of the Strunian/upper Famennian. Speculation currently remains as to whether the inferred gaps are more apparent than real; i.e., whether one or both represent actual hiatuses in IPB sedimentation or are simply a manifestation of hitherto unsampled and/or non-palyniferous PQ strata.