em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Reaction of bis(ethane-1,2-diamine)copper(II) with acetaldehyde and nitromethane in methanol leads, stereoselectively, to the new macrocyclic complex (trans-5(R),7(R),12(S),14(S))-tetramethyl-6,13-dinitro-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)copper(II) perchlorate alpha-[CuL1](ClO4)(2) in good yield. Reduction of the nitro groups affords the hexaamine (L-2), which was crystallized as [H4L2](ClO4)(4) . 2H(2)O and characterized by an X-ray crystal structure study (monoclinic P2(1)/n, a = 9.763(2) Angstrom, b = 12.1988(7) Angstrom, c = 13.036(2) Angstrom, beta = 105.668(7)degrees, Z = 2) and complexed with Cu-II to produce the complex beta-[Cu(H2L2)](ClO4)(4) . 2H(2)O, which has also been characterized by X-ray crystallography (monoclinic P2(1)/n, a = 9.717(4) Angstrom, b = 12.174(2) Angstrom, c = 13.036(5) Angstrom, beta = 106.51(2)degrees, Z = 2). Reaction of alpha-[CuL1](2+) with either basic hydrogen peroxide or dilute nitrous acid leads to mild reduction of the nitro groups to afford the ketoxime L-3 as its N-based isomeric Cu-II complexes, trans-I [CuL3](ClO4)(2) and trans-II [Cu(L-3)Cl]Cl . 7H(2)O, the latter of which has been characterized structurally: triclinic, <P(1)over bar> a = 10.8441(5) Angstrom, b = 11.6632(9) Angstrom, c = 11.8723(9) Angstrom, alpha = 113.634(7)degrees, beta = 95.744(5), gamma = 94.851(5)degrees Z = 2. Variations in the configurations of the coordinated amines in [CuL1](2+), [CuL2](2+), and [CuL3](2+) have a profound effect on the spectroscopy and electrochemistry of their complexes.
Drugs known to inhibit the metabolism of cyclosporine are administered concomitantly to those who undergo cardiothoracic transplantation. The aim of this study was to examine in quantitative terms the relationship between cyclosporine oral dose rate and the trough concentration (Css(trough)) at steady state in patients who undergo cardiothoracic transplantation and are administered cyclosporine alone or in combination with drugs known to inhibit its metabolism. Dose and whole blood cyclosporine Css(tough) observations measured using the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) (396 observations) or the TDx assay (435 observations) were collected as part of routine blood concentration monitoring from 182 patients who underwent cardiothoracic transplantation. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed-effects modeling approach to examine the effect of metabolic inhibitors on dose-rate-Css(trough) ratio. The mean (and 95% confidence interval) dose-rate-Css(trough) ratio for cyclosporine generated from concentrations measured using EMIT was 94 (82.5-105.5) Lh(-1) for patients administered cyclosporine alone, 66.7 (58.1-75.3) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant diltiazem, 47.9 (15.4 -80.4) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant itraconazole, 21.7 (14.8-28.5) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant ketoconazole, and 14.9 (11.8-18.1) Lh(-1) for patients concomitantly administered diltiazem and ketoconazole. For patients administered concomitant cyclosporine, ketoconazole, and diltiazem, the dosage of cyclosporine, if it is administered alone, should be 20% to achieve the same blood concentrations. This will allow safer drug concentration targeting of cyclosporine after cardiothoracic transplantation.
A meeting was convened in Canberra, Australia, at the request of the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC), on December 3-4, 1997 to discuss the role of population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in drug evaluation and development. The ADEC was particularly concerned about registration of drugs in the pediatric age group. The population approach could be used more often than is currently the case in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies to provide valuable information for the safe and effective use of drugs in neonates, infants, and children. The meeting ultimately broadened to include discussion about other subgroups. The main conclusions of the meeting were: 1. The population approach, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis, is a valuable tool both for drug registration purposes and for optimal dosing of drugs in specific groups of patients, 2. Population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies are able to fill in the gaps' in registration of drugs, for example, to provide information on optimal pediatric dosing. Such studies provide a basis for enhancing product information to improve rational prescribing, 3. Expertise is required to perform the population studies and expertise, with a clinical perspective, is also required to evaluate such studies if they are to be submitted as part of a drug registration dossier Such expertise is available in the Australasian region and is increasing. Centers of excellence with the appropriate expertise to advise and assist should be encouraged to develop and grow in the region, 4. The use of the population approach by the pharmaceutical industry needs to be encouraged to provide valuable information not obtainable by other techniques. The acceptance of population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses by regulatory agencies also needs to be encouraged, and 5. Development of the population approach to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics is needed from a public health perspective to ensure that all available information is collected and used to improve the way drugs are used. This important endeavor needs funding and support at the local and international levels.
Melphalan is commonly used as a cytotoxic agent in isolated limb perfusion for locally recurrent malignant melanoma. The time course of melphalan concentrations in perfusate and tissues during a 60-min melphalan perfusion and 30-min drug-free washout in the single-pass perfused rat hindlimb was examined using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model. The rat hindlimbs were perfused with Krebs-Heinseleit buffer containing 4.7% bovine serum albumin (BSA) or 2.8% dextran 40 at a constant rate of 3.8 ml/min. The concentration of melphalan in perfusate and tissues was determined by highperformance liquid chromatography. The tissue concentrations of melphalan were significantly higher with the perfusate containing dextran than BSA during the 60-min perfusion. During the washout period, the melphalan concentration in the perfusates decreased rapidly in first few minutes, followed by a slower monoexponential decline. The estimated half life (t(1/2)) for melphalan removal from skin and fat was 59 +/- 2 min for both BSA and dextran perfusates. However, the estimated t(1/2) for melphalan removal from muscle was 79 and 96 min for BSA and dextran washout perfusates, respectively. The predicted concentration-time profiles obtained for melphalan with BSA and dextran perfusates appear to correspond closely to the observed data. This study showed that the uptake of melphalan into perfused tissues is impaired by the use of perfusates in which melphalan is highly bound. Melphalan washout from muscle, but not skin and fat, was facilitated by the use of perfusates in which melphalan is highly protein bound.
Isolated limb infusion (ILI) is an attractive, less complex alternative to Isolated limb perfusion (ILP). It has a lower morbidity in treating localized recurrences and in transit metastases of the limb for tumours such as melanoma, Merkel cell tumour and Kaposi's sarcoma, allowing administration of high concentrations of cytotoxic agent to the affected limb under hypoxic conditions. Melphalan is the preferred cytotoxic agent for the treatment of melanoma by ILP or ILI. We report pharmacokinetic data from 12 patients treated by ILI for tumours of the limb in Brisbane. The kinetics of drug distribution in the limb was calculated using a two-compartment vascular model, where both tissue and infusate act as well-stirred compartments. Analysis of melphalan concentrations in the perfusate during ILI showed good agreement between the values measured and the concentrations predicted by the model. Recirculation and wash-out flow rates, tissue concentrations and the permeability surface area product (PS) were calculated. Correlations between the PS value and the drug concentrations In the perfusate and tissue were supported by the results. These data contribute to a better understanding of the distribution of melphalan during ILI in the limb, and offer the opportunity to optimize the drug regimen for patients undergoing ILI. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Background: The significant association between alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)-2 genotype and alcohol-dependence risk, demonstrated in both Asian and non-Asian populations, suggests a link between the metabolism of alcohol (ethanol) and individual differences in susceptibility to dependence. Methods: We tested this hypothesis by following up on subjects who took part in the Alcohol Challenge Twin Study conducted in 1979-1981 and comparing the blood and breath alcohol results in that study between subjects who subsequently did or did not meet diagnostic criteria for lifetime alcohol dependence in 1992-1993. Results: Subjects who met DSM-III-R criteria for lifetime alcohol dependence at follow-up had higher blood and breath alcohol values after alcohol challenge than never-dependent subjects. Multivariate analysis showed independent effects of susceptibility to alcohol dependence and smoking status on blood alcohol concentrations, whereas habitual alcohol intake at the time of the initial study had marginally significant effects. The risk of alcohol dependence was 2-fold higher in men and 3-fold higher in women with blood or breath alcohol concentrations in the highest quartile than in the lowest quartile. Conclusions: In view of this association and the known genetic influences on both alcohol pharmacokinetics and alcohol dependence, it is probable that part of the heritability of dependence is mediated by genes (other than the known ADH2 and ADH3 polymorphisms) affecting alcohol metabolism.
Using NONMEM, the population pharmacokinetics of perhexiline were studied in 88 patients (34 F, 54 M) who were being treated for refractory angina. Their mean +/- SD (range) age was 75 +/- 9.9 years (46-92), and the length of perhexiline treatment was 56 +/- 77 weeks (0.3-416). The sampling time after a dose was 14.1 +/- 21.4 hours (0.5-200), and the perhexiline plasma concentrations were 0.39 +/- 0.32 mg/L (0.03-1.56). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption was fitted to the data using the first-order (FO) approximation. The best model contained 2 subpopulations (obtained via the $MIXTURE subroutine) of 77 subjects (subgroup A) and 11 subjects (subgroup B) that had typical values for clearance (CL/F) of 21.8 L/h and 2.06 L/h, respectively. The volumes of distribution (V/F) were 1470 L and 260 L, respectively, which suggested a reduction in presystemic metabolism in subgroup B. The interindividual variability (CV%) was modeled logarithmically and for CL/F ranged from 69.1% (subgroup A) to 86.3% (subgroup B). The interindividual variability in V/F was 111%. The residual variability unexplained by the population model was 28.2%. These results confirm and extend the existing pharmacokinetic data on perhexiline, especially the bimodal distribution of CL/F manifested via an inherited deficiency in hepatic and extrahepatic CYP2D6 activity.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the population pharmacokinetics of magnesium from sparse observational data in patients with preeclampsia. STUDY DESIGN: Serum magnesium concentrations (1-11 per patient) were obtained retrospectively from the records of 116 patients with preeclampsia who had a loading dose of magnesium sulfate (16 or 20 mmol), followed by a maintenance dose (1 mmol/h) over an average of 28 hours. Population clearance, volume of distribution, and the baseline magnesium concentration were estimated using the NONMEM program. RESULTS: The following population typical values, together with the interpatient variability (expressed as coefficient of variation) were obtained with the use of a 1-compartment model: systemic clearance, 4.28 L/h (37.3%); volume of distribution, 32.3 L (32.1%); baseline concentration, 0.811 mmol/L (18.5%). The average half-life was 5.2 hours. Clonus was not obtunded in 4 patients whose serum magnesium concentrations were similar to the average concentration of 1.7 mmol/L. The variability remaining unexplained after the population model was fitted to the data was 6.5% to 10.8%. CONCLUSION: This study extended knowledge of the pharmacokinetic disposition of magnesium in preeclampsia. The results are potentially useful for the calculation of loading and maintenance doses, particularly when the relationship between serum concentration and effect in preeclampsia is clarified.
The present study estimated the population pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in patients receiving oral lamotrigine therapy with drug concentration monitoring, and determined intersubject and intrasubject variability. A total of 129 patients were analyzed from two clinical sites. Of these, 124 patients provided spare data (198 concentration-time points); nine patients (four from a previous group plus five from the current group) provided rich data (431 points). The population analysis was conducted using P-PHARM (TM) (SIMED Scientific Software, Cedex, France), a nonlinear mixed-effect modeling program. A single exponential elimination model (first-order absorption) with heteroscedastic weighting was used. Apparent clearance (CL/F) and volume of distribution (V/F) were the pharmacokinetic parameters estimated. Covariate analysis was performed to determine which factors explained any of the variability associated with lamotrigine clearance. Population estimates of CL/F and V/F for lamotrigine generated in the final model were 2.14 +/- 0.81 L/h and 78.1 +/- 5.1 L/kg. Intersubject and intrasubject variability for clearance was 38% and 38%, respectively. The covariates of concomitant valproate and phenytoin therapy accounted for 42% of the intersubject variability of clearance. Age, gender, clinic site, and other concomitant antiepileptic drugs did not influence clearance. This study of the population pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in patients using the drug clinically provides useful data and should lead to better dosage individualization for lamotrigine.
Population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in children who receive cut-down or full liver transplants
Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in pediatric liver transplant recipients and to identify factors that may explain pharmacokinetic variability. Methods. Data were collected retrospectively from 35 children who received oral immunosuppressant therapy with tacrolimus. Maximum likelihood estimates were sought for the typical values of apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F) with the program NONMEM. Factors screened for influence on the pharmacokinetic parameters were weight, age, gender, postoperative day, days since commencing tacrolimus therapy, transplant type (whole child liver or cut-down adult liver), liver function tests (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase [ALP], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], gamma -glutamyl transferase [GGT], alanine aminotransferase [ALT]), creatinine clearance, hematocrit, corticosteroid dose, and concurrent therapy with metabolic inducers and inhibitors of tacrolimus. Results. No clear correlation existed between tacrolimus dosage and blood concentrations (r(2) =0.003). Transplant type, age, and liver function test values were the most important factors (P
Objectives: To investigate the pharmacokinetics of intravenous ciprofloxacin 200 mg every 8 h in critically ill patients on continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF), one form of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Design and setting: Open, prospective clinical study in a multidisciplinary, intensive care unit in a university-affiliated tertiary referral hospital. Patients: Sis critically ill patients with acute renal failure on CVVHDF. Interventions: Timed blood and ultrafiltrate samples were collected to allow pharmacokinetics and clearances to be calculated of initial and subsequent doses of 200 mg intravenous ciprofloxacin. CVVHD was performed with 1 l/h of dialysate and 2 l/h of predilution filtration solution, producing 3 lih of dialysis effluent. The blood was pumped at 200 ml/min using a Gambro BMM-10 blood pump through a Hospal AN69HF haemofilter,. Measurements and results: Ten pharmacokinetic profiles were measured. The CVVHDF displayed a urea clearance of 42 +/- 3 ml/min, and removed ciprofloxacin with a clearance of 37 +/- 7 ml/min. This rate was 2-2.5 greater than previously published for ciprofloxacin in other forms of CRRT. On average the CVVHDF was responsible for clearing a fifth of all ciprofloxacin eliminated (21 +/- 10%). The total body clearance of ciprofloxacin was 12.2 +/- 4.3 l/h. The trough concentration following the initial dose was 0.7 +/- 0.3 mg/l. The area under the plasma concentration time curves over a 24-h period ranged from 21 to 55 mg .h l(-1). Conclusions: Intravenous ciprofloxacin 600 mg/day in critically ill patients using this form of CRRT produced adequate plasma levels for many resistant microbes found in intensive care units.
The aim of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetic profile of the normal recommended dose of ceftriaxone in critically ill patients and to establish whether the current daily dosing recommendation maintains plasma concentrations adequate for antibacterial efficacy. Ceftriaxone at a recommended dose of 2 g iv was administered od to 12 critically ill patients with severe sepsis and normal serum creatinine concentrations. Blood samples were taken at predetermined intervals over the first 24 h and on day 3 for measurement of ceftriaxone concentrations. There was wide variability in drug disposition, explained by the presence of variable renal function and identified by the measurement of creatinine clearance. In nine patients with normal renal function, there was a high level of creatinine clearance(mean +/- S.D., 41 +/- 12 mL/min) and volume of distribution (20 +/- 3.3 L), which resulted in an elimination half-life of 6.4 +/- 1.1 h. In comparison with normal subjects, ceftriaxone clearance was increased 100%, volume of distribution increased 90% and the elimination half-life was similar. Three patients had substantially suboptimal plasma ceftriaxone concentrations. We confirm previous findings that ceftriaxone clearance in critically ill patients correlates with renal clearance by glomerular filtration. The elimination half-life is prolonged (21.4 +/- 9.8 h) in critically ill patients with renal failure when compared with previously published data in non-critically ill patients with renal failure. We conclude that in critically ill patients with normal renal function, inadequate plasma concentrations may result following od bolus dosing of ceftriaxone. Drug accumulation may occur in critically ill patients with renal failure.