7 resultados para Runs of homozygosity

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Marathon running is growing in popularity, and many diabetic patients are participating in various marathon races all over the world each year. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and extent of glycemic excursions (hypo- and hyperglycemic) during a marathon run in patients with well-controlled diabetes mellitus using a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). Five subjects with type 1 and one patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus were monitored with the Medtronic MiniMed CGMS during the 2002 Vienna City Marathon (n = 3) or the Fernwarme run (n = 3) long distance runs of 42.19/15.8 km. All six patients finished their course. The CGSM system was well tolerated in all patients over an average duration of 34 +/- 4.0 hours and it did not limit the patients' activities. The mean running time for the Vienna city marathon was 257 +/- 8 min (247 to 274 min) and for the Fernwarme run 134 +/- 118 min (113 to 150 min). A total of 1470 blood glucose measurements (mean 245 readings per subject) were performed. During and after the marathons frequent hypo and hyperglycemic episodes with and without clinical symptoms were measured. Our data confirm that the CGMS may help to identify asymptomatic hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia during and after a long distance run. The system may also be helpful to improve our understanding about the individual changes of glucose during and after a marathon and may protect hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic periods in future races.


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A novel nanocomposite of iron oxide and silicate, prepared through a reaction between a solution of iron salt and a dispersion of Laponite clay, was used as a catalyst for the photoassisted Fenton degradation of azo-dye Orange II. This catalyst is much cheaper than the Nafion-based catalysts, and our results illustrate that it can significantly accelerate the degradation of Orange II under the irradiation of UV light (lambda = 254 nm). An advantage of the catalyst is its long-term stability that was confirmed through using the catalyst for multiple runs in the degradation of Orange II. The effects of the H2O2 molar concentration, solution pH, wavelength and power of the LTV light, catalyst loading, and initial Orange II concentration on the degradation of Orange 11 were studied in detail. In addition, it was also found that discoloration of Orange 11 undergoes a faster kinetics than mineralization of Orange II and 75% total organic carbons of 0.1 mM Orange II can be eliminated after 90 min in the presence of 1.0 g of Fe-nanocomposite/L, 4.8 mM H2O2, and 1 x 8W UVC.


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We report on the discovery of a large-scale wall in the direction of Abell 22. Using photometric and spectroscopic data from the Las Campanas Observatory and Anglo-Australian Telescope Rich Cluster Survey, Abell 22 is found to exhibit a highly unusual and striking redshift distribution. We show, by examining the galaxy distributions both in redshift space and on the colour-magnitude plane, that Abell 22 exhibits a foreground wall-like structure. A search for other galaxies and clusters in the nearby region using the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey data base suggests that the wall-like structure is a significant large-scale, non-virialized filament which runs between two other Abell clusters either side of Abell 22. The filament stretches over at least > 40 h(-1) Mpc in length and 10 h(-1) Mpc in width at the redshift of Abell 22.


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The Gauss-Marquardt-Levenberg (GML) method of computer-based parameter estimation, in common with other gradient-based approaches, suffers from the drawback that it may become trapped in local objective function minima, and thus report optimized parameter values that are not, in fact, optimized at all. This can seriously degrade its utility in the calibration of watershed models where local optima abound. Nevertheless, the method also has advantages, chief among these being its model-run efficiency, and its ability to report useful information on parameter sensitivities and covariances as a by-product of its use. It is also easily adapted to maintain this efficiency in the face of potential numerical problems (that adversely affect all parameter estimation methodologies) caused by parameter insensitivity and/or parameter correlation. The present paper presents two algorithmic enhancements to the GML method that retain its strengths, but which overcome its weaknesses in the face of local optima. Using the first of these methods an intelligent search for better parameter sets is conducted in parameter subspaces of decreasing dimensionality when progress of the parameter estimation process is slowed either by numerical instability incurred through problem ill-posedness, or when a local objective function minimum is encountered. The second methodology minimizes the chance of successive GML parameter estimation runs finding the same objective function minimum by starting successive runs at points that are maximally removed from previous parameter trajectories. As well as enhancing the ability of a GML-based method to find the global objective function minimum, the latter technique can also be used to find the locations of many non-global optima (should they exist) in parameter space. This can provide a useful means of inquiring into the well-posedness of a parameter estimation problem, and for detecting the presence of bimodal parameter and predictive probability distributions. The new methodologies are demonstrated by calibrating a Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF) model against a time series of daily flows. Comparison with the SCE-UA method in this calibration context demonstrates a high level of comparative model run efficiency for the new method. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In response to uncertainty among cattle producers in Australia regarding the need to treat Bos indices and B. indicus crossbreeds, the scientific literature relating to the productivity effects of Boophilus microplus on cattle of all breeds was reviewed. Estimates of the mean effect of each engorging tick (damage coefficient, d) were made from a simple analysis of the reported data. On average, each engorging female tick is responsible for the loss of 1.37 +/- 0.25 g bodyweight in B. taunts cattle. The comparable value for B. taurus x B. indicus cattle is 1.18 +/- 0.21 g/engorging tick. These values were not statistically significantly different, indicating that if a threshold approach to tick control were taken, then the threshold number of standard ticks would be the same regardless of cattle genotype. No studies provided useable estimates of the effect of tick infestation on pure B. indices cattle. An economic threshold for treatment, below which acaricide application is not beneficial, can be predicted, using known values for the cost of acaricide application and the price of beef. However, the application of a threshold approach to control has not been embraced by government advisers and runs contrary to the accepted principals of strategic control programs. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The fundamental tenet of Leader Member Exchange (LMX) theory is that leaders develop different quality relationships with each of their employees; however, to our knowledge, no study has investigated the impact of LMX differentiation on teams. Drawing upon the justice literature, we suggest that fostering different quality LMX relationships runs counter to principles of equality' and consistency, which are important for maintaining social harmony in groups, and perceptions of procedural fairness. We therefore propose that differential treatment of employees by the leader (as indicated by within-team variability in LMX relationships) will have a negative effect on team reladons, and percepdons of procedural jusdce climate. Two samples of employed individuals are used to invesdgate the hypothesized reladonships. Sample A consists of 74 individuals from a variety of occupadonal and organisadonal backgrounds, and Sample B consists of 152 individuals from an Australian organisadon dealing in the sale and service of heavy machiner)'. In both samples, high LMX variability within teams is associated with higher reports of team reladonal conflict, and lower reports of procedural jusdce climate. The results suggest that leaders may need to be caudous about fostering special relationships with only a select subset of employees.


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Agrin is a proteoglycan secreted by motor neurite terminals that functions to initiate and maintain AChR clusters at the nerve terminal. This led to the theory that neurite terminals decide where neuromuscular synapses form by secreting agrin. However, initiation of AChR clustering occurs in the absence of the innervating motoneuron and in the absence of agrin. In this instance, the muscle, not the nerve, is deciding the location of neuromuscular synapses by drawing neurite terminals towards pre-existing AChR clusters. If this were true, one would expect the initial innervation patterns to be the same in agrin-deficient mice and wild-type mice. To test this we quantified the intramuscular axonal branching and synapse formation in the diaphragm at E14.5 in agrin-deficient mice and wild-type mice. Heterozygote mothers were anaesthetised with Nembutal (30 mg) and killed via cervical dislocation. In the diaphragm, the nerve trunk runs down the centre of the muscle and extends branches primarily toward the lateral side. In agrin-deficient mice however, we found significantly more branches exited the phrenic nerve trunk, branched in the periphery and extended further on the medial side. Moreover, we found that the percentage α-bungarotoxin/synaptophysin colocalisations, markers of pre- and postsynaptic differentiation, respectively, was the same in agrin-deficient mice and wild-type mice. These results show that initial innervation patterns are not the same in agrin-deficient mice and wild-type mice indicating neurite terminals, not muscle, decide the placement of neuromuscular synapses in the absence of agrin.