144 resultados para RESPIRATORY CHANGES
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Intense exercise stimulates the systemic release of a variety of factors that alter neutrophil surface receptor expression and functional activity. These alterations may influence resistance to infection after intense exercise. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of exercise intensity on neutrophil receptor expression, degranulation (measured by plasma and intracellular myeloperoxidase concentrations), and respiratory burst activity. Ten well-trained male runners ran on a treadmill for 60 min at 60% [moderate-intensity exercise (MI)] and 85% maximal oxygen consumption [high-intensity exercise (HI)]. Blood was drawn immediately before and after exercise and at 1 h postexercise. Immediately after HI, the expression of the neutrophil receptor CD16 was significantly below preexercise values (P < 0.01), whereas MI significantly reduced CD35 expression below preexercise values (P < 0.05). One hour after exercise at both intensities, there was a significant decline in CD11b expression (P < 0.05) and a further decrease in CD16 expression compared with preexercise values (P < 0.01). CD16 expression was lower 1 h after HI than 1 h after MI (P < 0.01). Immediately after HI, intracellular myeloperoxidase concentration was less than preexercise values (P < 0.01), whereas plasma myeloperoxidase concentration was greater (P < 0.01), indicating that HI stimulated neutrophil degranulation. Plasma myeloperoxidase concentration was higher immediately after HI than after MI (P < 0.01). Neutrophil respiratory burst activity increased after HI (P < 0.01). In summary, both MI and HI reduced neutrophil surface receptor expression. Although CD16 expression was reduced to a greater extent after HI, this reduction did not impair neutrophil degranulation and respiratory burst activity.
In humans, when the stability of the trunk is challenged in a controlled manner by repetitive movement of a limb, activity of the diaphragm becomes tonic but is also modulated at the frequency of limb movement. In addition, the tonic activity is modulated by respiration. This study investigated the mechanical output of these components of diaphragm activity. Recordings were made of costal diaphragm, abdominal, and erector spinae muscle electromyographic activity; intra-abdominal, intrathoracic, and transdiaphragmatic pressures; and motion of the rib cage, abdomen, and arm. During limb movement the diaphragm and transversus abdominis were tonically active with added phasic modulation at the frequencies of both respiration and limb movement. Activity of the other trunk muscles was not modulated by respiration. Intra-abdominal pressure was increased during the period of limb movement in proportion to the reactive forces from the movement. These results show that coactivation of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles causes a sustained increase in intra-abdominal pressure, whereas inspiration and expiration are controlled by opposing activity of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to vary the shape of the pressurized abdominal cavity.
Posteroanterior stiffness of the lumbar spine is influenced by factors, including trunk muscle activity and intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). Because these factors vary with breathing, this study investigated whether stiffness is modulated in a cyclical manner with respiration. A further aim was to investigate the relationship between stiffness and IAP or abdominal and paraspinal muscle activity. Stiffness was measured from force-displacement responses of a posteroanterior force applied over the spinous process of L-2 and L-4. Recordings were made of IAP and electromyographic activity from L-4/L-2 erector spinae, abdominal muscles, and chest wall. Stiffness was measured with the lung volume held at the extremes of tidal volume and at greater and lesser volumes. Stiffness at L-4 and L-2 increased above base-level values at functional residual capacity (L-2 14.9 N/mm and L-4 15.3 N/mm) with both inspiratory and expiratory efforts. The increase was related to the respiratory effort and was greatest during maximum expiration (L-2 24.9 N/mm and L-4 23.9 N/mm). The results indicate that changes in trunk muscle activity and IAP with respiratory efforts modulate spinal stiffness. In addition, the diaphragm may augment spinal stiffness via attachment of its crural fibers to the lumbar vertebrae.
Changes in blood-gas, acid-base, and plasma-ion status were investigated in the bimodally respiring turtle, Rheodytes leukops, during prolonged dives of up to 12 h. Given that R. leukops routinely submerges for several hours, the objective of this study was to determine whether voluntarily diving turtles remain aerobic and simultaneously avoid hypercapnic conditions over increasing dive lengths. Blood PO2, PCO2, and pH, as well as plasma concentrations of lactate, glucose, Na+, K+, Cl-, total Ca, and total Mg were determined in venous blood collected from the occipital sinus. Blood PO2 declined significantly with dive length; however, oxy-haemoglobin saturation remained greater than 30% for all R. leukops sampled. No changes were observed in blood PCO2, pH, [HCO3-], or plasma glucose, with increasing dive length. Despite repeated dives lasting more than 2 h, plasma lactate remained less than 3 mmol l(-1) for all R. leukops sampled, indicating the absence of anaerobiosis. Compensatory acid-base adjustments associated with anaerobiosis (e.g. declining [Cl-], increasing total [Ca] and [Mg]) were likewise absent, with plasma-ion concentrations remaining stable with increasing dive length. Results indicate that R. leukops utilises aquatic respiration to remain aerobic during prolonged dives, thus effectively avoiding the development of a metabolic and respiratory acidosis.
Despite the importance of the deep intrinsic spinal muscles for trunk control, few studies have investigated their activity during human locomotion or how this may change with speed and mode of locomotion. Furthermore, it has not been determined whether the postural and respiratory functions, of which these muscles take part, can be coordinated when locomotor demands are increased. EMG recordings of abdominal and paraspinal muscles were made in seven healthy subjects using fine-wire and surface electrodes. Measurements were also made of respiration and gait parameters. Recordings were made for 10s as subjects walked on a treadmill at 1 and 2 ms(-1) and ran at 2, 3, 4 and 5 ms(-1). Unlike the superficial muscles, transversus abdominis was active tonically throughout the gait cycle with all tasks, except running at speeds of 3 ms(-1) and greater. All other muscles were recruited in a phasic manner. The relative duration of these bursts of activity was influenced by speed and/or mode of locomotion. Activity of all abdominal muscles, except rectus abdominis (RA), was modulated both for respiration and locomotor-related functions but this activity was affected by the speed and mode of locomotion. This study provides evidence that the deep abdominal muscles are controlled independently of the other trunk muscles. Furthermore, the pattern of recruitment of the trunk muscles and their respiratory and postural coordination is dependent on the speed and mode of locomotion. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Simultaneous measurements of pulmonary blood flow (qPA), coeliacomesenteric blood flow (qCoA), dorsal aortic blood pressure (PDA), heart rate (fH) and branchial ventilation frequency (fv) were made in the Australian lungfish, /Neoceratodus forsteri, /during air breathing and aquatic hypoxia. The cholinergic and adrenergic influences on the cardiovascular system were investigated during normoxia using pharmacological agents, and the presence of catecholamines and serotonin in different tissues was investigated using histochemistry. Air breathing rarely occurred during normoxia but when it did, it was always associated with increased pulmonary blood flow. The pulmonary vasculature is influenced by both a cholinergic and adrenergic tonus whereas the coeliacomesenteric vasculature is influenced by a β-adrenergic vasodilator mechanism. No adrenergic nerve fibers could be demonstrated in /Neoceratodus /but catecholamine-containing endothelial cells were found in the atrium of the heart. In addition, serotonin-immunoreactive cells were demonstrated in the pulmonary epithelium. The most prominent response to aquatic hypoxia was an increase in gill breathing frequency followed by an increased number of air breaths together with increased pulmonary blood flow. It is clear from the present investigation that /Neoceratodus /is able to match cardiovascular performance to meet the changes in respiration during hypoxia.
1. Respiratory activity of the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles is normally co-ordinated with their other functions, such as for postural control of the trunk when the limbs move. The integration may occur by summation of two inputs at the respiratory motoneurons. The present study investigated whether postural activity of the diaphragm changed when respiratory drive increased with hypercapnoea. 2. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the diaphragm and other trunk muscles were made with intramuscular electrodes in 13 healthy volunteers. Under control conditions and while breathing through increased dead-space,subjects made rapid repetitive arm movements to disturb the stability of the spine for four periods each lasting 10 s, separated by 50 s. 3. End-tidal CO2, and ventilation increased for the first 60-120 s of the trial then reached a plateau. During rapid arm movement at the start of dead-space breathing, diaphragm EMG became tonic with superimposed modulation at the frequencies of respiration and arm movement. However, when the arm was moved after 60 s of hypercapnoea, the tonic diaphragm EMG during expiration and the phasic activity with arm movement were reduced or absent. Similar changes occurred for the expiratory muscle transversus abdominis, but not for the erector spinae. The mean amplitude of intra-abdominal pressure and the phasic changes with arm movement were reduced after 60 s of hypercapnoea. 4. The present data suggest that increased central respiratory drive may attenuate the postural commands reaching motoneurons. This attenuation can affect the key inspiratory and expiratory muscles and is likely to be co-ordinated at a pre-motoneuronal site.
The influence of respiratory activity of the abdominal muscles on their reaction time in a postural task was evaluated. The electromyographic (EMG) onsets of the abdominal muscles and deltoid were evaluated in response to shoulder flexion initiated by a visual stimulus occurring at random throughout the respiratory cycle. Increased activity of the abdominal muscles was produced by inspiratory loading, forced expiration below functional residual capacity, and a static glottis-closed expulsive maneuver. During quiet breathing, the latency between activation of the abdominal muscles and deltoid was not influenced by the respiratory cycle. When respiratory activity of the abdominal muscles increased, the EMG onset of transversus abdominis and internal oblique, relative to deltoid, was significantly earlier for movements beginning in expiration, compared with inspiration [by 97-107 ms (P < 0.01) and 64-90 ms (P < 0.01), respectively]. However, the onset of transversus abdominis EMG was delayed by 31-54 ms (P < 0.01) when movement was performed during a static expulsive effort, compared with quiet respiration. Thus changes occur in early anticipatory contraction of transversus abdominis during respiratory tasks but they cannot be explained simply by existing activation of the motoneuron pool.
Neutrophils constitute 50-60% of all circulating leukocytes; they present the first line of microbicidal defense and are involved in inflammatory responses. To examine immunocompetence in athletes, numerous studies have investigated the effects of exercise on the number of circulating neutrophils and their response to stimulation by chemotactic stimuli and activating factors. Exercise causes a biphasic increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood, arising from increases in catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Moderate intensity exercise may enhance neutrophil respiratory burst activity, possibly through increases in the concentrations of growth hormone and the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. In contrast, intense or long duration exercise may suppress neutrophil degranulation and the production of reactive oxidants via elevated circulating concentrations of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol. There is evidence of neutrophil degranulation and activation of the respiratory burst following exercise-induced muscle damage. In principle, improved responsiveness of neutrophils to stimulation following exercise of moderate intensity could mean that individuals participating in moderate exercise may have improved resistance to infection. Conversely, competitive athletes undertaking regular intense exercise may be at greater risk of contracting illness. However there are limited data to support this concept. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms involved in the neutrophil responses to exercise, researchers have examined changes in the expression of cell membrane receptors, the production and release of reactive oxidants and more recently, calcium signaling. The investigation of possible modifications of other signal transduction events following exercise has not been possible because of current methodological limitations. At present, variation in exercise-induced alterations in neutrophil function appears to be due to differences in exercise protocols, training status, sampling points and laboratory assay techniques.
Respiration is altered during different stages of the sleep-wake cycle. We review the contribution of cholinergic systems to this alteration, with particular reference to the role of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (MAchRs) during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Available evidence demonstrates that MAchRs have potent excitatory effects on medullary respiratory neurones and respiratory motoneurones, and are likely to contribute to changes in central chemosensitive drive to the respiratory control system. These effects are likely to be most prominent during REM sleep, when cholinergic brainstem neurones show peak activity levels. It is possible that MAchR dysfunction is involved in sleep-disordered breathing, Such as obstructive sleep apnea. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Both the gaseous and the particulate phases of tobacco and cannabis smoke contain a similar range of harmful chemicals. However, differing patterns of inhalation mean that smoking a 'joint' of cannabis results in exposure to significantly greater amounts of combusted material than with a tobacco cigarette. The histopathological effects of cannabis smoke exposure include changes consistent with acute and chronic bronchitis. Cellular dysplasia has also been observed, suggesting that, like tobacco smoke, cannabis exposure has the potential to cause malignancy. These features are consistent with the clinical presentation. Symptoms of cough and early morning sputum production are common (20-25%) even in young individuals who smoke cannabis alone. Almost all studies indicate that the effects of cannabis and tobacco smoking are additive and independent. Public health education should dispel the myth that cannabis smoking is relatively safe by highlighting that the adverse respiratory effects of smoking cannabis are similar to those of smoking tobacco, even although it remains to be confirmed that smoking cannabis alone leads to the development of chronic lung disease.
X-ray reflectivity of bovine and sheep surfactant-associated protein B (SP-B) monolayers is used in conjunction with pressure-area isotherms and protein models to suggest that the protein undergoes changes in its tertiary structure at the air/water interface under the influence of surface pressure, indicating the likely importance of such changes to the phenomena of protein squeeze out as well as lipid exchange between the air-water interface and subphase structures. We describe an algorithm based on the well-established box- or layer-models that greatly assists the fitting of such unknown scattering-length density profiles, and which takes the available instrumental resolution into account. Scattering-length density profiles from neutron reflectivity of bovine SP-B monolayers on aqueous subphases are shown to be consistent with the exchange of a large number of labile protons as well as the inclusion of a significant amount of water, which is partly squeezed out of the protein monolayer at elevated surface pressures.
Study objectives: Currently, esophageal pressure monitoring is the "gold standard" measure for inspiratory efforts, hut its invasive nature necessitates a better tolerated and noninvasive method to be used on children. Pulse transit time (PTT) has demonstrated its potential as a noninvasive surrogate marker for inspiratory efforts. The principle velocity determinant of PTT is the change in stiffness of the arterial wall and is inversely correlated to BP. Moreover, PTT has been shown to identify changes in inspiratory effort via the BP fluctuations induced by negative pleural pressure swings. In this study, the capability of PTT to classify respiratory, events during sleep as either central or obstructive in nature was investigated. Setting and participants: PTT measure was used in adjunct to routine overnight polysomnographic studies performed on 33 children (26 boys and 7 girls; mean +/- SD age, 6.7 +/- 3.9 years). The accuracy of PTT measurements was then evaluated against scored corresponding respiratory events in the polysomnography recordings. Results: Three hundred thirty-four valid respiratory events occurred and were analyzed. One hundred twelve obstructive events (OEs) showed a decrease in mean PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being correctly ranked below the baseline PTT during tidal breathing of 0.92 (p < 0.005); 222 central events (CEs) showed a decrease in the variance of PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being ranked below the baseline PTT of 0.94 (p < 0.005). This indicates that, at a sensitivity of 0.90, OEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.82 and CEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.80. Conclusions: PTT is able to categorize CEs and OEs accordingly in the absence of motion artifacts, including hypopneas. Hence, PTT shows promise to differentiate respiratory, events accordingly and can be an important diagnostic tool in pediatric respiratory sleep studies.< 0.005); 222 central events (CEs) showed a decrease in the variance of PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being ranked below the baseline PTT of 0.94 (p < 0.005). This indicates that, at a sensitivity of 0.90, OEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.82 and CEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.80. Conclusions: PTT is able to categorize CEs and OEs accordingly in the absence of motion artifacts, including hypopneas. Hence, PTT shows promise to differentiate respiratory, events accordingly and can be an important diagnostic tool in pediatric respiratory sleep studies.');"
Changes in arterial distensibility have been widely used to identify the presence of cardiovascular abnormalities like hypertension. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) has shown to be related to arterial distensibility. However, the lack of suitable techniques to measure PWV nonintrusively has impeded its clinical usefulness. Pulse transit time (PTT) is a noninvasive technique derived from the principle of PWV. PTT has shown its capabilities in cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory studies in adults. However, no known study has been conducted to understand the suitability and utility of PTT to estimate PWV in children. Two computational methods to derive PWV from PTT values obtained from 23 normotensive Caucasian children (19 males, aged 5-12 years old) from their finger and toe were conducted. Furthermore, the effects of adopting different postures on the PWV derivations were investigated. Statistical analyses were performed in comparison with two previous PWV studies conducted on children. Results revealed that PWV derived from the upper limb correlated significantly (P
Passive tilting increases ventilation in healthy subjects; however, controversy surrounds the proposed mechanism. This study is aimed to evaluate the possible mechanism for changes to ventilation following passive head-up tilt (HUT) and active standing by comparison of a range of ventilatory, metabolic and mechanical parameters. Ventilatory parameters (V (T), V (E), V (E)/VO2, V (E)/VCO2, f and PetCO(2)), functional residual capacity (FRC), respiratory mechanics with impulse oscillometry; oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured in 20 healthy male subjects whilst supine, following HUT to 70 degrees and unsupported standing. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model. HUT to 70 degrees from supine increased minute ventilation (V (E)) (P < 0.001), tidal volume (V (T)) (P=0.001), ventilatory equivalent for O-2 (V (E)/VO2) (P=0.020) and the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (V (E)/VCO2) (P < 0.001) with no change in f (P=0.488). HUT also increased FRC (P < 0.001) and respiratory system reactance (X5Hz) (P < 0.001) with reduced respiratory system resistance (R5Hz) (P=0.004) and end-tidal carbon dioxide (PetCO(2)) (P < 0.001) compared to supine. Standing increased V (E) (P < 0.001), V (T) (P < 0.001) and V (E)/VCO2 (P=0.020) with no change in respiratory rate (f) (P=0.065), V (E)/VO2 (P=0.543). Similar changes in FRC (P < 0.001), R5Hz (P=0.013), X5Hz (P < 0.001) and PetCO(2) (P < 0.001) compared to HUT were found. In contrast to HUT, standing increased VO2 (P=0.002) and VCO2 (P=0.048). The greater increase in V (E) in standing compared to HUT appears to be related to increased VO2 and VCO2 associated with increased muscle activity in the unsupported standing position. This has implications for exercise prescription and rehabilitation of critically ill patients who have reduced cardiovascular and respiratory reserve.