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The early axon scaffolding in the embryonic vertebrate brain consists of a series of ventrally projecting axon tracts that grow into a single major longitudinal pathway connected across the midline by commissures. We have investigated the role of Brother of CDO (BOC), an immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily member distantly related to the Roundabout (Robo) family of axon-guidance receptors, in the development of this embryonic template of axon tracts in the zebrafish brain. A zebrafish homologue of BOC was isolated and shown to be expressed predominantly in the developing neural plate and later in the neural tube and developing brain. Zebrafish boc was initially highly localized to discrete bands in the mid- and hindbrain, but, as the major brain subdivisions emerged, it became more evenly expressed along the rostrocaudal axis, particularly in dorsal regions. The function of zebrafish boc was examined by a loss-of-function approach. Analysis of embryos injected with antisense morpholinos designed against boc revealed highly selective defects in the development of dorsoventrally projecting axon tracts. Loss of boc caused ventrally projecting axons, particularly those arising from the presumptive telencephalon, to follow aberrant trajectories. These data indicate that boc is an axon-guidance molecule playing a fundamental role in pathfinding during the early patterning of the axon scaffold in the embryonic vertebrate brain. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In the embryonic forebrain, pioneer axons establish a simple topography of dorsoventral and longitudinal tracts. The cues used by these axons during the initial formation of the axon scaffold remain largely unknown. We have investigated the axon guidance role of Neogenin, a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily that binds to the chemoattractive ligand Netrin-1, as well as to the chemorepulsive ligand repulsive guidance molecule (RGMa). Here, we show strong expression of Neogenin and both of its putative ligands in the developing Xenopus forebrain. Neogenin loss-of-function mutants revealed that this receptor was essential for axon guidance in an early forming dorsoventral brain pathway. Similar mutant phenotypes were also observed following loss of either RGMa or Netrin-1. Simultaneous partial knock downs of these molecules revealed dosage-sensitive interactions and confirmed that these receptors and ligands were acting in the same pathway. The results provide the first evidence that Neogenin acts as an axon guidance molecule in vivo and support a model whereby Neogenin-expressing axons respond to a combination of attractive and repulsive cues as they navigate their ventral trajectory. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Many studies have demonstrated a role for netrin-1-deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) interactions in both axon guidance and neuronal migration. Neogenin, a member of the DCC receptor family, has recently been shown to be a chemorepulsive axon guidance receptor for the repulsive guidance molecule (RGM) family of guidance cues [Rajagopalan S, Deitinghoff L, Davis D, Conrad S, Skutella T, Chedotal A, Mueller B, Strittmatter S (2004) Neogenin mediates the action of repulsive guidance molecule. Nat Cell Biol 6:755-762]. Here we show that neogenin is present on neural progenitors, including neurogenic radial glia, in the embryonic mouse forebrain suggesting that neogenin expression is a hallmark of neural progenitor populations. Neogenin-positive progenitors were isolated from embryonic day 14.5 forebrain using flow cytometry and cultured as neurospheres. Neogenin-positive progenitors gave rise to neurospheres displaying a high proliferative and neurogenic potential. In contrast, neogenin-negative forebrain cells did not produce long-term neurosphere cultures and did not possess a significant neurogenic potential. These observations argue strongly for a role for neogenin in neural progenitor biology. In addition, we also observed neogenin on parvalbumin- and calbindin-positive interneuron neuroblasts that were migrating through the medial and lateral ganglionic eminences, suggesting a role for neogenin in tangential migration. Therefore, neogenin may be a multi-functional receptor regulating both progenitor activity and neuroblast migration in the embryonic forebrain. (c) 2006 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neogenin, a close relative of the axon guidance receptor DCC, has been shown to be a receptor for members of the Netrin and Repulsive Guidance Molecule families. Recent studies have begun to uncover a role for Neogenin in organogenesis. Here we examine the localization of Neogenin protein in the developing mouse embryo (embryonic day 14.5) when organogenesis is progressing rapidly. We observe that Neogenin protein is restricted to distinct tissue layers within a given organ. In some embryonic epithelia such as the gut and pancreas, Neogenin protein is predominantly polarized to the basal surfaces of the epithelial cells. In contrast, Neogenin is restricted to mesenchymal cells within the lung and kidney. Neogenin is also seen in differentiating skeletal muscle and condensing cartilage throughout the embryo, and in the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia of the peripheral nervous system. This study supports the emerging role for Neogenin as a key receptor in the establishment of the morphological architecture in many developing organ systems.


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Neogenin, a close relative of the axon guidance receptor Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), has been shown to be a receptor for members of the Netrin and Repulsive Guidance Molecule (RGM) families. While Netrin-l-Neogenin interactions result in a chernoattractive axon guidance response, the interaction between Neogenin and RGMa induces a chemorepulsive response. Evidence is now accumulating that Neogenin is a multi-functional receptor regulating many diverse developmental processes, including neural tube and mammary gland formation, myogenesis and angiogenesis. Little is known of the function of Neogenin in the adult, however, a novel role in the regulation of iron homeostasis is now emerging. While the signal transduction pathways activated by Neogenin are poorly understood, it is clear that the functional outcome of Neogenin activation, at least in the embryo, depends on both the developmental context as well as the nature of the ligand. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A scaffold of axons consisting of a pair of longitudinal tracts and several commissures is established during early development of the vertebrate brain. We report here that NOC-2, a cell surface carbohydrate, is selectively expressed by a subpopulation of growing axons in this scaffold in Xenopus. NOC-2 is present on two glycoproteins, one of which is a novel glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM. When the function of NOC-2 was perturbed using either soluble carbohydrates or anti-NOC-2 antibodies, axons expressing NOC-2 exhibited aberrant growth at specific points in their pathway. NOC-2 is the first-identified axon guidance molecule essential for development of the axon scaffold in the embryonic vertebrate brain.


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Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans display both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth in vitro. The functional activity of these proteoglycans appears to be context specific and dependent on the presence of different chondroitin sulfate-binding molecules. Little is known about the role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the growth and guidance of axons in vivo. To address this question, we examined the effects of exogenous soluble chondroitin sulfates on the growth and guidance of axons arising from a subpopulation of neurons in the vertebrate brain which express NOC-2, a novel glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM. Intact brains of stage 28 Xenopus embryos were unilaterally exposed to medium containing soluble exogenous chondroitin sulfates. When exposed to chondroitin sulfate, NOC-2(+) axons within the tract of the postoptic commissure failed to follow their normal trajectory across the ventral midline via the ventral commissure in the midbrain. Instead, these axons either stalled or grew into the dorsal midbrain or continued growing longitudinally within the ventral longitudinal tract. These findings suggest that chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans indirectly modulate the growth and guidance of a subpopulation of forebrain axons by regulating either matrix-bound or cell surface cues at specific choice points within the developing vertebrate brain. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Neutrophil infiltration is a feature of alcoholic hepatitis (AH), and although the mechanism by which this occurs is unclear, it may involve a chemotactic gradient. We used lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce, in ethanol-fed rats, liver damage similar to that seen in AH. To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine the effect of ethanol on LPS-stimulated chemokine mRNA expression in this model. Hepatic cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-1, CINC-2, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 beta, MIP-2, and eotaxin mRNA levels were elevated 1 to 3 hr post-LPS in both groups. Maximal expression of MIP-2 and MCP-1 mRNA was higher in ethanol-fed rats 1 hr post-LPS, whereas CINC-2 mRNA expression was elevated above controls at 12 to 24 hr. Hepatic intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 mRNA levels were elevated in both groups at 1 hr, whereas L-selectin expression in ethanol-fed rats was elevated above controls at 12 to 24 hr. Hepatic neutrophil infiltration was highest during maximal hepatocyte necrosis. These data suggest that cell adhesion molecules, in conjunction with elevated cytokines and the subsequently induced chemokines, may assist in the formation of a chemotactic gradient within the liver, causing the neutrophil infiltration seen both in this model and possibly in AH.


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The irregular vibronic structure in the S-1<--S-0 resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) spectrum of supersonically cooled triptycene is a result of a classic Exe Jahn-Teller effect [A. Furlan et al., J. Chem. Phys. 96, 7306 (1992)]. This is well characterized and can be used as an effective probe of intramolecular perturbations. Here we examine the S-1<--S-0 R2PI spectrum of 9-hydroxytriptycene and the fluorescence from various excited state vibronic levels. In this system the pseudorotation of the Jahn-Teller vibration is strongly coupled to the torsional motion of the bridgehead hydroxy group. This torsional motion results in a tunneling splitting in both the ground and excited states. The population of the upper level in the ground electronic state results in additional vibronic transitions becoming symmetry allowed in the R2PI spectrum that are forbidden in the bare triptycene molecule. The assignment of the R2PI and fluorescence spectra allows the potential energy surfaces of these vibrational modes to be accurately quantified. The full C-3v vibronic point group must be used to interpret the spectra. The time scale of the internal rotation of the-OH group and the butterfly flapping of the Jahn-Teller pseudorotation are of similar magnitude. The tunneling between the nine minima on the three dimensional potential energy surface is such that the Jahn-Teller pseudorotation occurs in concert with the-OH internal rotation. The Berry phase that is acquired during this motion is discussed. The simple physical picture emerges of the angle between two of the three benzene moieties opening in three equivalent ways in the S-1 electronic state. This geometry follows the position of the hydroxy group, which preferentially orients itself to point between these two rings. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(98)02348-4].


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In the developing vertebrate brain, growing axons establish a scaffold of axon tracts connected across the midline via commissures. We have previously identified a population of telencephalic neurons that express NOC-2, a novel glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM that is involved in axon guidance in the forebrain. These axons arise from the presumptive telencephalic nucleus, course caudally along the principal longitudinal tract of the forebrain, cross the ventral midline in the midbrain, and then project to the contralateral side of the brain. In the present study we have investigated mechanisms controlling the growth of these axons across the ventral midline of the midbrain. The axon guidance receptor DCC is expressed by the NOC-2 population of axons both within the longitudinal tract and within the ventral midbrain commissure. Disruption of DCC-dependent interactions, both in vitro and in vivo, inhibited the NOC-2 axons from crossing the ventral midbrain. Instead, these axons grew along aberrant trajectories away from the midline, suggesting that DCC-dependent interactions are important for overcoming inhibitory mechanisms within the midbrain of the embryonic vertebrate brain. Thus, coordinated responsiveness of forebrain axons to both chemostimulatory and chemorepulsive cues appears to determine whether they cross the ventral midline in the midbrain, (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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C5a is implicated as a pathogenic factor in a wide range of immunoinflammatory diseases, including sepsis and immune complex disease, Agents that antagonize the effects of C5a could be useful in these diseases. We have developed some novel C5a antagonists and have determined the acute anti-inflammatory properties of a new small molecule C5a receptor antagonist against C5a- and LPS-induced neutrophil adhesion and cytokine expression, as well as against some hallmarks of the reverse Arthus reaction in rats. We found that a single i.v. dose (1 mg/kg) of this antagonist inhibited both C5a- and LPS-induced neutropenia and elevated levels of circulating TNF-alpha, as well as polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration, increased TNF-alpha levels and vascular leakage at the site of immune complex deposition. These results indicate potent anti-inflammatory activities of a new C5a receptor antagonist and provide more evidence for a key early role for C5a in sepsis and the reverse Arthus reaction. The results support a role for antagonists of C5a receptors in the therapeutic intervention of immunoinflammatory disease states such as sepsis and immune complex disease.


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We consider the quantum theory of three fields interacting via parametric and repulsive quartic couplings. This can be applied to treat photonic chi((2)) and chi((3)) interactions, and interactions in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates or quantum Fermi gases, describing coherent molecule formation together with a-wave scattering. The simplest two-particle quantum solitons or bound-state solutions of the idealized Hamiltonian, without a momentum cutoff, are obtained exactly. They have a pointlike structure in two and three dimensions-even though the corresponding classical theory is nonsingular. We show that the solutions can be regularized with a momentum cutoff. The parametric quantum solitons have much more realistic length scales and binding energies than chi((3)) quantum solitons, and the resulting effects could potentially be experimentally tested in highly nonlinear optical parametric media or interacting matter-wave systems. N-particle quantum solitons and the ground state energy are analyzed using a variational approach. Applications to atomic/molecular Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC's) are given, where we predict the possibility of forming coupled BEC solitons in three space dimensions, and analyze superchemistry dynamics.


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The chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans neurocan and phosphacan are believed to modulate neurite outgrowth by binding to cell adhesion molecules, tenascin, and the differentiation factors heparin-binding growth-associated molecule and amphoterin. To assess the role of these chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the olfactory system, we describe here their expression patterns during both embryonic and postnatal development in the mouse. Immunoreactivity for neurocan was first detected in primary olfactory neurons at embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5). Neurocan was expressed by primary olfactory axons as they extended toward the rostral pole of the telencephalon as well as by their arbors in glomeruli after they contacted the olfactory bulb. The role of neurocan was examined by growing olfactory neurons on an extracellular matrix substrate containing neurocan or on extracellular matrix in the presence of soluble neurocan. In both cases, neurocan strongly promoted neurite outgrowth. These results suggest that neurocan supports the growth of primary olfactory axons through the extracellular matrix as they project to the olfactory bulb during development. Phosphacan, unlike neurocan, was present within the mesenchyme surrounding the E11.5 and E12.5 nasal cavity. This expression decreased at E13.5, concomitant with a transient appearance of phosphacan in nerve fascicles. Within the embryonic olfactory bulb, phosphacan was localised to the external and internal plexiform layers. However, during early postnatal development phosphacan was concentrated in the glomerular layer. These results suggest that phosphacan may play a role in delineating the pathway of growing olfactory axons as well as defining the laminar organization of the bulb. Together, the spatiotemporal expression patterns of neurocan and phosphacan indicate that these chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans have diverse in situ roles, which are dependent on context-specific interactions with extracellular and cell adhesion molecules within the developing olfactory nerve pathway. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.