em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Comprehensive published radiocarbon data from selected atmospheric records, tree rings, and recent organic matter were analyzed and grouped into 4 different zones (three for the Northern Hemisphere and one for the whole Southern Hemisphere). These C-14 data for the summer season of each hemisphere were employed to construct zonal, hemispheric, and global data sets for use in regional and global carbon model calculations including calibrating and comparing carbon cycle models. In addition, extended monthly atmospheric C-14 data sets for 4 different zones were compiled for age calibration purposes. This is the first time these data sets were constructed to facilitate the dating of recent organic material using the bomb C-14 curves. The distribution of bomb C-14 reflects the major zones of atmospheric circulation.


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This paper, focusing principally on post-Lapita times, outlines the course and outcomes of work undertaken over the last two decades in the West New Britain-Vitiaz Strait-north New Guinea coastal region. It presents two principal arguments. The first is that major periods of movement and abandonment documented in the archaeological sequences of this region from about 3,500 years ago coincide with the record of volcanism in the Talasea-Cape Hoskins area. The second is that the post-Lapita sequences of this region differ significantly from the post-Lapita sequences emerging in the island arc reaching from Manus via New Ireland to southern and eastern island Melanesia, which show continuous occupation and pottery production.


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Documenting the history of settlement in Hawaii during the last few Centuries before European contact, is crucial to charting the evolution of the most complex chiefdom in Polynesia. It is precisely this period that Hawaii. and many Polynesian Societies, Underwent their most rapid changes in political, economic and social organisation. The last similar to 500 to 300 years in the C-14 calibration curve is problematic with wide fluctuations Often rendering large age spans that do not precisely date single events, especially troubling with a culture-historical record of similar to 1000 years duration. Here we present in extremely high precision Th-230 chronology for archaeologically constrained coral samples from a range of occupancy sites. Our high precision dates allow the time of site use to be clearly demonstrated. They also provide the first dates for habitation sites in Hawaii that clearly show contemporaneous occupation-the major problem in settlement pattern archaeology. We demonstrate that two sites were occupied within the same year. Our refined chronology, provides new and exciting oppurtunities for tracking sociopolitical and economic developments during the last few centuries-the crucial period in the evolution and transformation of Polynesian societies. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Accurate dating of lagoon sediments has been a difficult problem, although lagoon profiles, usually with high deposition rates, have a great potential for high-resolution climate reconstruction. We report 26 high-precision TIMS U-series dates (on 25 coral branches) and five AMS C-14 dates (on foraminifera) for a 15.4-m long lagoon core from Yongshu Reef, Nansha area, southern South China Sea. All the dates are in the correct stratigraphical sequence, providing the best chronology so far reported for lagoon deposits. The results reveal a similar to 4000-a continuous depositional history, with sedimentation rates varying from 0.8 to 24.6 mm a(-1), with an average of 3.85 mm a(-1), which corresponds to an average net carbonate accumulation rate of similar to 2700 g CaCO3 m(-2) a(-1), significantly higher than the mean value (800 +/- 400 g CaCO3 m(-2) a(-1)) used for lagoons in general in previous studies of global carbonate budget. Episodes of accelerated depositions within the last 1000 years correlate well with strong storm events identified by U-series dates of storm-transported coral blocks in the area. However, in the longer term, the sedimentation rates during the past 1000 years were much higher than earlier on, probably due to more vigorous wave-reef interaction as a result of relative sea-level fall since 500 AD and expansion of reef flat area, supplying more sediments. The coral TIMS U-series ages and foraminifera AMS 14C dates reveal intriguing apparent radiocarbon reservoir ages (R) from 572 to 1052 years, which are much higher than global mean values of similar to 400 years. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The frequency and intensity of disturbance on living coral reefs have been accelerating for the past few decades, resulting in a changed seascape. What is unclear but vital for management is whether this acceleration is natural or coincident only with recent human impact. We surveyed nine uplifted early to mid-Holocene (11,000-3700 calendar [cal] yr B.P.) fringing and barrier reefs along similar to 27 km at the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. We found evidence for several episodes of coral mass mortality, but frequency was < 1 in 1500 yr. The most striking mortality event extends > 16 km along the ancient coastline, occurred ca. 9100-9400 cal yr B.P., and is associated with a volcanic ash horizon. Recolonization of the reef surface and resumption of vertical reef accretion was rapid (< 100 yr), but the post-disturbance reef communities contrasted with their pre-disturbance counterparts. Assessing the frequency, nature, and long-term ecological consequences of mass-mortality events in fossil coral reefs may provide important insights to guide management of modern reefs in this time of environmental degradation and change.


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Cross-dated tree-ring cores (Pinus merkusii) from north-central Thailand, spanning AD 1620-1780, were used to investigate atmospheric C-14 for the tropics during the latter part of the Little Ice Age. In addition, a cross-dated section of Huon pine from western Tasmania, covering the same period of time, was investigated. A total of 16 pairs of decadal samples were extracted to alpha-cellulose for AMS C-14 analysis using the ANTARES facility at ANSTO. The C-14 results from Thailand follow the trend of the southern hemisphere, rather than that of the northern hemisphere. This is a surprising result, and we infer that atmospheric C-14 for north-central Thailand, at 17degrees N, was strongly influenced by the entrainment of southern hemisphere air parcels during the southwest Asian monsoon, when the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone moves to the north of our sampling site. Such atmospheric transport and mixing are therefore considered to be one of the principal mechanisms for regional C-14 offsets. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.