19 resultados para Protein-Tyrosine-Phosphatase

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase density-enhanced phosphatase-1 (DEP-1) has been implicated in aberrant cancer cell growth and immune cell function, however, its function within cells has yet to be properly elucidated. To investigate the cellular function of DEP-1, stable cell lines inducibly expressing DEP-1 were generated. Induction of DEP-1 expression was found to decrease PDGF-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of cellular proteins including the PDGF receptor, and to inhibit growth factor-stimulated phosphorylation of components of the MAPK pathway, indicating that DEP-1 antagonised PDGF receptor signalling. This was supported by data showing that DEP-1 expression resulted in a reduction in cell proliferation. DEP-1-expressing cells had fewer actin-containing microfilament bundles, reduced vinculin and paxillin-containing adhesion plaques, and were defective in interactions with fibronectin. Defective cell-substratum adhesion correlated with lack of activation of FAK in DEP-1-expressing cells. Time-lapse interference reflection microscopy of live cells revealed that although small focal contacts at the leading edge were generated in DEP-1-expressing cells, they failed to mature into stable focal adhesions, as found in control cells. Further motility analysis revealed that DEP-1-expressing cells retained limited random motility, but showed no chemotaxis towards a gradient of PDGF. In addition, cell-cell contacts were disrupted, with a change in the localisation of cadherin from discrete areas of cell-cell contact to large areas of membrane interaction, and there was a parallel redistribution of beta-catenin. These results demonstrate that DEP-1 is a negative regulator of cell proliferation, cell-substratum contacts, motility and chemotaxis in fibroblasts.


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Membrane organization describes the orientation of a protein with respect to the membrane and can be determined by the presence, or absence, and organization within the protein sequence of two features: endoplasmic reticulum signal peptides and alpha-helical transmembrane domains. These features allow protein sequences to be classified into one of five membrane organization categories: soluble intracellular proteins, soluble secreted proteins, type I membrane proteins, type II membrane proteins, and multi- spanning membrane proteins. Generation of protein isoforms with variable membrane organizations can change a protein's subcellular localization or association with the membrane. Application of MemO, a membrane organization annotation pipeline, to the FANTOM3 Isoform Protein Sequence mouse protein set revealed that within the 8,032 transcriptional units ( TUs) with multiple protein isoforms, 573 had variation in their use of signal peptides, 1,527 had variation in their use of transmembrane domains, and 615 generated protein isoforms from distinct membrane organization classes. The mechanisms underlying these transcript variations were analyzed. While TUs were identified encoding all pairwise combinations of membrane organization categories, the most common was conversion of membrane proteins to soluble proteins. Observed within our highconfidence set were 156 TUs predicted to generate both extracellular soluble and membrane proteins, and 217 TUs generating both intracellular soluble and membrane proteins. The differential use of endoplasmic reticulum signal peptides and transmembrane domains is a common occurrence within the variable protein output of TUs. The generation of protein isoforms that are targeted to multiple subcellular locations represents a major functional consequence of transcript variation within the mouse transcriptome.


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This article investigates the expression patterns of 160 genes that are expressed during early mouse development. The cDNAs were isolated from 7.5 d postcoitum (dpc) encloderm, a region that comprises visceral encloderm (VE), definitive encloderm, and the node-tissues that are required for the initial steps of axial specification and tissue patterning in the mouse. To avoid examining the same gene more than once, and to exclude potentially ubiquitously expressed housekeeping genes, cDNA sequence was derived from 1978 clones of the Endoderm library. These yielded 1440 distinct cDNAs, of which 123 proved to be novel in the mouse. In situ hybridization analysis was carried out on 160 of the cDNAs, and of these, 29 (18%) proved to have restricted expression patterns.


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In budding yeast, partitioning of the cytoplasm during cytokinesis can proceed via a pathway dependent on the contractile actomyosin ring, as in other eukaryotes, or alternatively via a septum deposition pathway dependent on an SH3 domain protein, Hof1/Cyk2 (the yeast PSTPIP1 ortholog). In dividing yeast cells, Hof1 forms a ring at the bud neck distinct from the actomyosin ring, and this zone is active in septum deposition. We previously showed the yeast Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP)-interacting protein (WIP) ortholog, verprolin/Vrp1/End5, interacts with Hof1 and facilitates Hof1 recruitment to the bud neck. A Vrp1 fragment unable to interact with yeast WASP (Las17/Bee1), localize to the actin cytoskeleton or function in polarization of the cortical actin cytoskeleton nevertheless retains function in Hof1 recruitment and cytokinesis. Here, we show the ability of this Vrp1 fragment to bind the Hof1 SH3 domain via its Hof one trap (HOT) domain is critical for cytokinesis. The Vrp1 HOT domain consists of three tandem proline-rich motifs flanked by serines. Unexpectedly, the Hof 1 SH3 domain itself is not required for cytokinesis and indeed appears to negatively regulate cytokinesis. The Vrp1 HOT domain promotes cytokinesis by binding to the Hof 1 SH3 domain and counteracting its inhibitory effect.


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To ensure signalling fidelity, kinases must act only on a defined subset of cellular targets. Appreciating the basis for this substrate specificity is essential for understanding the role of an individual protein kinase in a particular cellular process. The specificity in the cell is determined by a combination of peptide specificity of the kinase (the molecular recognition of the sequence surrounding the phosphorylation site), substrate recruitment and phosphatase activity. Peptide specificity plays a crucial role and depends on the complementarity between the kinase and the substrate and therefore on their three-dimensional structures. Methods for experimental identification of kinase substrates and characterization of specificity are expensive and laborious, therefore, computational approaches are being developed to reduce the amount of experimental work required in substrate identification. We discuss the structural basis of substrate specificity of protein kinases and review the experimental and computational methods used to obtain specificity information. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The albA gene from Klebsiella oxytoca encodes a protein that binds albicidin phytotoxins and antibiotics with high affinity. Previously, it has been shown that shifting pH from 6 to 4 reduces binding activity of AlbA by about 30%, indicating that histidine residues might be involved in substrate binding. In this study, molecular analysis of the albA coding region revealed sequence discrepancies with the albA sequence reported previously, which were probably due to sequencing errors. The albA gene was subsequently cloned from K oxytoca ATCC 13182(T) to establish the revised sequence. Biochemical and molecular approaches were used to determine the functional role of four histidine residues (His(78), HiS(125), HiS(141) and His(189)) in the corrected sequence for AlbA. Treatment of AlbA with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC), a histidine-specific alkylating reagent, reduced binding activity by about 95%. DEPC treatment increased absorbance at 240-244 nm by an amount indicating conversion to N-carbethoxyhistidine of a single histidine residue per AlbA molecule. Pretreatment with albicidin protected AlbA against modification by DEPC, with a 1 : 1 molar ratio of albicidin to the protected histidine residues. Based on protein secondary structure and amino acid surface probability indices, it is predicted that HiS125 might be the residue required for albicidin binding. Mutation of HiS125 to either alanine or leucine resulted in about 32% loss of binding activity, and deletion of HiS125 totally abolished binding activity. Mutation of HiS125 to arginine and tyrosine had no effect. These results indicate that HiS125 plays a key role either in an electrostatic interaction between AlbA and albicidin or in the conformational dynamics of the albicidin-binding site.


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With the completion of the human and mouse genome sequences, the task now turns to identifying their encoded transcripts and assigning gene function. In this study, we have undertaken a computational approach to identify and classify all of the protein kinases and phosphatases present in the mouse gene complement. A nonredundant set of these sequences was produced by mining Ensembl gene predictions and publicly available cDNA sequences with a panel of InterPro domains. This approach identified 561 candidate protein kinases and 162 candidate protein phosphatases. This cohort was then analyzed using TribeMCL protein sequence similarity clustering followed by CLUSTALV alignment and hierarchical tree generation. This approach allowed us to (1) distinguish between true members of the protein kinase and phosphatase families and enzymes of related biochemistry, (2) determine the structure of the families, and (3) suggest functions for previously uncharacterized members. The classifications obtained by this approach were in good agreement with previous schemes and allowed us to demonstrate domain associations with a number of clusters. Finally, we comment on the complementary nature of cDNA and genome-based gene detection and the impact of the FANTOM2 transcriptome project.


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Tau is a major microtubule-associated protein of axons and is also the principal component of the paired helical filaments (PHFs) that comprise the neurofibrillary tangles found in Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. Besides phosphorylation of tau on serine and threonine residues in both normal tau and tau from neurofibrillary tangles, Tyr-18 was reported to be a site of phosphorylation by the Src-family kinase Fyn. We examined whether tyrosine residues other than Tyr-18 are phosphorylated in tau and whether other tyrosine kinases might phosphorylate tau. Using mass spectrometry, we positively identified phosphorylated Tyr-394 in PHF-tau from an Alzheimer brain and in human fetal brain tau. When wild-type human tau was transfected into fibroblasts or neuroblastoma cells, treatment with pervanadate caused tau to become phosphorylated on tyrosine by endogenous kinases. By replacing each of the five tyrosines in tau with phenylalanine, we identified Tyr-394 as the major site of tyrosine phosphorylation in tau. Tyrosine phosphorylation of tau was inhibited by PP2 (4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl-7-(t-butyl) pyrazolo[3,4-d] pyrimidine), which is known to inhibit Src-family kinases and c-Abl. Cotransfection of tau and kinases showed that Tyr-18 was the major site for Fyn phosphorylation, but Tyr-394 was the main residue for Abl. In vitro, Abl phosphorylated tau directly. Abl could be coprecipitated with tau and was present in pretangle neurons in brain sections from Alzheimer cases. These results show that phosphorylation of tau on Tyr-394 is a physiological event that is potentially part of a signal relay and suggest that Abl could have a pathogenic role in Alzheimer's disease.


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protein modulation of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ( nAChR) channels in rat intrinsic cardiac ganglia was examined using dialyzed whole-cell and excised membrane patch-recording configurations. Cell dialysis with GTP gamma S increased the agonist affinity of nAChRs, resulting in a potentiation of nicotine-evoked whole-cell currents at low concentrations. ACh- and nicotine-evoked current amplitudes were increased approximately twofold in the presence of GTP gamma S. In inside-out membrane patches, the open probability (NPo) of nAChR-mediated unitary currents was reversibly increased fourfold after bath application of 0.2mM GTP gamma S relative to control but was unchanged in the presence of GDP gamma S. The modulation of nAChR-mediated whole- cell currents was agonist specific; currents evoked by the cholinergic agonists ACh, nicotine, and 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide, but not cytisine or choline, were potentiated in the presence of GTP gamma S. The direct interaction between G-protein subunits and nAChRs was examined by bath application of either G(o)alpha or G beta gamma subunits to inside-out membrane patches and in glutathione S-transferase pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Bath application of 50 nM G beta gamma increased the open probability of ACh- activated single-channel currents fivefold, whereas G(o)alpha( 50 nM) produced no significant increase in NPo. Neuronal nAChR subunits alpha 3-alpha 5 and alpha 2 exhibited a positive interaction with G(o)alpha and G beta gamma, whereas beta 4 and alpha 7 failed to interact with either of the G-protein subunits. These results provide evidence for a direct interaction between nAChR and G-protein subunits, underlying the increased open probability of ACh-activated single-channel currents and potentiation of nAChR-mediated whole-cell currents in parasympathetic neurons of rat intrinsic cardiac ganglia.


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Purple acid phosphatases (PAPs) are a family of binuclear metalloenzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters and anhydrides. A PAP in sweet potato has a unique, strongly antiferromagnetically coupled Fe(III)-Mn(II) center and is distinguished from other PAPs by its increased catalytic efficiency for a range of activated and unactivated phosphate esters, its strict requirement for Mn(II), and the presence of a mu-oxo bridge at pH 4.90. This enzyme displays maximum catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K-m) at pH 4.5, whereas its catalytic rate constant (k(cat)) is maximal at near-neutral pH, and, in contrast to other PAPs, its catalytic parameters are not dependent on the pK(a) of the leaving group. The crystal structure of the phosphate-bound Fe(III)-Mn(II) PAP has been determined to 2.5-Angstrom resolution (final R-free value of 0.256). Structural comparisons of the active site of sweet potato, red kidney bean, and mammalian PAPs show several amino acid substitutions in the sweet potato enzyme that can account for its increased catalytic efficiency. The phosphate molecule binds in an unusual tripodal mode to the two metal ions, with two of the phosphate oxygen atoms binding to Fe(III) and Mn(II), a third oxygen atom bridging the two metal ions, and the fourth oxygen pointing toward the substrate binding pocket. This binding mode is unique among the known structures in this family but is reminiscent of phosphate binding to urease and of sulfate binding to A protein phosphatase. The structure and kinetics support the hypothesis that the bridging oxygen atom initiates hydrolysis.


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There is an urgent need for high purity, single chain, fully functional Eph/ephrin membrane proteins. This report outlines the pTIg-BOS-Fc vector and purification approach resulting in rapid increased production of fully functional single chain extracellular proteins that were isolated with high purity and used in structure-function analysis and pre-clinical studies.