13 resultados para Produtive reorganization

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Many serine proteases play important regulatory roles in complex biological systems, but only a few have been linked directly with capillary morphogenesis and angiogenesis. Here we provide evidence that serine protease activities, independent of the plasminogen activation cascade, are required for microvascular endothelial cell reorganization and capillary morphogenesis in vitro. A homology cloning approach targeting conserved motifs present in all serine proteases, was used to identify candidate serine proteases involved in these processes, and revealed 5 genes (acrosin, testisin, neurosin, PSP and neurotrypsin), none of which had been associated previously with expression in endothelial cells. A subsequent gene-specific RT-PCR screen for 22 serine proteases confirmed expression of these 5 genes and identified 7 additional serine protease genes expressed by human endothelial cells, urokinase-type plasminogen activator, protein C,TMPRSS2, hepsin, matriptase/ MT-SPI, dipepticlylpepticlase IV, and seprase. Differences in serine protease gene expression between microvascular and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were identified and several serine protease genes were found to be regulated by the nature of the substratum, ie. artificial basement membrane or fibrillar type I collagen. mRNA transcripts of several serine protease genes were associated with blood vessels in vivo by in situ hybridization of human tissue specimens. These data suggest a potential role for serine proteases, not previously associated with endothelium, in vascular function and angiogenesis.


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Objective: To investigate laryngeal function and phonatory disturbance in children with traumatic brain injury (TBI), using both perceptual and instrumental techniques. Design and participants: The performance of 16 individuals with moderate to severe TBI acquired in childhood and 16 nonneurologicatly impaired control subjects was compared on a battery of perceptual (Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, speech sample analysis) and instrumental (Aerophone II, laryngograph) assessments. Results and conclusions: As a group, the children with TBI demonstrated normal, or only minimally impaired laryngeal function, when compared with the control group, which contrasts with the significant laryngeal impairment noted in adults after TBI. Several reasons for the different findings in relation to laryngeal function in adults and children after TBI are postulated: (1) differing types of injury usually incurred by adults and children may result in a relatively decreased degree of neurologic impairment in these children, (2) differences in recovery potential between adults and children, and (3) the pediatric larynx is still developing, hence it may be better able to compensate for any impairment incurred.


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The placement of monocular laser lesions in the adult cat retina produces a lesion projection zone (LPZ) in primary visual cortex (V1) in which the majority of neurons have a normally located receptive field (RF) for stimulation of the intact eye and an ectopically located RF ( displaced to intact retina at the edge of the lesion) for stimulation of the lesioned eye. Animals that had such lesions for 14 - 85 d were studied under halothane and nitrous oxide anesthesia with conventional neurophysiological recording techniques and stimulation of moving light bars. Previous work suggested that a candidate source of input, which could account for the development of the ectopic RFs, was long-range horizontal connections within V1. The critical contribution of such input was examined by placing a pipette containing the neurotoxin kainic acid at a site in the normal V1 visual representation that overlapped with the ectopic RF recorded at a site within the LPZ. Continuation of well defined responses to stimulation of the intact eye served as a control against direct effects of the kainic acid at the LPZ recording site. In six of seven cases examined, kainic acid deactivation of neurons at the injection site blocked responsiveness to lesioned-eye stimulation at the ectopic RF for the LPZ recording site. We therefore conclude that long-range horizontal projections contribute to the dominant input underlying the capacity for retinal lesion-induced plasticity in V1.


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Coral reefs are the most diverse marine ecosystem and embrace possibly millions of plant, animal and protist species. Mutualistic symbioses are a fundamental feature of coral reefs that have been used to explain their structure, biodiversity and existence. Complex inter-relationships between hosts, habitats and symbionts belie closely coupled nutrient and community dynamics that create the circumstances for something from nothing (or the oasis in a nutrient desert). The flip side of these dynamics is a close dependency between species, which results in a series of non-linear relationships as conditions change. These responses are being highlighted as anthropogenic influences increase across the world's tropical and subtropical coastlines. Caribbean as well as Indo-Pacific coral populations are now in a serious decline in many parts of the world. This has resulted in a significant reorganization of how coral reef ecosystems function. Among the spectra of changes brought about by humans is rapid climate change. Mass coral bleaching - the loss of the dinoflagellate symbionts from reef-building corals - and mortality has affected the world's coral reefs with increasing frequency and intensity since the late 1970s. Mass bleaching events, which often cover thousands of square kilometres of coral reefs, are triggered by small increases (+1-3degreesC) in water temperature. These increases in sea temperature are often seen during warm phase weather conditions (e.g. ENSO) and are increasing in size and magnitude. The loss of living coral cover (e.g. 16% globally in 1998, an exceptionally warm year) is resulting in an as yet unspecified reduction in the abundance of a myriad of other species. Projections from general circulation models (GCM) used to project changes in global temperature indicate that conditions even under the mildest greenhouse gas emission scenarios may exceed the thermal tolerances of most reef-building coral communities. Research must now explore key issues such as the extent to which the thermal tolerances of corals and their symbionts are dynamic if bleaching and disease are linked; how the loss of high densities of reef-building coral will affect other dependent species; and, how the loss of coral populations will affect the millions of people globally who depend on coral reefs for their daily survival.


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In this experiment, we examined the extent to which the spatiotemporal reorganization of muscle synergies mediates skill acquisition on a two degree-of-freedom (df) target-acquisition task. Eight participants completed five practice sessions on consecutive days. During each session they practiced movements to eight target positions presented by a visual display. The movements required combinations of flexion/extension and pronation/supination of the elbow joint complex. During practice sessions, eight targets displaced 5.4 cm from the start position ( representing joint excursions of 54) were presented 16 times. During pre- and posttests, participants acquired the targets at two distances (3.6 cm [36 degrees] and 7.2 cm [72 degrees]). EMG data were recorded from eight muscles contributing to the movements during the pre- and posttests. Most targets were acquired more rapidly after the practice period. Performance improvements were, in most target directions, accompanied by increases in the smoothness of the movement trajectories. When target acquisition required movement in both dfs, there were also practice-related decreases in the extent to which the trajectories deviated from a direct path to the target. The contribution of monofunctional muscles ( those producing torque in a single df) increased with practice during movements in which they acted as agonists. The activity in bifunctional muscles ( those contributing torque in both dfs) remained at pretest levels in most movements. The results suggest that performance gains were mediated primarily by changes in the spatial organization of muscles synergies. These changes were expressed most prominently in terms of the magnitude of activation of the monofunctional muscles.


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The effects of pressure and temperature on the energy (E-op) of the metal-to-metal charge transfer (MMCT, Fe-II --> Co-III) transition of the cyano-bridged complexes trans - [(LCoNCFe)-Co-14(CN)(5)](-) and cis-[(LCoNCFe)-Co-14(CN)(5)](-) (where L-14 = 6-methyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecan-6-amine) were examined. The changes in the redox potentials of the cobalt and iron metal centres with pressure and temperature were also examined and the results interpreted with Marcus Hush theory. The observed redox reaction volumes can mainly be accounted for in terms of localised electrostriction effects. The shifts in E-op due to both pressure and temperature were found to be less than the shifts in the energy difference (E degrees) between the Co-III-Fe-II and Co-II-Fe-III redox isomers. The pressure and temperature dependence of the reorganisational energy, as well as contributions arising from the different spin states of Co-II, are discussed in order to account for this trend. To study the effect of pressure on Co-III electronic absorption bands, a new cyano-bridged complex, trans - [(LCoNCCo)-Co-14(CN)(5)], was prepared and characterised spectroscopically and structurally. X-Ray crystallography revealed this complex to be isostructural with trans -[(LCoNCFe)-Co-14(CN)(5)] center dot 5H(2)O.


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The development of gymnolaemate Ectoprocta includes a larval stage of either the coronate or the cyphonautes type. Herein, we provide the first description of the larval neural anatomy of a coronate larva using immunocytochemical methods. We used antibodies against the neurotransmitters serotonin and FMRFamide and followed the fate of immunoreactive cells through metamorphosis. The larval serotonergic nervous system of Triphyllozoon mucronatum consists of an apical commissure, one pair of lateral axons, a coronate nerve net, an internal nerve mesh, and one pair of axons innervating the frontal organ. FMRFamide is only found in the larval commissure and in the lateral axons. The entire serotonergic and FMRFamidergic nervous system is lost during metamorphosis and the adult neural structures form independent of the larval ones. In the postlarval zooid, both neurotransmitters are detected in the cerebral commissure, in cell bodies located at the base of the lophophore, and in neurites connecting these somata to the cerebral commissure. These findings differ significantly from that observed in other lophotrochozoans, where certain larval neural features are either incorporated in the adult nervous system and/or have inductive functions during its ontogeny. The occurrence of a larval commissure and the lack of a serotonergic or FMRFamidergic apical organ in T. mucronatum are unique among lophotrochozoan larvae, which usually have a distinct apical organ containing serotonergic cells. Our data show that the larval neuroanatomy and the processes that underlie the reorganization of larval organ systems during metamorphosis may vary much more among lophotrochozoan taxa than previously thought.


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Objectives. It has been proposed that disruption of the internal proprioceptive representation, via incongruent sensory input, may underpin pathological pain states, but experimental evidence relies on conflicting visual input, which is not clinically relevant. We aimed to determine the symptomatic effect of incongruent proprioceptive input, imparted by vibration of the wrist tendons, which evokes the illusion of perpetual wrist flexion and disrupts cortical proprioceptive representation. Methods. Twenty-nine healthy and naive volunteers reported symptoms during five conditions: control, active and passive wrist flexion, extensor carpi radialis tendon vibration to evoke illusion of perpetual wrist flexion, and ulnar styloid (sham) vibration. No advice was given about possible illusions. Results. Twenty-one subjects reported the illusion of perpetual wrist flexion during tendon vibration. There was no effect of condition or of whether or not subjects reported an illusion on discomfort/pain (P > 0.28). Peculiarity, swelling and foreignness were greater during tendon vibration than during the other conditions, and greater during tendon vibration in those who reported an illusion of wrist flexion than in those who did not (P < 0.05 for all). Symptoms were reported by at least two subjects in each condition and four subjects reported systemic symptoms (e.g. nausea). Conclusions. In healthy volunteers, incongruent proprioceptive input does not cause discomfort or pain but does evoke feelings of peculiarity, swelling and foreignness in the limb.


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In contrast to the well-established relationship between cadherins and the actin cytoskeleton, the potential link between cadherins and microtubules (MTs) has been less extensively investigated. We now identify a pool of MTs that extend radially into cell-cell contacts and are inhibited by manoeuvres that block the dynamic activity of MT plus-ends (e.g. in the presence of low concentrations of nocodazole and following expression of a CLIP-170 mutant). Blocking dynamic MTs perturbed the ability of cells to concentrate and accumulate E-cadherin at cell-cell contacts, as assessed both by quantitative immunofluorescence microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis, but did not affect either transport of E-cadherin to the plasma membrane or the amount of E-cadherin expressed at the cell surface. This indicated that dynamic MTs allow cells to concentrate E-cadherin at cell-cell contacts by regulating the regional distribution of E-cadherin once it reaches the cell surface. Importantly, dynamic MTs were necessary for myosin II to accumulate and be activated at cadherin adhesive contacts, a mechanism that supports the focal accumulation of E-cadherin. We propose that this population of MTs represents a novel form of cadherin-MT cooperation, where cadherin adhesions recruit dynamic MTs that, in turn, support the local concentration of cadherin molecules by regulating myosin II activity at cell-cell contacts.


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Human MxA protein belongs to the superfamily of dynamin-like large GTPases that are involved in intracellular membrane trafficking. MxA is induced by interferons-alpha/beta (IFN-alpha/beta) and is a key component of the antiviral response against RNA viruses. Here, we show that MxA localizes to membranes that are positive for specific markers of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, such as Syntaxin17, but is excluded from other membrane compartments. Overexpression of MxA leads to a characteristic reorganization of the associated membranes. Interestingly, Hook3, mannose-6-phosphate receptor, and Lamp-1, which normally accumulate in cis-Golgi, endosomes, and lysosomes, respectively, also colocalized with MxA, indicating that these markers were redistributed to the MxA-positive compartment. Functional assays, however, did not show any effect of MxA on endocytosis or the secretory pathway. The present results demonstrate that MxA is an IFN-induced antiviral effector protein that resembles the constitutively expressed large GTPase family members in its capacity to localize to and reorganize intracellular membranes.


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The role of the small GTP-binding protein Rho in the process of smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotypic modulation was investigated using cultured rabbit aortic SMCs. Both Rho transcription and Rho protein expression were high for the first 3 days of culture (contractile state cells), with expression decreasing after change to the synthetic state and peaking upon return to the contractile phenotype. Activation of Rho (indicated by translocation to the membrane) also peaked upon return to the contractile state and was low in synthetic state SMCs. Transient transfection of synthetic state rabbit SMCs with constitutively active Rho (val14rho) caused a dramatic decrease in cell size and reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins to resemble those of the contractile phenotype; alpha-actin and myosin adopted a tightly packed, highly organized arrangement, whereas vimentin localized to the immediate perinuclear region and focal adhesions were enlarged. Conversely, specific inhibition of endogenous Rho, by expression of C3 transferase, resulted in the complete loss of actin and myosin filaments without affecting the distribution of vimentin. Focal adhesions were reduced in number. Thus, Rho plays a key role in regulating SMC phenotypic expression.


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Smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotypic modulation from the mature ’contractile’ to a less differentiated ’synthetic’ phenotype involves not only altered expression but also a reorganisation of contractile and cytoskeletal proteins. Objective: To investigate the role of RhoA, a known regulator of the actin cytoskeleton, in SMC phenotypic regulation. Methods: Rho transcription (RT-PCR), expression (Western analysis) and activation (membrane translocation or Rho ’pull-down’ assay) was investigated in cultured rabbit aortic SMC during phenotypic modulation, and under the influence of known SM-regulatory proteins (thrombin, heparin and TGF- β). Rho’s effect on cell morphology was examined by transient transfection of ’synthetic’ state SMC with either constitutively active Rho (Val14RhoA) or its inhibitor, C3 transferase. Results: RhoA transcription was elevated in the first 3 days of primary culture, and protein expression peaked at 2 days post-confluence when SMC return to a more ’contractile’ state. However, RhoA showed augmented activation at three time-points in primary culture: the transition point when SMCs enter logarithmic growth and are highly motile, upon reaching quiescence, and when they return to a more ’contractile’ state. Thrombin, heparin and TGF-β activated RhoA in ’synthetic’ state SMCs. Transfection with Val14RhoA caused a dramatic decrease in SMC size and a reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins, reminiscent of the ’contractile’ phenotype. Specific inhibition of endogenous Rho by C3 transferase resulted in an almost complete loss of contractile proteins. Conclusion: These data indicate that Rho is an important determining factor of SMC functional state.