98 resultados para Plastic products

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The effect of an organically surface modified layered silicate on the viscosity of various epoxy resins of different structures and different functionalities was investigated. Steady and dynamic shear viscosities of the epoxy resins containing 0-10 wt% of the organoclay were determined using parallel plate rheology. Viscosity results were compared with those achieved through addition of a commonly used micron-sized CaCO3 filler. It was found that changes in viscosities due to the different fillers were of the same order, since the layered silicate was only dispersed on a micron-sized scale in the monomer (prior to reaction), as indicated by X-ray diffraction measurements. Flow activation energies at a low frequency were determined and did not show any significant changes due to the addition of organoclay or CaCO3. Comparison between dynamic and steady shear experiments showed good agreement for low layered silicate concentrations below 7.5 wt%, i.e. the Cox-Merz rule can be applied. Deviations from the Cox-Merz rule appeared at and above 10 wt%, although such deviations were only slightly above experimental error. Most resin organoclay blends were well predicted by the Power Law model, only concentrations of 10 wt% and above requiring the Herschel-Buckley (yield stress) model to achieve better fits. Wide-angle X-ray measurements have shown that the epoxy resin swells the layered silicate with an increase in the interlayer distance of approximately 15 Angstrom, and that the rheology behavior is due to the lateral, micron-size of these swollen tactoids.


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The influence of an organically modified clay on the curing behavior of three epoxy systems widely used in the aerospace industry and of different structures and functionalities, was studied. Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA), triglycidyl p-amino phenol (TGAP) and tetraglycidyl diamino diphenylmethane (TGDDM) were mixed with an octadecyl ammonium ion modified organoclay and cured with diethyltoluene diamine (DETDA). The techniques of dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), chemorheology and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were applied to investigate gelation and vitrification behavior, as well as catalytic effects of the clay on resin cure. While the formation of layered silicate nanocomposite based on the bifunctional DGEBA resin has been previously investigated to some extent, this paper represents the first detailed study of the cure behavior of different high performance, epoxy nanocomposite systems.


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In the extrusion manufacture of starch-based thermoplastics, such as biodegradable packaging materials, glycerol is an effective additive as a plasticiser, that is, to diminish the brittle nature of the product and provide the desired extent of flexibility. However, the addition of glycerol may also affect the gelatinisation behaviour of the starch-water mixture, and hence the required processing conditions for producing a homogeneously gelatinised starch-based material. The effect of glycerol on the gelatinisation of wheat starch was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Mixtures of starch, water and glycerol were investigated with a water content ranging from 12 - 40% and a glycerol concentration up to 75%. Dependent on composition, the enthalpy of gelatinisation ranged from 1.7 - 12.6 J/g (on a dry starch basis), while the onset and peak temperatures varied from 54 to 86 degreesC and 60 to 90 degreesC, respectively. As expected, water acted as a plasticiser in that the onset temperature for gelatinisation (TO) decreased with increasing moisture content. Glycerol, however, increased To. It is shown that the T-0 of starch-glycerol-water mixtures may be predicted on the basis of the effective moisture content of the starch fraction of these mixtures resulting from the relative speed of moisture absorption by glycerol and starch, respectively. Moisture sorption kinetics of wheat starch and glycerol in 100% relative humidity were determined and used to predict the preferential water absorption by glycerol in starch-glycerol-water mixtures and hence the resulting T-0 of the system.


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The yield behaviour of a series of melt-mixed polyethylene-modified montmorillonite nanocomposites has been studied as a function of temperature and strain rate and compared to the behaviour of the base polymer. The processing conditions used gave an intercalated structure as assessed by X-ray diffraction. Although there was a modest improvement in stiffness with clay content, the yield behaviour was insensitive to the addition of the clay. Both the base polymer and the nanocomposites showed double yield points. These were analysed as activated rate processes, with the activation energies consistent with the low strain yield point being associated with the alpha(2) molecular relaxation and the higher strain yield point with W axis slip. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Thermosetting blends of a biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol)-type epoxy resin (PEG-ER) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) were prepared via an in situ curing reaction of poly(ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether (PEGDGE) and maleic anhydride (MAH) in the presence of PCL. The miscibility, phase behavior, crystallization, and morphology of these blends were investigated. The uncured PCL/PEGDGE blends were miscible, mainly because of the entropic contribution, as the molecular weight of PEGDGE was very low. The crystallization and melting behavior of both PCL and the poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) segment of PEGDGE were less affected in the uncured PCL/PEGDGE blends because of the very close glass-transition temperatures of PCL and PEGDGE. However, the cured PCL/PEG-ER blends were immiscible and exhibited two separate glass transitions, as revealed by differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical analysis. There existed two phases in the cured PCL/PEG-ER blends, that is, a PCL-rich phase and a PEG-ER crosslinked phase composed of an MAH-cured PEGDGE network. The crystallization of PCL was slightly enhanced in the cured blends because of the phase-separated nature; meanwhile, the PEG segment was highly restricted in the crosslinked network and was noncrystallizable in the cured blends. The phase structure and morphology of the cured PCL/PEG-ER blends were examined with scanning electron microscopy; a variety of phase morphologies were observed that depended on the blend composition. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Ultem irradiated up to 10.0 MGy has been analysed using C-13, H-1 and D-2 proton-carbon and proton-proton correlation NMR spectroscopy to shed light on the formation of new structures. Chemical shifts and correlation data were used to determine the structure or partial structures of several new components. The spectra indicated the presence of new groups and structures involving the isopropylidene group, the imide ring, and hydrogen-abstraction reactions. Possible pathways for formation of the new structures are proposed and the G-values for their formation have been estimated. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The long-term biostability of a novel thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer (Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A) synthesized using poly(hexamethylene oxide) (PHMO) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) macrodiols has been studied using an in vivo ovine model. The material's biostability was compared with that of three commercially available control materials, Pellethane(R) 2363-80A, Pellethane(R) 2363-55D and Bionate(R) 55D, after subcutaneous implantation of strained compression moulded flat sheet dumbbells in sheep for periods ranging from 3 to 24 months. Scanning electron microscopy, attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to assess changes in the surface chemical structure and morphology of the materials. Gel permeation chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry and tensile testing were used to examine changes in bulk characteristics of the materials. The results showed that the biostability of the soft flexible PDMS-based test polyurethane was significantly better than the control material of similar softness, Pellethane(R) 80A, and as good as or better than both of the harder commercially available negative control polyurethanes. Pellethane(R) 55D and Bionate(R) 55D. Changes observed in the surface of the Pellethane(R) materials were consistent with oxidation of the aliphatic polyether soft segment and hydrolysis of the urethane bonds joining hard to soft segment with degradation in Pellethane(R) 80A significantly more severe than that observed in Pellethane(R) 55D. Very minor changes were seen on the surfaces of the Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A and Bionate(R) 55D materials. There was a general trend of molecular weight decreasing with time across all polymers and the molecular weights of all materials decreased at a similar relative rate. The polydispersity ratio, M-w/M-n, increased with time for all materials. Tensile tests indicated that UTS increased in Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A and Bionate(R) 55D following implantation under strained conditions. However, ultimate strain decreased and elastic modulus increased in the explanted specimens of all three materials when compared with their unimplanted unstrained counterparts. The results indicate that a soft, flexible PDMS-based polyurethane synthesized using 20% PHMO and 80% PDMS macrodiols has excellent long-term biostability compared with commercially available polyurethanes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mode II fracture toughness of an oriented PVC pipe was measured using an End Notched Flexure test geometry. A relatively low value of G(IIC) was found of 1.07 kJ m(-2) and this indicates that it is energetically more favorable for a crack to propagate in the tangential direction rather than radially through the wall of the pipe. Examination of the mechanism of crack advanced showed that although the crack was propagating globally in mode II, micro-cracks were opening ahead of the crack in mode I or in mixed mode. Growth of the crack occurred by linking up of these micro-cracks. This is similar to the mechanism found for mode II cracking in carbon fibre epoxy composites. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The rheology of 10 Australian honeys was investigated at temperatures -15C to 0C by a strain-controlled rheometer. The honeys exhibited Newtonian behavior irrespective of the temperature, and follow the Cox-Merz rule. G/G' and omega are quadratically related, and the crossover frequencies for liquid to solid transformation and relaxation times were obtained. The composition of the honeys correlates well (r(2) > 0.83) with the viscosity, and with 24 7 data sets (Australian and Greek honeys), the following equation was obtained: mu = 1.41 x 10(-17) exp [-1.20M + 0.01F - 0.0G + (18.6 X 10(3)/T)] The viscosity of the honeys showed a strong dependence on temperature, and four models were examined to describe this. The models gave good fits (r(2) > 0.95), but better fits were obtained for the WLF model using T-g of the honeys and mu(g) = 10(11) Pa.s. The WLF model with its universal values poorly predicted the viscosity, and the implications of the measured rheological behaviors of the honeys in their processing and handling are discussed.


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Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate the effect of mixtures of glucose and fructose, and five types of honeys on starch gelatinisation. At a 1:1 starch:water ratio, glucose generally increased the enthalpy (DeltaH(gel)) and temperatures (T-onset, T-peak and T-end) of gelatinisation more than fructose. Upon mixing, DeltaH(gel) of the low-temperature endotherm decreased in comparison to the sole sugars, but was fairly constant (7.7 +/- 0.33 J/g dry starch). DeltaH(gel) of the high-temperature endotherm increased with the fructose content. For both endotherms, the gelatinisation temperatures were unchanged (CV less than or equal to 3%) for the mixtures. With the honeys (moisture, 14.9-18.0%; fructose, 37.2-44.0%; glucose, 28.3-31.9%) added at 1.1-4.4 g per g dry starch, the enthalpy and temperatures of gelatinisation did not vary significantly (CV less than or equal to 6%). Typical thermograms are presented, and the results are interpreted in the light of the various proposed mechanisms for starch gelatinisation in sugar-water systems, total sugar content and possible sugar-sugar interactions. The thermograms were broader in the presence of the sugars and honeys, and a biphasic character was consistently exhibited. The application of an exponential equation to the gelatinisation temperatures of the starch-honey mixtures revealed an opposing influence of fructose and glucose during gelatinisation. The mechanism of starch gelatinisation may be better understood if techniques could be perfected to quantify breakage and formation of hydrogen bonds in the starch granules, and suggested techniques are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC) has provided further insight into the gelatinisation process since it allows the detection of glass transition during gelatinisation process. It was found in this work that the glass transition overlapped with the gelatinisation peak temperature for all maize starch formulations studied. Systematic investigation on maize starch gelatinisation over a range of water-glycerol concentrations with MTDSC revealed that the addition of glycerol increased the gelatinisation onset temperature with an extent that depended on the water content in the system. Furthermore, the addition of glycerol promoted starch gelatinisation at low water content (0.4 g water/g dry starch) and the enthalpy of gelatinisation varied with glycerol concentration (0.73-19.61 J/g dry starch) depending on the water content and starch type. The validities of published gelatinisation models were explored. These models failed to explain the glass transition phenomena observed during the course of gelatinisation and failed to describe the gelatinisation behaviour observed over the water-glycerol concentrations range investigated. A hypothesis for the mechanisms involved during gelatinisation was proposed based on the side chain liquid crystalline polymer model for starch structure and the concept that the order-disorder transition in starch requires that the hydrogen bonds (the major structural element in the granule packing) to be broken before the collapse of order (helix-coil transition) can take place. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the evolution of the state of dispersion of organically modified montmorillonites in epoxy or amine precursors. The epoxy prepolymer is a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) and the curing agent is an aliphatic diamine with a polyoxypropylene backbone (Jeffamine D2000). The clay dispersion is evaluated at the platelet scale (nanoscopic scale) from X-ray spectrometry [wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)] and at the aggregates scale (microscopic scale) from rheological analysis. The organoclays used form gels in the monomers above the percolation threshold if no shear is applied and present a mechanical gel/sol transition when shear stress increases. Gel strength and viscosity at high shear rates are linked to the nanometric state of dispersion and reveal the existence of two different organizations depending on organoclay/monomer interactions: (i) When the clay shows good interactions with the monomer, a significant swelling of the clay galleries by the monomer is obtained. These swollen particles lead to formation of weak gels which after shearing give high relative viscosity fluids. (ii) When the clay develops poor interactions with the monomer, the clay tends to reduce its exchange surface with the monomer and leads to a strongly connected gel. Shear breaks down this physical network leading to a very low relative viscosity fluid composed of nonswollen particles keeping a high aspect ratio. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Polyethylene (PE) multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with weight fractions ranging from 0.1 to 10 wt% were prepared by melt blending using a mini-twin screw extruder. The morphology and degree of dispersion of the MWCNTs in the PE matrix at different length scales was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). Both individual and agglomerations of MWCNTs were evident. An up-shift of 17 cm(-1) for the G band and the evolution of a shoulder to this peak were obtained in the Raman spectra of the nanocomposites, probably due to compressive forces exerted on the MWCNTs by PE chains and indicating intercalation of PE into the MWCNT bundles. The electrical conductivity and linear viscoelastic behaviour of these nanocomposites were investigated. A percolation threshold of about 7.5 wt% was obtained and the electrical conductivity of PE was increased significantly, by 16 orders of magnitude, from 10(-20) to 10(-4) S/cm. The storage modulus (G') versus frequency curves approached a plateau above the percolation threshold with the formation of an interconnected nanotube structure, indicative of 'pseudo-solid-like' behaviour. The ultimate tensile strength and elongation at break of the nanocomposites decreased with addition of MWCNTs. The diminution of mechanical proper-ties of the nanocomposites, though concomitant with a significant increase in electrical conductivity, implies the mechanism for mechanical reinforcement for PE/MWCNT composites is filler-matrix interfacial interactions and not filler percolation. The temperature of crystallisation (T.) and fraction of PE that was crystalline (F-c) were modified by incorporating MWCNTs. The thermal decomposition temperature of PE was enhanced by 20 K on addition of 10 wt% MWCNT. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.