237 resultados para Pilot System

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Purpose: This pilot study explored the feasibility and effectiveness of an Internet-based telerehabilitation application for the assessment of motor speech disorders in adults with acquired neurological impairment. Method: Using a counterbalanced, repeated measures research design, 2 speech-language pathologists assessed 19 speakers with dysarthria on a battery of perceptual assessments. The assessments included a 19-item version of the Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (FDA; P. Enderby, 1983), the Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech (K. M. Yorkston & D. R. Beukelman, 1981), perceptual analysis of a speech sample, and an overall rating of severity of the dysarthria. One assessment was conducted in the traditional face-to-face manner, whereas the other assessment was conducted using an online, custom-built telerehabilitation application. This application enabled real-time videoconferencing at 128 kb/s and the transfer of store-and-forward audio and video data between the speaker and speech-language pathologist sites. The assessment methods were compared using the J.M.Bland and D.G.Altman (1986, 1999) limits-of-agreement method and percentage level of agreement between the 2 methods. Results: Measurements of severity of dysarthria, percentage intelligibility in sentences, and most perceptual ratings made in the telerehabilitation environment were found to fall within the clinically acceptable criteria. However, several ratings on the FDA were not comparable between the environments, and explanations for these results were explored. Conclusions: The online assessment of motor speech disorders using an Internet-based telerehabilitation system is feasible. This study suggests that with additional refinement of the technology and assessment protocols, reliable assessment of motor speech disorders over the Internet is possible. Future research methods are outlined.


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A new method of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) extraction from recombinant E. coli is proposed, using homogenization and centrifugation coupled with sodium hypochlorite treatment. The size of PHB granules and cell debris in homogenates was characterised as a function of the number of homogenization passes. Simulation was used to develop the PHB and cell debris fractionation system, enabling numerical examination of the effects of repeated homogenization and centrifuge-feedrate variation. The simulation provided a good prediction of experimental performance. Sodium hypochlorite treatment was necessary to optimise PHB fractionation. A PHB recovery of 80% at a purity of 96.5% was obtained with the final optimised process. Protein and DNA contained in the resultant product were negligible. The developed process holds promise for significantly reducing the recovery cost associated with PHB manufacture.


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Objective. Evidence from animal studies, case reports, and phase I studies suggests that hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) can be effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It is unclear, however, if depletion of T cells in the stem cell product infused after high-dose chemotherapy is beneficial in prolonging responses by reducing the number of infused autoreactive T cells. This pilot multicenter, randomized trial was undertaken to obtain feasibility data on whether CD34 selection (as a form of T cell depletion) of an autologous stem cell graft is of benefit in the HSCT procedure in patients with severe, refractory RA. Methods. Thirty-three patients with severe RA who had been treated unsuccessfully with methotrexate and at least 1 other disease-modifying agent were enrolled in the trial. The patients received high-dose immunosuppressive treatment with 200 mg/kg cyclophosphamide followed by an infusion of autologous stem cells that were CD34 selected or unmanipulated. Safety, efficacy (based on American College of Rheumatology [ACR] response criteria), and time to recurrence of disease were assessed on a monthly basis for up to 12 months. Results. All patients were living at the end of the study, with no major unexpected toxicities. Overall, on an intent-to-treat basis, ACR 20% response (ACR20) was achieved in 70% of the patients. An ACR70 response was attained in 27.7% of the 18 patients who had received CD34-selected cells and 53.3% of the 15 who had received unmanipulated cells (P = 0.20). The median time to disease recurrence was 147 days in the CD34-selected cell group and 201 days in the unmanipulated cell group (P = 0.28). There was no relationship between CD4 lymphopenia and response, but 72% of rheumatoid factor (RF)-positive patients had an increase in RF titer prior to recurrence of disease. Conclusion. HSCT can be performed safely in patients with RA, and initial results indicate significant responses in patients with severe, treatment-resistant disease. Similar outcomes were observed in patients undergoing HSCT with unmanipulated cells and those receiving CD34-selected cells. Larger studies are needed to confirm these findings.


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Objective: Cardiac impairment is frequently found in babies of diabetic mothers. It is still controversial whether this is due to poor glucose control. The aim of this study is to compare the cardiac function in fetuses of well- and poorly-controlled pre-gestational diabetic pregnancy in third trimester. Methods:Women with type 1 pre-gestational diabetes were enrolled at 30-32 weeks. Cardiac size and interventricular septal wall thickness were measured by M-mode at end-diastolic phase. The right and left ventricular ejection fractions were calculated. At the mitral and tricuspid valves inflow, the ratio between early ventricular filling and active atrial filling (E/A) at both atrioventricular valves were measured by Doppler echocardiography. Peak velocities of ascending aorta and pulmonary artery were assessed. The angle of isonation was kept at 6.5%) were compared with those with satisfactorily controlled diabetes (HbA1c less than or equal to 6.5%). Results: A total of 21 women with pre-gestational diabetes were recruited for this study. Eight women with well-controlled diabetes were compared with 9 women who had poorly-controlled diabetes. HbA1c in the poorly-controlled group was 7.3% and in the well-controlled group it was 5.4% (p < 0.001). There was no difference between the two groups in cardiac size, interventricular septal wall thickness, ejection fraction, aorta and pulmonary artery peak flow velocities. The right atrioventricular E/A ratio was significantly lower among the poorly-controlled diabetic pregnancies (0.71 vs. 0.54; p < 0.05). Conclusion: Fetuses of poorly-controlled diabetic mothers had a lower right atrioventricular E/A ratio. This may be due to metabolic acidosis, non-hypertrophic cardiac dysfunction or fetal polycythemia. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Angiography is usually performed as the preoperative road map for those requiring revascularization for lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD). The alternative investigations are ultrasound, 3-D magnetic resonance angiography (3-D MRA) and computed tomography angiography. This pilot study aimed to assess whether 3-D MRA could replace the gold standard angiography in preoperative planning. Eight patients considered for aortoiliac or infrainguinal arterial bypass surgery were recruited. All underwent both imaging modalities within 7 days. A vascular surgeon and a radiologist each reported on the images from both the 3-D MRA and the angiography, with blinding to patient details and each others reports. Comparisons were made between the reports for the angiographic and the 3-D MRA images, and between the reports of the vascular surgeon and the radiologist. Compared to the gold standard angiogram, 3-D MRA had a sensitivity of 77% and specificity of 94% in detecting occlusion, and a sensitivity of 72% and specificity of 90% in differentiating high grade (> 50%) versus low grade (< 50%) stenoses. There was an overall concordance of 78% between the two investigations with a range of 62% in the peroneal artery to 94% in the aorta. 3-D MRA showed flow in 23% of cases where conventional angiography showed no flow. In the present pilot study, 3-D MRA had reasonable concordance with the gold standard angiography, depending on the level of the lesion. At times it showed vessel flow where occlusion was shown on conventional angiogram. 3-D MRA in peripheral vascular disease is challenging the gold standard, but is inconsistent at present.


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Physical attributes of local environments may influence walking. We used a modified version of the Neighbourhood Environment Walkability Scale to compare residents' perceptions of the attributes of two neighbourhoods that differed on measures derived from Geographic Information System databases. Residents of the high-walkable neighbourhood rated relevant attributes of residential density, land-use mix (access and diversity) and street connectivity, consistently higher than did residents of the low-walkable neighbourhood. Traffic safety and safety from crime attributes did not differ. Perceived neighbourhood environment characteristics had moderate to high test retest reliabilities. Neighbourhood environment attribute ratings may be used in population surveys and other studies. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Patients with low back pain (LBP) often present with impaired proprioception of the lumbopelvic region. For this reason, proprioception training usually forms part of the rehabilitation protocols. New exercise equipment that produces whole body, low frequency vibration (WBV) has been developed to improve muscle function, and reportedly improves proprioception. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate whether weightbearing exercise given in conjunction with WBV would affect lumbosacral position sense in healthy individuals. For this purpose, twenty-five young individuals with no LBP were assigned randomly to an experimental or control group. The experimental group received WBV for five minutes while holding a static, semi-squat position. The control group adopted the same weightbearing position for equal time but received no vibration. A two-dimensional motion analysis system measured the repositioning accuracy of pelvic tilting in standing. The experimental (WBV) group demonstrated a significant improvement in repositioning accuracy over time (mean 0.78 degrees) representing 39% improvement. It was concluded that WBV may induce improvements in lumbosacral repositioning accuracy when combined with a weightbearing exercise. Future studies with WBV should focus on evaluating its effects with different types of exercise, the exercise time needed for optimal outcomes, and the effects on proprioception deficits in LBP patients.


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The aim of this work was to demonstrate at pilot scale a high level of energy recovery from sewage utilising a primary Anaerobic Migrating Bed Reactor (AMBR) operating at ambient temperature to convert COD to methane. The focus is the reduction in non-renewable CO2 emissions resulting from reduced energy requirements for sewage treatment. A pilot AMBR was operated on screened sewage over the period June 2003 to September 2004. The study was divided into two experimental phases. In Phase 1 the process operated at a feed rate of 10 L/h (HRT 50 h), SRT 63 days, average temperature 28 degrees C and mixing time fraction 0.05. In Phase 2 the operating parameters were 20 L/h, 26 days, 16 degrees C and 0.025. Methane production was 66% of total sewage COD in Phase 1 and 23% in Phase 2. Gas mixing of the reactor provided micro-aeration which suppressed sulphide production. Intermittent gas mixing at a useful power input of 6 W/m(3) provided satisfactory process performance in both phases. Energy consumption for mixing was about 1.5% of the energy conversion to methane in both operating phases. Comparative analysis with previously published data confirmed that methane supersaturation resulted in significant losses of methane in the effluent of anaerobic treatment systems. No cases have been reported where methane was considered to be supersaturated in the effluent. We have shown that methane supersaturation is likely to be significant and that methane losses in the effluent are likely to have been greater than previously predicted. Dissolved methane concentrations were measured at up to 2.2 times the saturation concentration relative to the mixing gas composition. However, this study has also demonstrated that despite methane supersaturation occurring, microaeration can result in significantly lower losses of methane in the effluent (< 11% in this study), and has demonstrated that anaerobic sewage treatment can genuinely provide energy recovery. The goal of demonstrating a high level of energy recovery in an ambient anaerobic bioreactor was achieved. An AMBR operating at ambient temperature can achieve up to 70% conversion of sewage COD to methane, depending on SRT and temperature. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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E-mentoring is an alternative to conventional face-to-face mentoring, incorporating the use of email, bulletin boards, discussion groups, instant messaging and videoconferencing. In a pilot trial, a New Zealand midwife mentored two new graduate midwives using a secure email system. The main themes of the email messages exchanged were debriefing and reflection, clinical queries, provision of information and discussion of professional issues. The pilot study showed that e-mentoring is a feasible option for midwives and warrants further investigation. Both mentor and mentees found the experience to be a helpful one. One of the advantages for both mentor and mentees was the flexibility of communication, since responses to email messages could be made at times that suited the authors. Nevertheless, issues of Internet access and the technical expertise of midwives will need to be considered in order for large scale e-mentoring to be implemented.


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We investigated the feasibility of assessing childhood speech disorders via an Internet-based telehealth system (eREHAB). The equipment provided videoconferencing through a 128 kbit/s Internet link, and enabled the transfer of pre-recorded video and audio data from the participant to the online clinician. Six children (mean age = 5.3 years) with a speech disorder were studied. Assessments of single-word articulation, intelligibility in conversation, and oro-motor structure and function were conducted for each participant, with simultaneous scoring by a face to face and an online clinician. There were high levels of agreement between the two scoring environments for single-word articulation (92%), speech intelligibility (100%) and oro-motor tasks (91%). High levels of inter- and intra-rater agreement were achieved for the online ratings for most measures. The results suggest that an Internet-based assessment protocol has potential for assessing paediatric speech disorders.


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Background. Antibiotics are over-prescribed for respiratory tract infections in Australia. Objectives. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical predictors of GPs' prescribing of antibiotics. Methods. We used Clinical Judgment Analysis to study the responses of GPs to hypothetical paper-based vignettes of a 20-year-old with a respiratory tract infection. The nature of four symptoms and signs (colour of nasal mucous discharge; soreness of the throat; presence of fever; and whether any cough was productive of sputum) was varied and their effect on prescribing measured using logistic regression. Results. Twenty GPs participated. The nature of each symptom and sign significantly predicted prescribing of an antibiotic. Cough productive of yellow sputum; presence of sore throat; fever; and coloured nasal mucus increased the probability of an antibiotic being prescribed. Conclusions. GPs are influenced by clinical signs and symptoms to use antibiotics for respiratory infections for which there is poor evidence of efficacy from the literature.