1 resultado para Petrologia - Amazonas
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
A well-preserved palynoflora is reported from within a cored interval of a coal-exploratory borehole (1-UN-23-PI of the Geological Survey of Brazil) in the southern part of the Parnaiba Basin, northeastern Brazil. The sample studied is from the lower portion of the Piaui Formation. Its palynoflora is characterized by particular abundance of the trilete cavate/pseudosaccate miospores Spelaeotriletes triangulus Neves and Owens, 1966 and S. arenaceus Neves and Owens, 1966, together with cingulizonate forms mainly attributable to Vallatisporites Hacquebard, 1957 and Cristatisporites R. Potonie and Kremp emend. Butterworth et al., 1964. Radially and bilaterally symmetrical monosaccate pollen grains are also well-represented, chiefly by Plicatipollenites Lele, 1964 and Potonieisporites Bhardwaj, 1954, respectively. Taeniate grains (i.e., monosaccates and bisaccates) are relatively minor constituents of the palynoflora; no marine microplankton were encountered. Several species are described in detail : the trilete apiculate spores Brevitriletes levis (Balme and Hennelly) Bharadwaj and Srivastava, 1969 and Horriditriletes uruguaiensis (Marques-Toigo) Archangelsky and Gamerro, 1979; and the taeniate pollen grains Meristocorpus ostentus sp. nov. and Lahirites segmentatus sp. nov. A Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous : late Westphalian) age is adduced for the palynoflora via its correlation with part of the Tapajos Group (specifically, the upper Itaituba Formation) of the Amazonas Basin in northern Brazil. The entirely land-derived palynomorphs, associated with abundant plant debris, corroborate previous suggestions that the lower part of the Piaui Formation accumulated in a nonmarine setting under conditions of aridity.