63 resultados para Parabiotic circulation
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
View along circulation deck to belvedere (deck) beyond.
Our aim was to determine whether antenatal corticosteroids improve perinatal adaptation of the pulmonary circulation in lambs with lung hypoplasia (LH). LH was induced in 12 ovine fetuses between 105 and 140 days gestation (term similar to 147 days); in 6 of these the ewe was given a single dose of betamethasone (11.4 mg im) 24 hr before delivery (LH + B). All lambs, including a control group (n = 6), were delivered at similar to 140 days and ventilated for 2 hr during which arterial pressures, pulmonary blood flow (PBF), and ventilating pressure and flow were recorded. During ventilation, respiratory system compliance was lower in both LH + B and LH groups than in controls. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) was lower in LH + B lambs than in LH lambs and similar to controls; PBF was reduced in LH lambs but was restored to control levels by betamethasone. The mean density of small arteries of LH + B lambs was similar to that of LH lambs (P = 0.06) and lower than in controls; the thickness of the media of small pulmonary arteries from LH + B lambs was similar to that in LH lambs and thicker than in controls. VEGF mRNA levels were not different between groups. PDGF mRNA levels in LH + B lambs were higher than in LH lambs; a similar trend (P = 0.06) was seen for PECAM-1. SP-C mRNA levels were greater in both LH and LH + B lambs than in controls. Effects of betamethasone were greater on indices of pulmonary circulation than ventilation. We conclude that a single dose of maternal betamethasone 24 hr prior to birth has significant favorable effects on the postnatal adaptation of the pulmonary circulation in lambs with LH.
Enterohepatic recycling occurs by biliary excretion and intestinal reabsorption of a solute, sometimes with hepatic conjugation and intestinal deconjugation. Cycling is often associated with multiple peaks and a longer apparent half-life in a plasma concentration-time profile. Factors affecting biliary excretion include drug characteristics (chemical structure, polarity and molecular size), transport across sinusoidal plasma membrane and canniculae membranes, biotransformation and possible reabsorption from intrahepatic bile ductules. Intestinal reabsorption to complete the enterohepatic cycle may depend on hydrolysis of a drug conjugate by gut bacteria. Bioavailability is also affected by the extent of intestinal absorption, gut-wall P-glycoprotein efflux and gut-wall metabolism. Recently, there has been a considerable increase in our understanding of the role of transporters, of gene expression of intestinal and hepatic enzymes, and of hepatic zonation. Drugs, disease and genetics may result in induced or inhibited activity of transporters and metabolising enzymes. Reduced expression of one transporter, for example hepatic canalicular multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) 2, is often associated with enhanced expression of others, for example the usually quiescent basolateral efflux MRP3, to limit hepatic toxicity. In addition, physiologically relevant pharmacokinetic models, which describe enterohepatic recirculation in terms of its determinants (such as sporadic gall bladder emptying), have been developed. In general, enterohepatic recirculation may prolong the pharmacological effect of certain drugs and drug metabolites. Of particular importance is the potential amplifying effect of enterohepatic variability in defining differences in the bioavailability, apparent volume of distribution and clearance of a given compound. Genetic abnormalities, disease states, orally administered adsorbents and certain coadministered drugs all affect enterohepatic recycling.
New Zealand has a good Neogene plant fossil record. During the Miocene it was without high topography and it was highly maritime, meaning that its climate, and the resulting vegetation, would be controlled dominantly by zonal climate conditions. Its vegetation record during this time suggests the climate passed from an ever-wet and cool but frostless phase in the Early Miocene in which Nothofagus subgenus Brassospora was prominent. Then it became seasonally dry, with vegetation in which palms and Eucalyptus were prominent and fires were frequent, and in the mid-Miocene, it developed a dry-climate vegetation dominated by Casuarinaceae. These changes are reflected in a sedimentological change from acidic to alkaline chemistry and the appearance of regular charcoal in the record. The vegetation then changed again to include a prominent herb component including Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae. Sphagnum became prominent, and Nothofagus returned, but mainly as the subgenus Fuscospora (presently restricted to temperate climates). This is interpreted as a return to a generally wet, but now cold climate, in which outbreaks of cold polar air and frost were frequent. The transient drying out of a small maritime island and the accompanying vegetation/climate sequence could be explained by a higher frequency of the Sub-Tropical High Pressure (STHP) cells (the descending limbs of the Hadley cells) over New Zealand during the Miocene. This may have resulted from an increased frequency of 'blocking', a synoptic situation which occurs in the region today. An alternative hypothesis, that the global STHP belt lay at a significantly higher latitude in the early Neogene (perhaps 55degreesS) than today (about 30degreesS), is considered less likely because of physical constraints on STHP belt latitude. In either case, the difference between the early Neogene and present situation may have been a response to an increased polar-equatorial temperature gradient. This contrasts with current climate models for the geological past in which the latitude of the High Pressure belt impact is held invariant though geological time. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Modeling physiological processes using tracer kinetic methods requires knowledge of the time course of the tracer concentration in blood supplying the organ. For liver studies, however, inaccessibility of the portal vein makes direct measurement of the hepatic dual-input function impossible in humans. We want to develop a method to predict the portal venous time-activity curve from measurements of an arterial time-activity curve. An impulse-response function based on a continuous distribution of washout constants is developed and validated for the gut. Experiments with simultaneous blood sampling in aorta and portal vein were made in 13 anesthetized pigs following inhalation of intravascular [O-15] CO or injections of diffusible 3-O[ C-11] methylglucose (MG). The parameters of the impulse-response function have a physiological interpretation in terms of the distribution of washout constants and are mathematically equivalent to the mean transit time ( T) and standard deviation of transit times. The results include estimates of mean transit times from the aorta to the portal vein in pigs: (T) over bar = 0.35 +/- 0.05 min for CO and 1.7 +/- 0.1 min for MG. The prediction of the portal venous time-activity curve benefits from constraining the regression fits by parameters estimated independently. This is strong evidence for the physiological relevance of the impulse-response function, which includes asymptotically, and thereby justifies kinetically, a useful and simple power law. Similarity between our parameter estimates in pigs and parameter estimates in normal humans suggests that the proposed model can be adapted for use in humans.
Platelet-derived microparticles that are produced during platelet activation are capable of adhesion and aggregation. Endothelial trauma that occurs during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) may support platelet-derived microparticle adhesion and contribute to development of restenosis. We have previously reported an increase in platelet-derived microparticles in peripheral arterial blood with angioplasty. This finding raised concerns regarding the role of platelet-derived microparticles in restenosis, and therefore the aim of this study was to monitor levels in the coronary circulation. The study population consisted of 19 angioplasty patients. Paired coronary artery and sinus samples were obtained following heparinization, following contrast administration, and subsequent to all vessel manipulation. Platelet-derived microparticles were identified with an anti-CD61 (glycoprotein IIIa) fluorescence-conjugated antibody using flow cytometry. There was a significant decrease in arterial platelet-derived microparticles from heparinization to contrast administration (P=0.001), followed by a significant increase to the end of angioplasty (P=0.004). However, there was no significant change throughout the venous samples. These results indicate that the higher level of platelet-derived microparticles after angioplasty in arterial blood remained in the coronary circulation. Interestingly, levels of thrombin-antithrombin complexes did not rise during PTCA. This may have implications for the development of coronary restenosis post-PTCA, although this remains to be determined.
Objective: To establish the relationship between poor lower limb somatosensory and circulatory status with standing balance, falls history, age and mobility level in dysvascular transtibial amputees (TTAs). Design: Within-subjects evaluation of somatosensation, circulation and stance balance measures in dysvascular transtibial amputees. Setting: Physiotherapy department of a tertiary metropolitan hospital in Australia. Participants: Twenty-two community-dwelling unilateral dysvascular transtibial amputee volunteers, aged between 54 and 86 recruited from a metropolitan hospital outpatient amputee clinic. Main outcome measures: Lower limb vibration sense, light touch sensation and circulatory status were related to centre of pressure excursion during quiet stance, dynamic balance measures of forward and lateral reach distance, and demographic information such as falls history and mobility level. Results: Overall, poor somatosensory status was associated with poor stance balance. There was an association between poor vibration and circulation and increased centre of pressure excursion in quiet stance and reduced reach distance, whereas poor light touch was linked with even weight-bearing in quiet stance. Poor vibration sense was associated with a history of frequent falls. Conclusions: Compromised lower limb somatosensation and circulation was linked with poor balance and a history of frequent falls in the elderly dysvascular amputee population.
Radiocarbon in corals from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and implications for Indian Ocean circulation
Knowledge of the plan competes with self-consciousness of experience. The less we are able to understand our spatio-visual experience by the abstract coordinates of the plan, the more we are thrust back into a lived experience of the building in duration. This formula, frequently unacknowledged, has been one of the main precepts of the experientialist modernism which arises out of the picturesque and which stands in critique of classical idealism. One of the paths to critique this formula is by showing that the attention to the experience of the spaces in duration is predicated on obscuring, complicating and weakening the apprehension of the plan as a figure. Another development in the practice of modern planning has been architects using a kind of over-drawing where human circulation diagrams or 'movement lines' are drawn expressively across the orthographic plane; thus representing the lived experience of buildings. We will show that these two issues are linked; the plan's weak figure and the privilege this supposes for durational experience has a corollary - experience itself demands to be visible in the plan, and this is one origin of the present fascination with 'diagramming'. In this paper we explore the practice of architectural planning and its theoretical underpinnings in an attempt to show the viability of a history of architectural planning methods.