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Single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to determine the genetic structure of the global population of Mycosphaerella musicola, the cause of Sigatoka (yellow Sigatoka) disease of banana. The isolates of M. musicola examined were grouped into four geographic populations representing Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Australia and Indonesia. Moderate levels of genetic diversity were observed for most of the populations (H = 0.22-0.44). The greatest genetic diversity was found in the Indonesian population (H = 0.44). Genotypic diversity was close to 50% in all populations. Population differentiation tests showed that the geographic populations of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Australia and Indonesia were genetically different populations. Using F-ST tests, very high levels of genetic differentiation were detected between all the population pairs (F-ST > 0.40), with the exception of the Africa and Latin America-Caribbean population pair. These two populations differed by only 3% (F-ST = 0.03), and were significantly different (P < 0.05) from all other population pairs. The high level of genetic diversity detected in Indonesia in comparison to the other populations provides some support for the theory that M. musicola originated in South-east Asia and that M. musicola populations in other regions were founded by isolates from the South-east Asian region. The results also suggest the migration of M. musicola between Africa and the Latin America-Caribbean region.


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The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are encoded by large gene families in plants. Although these proteins are potentially involved in a number of diverse plant processes, currently, very little is known about their actual functions. In this paper, through a cDNA microarray screening of anonymous cDNA clones from a subtractive library, we identified an Arabidopsis gene (AtPDR12) putatively encoding a member of the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) subfamily of ABC transporters. AtPDR12 displayed distinct induction profiles after inoculation of plants with compatible and incompatible fungal pathogens and treatments with salicylic acid, ethylene, or methyl jasmonate. Analysis of AtPDR12 expression in a number of Arabidopsis defense signaling mutants further revealed that salicylic acid accumulation, NPR1. function, and sensitivity to jasmonates and ethylene were all required for pathogen-responsive expression of AtPDR12. Germination assays using seeds from an AtPDR12 insertion line in the presence of sclareol resulted in lower germination rates and much stronger inhibition of root elongation in the AtPDR12 insertion line than in wild-type plants. These results suggest that AtPDR12 may be functionally related to the previously identified ABC transporters SpTUR2 and NpABC1, which transport sclareol. Our data also point to a potential role for terpenoids in the Arabidopsis defensive armory.


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Table beet production in the Lockyer Valley of south-eastern Queensland is known to be adversely affected by soilborne root disease from infection by Pythium spp. However, little is known regarding the species or genotypes that are the causal agents of both pre- and post-emergence damping off. Based on RFLP analysis with HhaI, HinfI and MboI of the PCR amplified ITS region DNA from soil and diseased plant samples, the majority of 130 Pythium isolates could be grouped into three genotypes, designated LVP A, LVP B and LVP C. These groups comprised 43, 41 and 7% of all isolates, respectively. Deoxyribonucleic acid sequence analysis of the ITS region indicated that LVP A was a strain of Pythium aphanidermatum, with greater than 99% similarity to the corresponding P. aphanidermatum sequences from the publicly accessible databases. The DNA sequences from LVP B and LVP C were most closely related to P. ultimum and P. dissotocum, respectively. Lower frequencies of other distinct isolates with unique RFLP patterns were also obtained with high levels of similarity (> 97%) to P. heterothallicum, P. periplocum and genotypes of P. ultimum other than LVP B. Inoculation trials of 1- and 4-week-old beet seedlings indicated that compared with isolates of the LVP B genotype, a higher frequency of LVP A isolates caused disease. Isolates with the LVP A, LVP B and LVP C genotypes were highly sensitive to the fungicide Ridomil MZ, which suppressed radial growth on V8 agar between approximately four and thirty fold at 5 mu g/mL metalaxyl and 40 mu g/mL mancozeb, a concentration far lower than the recommended field application rate.


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Amyloodinium ocellatum, a frequently encountered parasite in marine aquaculture, was investigated to determine if infective dinospore stages could be transported in aerosol droplets. We used an in vivo model incorporating static and dynamic airflow systems and found dinospores of A. ocellatum could travel in aerosol droplets (up to 440 turn in a static system and up to 3 m in a dynamic one). This is the first record of this transmission pathway for a marine protozoan parasite. It is possible that other marine protozoans can transfer via the aerobiological pathway. Management of A. ocellatum infections in aquaculture facilities could be affected, particularly where tanks and ponds are situated in close proximity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Escherichia coli 83972 is a clinical asymptomatia bacteriuric isolate that is able to colonize the human urinary bladder without inducing an immune response. Here we demonstrate that one of the mechanisms by which this strain has become attenuated is through the mutation of its genes encoding type I and P fimbriae.


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Fusarium oxysporum is a soilborne fungal pathogen that causes major economic losses by inducing necrosis and wilting symptoms in many crop plants. In this study, the interaction between F. oxysporum and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has been investigated to better understand the nature of host defences that are effective against the Fusarium wilt pathogen. The expression of salicylate- and jasmonate-responsive defence genes in F. oxysporum-challenged roots of A. thaliana plants as well as in the roots of plants whose leaves were treated with salicylate or jasmonate was analysed. Unexpectedly, genes (e.g. PR1, PDF1.2, and CHIB) encoding proteins with defensive functions or transcription factors (e.g. ERF1, AtERF2, AtERF4 and AtMYC2) known to positively or negatively regulate defences against F. oxysporum were not activated in F. oxysporum-inoculated roots. In contrast, the jasmonate-responsive defence gene PDF1.2 was induced in the leaves of plants whose roots were challenged with F. oxysporum, but the salicylate- responsive PR1 gene was not induced in the leaves of inoculated plants. Exogenous salicylic acid treatment prior to inoculation, however, activated PR1 and BGL2 defence gene expression in leaves and provided increased F. oxysporum resistance as evidenced by reduced foliar necrosis and plant death. Exogenous salicylic acid treatment of the foliar tissue did not activate defence gene expression in the roots of plants. This suggests that salicylate- dependent defences may function in foliar tissue to reduce the development of pathogen-induced wilting and necrosis. Despite the induction of defence gene expression in the leaves by jasmonate, this treatment did not lead to increased resistance to F. oxysporum. Overall, the results presented here suggest that the genetic manipulation of plant defence signalling pathways is a useful strategy to provide increased Fusarium wilt resistance.


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The necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarium pseudograminearum (F. pseudograminearum) causes crown rot disease (CR) in wheat. This host-pathogen interaction has not been studied previously at the molecular level. In this study. using real-time quantitative PCR, the expression of 26 selected wheat genes was examined 1, 2 and 4 days after inoculation of wheat seedlings of the CR susceptible cultivar Kennedy and the partially field-resistant cultivar Sunco. Reproducible induction of eight defence genes consisting of PR1.1, PR2 (beta,1-3 glucanase), PR3 (chitinase), PR4 (wheativin), PR5 (thaumatin-like protein). TaPERO (peroxidase), PR10 and TaGLP2a (germin-like) was observed. These genes were induced in both cultivars, however. some genes were induced more rapidly in Sunco than in Kennedy. MJ treatment also induced the above pathogen responsive defence genes in both cultivars while benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothionic acid S-methyl ester (BTH) treatment weakly induced them in Kennedy only. Similarly. treatment with MJ before inoculation significantly delayed the development of necrotic symptoms for 2 weeks in both wheat cultivars, while BTH pre-treatments delayed symptom development in Kennedy only. The chemically induced protection, therefore, correlated with induction of the F. pseudograminearum-responsive genes. These results support the emerging role of jasmonate signalling in defence against necrotrophic fungal pathogens in monocots and future manipulation of this pathway may improve CR resistance in wheat. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.