101 resultados para Over-fertilized soils
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Phosphorus-availability tests typically provide an indication of quantity of P available (Colwell bicarbonate-extractable P), or of the intensity of supply (0.01 M CaCl2-extractable P). The soil's capacity to buffer P is more difficult to assess, and is generally estimated using a P-adsorption curve. The diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) approach may provide a simpler means of assessing a soil's ability to maintain soil solution P. Optimal extraction conditions were found to be 24 h exposure of DGT samplers to saturated soil. The DGT approach was evaluated on a range of 24 soils, some of which had high Colwell- (>100 mu g g(-1)) and Bray 1- (>30 mu g g(-1)) extractable P content, but showed a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) yield response to the addition of P fertilizer. The DGT approach provided an excellent separation of soils on which tomato showed a yield response, from those where fertilizer P did not increase dry-matter yield. Phosphorus accumulation was strongly correlated with soil solution P concentration and anion exchange resin-extractable P, but showed poor correlation with Colwell- or Bray 1-extractable P. The DGT P accumulation rate of 3.62 x 10(-7) to 4.79 x 10(-5) mol s(-1) m(-3) for the soils tested was comparable to the uptake rate of roots of tomato plants that were adequately supplied with P (2.25 x 10(-5) mol s(-1) m(-3)).
Root respiration uses a significant proportion of photosynthetically fixed carbon (C) and is a globally important source of C liberated from soils. Mangroves, which are an important and productive forest resource in many tropical and subtropical countries, sustain a high ratio of root to shoot biomass which may indicate that root respiration is a particularly important component in mangrove forest carbon budgets. Mangroves are often exposed to nutrient pollution from coastal waters. Here we assessed the magnitude of fine root respiration in mangrove forests in Belize and investigated how root respiration is influenced by nutrient additions. Respiration rates of excised fine roots of the mangrove, Rhizophora mangle L., were low (4.01 +/- 0.16 nmol CO2 g(-1) s(-1)) compared to those measured in temperate tree species at similar temperatures. In an experiment where trees where fertilized with nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) in low productivity dwarf forests (1-2 m height) and more productive, taller (47 m height) seaward fringing forests, respiration of fine roots did not vary consistently with fertilization treatments or with forest stature. Fine roots of taller fringe trees had higher concentrations of both N and P compared to dwarf trees. Fertilization with P enhanced fine root P concentrations in both dwarf and fringe trees, but reduced root N concentrations compared to controls. Fertilization with N had no effect on root N or P concentrations. Unlike photosynthetic C gain and growth, which is strongly limited by P availability in dwarf forests at this site, fine root respiration (expressed on a mass basis) was variable, but showed no significant enhancements with nutrient additions. Variation in fine root production and standing biomass are, therefore, likely to be more important factors determining C efflux from mangrove sediments than variations in fine root respiration per unit mass.
We re-mapped the soils of the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) in 1995-1998 with a minimum of new fieldwork, making the most out of existing data. We collated existing digital soil maps and used inductive spatial modelling to predict soil types from those maps combined with environmental predictor variables. Lithology, Landsat Multi Spectral Scanner (Landsat MSS), the 9-s digital elevation model (DEM) of Australia and derived terrain attributes, all gridded to 250-m pixels, were the predictor variables. Because the basin-wide datasets were very large data mining software was used for modelling. Rule induction by data mining was also used to define the spatial domain of extrapolation for the extension of soil-landscape models from existing soil maps. Procedures to estimate the uncertainty associated with the predictions and quality of information for the new soil-landforms map of the MDB are described. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In the Mekong region, most paddies in rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) lie in a sequence on gentle sloping land, and grain yield (GY) often depends on the toposequence position. There is, however, lack of information on toposequential effects on field water supply in rainfed lowland rice and how that influences GY. A total of eight field experiments were carried out on sandy, coarse-textured soils in Southern Laos (Champassak Province and Savannakhet Province) over three wet seasons (2000-2002). Components of the water balance, including downward and lateral water movement (D and L, respectively), were quantified at three different positions along toposequences (top, middle and bottom). GY, days-to-flower (DTF) and rainfall were measured, and the water productivity (WP) was determined. In most experiments, standing water disappeared first in the top position and gradually in lower positions. This was associated with the observation that when there was standing water in the field, the higher position had larger D in both the provinces and also larger L in Champassak Province. However, in one experiment, water loss appeared later in the higher position, as the result of lower L, apparently due to some water inputs other than rainfall occurring at this position. Despite larger D plus L at the top position, seasonal sum of D and L were not much affected by the toposequence position, as the daily rate of D plus L became minimal when the standing water was lost earlier in the top position. Lower GY was associated with earlier disappearance of standing water from the field. Relatively low GY was expected in the top toposequence position. This was clearly shown in the toposequence of Phonthong, Champassak Province, as the timing of standing water disappearance relative to flowering was earlier in the top position. Variation in GY across the toposequence positions was coupled with the WP variation, and both GY and WP tended to decline with increased DTF. Therefore, variation in productivity of rainfed lowland rice across toposequence positions depends mainly on the field water status around flowering time. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Onsite wastewater treatment systems aim to assimilate domestic effluent into the environment. Unfortunately failure of such systems is common and inadequate effluent treatment can have serious environmental implications. The capacity of a particular soil to treat wastewater will change over time. The physical properties influence the rate of effluent movement through the soil and its chemical properties dictate the ability to renovate effluent. A research project was undertaken to determine the role that physical and chemical soil properties play in predicting the long-term behaviour of soil under effluent irrigation and to determine if they have a potential function as early indicators of adverse effects of effluent irrigation on treatment sustainability. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis grouped the soils independently of their soil classifications and allowed us to distinguish the most suitable soils for sustainable long term effluent irrigation and determine the most influential soil parameters to characterise them. Multivariate analysis allowed a clear distinction between soils based on the cation exchange capacities. This in turn correlated well with the soil mineralogy. Mixed mineralogy soils in particular sodium or magnesium dominant soils are the most susceptible to dispersion under effluent irrigation. The soil Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) was identified as a crucial parameter and was highly correlated with percentage clay, electrical conductivity, exchangeable sodium, exchangeable magnesium and low Ca:Mg ratios (less than 0.5).
Sugarcane crop residues ('trash') have the potential to supply nitrogen (N) to crops when they are retained on the soil surface after harvest. Farmers should account for the contribution of this N to crop requirements in order to avoid over-fertilisation. In very wet tropical locations, the climate may increase the rate of trash decomposition as well as the amount of N lost from the soil-plant system due to leaching or denitrification. A field experiment was conducted on Hydrosol and Ferrosol soils in the wet tropics of northern Australia using N-15-labelled trash either applied to the soil surface or incorporated. Labelled urea fertiliser was also applied with unlabelled surface trash. The objective of the experiment was to investigate the contribution of trash to crop N nutrition in wet tropical climates, the timing of N mineralisation from trash, and the retention of trash N in contrasting soils. Less than 6% of the N in trash was recovered in the first crop and the recovery was not affected by trash incorporation. Around 6% of the N in fertiliser was also recovered in the first crop, which was less than previously measured in temperate areas (20-40%). Leaf samples taken at the end of the second crop contined 2-3% of N from trash and fertilizer applied at the beginning of the experiment. Although most N was recovered in the 0-1.5 m soil layer there was some evidence of movement of N below this depth. The results showed that trash supplies N slowly and in small amounts to the succeeding crop in wet tropics sugarcane growing areas regardless of trash placement (on the soil surface or incorporated) or soil type, and so N mineralisation from a single trash blanket is not important for sugarcane production in the wet tropics.
A kinetic theory based Navier-Stokes solver has been implemented on a parallel supercomputer (Intel iPSC Touchstone Delta) to study the leeward flowfield of a blunt nosed delta wing at 30-deg incidence at hypersonic speeds (similar to the proposed HERMES aerospace plane). Computational results are presented for a series of grids for both inviscid and laminar viscous flows at Reynolds numbers of 225,000 and 2.25 million. In addition, comparisons are made between the present and two independent calculations of the some flows (by L. LeToullec and P. Guillen, and S. Menne) which were presented at the Workshop on Hypersonic Flows for Re-entry Problems, Antibes, France, 1991.
This pilot project at Cotton Tree, Maroochydore, on two adjacent, linear parcels of land has one of the properties privately owned while the other is owned by the public housing authority. Both owners commissioned Lindsay and Kerry Clare to design housing for their separate needs which enabled the two projects to be governed by a single planning and design strategy. This entailed the realignment of the dividing boundary to form two approximately square blocks which made possible the retention of an important stand of mature paperbark trees and gave each block a more useful street frontage. The scheme provides seven two-bedroom units and one single-bedroom unit as the private component, with six single-bedroom units, three two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units forming the public housing. The dwellings are deployed as an interlaced mat of freestanding blocks, car courts, courtyard gardens, patios and decks. The key distinction between the public and private parts of the scheme is the pooling of the car parking spaces in the public housing to create a shared courtyard. The housing climbs to three storeys on its southern edge and falls to a single storey on the north-western corner. This enables all units and the principal private outdoor spaces to have a northern orientation. The interiors of both the public and private units are skilfully arranged to take full advantage of views, light and breeze.
Comparisons are made between experimental measurements and numerical simulations of ionizing flows generated in a superorbital facility. Nitrogen, with a freestream velocity of around 10 km/s, was passed over a cylindrical model, and images were recorded using two-wavelength holographic interferometry. The resulting density, electron concentration, and temperature maps were compared with numerical simulations from the Langley Research Center aerothermodynamic upwind relaxation algorithm. The results showed generally good agreement in shock location and density distributions. Some discrepancies were observed for the electron concentration, possibly, because simulations were of a two-dimensional flow, whereas the experiments were likely to have small three-dimensional effects.
Although plant growth is often limited at high pH, little is known about root-induced changes in the rhizospheres of plants growing in alkaline soils. The effect of Mn deficiency in Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Pioneer) and of legume inoculation in lucerne (Medicago sativa L. cv. Hunter River), on the rhizosphere pH of plants grown in highly alkaline bauxite residue was investigated. Rhizosphere pH was measured quantitatively, with a micro pH electrode, and qualitatively, with an agar/pH indicator solution. Manganese deficiency in Rhodes grass increased root-induced acidification of the rhizosphere in a soil profile in which N was supplied entirely as NO3-. Rhizosphere pH in the Mn deficient plants was up to 1.22 pH units lower than that of the bulk soil, while only 0.90 to 0.62 pH units lower in plants supplied with adequate Mn. When soil N was supplied entirely as NO3-, rhizosphere acidification was more efficient in inoculated lucerne (1.75 pH unit decrease) than in non-inoculated lucerne (1.16 pH unit decrease). This difference in capacity to lower rhizosphere pH is attributable to the ability of the inoculated lucerne to fix atmospheric N2 rather than relying on the soil N (NO3 ) reserves as the non-inoculated plants. Rhizosphere acidification in both Rhodes grass and lucerne was greatest in the meristematic root zone and least in the maturation root zone.
Despite the increasing prevalence of salinity world-wide, the measurement of exchangeable cation concentrations in saline soils remains problematic. Two soil types (Mollisol and Vertisol) were equilibrated with a range of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) solutions at various ionic strengths. The concentrations of exchangeable cations were then determined using several different types of methods, and the measured exchangeable cation concentrations compared to reference values. At low ionic strength (low salinity), the concentration of exchangeable cations can be accurately estimated from the total soil extractable cations. In saline soils, however, the presence of soluble salts in the soil solution precludes the use of this method. Leaching of the soil with a pre-wash solution (such as alcohol) was found to effectively remove the soluble salts from the soil, thus allowing the accurate measurement of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). However, the dilution associated with this pre-washing increased the exchangeable Ca concentrations while simultaneously decreasing exchangeable Na. In contrast, when calculated as the difference between the total extractable cations and the soil solution cations, good correlations were found between the calculated exchangeable cation concentrations and the reference values for both Na (Mollisol: y=0.873x and Vertisol: y=0.960x) and Ca (Mollisol: y=0.901x and Vertisol: y=1.05x). Therefore, for soils with a soil solution ionic strength greater than 50 mM (electrical conductivity of 4 dS/m) (in which exchangeable cation concentrations are overestimated by the assumption they can be estimated as the total extractable cations), concentrations can be calculated as the difference between total extractable cations and soluble cations.
Despite its environmental (and financial) importance, there is no agreement in the literature as to which extractant most accurately estimates the phytoavailability of trace metals in soils. A large dataset was taken from the literature, and the effectiveness of various extractants to predict the phytoavailability of Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu, and Pb examined across a range of soil types and contamination levels. The data suggest that generally, the total soil trace metal content, and trace metal concentrations determined by complexing agents (such as the widely used DTPA and EDTA extractants) or acid extractants (such as 0.1 M HCl and the Mehlich 1 extractant) are only poorly correlated to plant phytoavailability. Whilst there is no consensus, it would appear that neutral salt extractants (such as 0.01 M CaCl2 and 0.1 M NaNO3) provide the most useful indication of metal phytoavailability across a range of metals of interest, although further research is required.
This paper presents a comprehensive and critical review of the mechanisms and kinetics of NO and N2O reduction reaction with coal chars under fluidised-bed combustion conditions (FBC). The heterogeneous reactions of NO and N2O with char/carbon surface have been well recognised as the most important processes in reducing both NOx and N2O in situ FBC. Compared to NO-carbon reactions in FBC, the reactions of N2O with chars have been relatively less understood and studied. Beginning with the overall reaction schemes for both NO and N2O reduction, the paper extensively discusses the reaction mechanisms including the effects of active surface sites. Generally, NO- and N2O-carbon reactions follow a series of step reactions. However, questions remain concerning the role of adsorbed phases of NO and N2O, and the behaviour of different surface sites. Important kinetics factors such as the rate expressions, kinetics parameters as well as the effects of surface area and pore structure are discussed in detail. The main factors influencing the reduction of NO and N2O in FBC conditions are the chemical and physical properties of chars, and the operating parameters of FBC such as temperature, presence of CO, O-2 and pressure. It is shown that under similar conditions, N2O is more readily reduced on the char surface than NO. Temperature was found to be a very important parameter in both NO and N2O reduction. It is generally agreed that both NO- and N2O-carbon reactions follow first-order reaction kinetics with respect to the NO and N2O concentrations. The kinetic parameters for NO and N2O reduction largely depend on the pore structure of chars. The correlation between the char surface area and the reactivities of NO/N2O-char reactions is considered to be of great importance to the determination of the reaction kinetics. The rate of NO reduction by chars is strongly enhanced by the presence of CO and O-2, but these species may not have significant effects on the rate of N2O reduction. However, the presence of these gases in FBC presents difficulties in the study of kinetics since CO cannot be easily eliminated from the carbon surface. In N2O reduction reactions, ash in chars is found to have significant catalytic effects, which must be accounted for in the kinetic models and data evaluation. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
There is concern that Pacific Island economies dependent on remittances of migrants will endure foreign exchange shortages and falling living standards as remittance levels fall because of lower migration rates and the belief that migrants' willingness to remit declines over time. The empirical validity of the remittance-decay hypothesis has never been tested. From survey data on Tongan and Western Samoan migrants in Sydney, this paper estimates remittance functions using multivariate regression analysis. It is found that the remittance-decay hypothesis has no empirical validity, and migrants are motivated by factors other than altruistic family support, including asset accumulation and investment back home.