60 resultados para Operational planning
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Market-based transmission expansion planning gives information to investors on where is the most cost efficient place to invest and brings benefits to those who invest in this grid. However, both market issue and power system adequacy problems are system planers’ concern. In this paper, a hybrid probabilistic criterion of Expected Economical Loss (EEL) is proposed as an index to evaluate the systems’ overall expected economical losses during system operation in a competitive market. It stands on both investors’ and planner’s point of view and will further improves the traditional reliability cost. By applying EEL, it is possible for system planners to obtain a clear idea regarding the transmission network’s bottleneck and the amount of losses arises from this weak point. Sequentially, it enables planners to assess the worth of providing reliable services. Also, the EEL will contain valuable information for moneymen to undertake their investment. This index could truly reflect the random behaviors of power systems and uncertainties from electricity market. The performance of the EEL index is enhanced by applying Normalized Coefficient of Probability (NCP), so it can be utilized in large real power systems. A numerical example is carried out on IEEE Reliability Test System (RTS), which will show how the EEL can predict the current system bottleneck under future operational conditions and how to use EEL as one of planning objectives to determine future optimal plans. A well-known simulation method, Monte Carlo simulation, is employed to achieve the probabilistic characteristic of electricity market and Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is used as a multi-objective optimization tool.
The reconstruction of power industries has brought fundamental changes to both power system operation and planning. This paper presents a new planning method using multi-objective optimization (MOOP) technique, as well as human knowledge, to expand the transmission network in open access schemes. The method starts with a candidate pool of feasible expansion plans. Consequent selection of the best candidates is carried out through a MOOP approach, of which multiple objectives are tackled simultaneously, aiming at integrating the market operation and planning as one unified process in context of deregulated system. Human knowledge has been applied in both stages to ensure the selection with practical engineering and management concerns. The expansion plan from MOOP is assessed by reliability criteria before it is finalized. The proposed method has been tested with the IEEE 14-bus system and relevant analyses and discussions have been presented.
A framework for and overview of the key elements of language planning is presented covering status planning, corpus planning, language-in-education planning, prestige planning and critical approaches to language planning. Within each of these areas, key articles outlining important recent directions are discussed indicating the field’s new found sense of vitality.
Objective-The purpose of mammographic screening is to reduce mortality from breast cancer. This study describes a method for projecting the number of screens to be performed by a mammographic screening programme, and applies this method in the context of New South Wales, Australia. Method-The total number of mammographic screens was projected as the sum of initial screens and re-screens, and is based on projections of the population, rates of new recruitment, rates of attrition within the programme, and the mix of screening intervals. The baseline scenario involved: 70% participation of women aged 50-69 years, 90% return rate for the second and subsequent re-screens, 5% annual screens (95% biennial screens), and a specified population projection. The results were assessed with respect to variations in these assumptions. Results-The projections were strongly influenced by: the rate of screening of the target age group; the proportion of women re-screened annually; and the rates of attrition within the programme. Although demographic change had a notable effect, there was little difference between different population projections. Standard assumptions about attrition within the programme suggest that the current target participation rates in NSW may not be achieved in the long term. Conclusions-A practical model for projecting mammographic screens for populations is described which is capable of forecasting the number of screens under different scenarios. Implications-Projections of mammographic screens provide important information for the planning and financing of equipment and personnel, and for testing the effects of variations in important operational parameters. Re-screening attrition is an important contributor to screening viability.
Objectives: To establish the prevalence and predictors of genital warts among healthy women presenting for contraceptive advice at two family planning clinics, one in a major Australian city and one in a country town in the same state. Methods: Consecutive consenting attendees (n = 1218)at two family planning clinics in Queensland completed a questionnaire and were examined for genital warts. Results: The point prevalence of visible genital warts was 3.3 per cent in the city clinic and 14.4 per cent in the country town. For half of these clients a finding of warts was unexpected, in that the client was unaware of their presence and presentation to the family planning clinic was not specifically for advice about sexually transmitted infections. The major predictor of a finding of warts was client age, with the highest prevalence in 20- to 25-year-olds. Warts were also commoner amongst smokers in the country town but not in Brisbane. However, no analysed sociodemographic variable predicted a finding of warts of which the client was not aware. Conclusions: Genital warts are common among young women presenting for contraceptive advice. Such women are often unaware that they have warts. Examination for genital warts should be a part of any routine examination of sexually active women, and medical practitioners should be aware of appropriate advice for patients who are found to have genital warts on routine examination.
The artificial chaperone method for protein refolding developed by Rozema et al. (Rozema, D.; Gellman, S. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117 (8), 2373-2374) involves the sequential dilution of denatured protein into a buffer containing detergent (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB) and then into a refolding buffer containing cyclodextrin WD). In this paper a simplified one-step artificial chaperone method is reported, whereby CTAB is added directly to the denatured solution, which is then diluted directly into a refolding buffer containing P-cyclodextrin (P-CD). This new method can be applied at high protein concentrations, resulting in smaller processing volumes and a more concentrated protein solution following refolding. The increase in achievable protein concentration results from the enhanced solubility of CTAB at elevated temperatures in concentrated denaturant. The refolding yields obtained for the new method were significantly higher than for control experiments lacking additives and were comparable to the yields obtained with the classical two-step approach. A study of the effect of beta-CD and CTAB concentrations on refolding yield suggested two operational regimes: slow stripping ( beta-CDXTABsimilar to1), most suited for higher protein concentrations, and fast stripping (beta-CD/CTABsimilar to2.7), best suited for lower protein concentrations. An increased chaotrope concentration resulted in higher refolding yields and an enlarged operational regime.
This paper examines upper-body movement kinematics in individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA) and Asperger's disorder (AD). In general, the results indicate that HFA is more consistently associated with impaired motoric preparation/initiation than AD. The data further suggest that this quantitative difference in motor impairment is not necessarily underpinned by greater executive dysfunction vulnerability in autism relative to AD. Quantitative motoric dissociation between autism and AD may have down-stream effects on later stages of movement resulting in qualitative differences between these disorder groups, e.g. motor clumsiness in AD versus abnormal posturing in autism. It will be important for future research to map the developmental trajectory of motor abnormalities in these disorder groups.