31 resultados para Nursing. Child Health. Growth Monitoring and Child Development

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Background. The growth of solid tumors depends on establishing blood supply; thus, inhibiting tumor angiogenesis has been a long-term goal in cancer therapy. The SOX18 transcription factor is a key regulator of murine and human blood vessel formation. Methods: We established allograft melanoma tumors in wild-type mice, Sox18-null mice, and mice expressing a dominant-negative form of Sox18 (Sox18RaOp) (n = 4 per group) and measured tumor growth and microvessel density by immunohistochemical analysis with antibodies to the endothelial marker CD31 and the pericyte marker NG2. We also assessed the affects of disrupted SOX18 function on MCF-7 human breast cancer and human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation by measuring BrdU incorporation and by MTS assay, cell migration using Boyden chamber assay, and capillary tube formation in vitro. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Allograft tumors in Sox18-null and Sox18RaOp mice grew more slowly than those in wild-type mice (tumor volume at day 14, Sox18 null, mean = 486 mm(3), 95% confidence interval [CI] = 345 mm(3) to 627 mm(3), p = .004; Sox18RaOp, mean = 233 mm(3), 95% CI = 73 mm(3) to 119 mm(3), p < .001; versus wild-type, mean = 817 mm(3), 95% CI = 643 mm(3) to 1001 mm(3)) and had fewer CD31- and NG2-expressing vessels. Expression of dominant-negative Sox18 reduced the proliferation of MCF-7 cells (BrdU incorporation: MCF-7(Ra) = 20%, 95% CI = 15% to 25% versus MCF-7 = 41%, 95% CI = 35% to 45%; P = .013) and HUVECs (optical density at 490 nm, empty vector, mean = 0.46 versus SOX18 mean = 0.29; difference = 0.17, 95% CI = 0.14 to 0.19; P = .001) compared with control subjects. Overexpression of wild-type SOX18 promoted capillary tube formation of HUVECs in vitro, whereas expression of dominant-negative SOX18 impaired tube formation of HUVECs and the migration of MCF-7 cells via the disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. Conclusions: SOX18 is a potential target for antiangiogenic therapy of human cancers.


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In 2001 the Child Development Unit (CDU) in Brisbane piloted a series of monthly multidisciplinary case discussions via videoconference in the area of child development. During 2001 two sessions were provided; during 2004 there were 40. The substantial growth in 2004 was due to the expansion of child development services to include special interest group meetings and multipoint case conference meetings. In 2004, a total of 49 h of videoconferencing was conducted. The average session length was 75 min. Education and training sessions were delivered to 32 hospitals and health centres in Queensland and northern New South Wales. The maximum number of sites involved during a single videoconference was 25. The average number of attendees for each videoconference was five per site, including allied health staff, nurses and paediatricians. The delivery of child development services via videoconference has been shown to be useful in Queensland, especially for allied health staff working in regional and remote areas. The growth of the programme indicates its acceptance as a mainstream child development service in Queensland.


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We have piloted a monthly series of multidisciplinary case discussions via videoconference in the area of child development. The project provided a forum for clinical discussion of complex cases, peer review, professional development and networking for allied health professionals and paediatricians. Six sites in Queensland participated in the project; each site presented at least one case for discussion. The videoconferences ran for 90 min each and were attended by an average of 26 health professionals. The response rate for a questionnaire survey was 71%. The respondents rated the effectiveness of case summaries and the follow-up newsletter very positively. Despite some early difficulties with the technical aspects of videoconferencing, the evaluation demonstrated the participants' satisfaction with the project and its relevance to their everyday practice.


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A relationship between motor ability and cognitive performance has been previously reported. This study aimed to investigate the association between movement and cognitive performance at 1 and 4 years corrected age of children born less than 1000 g, and whether developmental testing of movement at 1 year is predictive of cognitive performance at 4 years. Motor development was assessed at both ages using the neurosensory motor developmental assessment (NSMDA) and motor development was classified as normal, or minimal, mild, moderate-severe dysfunction. Cognitive performance was assessed on the Griffith Mental Developmental Scale at 1 year and McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities at 4 years. Subjects included 198 children of birthweight less than 1000 g. Of these 132 children returned for follow-up at the corrected ages of both 1 and 4 years. The 66 children not included had a slight increase in gestational age, while the mothers were younger and had a lower level of education. A significant association was found between NSMDA group classification at 1 year and cognitive performance at both 1 and 4 years (p


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Evidence for the presence of the vitamin D receptor in brain implies this vitamin may have some function in this organ. This study investigates whether vitamin D-3 acts during brain development. We demonstrate that rats born to vitamin D-3-deficient mothers had profound alterations in the brain at birth. The cortex was longer but not wider, the lateral ventricles were enlarged, the cortex was proportionally thinner and there was more cell proliferation throughout the brain. There were reductions in brain content of nerve growth factor and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor and reduced expression of p75(NTR), the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor. Our findings would suggest that low maternal vitamin D3 has important ramifications for the developing brain. (C) 2003 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Registration of births, recording deaths by age, sex and cause, and calculating mortality levels and differentials are fundamental to evidence-based health policy, monitoring and evaluation. Yet few of the countries with the greatest need for these data have functioning systems to produce them despite legislation providing for the establishment and maintenance of vital registration. Sample vital registration (SVR), when applied in conjunction with validated verbal autopsy, procedures and implemented in a nationally representative sample of population clusters represents an affordable, cost-effective, and sustainable short- and medium-term solution to this problem. SVR complements other information sources by producing age-, sex-, and cause-specific mortality data that are more complete and continuous than those currently available. The tools and methods employed in an SVR system, however, are imperfect and require rigorous validation and continuous quality assurance; sampling strategies for SVR are also still evolving. Nonetheless, interest in establishing SVR is rapidly growing in Africa and Asia. Better systems for reporting and recording data on vital events will be sustainable only if developed hand-in-hand with existing health information strategies at the national and district levels; governance structures; and agendas for social research and development monitoring. If the global community wishes to have mortality measurements 5 or 10 years hence, the foundation stones of SVR must be laid today.


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Myopia (short-sightedness) is a visual problem associated with excessive eye growth and vitreous chamber expansion. Within the eye serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) appears to have a variety of effects, it alters retinal amacrine cell processing, increases intraocular pressure, constricts ocular blood vessels, and is also mitogenic. This study sought to determine the role of the retinal serotonin system in eye growth regulation. Myopia was produced in 7-day-old chicks using -15 D spectacle lenses (LIM) and form deprivation (FDM). The effect on LIM and FDM of daily intravitreal injections of a combination of 5-HT receptor antagonists (1, 10, 50 mu M), 5-HT2 selective antagonist (Mianserin 0.5, 20 mu M) were assessed. Counts were performed of serotonin and tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons and the relative density used to account for areal changes due to eye growth. The effect of LIM and lens-induced hyperopia (LIH) on the numbers of 5-HT-containing amacrine cells in the retina were then determined. The combination of the 5-HT receptor antagonists inhibited LIM by approximately half (1 mu M RE: -7.12 +/- 1.0 D, AL: 0.38 +/- 0.06 mm vs. saline RE: -13.19 +/- 0.65 D, AL: 0.64 +/- 0.03 mm. RE: p < 0.01, AL: p < 0.01), whereas FDM was not affected (1 mu M RE: -8.88 +/- 1.10 D). These data suggest that serotonin has a stimulatory role in LIM, although high doses of serotonin were inhibitory (1 mu M RE: -9.30 +/- 1.34 D). 5-HT immunoreactivity was localised to a subset of amacrine cell bodies in the inner nuclear layer of the retina, and to two synaptic strata in the inner plexiform layer. LIM eyes had increased numbers of 5-HT-containing amacrine cells in the central retina (12.5%). Collectively, these results suggest that manipulations to the serotonin system can alter the eye growth process but the role of the transmitter system within this process remains unclear. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Occupational standards concerning allowable concentrations of chemical compounds in the ambient air of workplaces have been established in several countries worldwide. With the integration of the European Union (EU), there has been a need of establishing harmonised Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL). The European Commission Directive 95/320/EC of 12 July 1995 has given the tasks to a Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL) to propose, based on scientific data and where appropriate, occupational limit values which may include the 8-h time-weighted average (TWA), short-term limits/excursion limits (STEL) and Biological Limit Values (BLVs). In 2000, the European Union issued a list of 62 chemical substances with Occupational Exposure Limits. Of these, 25 substances received a skin notation, indicating that toxicologically significant amounts may be taken up via the skin. For such substances, monitoring of concentrations in ambient air may not be sufficient, and biological monitoring strategies appear of potential importance in the medical surveillance of exposed workers. Recent progress has been made with respect to formulation of a strategy related to health-based BLVs. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.