20 resultados para Nuptial Coloration

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We examined the role of conspicuous coloration in male-male contests for two species of Australian dragon lizards, Ctenophortis decresii and C. vadnappa, in which conspicuous coloration has a demonstrated predation cost. We conducted contests in which the overall conspicuousness of male coloration was manipulated using paints that matched the spectral reflectance of the lizards, as well as natural (control) contests. There was little evidence for an influence of colour on contest outcome or aggression levels for either species when all experiments were considered. However, we found a significant effect of trial order and experience on contest outcome and aggression levels (the same pair of males was used for both types of contest), despite a 2-3 week interval between contests. When we examined only the first trial between unfamiliar males, we found that male C. vadnappa that had been painted to appear more conspicuous consistently won. Comparison with the natural trials suggests that the aspect of colour manipulation that was responsible for this result was the 'hue' of the throat: males with yellower throats consistently beat males with bluer throats in both natural and painted trials. The difference in coloration of flank markings also predicted the difference in aggression scores between contestants in the natural trials. These results suggest that although colour is important in opponent assessment and in determining contest outcome in C vadnappa, previous agonistic experience can override the effects of colour and have a long-lasting influence on aggressive behaviour.


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Birds show striking interspecific variation in their use of carotenoid-based coloration. Theory predicts that the use of carotenoids for coloration is closely associated with the availability of carotenoids in the diet but, although this prediction has been supported in single-species studies and those using small numbers of closely related species, there have been no broad-scale quantitative tests of the link between carotenoid coloration and diet. Here we test for such a link using modern comparative methods, a database on 140 families of birds and two alternative avian phylogenies. We show that carotenoid pigmentation is more common in the bare parts (legs, bill and skin) than in plumage, and that yellow coloration is more common than red. We also show that there is no simple, general association between the availability of carotenoids in the diet and the overall use of carotenoid-based coloration. However, when we look at plumage coloration separately from bare part coloration, we find there is a robust and significant association between diet and plumage coloration, but not between diet and bare part coloration. Similarly, when we look at yellow and red plumage colours separately, we find that the association between diet and coloration is typically stronger for red coloration than it is for yellow coloration. Finally, when we build multivariate models to explain variation in each type of carotenoid-based coloration we find that a variety of life history and ecological factors are associated with different aspects of coloration, with dietary carotenoids only being a consistent significant factor in the case of variation in plumage. All of these results remain qualitatively unchanged irrespective of the phylogeny used in the analyses, although in some cases the precise life history and ecological variables included in the multivariate models do vary. Taken together, these results indicate that the predicted link between carotenoid coloration and diet is idiosyncratic rather than general, being strongest with respect to plumage colours and weakest for bare part coloration. We therefore suggest that, although the carotenoid-based bird plumage may a good model for diet-mediated signalling, the use of carotenoids in bare part pigmentation may have a very different functional basis and may be more strongly influenced by genetic and physiological mechanisms, which currently remain relatively understudied.


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Bright coloration and complex visual displays are frequent and well described in many lizard families. Reflectance spectrometry which extends into the ultraviolet (UV) allows measurement of such coloration independent of our visual system. We examined the role of colour in signalling and mate choice in the agamid lizard Ctenophorus ornatus. We found that throat reflectance strongly contrasted against the granite background of the lizards' habitat. The throat may act as a signal via the head-bobbing and push-up displays of C. ornatus. Dorsal coloration provided camouflage against the granite background, particularly in females. C. ornatus was sexually dichromatic for all traits examined including throat UV reflectance which is beyond human visual perception. Female throats were highly variable in spectral reflectance and males preferred females with higher throat chroma between 370 and 400 nm. However, female throat UV chroma is strongly correlated to both throat brightness and chest UV chroma and males may choose females on a combination of these colour variables. There was no evidence that female throat or chest coloration was an indicator of female quality. However, female brightness significantly predicted a female's laying date and, thus, may signal receptivity. One function of visual display in this species appears to be intersexual signalling, resulting in male choice of females.


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The reproductive system of many female Therevidae has a sac-like structure associated with the spermathecae. This structure, termed the spermathecal sac, has not been recorded previously from any other Diptera and appears unique to certain members of the Therevidae. There is enormous variety in spermathecal sac size and shape, with greatest development in the Australasian Therevidae. A histological examination of the reproductive system of two;Australian therevids, Agapophytus albobasalis Mann and Ectinorhynchus variabilis (Macquart) (Diptera: Asiloidea), reveals that the spermathecal sacs are cuticle-lined and that the intima is frequently highly folded. In some mated individuals, sperm was found within the spermathecal sac, suggesting that sperm and perhaps male accessory gland material is deposited there during copulation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The relative abundance and topographical distribution of retinal cone photoreceptors was measured in 19 bird species to identify possible correlations between photoreceptor complement and visual ecology. In contrast to previous studies, all five types of cone photoreceptor were distinguished, using bright field and epifluorescent light microscopy, in four retinal quadrants. Land birds tended to show either posterior dorsal to anterior ventral or anterior dorsal to posterior ventral gradients in cone photoreceptor distribution, fundus coloration and oil droplet pigmentation across the retina. Marine birds tended to show dorsal to ventral gradients instead. Statistical analyses showed that the proportions of the different cone types varied significantly across the retinae of all species investigated. Cluster analysis was performed on the data to identify groups or clusters of species on the basis of their oil droplet complement. Using the absolute percentages of each oil droplet type in each quadrant for the analysis produced clusters that tended to reflect phylogenetic relatedness between species rather than similarities in their visual ecology. Repeating the analysis after subtracting the mean percentage of a given oil droplet type across the whole retina (the 'eye mean') from the percentage of that oil droplet type in each quadrant, i.e. to give a measure of the variation about the mean, resulted in clusters that reflected diet, feeding behaviour and habitat to a greater extent than phylogeny.


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The traditional explanation for interspecific plumage colour variation in birds is that colour differences between species are adaptations to minimize the risk of hybridization. Under this explanation, colour differences between closely related species of birds represent reproductive character displacement. An alternative explanation is that interspecific variation in plumage colour is an adaptive response to variation in light environments across habitats. Under this explanation, differences in colour between closely related species are a product of selection on signal efficiency. We use a comparative approach to examine these two hypotheses, testing the effects of sympatry and habitat use, respectively, on divergence in male plumage colour. Contrary to the prediction of the Species Isolation Hypothesis, we find no evidence that sympatric pairs of species are consistently more divergent in coloration than are allopatric pairs of species. However, in agreement with the Light Environment Hypothesis, we find significant associations between plumage coloration and habitat use. All of these results remain qualitatively unchanged irrespective of the statistical methodology used to compare reflectance spectra, the body regions used in the analyses, or the exclusion of areas of plumage not used in sexual displays. Our results suggest that, in general, interspecific variation in plumage colour among birds is more strongly influenced by the signalling environment than by the risk of hybridization.


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Colour pattern variation is a striking and widespread phenomenon. Differential predation risk between individuals is often invoked to explain colour variation, but empirical support for this hypothesis is equivocal. We investigated differential conspicuousness and predation risk in two species of Australian rock dragons, Ctenophorus decresii and C. vadnappa. To humans, the coloration of males of these species varies between 'bright' and 'dull'. Visual modelling based on objective colour measurements and the spectral sensitivities of avian visual pigments showed that dragon colour variants are differentially conspicuous to the visual system of avian predators when viewed against the natural background. We conducted field experiments to test for differential predation risk, using plaster models of 'bright' and 'dull' males. 'Bright' models were attacked significantly more often than 'dull' models suggesting that differential conspicuousness translates to differential predation risk in the wild. We also examined the influence of natural geographical range on predation risk. Results from 22 localities suggest that predation rates vary according to whether predators are familiar with the prey species. This study is among the first to demonstrate both differential conspicuousness and differential predation risk in the wild using an experimental protocol. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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The toadfishes Tetractenos hamiltoni and Torquigener pleurogramma (Tetraodontidae) possess occlusable yellow corneas. We examine the light transmission and location of the yellow/orange pigment throughout the cornea, the temporal properties of pigment migration and the ultrastructure of the pigmented processes during light- and dark-adaptation. Each species was dark-adapted during the day and light-adapted during the night and then exposed to either sun illumination or darkness for different lengths of time (0-70 min). Movement of corneal pigment could be induced in both species regardless of time of day or night. The pigment was able to migrate in a dorsal or ventral direction and changed from minimal to maximal pigmentation within 60 min. Three types of transmission curves were found with varying degrees of transmission in the 400-500 nm waveband, indicating that the pigment distribution is not uniform across the cornea; some areas of the cornea transmit near UV light, while others absorb blue light. The gradual change of the transmission characteristics in different areas of the cornea indicates the presence of different concentrations of a single type of pigment. Ultrastructural examination of the corneas showed that the layer containing the pigment is situated within the scleral cornea either surrounding (T. pleurogramma) or abutting (T. hamiltoni) an iridescent layer. Long sheet-like processes or chromatophores extending centrally from dorsal and ventral reservoirs are filled with pigment during the light-adapted state but empty in the dark-adapted state.


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Recent behavioural experiments have shown that birds use ultraviolet (UV)-reflective and fluorescent plumage as cues in mate choice. It remains controversial, however, whether such UV signals play a special role in sexual communication, or whether they are part of general plumage coloration. We use a comparative approach to test for a general association between sexual signalling and either UV-reflective or fluorescent plumage. Among the species surveyed, 72% have UV colours and there is a significant positive association between UV reflectance and courtship displays. Among parrots (Psittaciformes), 68% of surveyed species have fluorescent plumage, and again there is a strong positive association between courtship displays and fluorescence. These associations are not artefacts of the plumage used in courtship displays, being generally more 'colourful' because there is no association between display and colours lacking UV reflectance or fluorescence. Equally, these associations are not phylogenetic artefacts because all results remain unchanged when families or genera, rather than species, are used as independent data points. We also find that, in parrots, fluorescent plumage is usually found adjacent to UV-reflective plumage. Using a simple visual model to examine one parrot, the budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus, we show that the juxtaposition of UV-reflective and fluorescent plumage leads to a 25-fold increase in chromatic contrast to the budgerigar's visual system. Taken together, these results suggest that signals based on UV contrast are of special importance in the context of active sexual displays. We review briefly six hypotheses on why this may be the case: suitability for short-range signalling; high contrast with backgrounds; invisibility to predators; exploitation of pre-existing sensory biases; advertisement of feather structure; and amplification of behavioural signals.


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The tribe Hilarini (Diptera: Empididae), commonly known as dance flies, can be recognised by their swollen silk-producing prothoracic basitarsus, a male secondary sexual characteristic. The ultrastructure and function of the silk-producing basitarsus from one undescribed morphospecies of Hilarini, 'Hilarempis 20', is presented. Male H. 20 collect small parcels of diatomaceous algae from the surface of freshwater creeks that they bind with silk produced by the gland in the basitarsus. The gift is then presented to females in a nearby swarm, composed predominately of females. The basitarsus houses approximately 12 pairs of class III dermal glandular units that congregate on the ventral side of the cavity. Each gland cell has a large extracellular lumen where secretion accumulates. The lumen drains to the outside via a conducting canal encompassed by a canal cell and a duct extending through the shaft of a specialised secretory spine. The secretory spines lie in pairs in a ventral groove that runs the length of the basitarsus. A comparison of the basitarsal secretory spines with sensilla on the basitarsi of non gland-bearing legs of males, and with non gland-bearing prothoracic. basitarsi of females, suggests that the glandular units are derived from contact chemosensory sensilla. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Few Micronesian foods have been analyzed for nutrient content. Information is needed on locally grown, culturally acceptable foods that could be promoted to alleviate, vitamin A deficiency in the Federated States of Micronesia. Using an ethnographic approach that included key informant interviews and observation, Micronesian cultivars with potential for high-carotenoid content according to their coloration were identified. These cultivars of banana, giant swamp taro, breadfruit and other foods were analyzed for alpha- and beta-carotene using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and for nine minerals using inductively coupled plasma (ICP). A wide range of provitamin A carotenoid levels was found in banana, taro, and breadfruit cultivars, some containing very high levels (beta-carotene content from 515 to 6360 mug/100 g in banana, 260 to 1651 mug/100 g in taro, and 295 to 868 mug/100 g in breadfruit, edible portion). Other cultivars contained moderate levels, but as they can be eaten in large quantities, they may contribute significantly to vitamin A status. The taro samples contained very high levels of zinc (mean 5.9 mg/100 g) and significant levels of other minerals (mean content of calcium was 120 mg/100 g). These staples with cultural acceptability and high availability potentially could play a role in vitamin A, micronutrient, and chronic disease programs in the Pacific. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As part of an overall study to identify vitamin A-rich foods, a study was carried out in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) to provide information on production, acquisition, consumption and cultural acceptability of edible pandanus cultivars, Pandanus teetorius, and to identify their carotenoid content. Samples of five pandanus cultivars were collected and analyzed for alpha- and beta-carotene by HPLC. The results showed that the two cultivars with yellow fruit coloration contained low levels of carotenoids, while the orange fruits, which were also well liked as a food in the community, contained higher levels at maxima of 190 mug/100 g and 393 mug/100 g for alpha- and beta-carotene, respectively. Common patterns of intake when the fruit is available show that pandanus can provide a large proportion of estimated requirements of retinol equivalents. Local people were generally unaware that pandanus had health benefits, although the food was very popular. Nevertheless, key informants report that production had greatly decreased in recent years. To reverse this trend, those acceptable cultivars high in carotenoid content should be promoted both for their general enjoyment and their health benefits. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and chronic diseases are serious problems in the Federated States of Micronesia and other Pacific island countries. Nutrition education programs to address these in Micronesia have had limited success, partly due to lack of information on nutrient content in local foods. The study objective was to identify local plant foods rich in provitamin A and other carotenoids that have high levels of cultural acceptability. Food cultivars likely to be carotenoid-rich (suggested by coloration) were identified using an ethnographic approach including key informant interviews. Raw and cooked samples (mostly cultivars previously not analyzed) of 12 banana, 13 giant swamp taro, 10 breadfruit cultivars and four other local foods were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Many banana and taro cultivars were found with significant levels of beta- and alpha-carotene; the beta-carotene levels ranged from 30 to 2780 mug/100 g (banana) and. 50 to 2040 mug/100 g (taro). The results highlight the potential significance of cultivar differences in human nutrition, important for evaluation of the diet, establishment of locally relevant dietary guidelines, and research on the relationship between diet, health, and disease. These highly acceptable food cultivars could play an important role in VAD and chronic disease prevention programs in the Pacific. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Competition over access to food has led to the evolution of a variety of exaggerated visual and vocal displays in altricial nestling birds. Precocial chicks that are fed by their parents also vary widely in appearance ranging from those with inconspicuous coloration to those with brightly colored bills, fleshy parts, and plumes. These ornaments are lost by the end of the period of parental dependence, suggesting they function in competition over parental care. We use a comparative approach to evaluate which ecological or life-history variables may have favored the evolution of conspicuous ornamentation in precocial chicks. We compiled data on chick morphology, ecology, and social organization of species in the Family Rallidae, a group with highly variable downy chicks. Chick ornamentation in the form of brightly colored bills, fleshy patches, or plumes is observed in 36 of 97 species for which downy chicks are described. Phylogenetic reconstructions suggest that nonornamentation is the ancestral state. Chick ornamentation has evolved multiple times within the Rallidae and is significantly associated with large clutch sizes and polygamous mating systems. Chick ornamentation was also weakly associated with adult ornamentation and adult dimorphism. We argue that these results support the hypothesis that lineages with higher levels of sibling competition are more likely to evolve ornamented chicks.


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Mechanisms of speciation are not well understood, despite decades of study. Recent work has focused on how natural and sexual selection cause sexual isolation. Here, we investigate the roles of divergent natural and sexual selection in the evolution of sexual isolation between sympatric species of threespine sticklebacks. We test the importance of morphological and behavioral traits in conferring sexual isolation and examine to what extent these traits have diverged in parallel between multiple, independently evolved species pairs. We use the patterns of evolution in ecological and mating traits to infer the likely nature of selection on sexual isolation. Strong parallel evolution implicates ecologically based divergent natural and/or sexual selection, whereas arbitrary directionality implicates nonecological sexual selection or drift. In multiple pairs we find that sexual isolation arises in the same way: assortative mating on body size and asymmetric isolation due to male nuptial color. Body size and color have diverged in a strongly parallel manner, similar to ecological traits. The data implicate ecologically based divergent natural and sexual selection as engines of speciation in this group.