16 resultados para Non-contact corneal aesthesiometry

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Hand hygiene is critical in the healthcare setting and it is believed that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), for example, is transmitted from patient to patient largely via the hands of health professionals. A study has been carried out at a large teaching hospital to estimate how often the gloves of a healthcare worker are contaminated with MRSA after contact with a colonized patient. The effectiveness of handwashing procedures to decontaminate the health professionals' hands was also investigated, together with how well different healthcare professional groups complied with handwashing procedures. The study showed that about 17% (9-25%) of contacts between a healthcare worker and a MRSA-colonized patient results in transmission of MRSA from a patient to the gloves of a healthcare worker. Different health professional groups have different rates of compliance with infection control procedures. Non-contact staff (cleaners, food services) had the shortest handwashing times. In this study, glove use compliance rates were 75% or above in all healthcare worker groups except doctors whose compliance was only 27%. (C) 2004 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent disease in which upper airways are collapsed during sleep, leading to serious consequences. The gold standard of diagnosis, called polysomnography (PSG), requires a full-night hospital stay connected to over ten channels of measurements requiring physical contact with sensors. PSG is inconvenient, expensive and unsuited for community screening. Snoring is the earliest symptom of OSA, but its potential in clinical diagnosis is not fully recognized yet. Diagnostic systems intent on using snore-related sounds (SRS) face the tough problem of how to define a snore. In this paper, we present a working definition of a snore, and propose algorithms to segment SRS into classes of pure breathing, silence and voiced/unvoiced snores. We propose a novel feature termed the 'intra-snore-pitch-jump' (ISPJ) to diagnose OSA. Working on clinical data, we show that ISPJ delivers OSA detection sensitivities of 86-100% while holding specificity at 50-80%. These numbers indicate that snore sounds and the ISPJ have the potential to be good candidates for a take-home device for OSA screening. Snore sounds have the significant advantage in that they can be conveniently acquired with low-cost non-contact equipment. The segmentation results presented in this paper have been derived using data from eight patients as the training set and another eight patients as the testing set. ISPJ-based OSA detection results have been derived using training data from 16 subjects and testing data from 29 subjects.


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As class contact times are reduced as a result of fiscal restraints in the modern tertiary sector, language instructors are placed in the position of having to find new ways to provide experience and continuity in language learning. Extending 'learning communities'—sites of learner knowledge exchange, exposure to diverse learning styles and strategies, and mutual support—beyond the classroom is one solution to maintaining successful linguistic competencies amongst learners. This, however, can conflict with the diverse extra-curricular commitments faced by tertiary students. The flexibility of web-based learning platforms provides one means of overcoming these obstacles. This study investigates learner perceptions of the use of the WebCT platform's computer medicated communication (CMC) tools as a means of extending the community of learning in tertiary Chinese language and non-language courses. Learner responses to Likert and open-ended questionnaires show that flexibility and reduction of negative affect are seen as significant benefits to 'virtual' interaction and communication, although responses are notably stronger in the non-language compared with the language cohort. While both learner cohorts acknowledge positive learning outcomes, CMC is not seen to consistently further interpersonal rapport beyond that established in the classroom. Maintaining a balance between web-based and classroom learning emerges as a concern, especially amongst language learners. [Author abstract, ed]


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The presence of primary cilia in corneal endothelial cells of a range of species from six non-mammalian vertebrate classes (Agnatha, Elasmobranchii, Amphibia, Teleostei, Reptilia, and Aves) is examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Our aim is to assess whether these non-motile cilia protruding into the anterior chamber of the eye are a consistent phylogenetic feature of the corneal endothelium and if a quantitative comparison of their morphology is able to shed any new light on their function. The length (0.42-3.80 mum) and width (0.12-0.44 mum) of the primary cilia varied but were closely allied with previous studies in mammals. However, interspecific differences such as the presence of a terminal swelling in the Teleostei and Amphibia suggest there are functional differences. Approximately one-third of the endothelial cells possess cilia but the extent of protrusion above the cell surface varies greatly, supporting a dynamic process of retraction and elongation. The absence of primary cilia in primitive vertebrates (Agnatha and Elasmobranchii) that possess other mechanisms to control corneal hydration suggests an osmoregulatory and/or chemosensory function. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Protein tertiary structure can be partly characterized via each amino acid's contact number measuring how residues are spatially arranged. The contact number of a residue in a folded protein is a measure of its exposure to the local environment, and is defined as the number of C-beta atoms in other residues within a sphere around the C-beta atom of the residue of interest. Contact number is partly conserved between protein folds and thus is useful for protein fold and structure prediction. In turn, each residue's contact number can be partially predicted from primary amino acid sequence, assisting tertiary fold analysis from sequence data. In this study, we provide a more accurate contact number prediction method from protein primary sequence. Results: We predict contact number from protein sequence using a novel support vector regression algorithm. Using protein local sequences with multiple sequence alignments (PSI-BLAST profiles), we demonstrate a correlation coefficient between predicted and observed contact numbers of 0.70, which outperforms previously achieved accuracies. Including additional information about sequence weight and amino acid composition further improves prediction accuracies significantly with the correlation coefficient reaching 0.73. If residues are classified as being either contacted or non-contacted, the prediction accuracies are all greater than 77%, regardless of the choice of classification thresholds. Conclusion: The successful application of support vector regression to the prediction of protein contact number reported here, together with previous applications of this approach to the prediction of protein accessible surface area and B-factor profile, suggests that a support vector regression approach may be very useful for determining the structure-function relation between primary sequence and higher order consecutive protein structural and functional properties.


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Purpose: To report a case of a perforated acute hydrops in a mentally retarded patient that was successfully managed with intracameral sulfur hexafluoride gas and cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive. Methods: Interventional case report. Results: A 14-year-old mentally retarded male patient with keratoconus presented with a perforated acute hydrops. A bandage contact lens was applied. However, following a large emesis 2 days later, the aqueous leak worsened with shallowing of the anterior chamber. Under general anesthesia, sulfur hexafluoride was injected to reform the anterior chamber and cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive was applied to the perforated site and covered by a bandage contact lens and temporary tarsorrhaphy. A follow-up examination at 1 month showed a formed anterior chamber with tissue adhesive in situ and no aqueous leak. Conclusions: The successful use of intracameral sulfur hexafluoride and tissue adhesive in the management of perforated acute hydrops may avoid emergency tectonic penetrating keratoplasty and reduce potential complications in the poorly cooperative patient.


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In this paper we use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the effect of contact angle on droplet shape as it moves through a contraction. A new non-dimensional number is proposed in order to predict situations where the deformed droplet will form a slug in the contraction and thus have the opportunity to interact with the channel wall. It is proposed that droplet flow into a contraction is a useful method to ensure that a droplet will wet a channel surface without a trapped lubrication film, and thus help ensure that a slug will remain attached to the wall downstream of the contraction. We demonstrate that when a droplet is larger than a contraction, capillary and Reynolds numbers, and fluid properties may not be sufficient to fully describe the droplet dynamics through a contraction. We show that, with everything else constant, droplet shape and breakup can be controlled simply by changing the wetting properties of the channel wall. CFD simulations with contact angles ranging from 30 degrees to 150 degrees show that lower contact angles can induce droplet breakup while higher contact angles can form slugs with contact angle dependent shape. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we examine the effect of contact angle (or surface wettability) on the convective heat transfer coefficient in microchannels. Slip flow, where the fluid velocity at the wall is non-zero, is most likely to occur in microchannels due to its dependence on shear rate or wall shear stress. We show analytically that for a constant pressure drop, the presence of slip increases the Nusselt number. In a microchannel heat exchanger we modified the surface wettability from a contact angle of 20 degrees-120 degrees using thin film coating technology. Apparent slip flow is implied from pressure and flow rate measurements with a departure from classical laminar friction coefficients above a critical shear rate of approximately 10,000 s(-1). The magnitude of this departure is dependant on the contact angle with higher contact angles surfaces exhibiting larger pressure drop decreases. Similarly, the non-dimensional heat flux is found to decrease relative to laminar non-slip theory, and this decrease is also a function of the contact angle. Depending on the contact angle and the wall shear rate, variations in the heat transfer rate exceeding 10% can be expected. Thus the contact angle is an important consideration in the design of micro, and even more so, nano heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate how the CNS adjusts motor patterns for variants of a complex axial movement-the situp. Adjustments were induced by changing the support surface contact and mass distribution of the body. Healthy adults performed straight-legged sit-ups, 3 s in duration, with support added to or removed from the lumbar trunk, or with mass added to the head or to the legs. Each of these interventions either increased or decreased the difficulty of the task. The study addressed the extent to which changes in sit-up difficulty are compensated by scaling of muscle activity, kinematics, and dynamics versus the extent to which they are compensated by changing discretely the motor pattern. The analysis of muscle activity, kinematics, and dynamics focused on the first 30-40% of the sit-up-the trunk flexion phase-since this is the most critical part of the movement. Our results demonstrate that, in some respects, sit-up kinematics and dynamics scaled with difficulty, but in other respects, they did not. Muscle activity also scaled, in many respects, but in more difficult sit-ups, abdominal flexor activity decreased instead of increased. Non-scaling changes in these parameters suggest that complex movements, such as the sit-up, may require discrete changes in motor pattern in order to deal with large loads, which challenge the available leverage. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The medically significant genus Chlamydia is a class of obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens that replicate within vacuoles in host eukaryotic cells termed inclusions. Chlamydia's developmental cycle involves two forms; an infectious extracellular form, known as an elementary body (EB), and a non-infectious form, known as the reticulate body (RB), that replicates inside the vacuoles of the host cells. The RB surface is covered in projections that are in intimate contact with the inclusion membrane. Late in the developmental cycle, these reticulate bodies differentiate into the elementary body form. In this paper, we present a hypothesis for the modulation of these developmental events involving the contact-dependent type III secretion (TTS) system. TTS surface projections mediate intimate contact between the RB and the inclusion membrane. Below a certain number of projections, detachment of the RB provides a signal for late differentiation of RB into EB. We use data and develop a mathematical model investigating this hypothesis. If the hypothesis proves to be accurate, then we have shown that increasing the number of inclusions per host cell will increase the number of infectious progeny EB until some optimal number of inclusions. For more inclusions than this optimum, the infectious yield is reduced because of spatial restrictions. We also predict that a reduction in the number of projections on the surface of the RB (and as early as possible during development) will significantly reduce the burst size of infectious EB particles. Many of the results predicted by the model can be tested experimentally and may lead to the identification of potential targets for drug design. © Society for Mathematical Biology 2006.


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This study investigates the influence of mesograzer prior exposure to toxic metabolites on palatability of the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula. We examined the palatability of L. majuscula crude extract obtained from a bloom in Moreton Bay, South East Queensland, Australia, containing lyngbyatoxin-a (LTA) and debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT), to two groups: (1) mesograzers of L. majuscula from Guam where LTA and DAT production is rare; and (2) macro- and mesograzers found feeding on L. majuscula blooms in Moreton Bay where LTA and DAT are often prevalent secondary metabolites. Pair-wise feeding assays using artificial diets consisting of Ulva clathrata suspended in agar (control) or coated with Moreton Bay L. majuscula crude extracts (treatment) were used to determine palatability to a variety of consumers. In Guam, the amphipods, Parhyale hawaiensis and Cymadusa imbroglio; the majid crab Menaethius monoceros; and the urchin Echinometra mathaei were significantly deterred by the Moreton Bay crude extract. The sea hares, Stylocheilus striatus, from Guam were stimulated to feed by treatment food whereas S. striatus collected from Moreton Bay showed no discrimination between food types. In Moreton Bay, the cephalaspidean Diniatys dentifer and wild caught rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens were significantly deterred by the crude extract. However, captive-bred S. fuscescens with no known experience with L. majuscula did not clearly discriminate between food choices. Lyngbya majuscula crude extract deters feeding by most mesograzers regardless of prior contact or association with blooms.