18 resultados para Niobium carbide. 15Kh2MFA ferritic steel. Powder metallurgy. High energy milling and composite materials

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The initiation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was studied using scanning electron microscope observations of linearly increasing stress test specimens. SCC initiation from the following surfaces was studied: (i) initiation from the commercial pipe surface covered by the Zn coating, (ii) initiation from a mechanically polished surface with a deformed layer, and (iii) initiation from an electro-polished surface. SCC initiation involved different features for these surfaces as follows. (i) For the Zn coated commercial pipe surface, a crack in the Zn coating led to the dissolution of the deformed layer and when the deformed layer was penetrated, intergranular SCC initiation became possible. (ii) For a mechanically polished surface with a deformed layer, cracks in the surface oxide concentrated the anodic dissolution to such an extent that there was transgranular SCC in the deformed layer. SCC was intergranular when the deformed layer had been penetrated. Transgranular stress corrosion cracks were stopped at ferrite grain boundaries (GBs) oriented perpendicular to the SCC propagation direction. (iii) For an electro-polished surface, the surface oxide film was cracked at many locations, but intergranular SCC only propagated into the steel when the oxide crack corresponded to a GB. An oxide crack away from a GB is expected to be healed. The observed SCC initiation mechanism was not associated with simple preferential chemical attack of the ferrite GBs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phase equilibria have been determined experimentally for pseudo-ternary sections of the form “MnO”- (CaO+MgO)-(SiO2+Al2O3) with a fixed Al2O3/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.17 and MgO/CaO weight ratios of 0.25 and 0.17 respectively for temperatures in the range 1473-1673 K. The primary phase fields present for the MgO/CaO weight ratio of 0.17 include manganosite (Mn,Mg,Ca)O; dicalcium silicate α-2(Ca,Mg,Mn)O·SiO2; merwinite 3CaO⋅(Mg,Mn)O⋅2SiO2; wollastonite [(Ca,Mg,Mn)O·SiO2]; diopside [(CaO,MgO,MnO,Al2O3)·SiO2]; tridymite (SiO2); tephroite [2(Mn,Mg)O·SiO2]; rhodonite [(Mn,Mg)O·SiO2] and melilite [2CaO·(MgO,MnO,Al2O3)·2(SiO2,Al2O3)]. For the section with MgO/CaO weight ratio of 0.25 the anorthite phase (CaO⋅Al2O3⋅2SiO2) is also present. The liquidus temperatures of ferro- and silico-manganese smelting slags have been determined. The liquidus temperatures at low MnO concentrations are shown to be principally dependent on the modified basicity weight ratio (CaO+MgO)/(SiO2+Al2O3).


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As a result of their relative concentration towards the respective Atlantic margins, the silicic eruptives of the Parana (Brazil)-Etendeka large igneous province are disproportionately abundant in the Etendeka of Namibia. The NW Etendeka silicic units, dated at similar to132 Ma, occupy the upper stratigraphic levels of the volcanic sequences, restricted to the coastal zone, and comprise three latites and five quartz latites (QL). The large-volume Fria QL is the only low-Ti type. Its trace element and isotopic signatures indicate massive crustal input. The remaining NW Etendeka silicic units are enigmatic high-Ti types, geochemically different from low-Ti types. They exhibit chemical affinities with the temporally overlapping Khumib high-Ti basalt (see Ewart et al. Part 1) and high crystallization temperatures (greater than or equal to980 to 1120degreesC) inferred from augite and pigeonite phenocrysts, both consistent with their evolution from a mafic source. Geochemically, the high-Ti units define three groups, thought genetically related. We test whether these represent independent liquid lines of descent from a common high-Ti mafic parent. Although the recognition of latites reduces the apparent silica gap, difficulty is encountered in fractional crystallization models by the large volumes of two QL units. Numerical modelling does, however, support large-scale open-system fractional crystallization, assimilation of silicic to basaltic materials, and magma mixing, but cannot entirely exclude partial melting processes within the temporally active extensional environment. The fractional crystallization and mixing signatures add to the complexity of these enigmatic and controversial silicic magmas. The existence, however, of temporally and spatially overlapping high-Ti basalts is, in our view, not coincidental and the high-Ti character of the silicic magmas ultimately reflects a mantle signature.


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Circuit QED is a promising solid-state quantum computing architecture. It also has excellent potential as a platform for quantum control-especially quantum feedback control-experiments. However, the current scheme for measurement in circuit QED is low efficiency and has low signal-to-noise ratio for single-shot measurements. The low quality of this measurement makes the implementation of feedback difficult, and here we propose two schemes for measurement in circuit QED architectures that can significantly improve signal-to-noise ratio and potentially achieve quantum-limited measurement. Such measurements would enable the implementation of quantum feedback protocols and we illustrate this with a simple entanglement-stabilization scheme.


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The ractiolysis of a poly(ethylene-co-propylene), Elpro grade P 750 J, marketed by Thai Polypropylene Co. Ltd. for the manufacture of medical goods, was investigated at ambient temperature and melt rheology measured. The roles of calcium stearate, blended with the Elpro as a processing aid, and dioctyl phthalate (DOP), added in various amounts as a radical scavenger, were assessed. Following radiolysis, G' and the viscosity of the polymer melts at 453 K both decreased with increasing radiation dose, even when the mobilizer was present. The results indicated that although the DOP did scavenge radicals, it did not protect the polymer from net chain scission in a low-dose regimen. The value of (G(S) - 4G(X)) was approximately 0.6-0.7. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A range of polyimides have been subjected to electron beam radiolysis at different temperatures. These polyimides were chemically designed to suit space applications, being either transparent or having groups which provide oxidation resistance. The structural changes that occur in the polyimides, when subjected to electron beam irradiation doses up to 18.5 MGy and up to temperatures close to their glass transition temperatures, were studied using FT-Raman spectroscopy. The range of polyimides studied included a series of perfluoropolyimides, a silicon-modified polyimide, and Ultem. The changes in the Raman peak intensities of the different groups indicated scission reactions involving the imide rings and ether linkages. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.