14 resultados para Neoplasia de mama
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is associated with high morbidity and mortality which is due, at least in part, to late detection. Precancerous and cancerous oral lesions may mimic any number of benign oral lesions, and as such may be left without investigation and treatment until they are well advanced. Over the past several years there has been renewed interest in oral cytology as an adjuvant clinical tool in the investigation of oral mucosal lesions. The purpose of the present study was to compare the usefulness of ploidy analysis after Feulgen stained cytological thin-prep specimens with traditional incisional biopsy and routine histopathological examination for the assessment of the pre-malignant potential of oral mucosal lesions. An analysis of the cytological specimens was undertaken with virtual microscopy which allowed for rapid and thorough analysis of the complete cytological specimen. 100 healthy individuals between 30 and 70 years of age, who were non-smokers, non-drinkers and not taking any medication, had cytological specimens collected from both the buccal mucosa and lateral margin of tongue to establish normal cytology parameters within a control population. Patients with a presumptive clinical diagnosis of lichen planus, leukoplakia or OSCC had lesional cytological samples taken prior to their diagnostic biopsy. Standardised thin preparations were prepared and each specimen stained by both Feuglen and Papanicolau methods. High speed scanning of the complete slide at 40X magnification was undertaken using the Aperio Scanscope TM and the green channel of the resultant image was analysed after threshold segmentation to isolate only nuclei and the integrated optical density of each nucleus taken as a gross measure of the DNA content (ploidy). Preliminary results reveal that ploidy assessment of oral cytology holds great promise as an adjunctive prognostic factor in the analysis of the malignant potential of oral mucosal lesions.
An understanding of the mechanisms that explain the initiation and early evolution of colorectal cancer should facilitate the development of new approaches to effective prevention and intervention. This review highlights deficiencies in the current model for colorectal neoplasia in which APC mutation is placed at the point of initiation. Other genes implicated in the regulation of apoptosis and DNA repair may underlie the early development of colorectal cancer. Inactivation of these genes may occur not by mutation or loss but through silencing mediated by methylation of the gene's promoter region. hMLH1 and MGMT are examples of DNA repair genes that are silenced by methylation. Loss of expression of hMLH1 and MGMT protein has been demonstrated immunohistochemically in serrated polyps. Multiple lines of evidence point to a serrated pathway of neoplasia that is driven by inhibition of apoptosis and the subsequent inactivation of DNA repair genes by promoter methylation. The earliest lesions in this pathway are aberrant crypt foci (ACF). These may develop Into hyperplastic polyps or transform while still of microscopic size into admixed polyps, serrated adenomas, or traditional adenomas. Cancers developing from these lesions may show high- or low-level microsatellite instability (MSI-H and MSI-L, respectively) or may be microsatellite stable (MSS). The suggested clinical model for this alternative pathway is the condition hyperplastic polyposis. If colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease comprising discrete subsets that evolve through different pathways, it is evident that these subsets will need to be studied individually in the future.
Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumorigenesis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has partially come from studies of RCC related familial cancer syndromes such as von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease and hereditary papillary RCC (HPRC). These studies have led to the identification of RCC related genes, which, besides allowing accurate diagnosis of these diseases, have been found mutated or abnormally expressed in the sporadic counterparts of these familial renal tumours. To date, a number of renal tumour related syndromes have been described. We review recent advances in this field and discuss a genetic approach to managing familial cases of renal tumours occasionally encountered by cancer geneticists and urologists.
Purpose: Persistent infection of cervical epithelium with high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) results in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) from which squamous cancer of the cervix can arise. A study was undertaken to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of an HPV 16 immunotherapeutic consisting of a mixture of HPV16 E6E7 fusion protein and ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant (HPV16 Immunotherapeutic) for patients with CIN. Experimental design: Patients with CIN (n = 3 1) were recruited to a randomised blinded placebo controlled dose ranging study of immunotherapy. Results: Immunotherapy was well tolerated. Immunised subjects developed HPV16 E6E7 specific immunity. Antibody, delayed type hypersensitivity, in vitro cytokine release, and CD8 T cell responses to E6 and E7 proteins were each significantly greater in the immunised subjects than in placebo recipients. Loss of HPV16 DNA from the cervix was observed in some vaccine and placebo recipients. Conclusions : The HPV16 Immunotherapeutic comprising HPV16E6E7 fusion protein and ISCOMATRIX(TM) adjuvant is safe and induces vaccine antigen specific cell mediated immunity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Despite significant progress in understanding the molecular pathology of pancreatic cancer and its precursor lesion: pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), there remain no molecules with proven clinical utility as prognostic or therapeutic markers. Here, we used oligonucleotide microarrays to interrogate mRNA expression of pancreatic cancer tissue and normal pancreas to identify novel molecular pathways dysregulated in the development and progression of pancreatic cancer. Experimental Design: RNA was hybridized to Affymetrix Genechip HG-U133 oligonucleotide microarrays. A relational database integrating data from publicly available resources was created to identify candidate genes potentially relevant to pancreatic cancer. The protein expression of one candidate, homeobox B2 (HOXB2), in PanIN and pancreatic cancer was assessed using immunohistochemistry. Results: We identified aberrant expression of several components of the retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway (RARa, MUC4, Id-1, MMP9, uPAR, HB-EGF, HOXB6, and HOXB2), many of which are known to be aberrantly expressed in pancreatic cancer and Pan IN. HOXB2, a downstream target of RA, was up-regulated 6.7-fold in pancreatic cancer compared with normal pancreas. Immunohistochemistry revealed ectopic expression of HOXB2 in 15% of early Pan IN lesions and 48 of 128 (38%) pancreatic cancer specimens. Expression of HOXB2 was associated with nonresectable tumors and was an independent predictor of poor survival in resected tumors. Conclusions: We identified aberrant expression of RA signaling components in pancreatic cancer, including HOXB2, which was expressed in a proportion of PanIN lesions. Ectopic expression of HOXB2 was associated with a poor prognosis for all patients with pancreatic cancer and was an independent predictor of survival in patients who underwent resection.
The development of colorectal cancer is a major complication for patients with chronic idiopathic colitis. Colitis-associated tumours tend to occur at a younger age and be more aggressive than sporadic colorectal cancers. While we have previously associated the presence of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and increased apoptosis in sporadic colorectal cancer with high-level microsatellite instability and improved prognosis, little is known of the relationship between these variables in colitis-associated colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to correlate TILs and tumour cell apoptosis in colitis-associated neoplasms stratified according to microsatellite instability. Twenty tumour and 11 dysplastic samples resected from 21 patients with long-standing colitis were analysed for microsatellite instability at 10 microsatellite markers. TIL distribution (CD3, CD8) and function (granzyme B) were quantified by immunohistochemistry. Neoplastic cell apoptosis was assessed using the M30 CytoDEATH antibody. These findings were compared with 40 microsatellite stable (MSS) sporadic colorectal cancers previously evaluated for TILs and neoplastic apoptosis. Low-level microsatellite instability was found in 1/20 colitis-associated tumours. All other colitis-associated lesions were designated MSS. CD3(+) and CD8(+) TIL counts were significantly higher in colitis-associated lesions compared with NISS sporadic colorectal cancer (p < 0.0001, p = 0.001 respectively). Despite their higher TIL density, colitis-associated tumours were more likely to present late (Dukes' stage C or D) (P = 0.02). Functionally, colitis-associated TILs demonstrated significantly less granzyme B expression compared to sporadic cancers (p = 0.002). The level of tumour cell apoptosis was similar between the two groups (sporadic, 1.53%; colitis cancers, 1.45%). In conclusion, NISS colitis-associated tumours have a higher prevalence of CD3(+)/CD8(+) TILs but no associated increase in tumour cell killing by apoptosis. Unlike cytotoxic T cells in sporadic colorectal cancer, TILs do not appear to enhance the prognosis of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. This may be related to an impairment of granzyme B expression within these lesions. Copyright (c) 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
center dot PURPOSE: To evaluate topical interferon alfa-2b (IFN-alpha 2b) for the treatment of recalcitrant ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN). center dot DESIGN: Prospective, noncomparative, interventional consecutive case series. center dot METHODS: Ten patients with recalcitrant OSSN were treated with topical IFN-alpha 2b (1 million IU/ml) four times a day until clinical resolution of the lesion or until the lesion appeared nonresponsive-that is, treatment failure. Progress was assessed by clinical examination and photographic records, with a minimum follow,up of six months. center dot RESULTS: Eight of 10 patients achieved clinical resolution from topical IFN-alpha 2b treatment. One patient developed invasive squamous cell carcinoma and underwent exenteration. The other patient required further mitomycin C therapy to achieve clinical resolution. The mean duration to clinical resolution for the eight patients treated with IFN-alpha 2b was 21.9 weeks (range six to 59 weeks). There have been no recurrences for any of the nine patients during follow-up (mean 55.0 weeks; range 26 to 84 weeks). center dot CONCLUSIONS: Topical IFN-alpha 2b is an important treatment modality for recalcitrant OSSN; it avoids the risks of further limbal stem cell destruction from other agents and surgical excision. If invasive disease is diagnosed at any stage, topical therapy is contraindicated, necessitating surgical excision. (Am J Ophthalmol 2006; 142:568-571. (c) 2006 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
This study evaluated the detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 antibody in HPV 16-associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in Australian women. Seroreactivity to HPV 16 L1 virus-like particles was assessed in patients with CIN 2 (n = 169) and CIN 3 (n = 229) lesions previously tested for the presence of HPV DNA. Seropositivity was significantly commoner in women with HPV 16 DNA-positive lesions (98/184) than in women with no HPV DNA in the lesion (15/47) or with HPV of types other than 16 in the lesion (43/167) (P = 0.0004). In addition, seropositivity was observed in 33% (55/169) of women with CIN 2 and 46% (106/229) of women with CIN 3, in keeping with the lower fraction of CIN 2 (57/169) than CIN 3 (127/229) biopsies positive for HPV 16 DNA. HPV 16 seropositivity is most common in women with HPV 16-associated CIN, but many patients with HPV-associated CIN 3 are seronegative, and HPV 16 seropositivity is common in women with CIN associated with other HPV types. Overall, HPV 16 serology is a poor predictor of presence of HPV 16-associated CIN 3 in patient population studied.
Mast cell tumours (MCTs) are relatively common tumours of cats, and are the second most common cutaneous tumours in cats in the USA. While the primary splenic form of the disease is far less common, it is usually associated with more severe clinical signs. Signalment, clinical and survival characteristics of mast cell neoplasia were characterised in 41 cats. The most common tumour location was cutaneous/ subcutaneous head and trunk. Stage la was the most common tumour stage at first diagnosis (n = 20), followed by stage 4 (both stage 4a and stage 4b; n = 10). Of 22 cats that underwent excisional biopsy, mast cell neoplasia recurred in four cats during the study period. Three of the 41 cats presented with simultaneous cutaneous and either splenic or lymph node tumours. A comparison between cats with only cutaneous tumours (n = 30) and those with tumours involving the spleen or lymph nodes (n = 11) showed longer survival times for the cutaneous-only group (P = 0.031). Twelve of the 41 cats died of mast cell neoplasia during the study period. When a subgroup of cats with only cutaneous tumours (no lymph node or visceral involvement) were divided according to whether there were multiple (five or more) tumours (n = 6) or a single tumour (n = 19), cats with single tumours survived longer than those with multiple tumours (P = 0.001). Solitary cutaneous feline MCTs without spread to the lymph nodes usually manifest as benign disease with a relatively protracted course. However, multiple cutaneous tumours, recurrent tumours and primary splenic disease should receive a guarded prognosis due to the relatively short median survival times associated with these forms of the disease. (C) 2006 ESFM and AAFR Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The surgical management of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia-2A (MEN-2A) continues to evolve with specific genotype-phenotype correlations allowing for a more tailored approach. In this study, we report the surgical management of one of the largest MEN-2A families with a rearranged during transfection (RET) codon 804 mutation. Method: This is a cohort study comprising all at-risk kindred within a single known MEN-2A family. Prophylactic total thyroidectomy with lymph node dissection was recommended to all mutation carriers aged 5 years and older. Results: There were a total of 48 at-risk individuals in the MEN-2A kindred, with 22 patients undergoing thyroidectomy after appropriate preoperative evaluation. A total of 9 patients had medullary thyroid cancer including 5 with a normal preoperative calcitonin level. A total of 11 patients had C-cell hyperplasia and 7 showed histological evidence of parathyroid disease. Only the index case had a phaeochromocytoma. Conclusion: Genetic testing for germline mutations in the RET proto-oncogene has allowed precise identification of affected RET carriers and provided the opportunity for prophylactic or 'preclinical' surgery to treat and in fact to prevent medullary thyroid cancer. This concept of prophylactic surgery based on a genetic test is likely to be applied more widely as the tools of molecular biology advance.