17 resultados para Nematodes.

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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A simple, rapid method is described for the extraction of large numbers of free-living nematodes from estuarine sediments. This method does not physically or chemically alter or damage the nematodes, but instead relies on their downward movement through a filtering layer of double ply tissue paper and into aerated water-filled trays. Seven trials each with 10 trays kept at 25degreesC for an initial period of 24 h yielded 3985 live nematodes l(-1) (+/-511.5 standard deviation) of estuarine sediment, free of sediment and with minimal debris. Time effects were statistically significantly different, with the same 10 trays yielding another 1259 nematodes l(-1) (+/-413.4) when kept for a second period of 24 h at the same temperature. Temperature effects were also significant, and 7 trials each with 10 trays kept for 24 h at 20-21degreesC, produced a lower yield of 2160 nematodes l(-1) (+/-532.7) of sediment. The method is expected to be of use in nematode extractions from both estuarine and marine sediments.


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Stochastic models based on Markov birth processes are constructed to describe the process of invasion of a fly larva by entomopathogenic nematodes. Various forms for the birth (invasion) rates are proposed. These models are then fitted to data sets describing the observed numbers of nematodes that have invaded a fly larval after a fixed period of time. Non-linear birthrates are required to achieve good fits to these data, with their precise form leading to different patterns of invasion being identified for three populations of nematodes considered. One of these (Nemasys) showed the greatest propensity for invasion. This form of modelling may be useful more generally for analysing data that show variation which is different from that expected from a binomial distribution.


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Wolbachia pipientis is an endosymbiotic bacterium common to arthropods and filarial nematodes. This study presents the first survey and characterization of Wolbachia pipientis that infect spiders. All spiders were collected from Queensland, Australia during 2002-2003 and screened for Wolbachia infection using PCR approaches. The Wolbachia strains present in the spiders are diverse, paraphyletic, and for the most part closely related to strains that infect insects. We have also identified several spider Wolbachia strains that form a lineage outside the currently recognized six main Wolbachia supergroups (A-F). Incongruence between spider and Wolbachia phylogenies indicates a history of horizontal transmission of the bacterium in these host taxa. Like other arthropods, spiders are capable of harboring multiple Wolbachia strains.


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Screenhouse studies were conducted to investigate the effects of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. glycines and Sclerotium rolfsii on the pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incognita race 2 on soybean and the influence of the nematode on wilt incidence and growth of soybean. The interaction of each fungus with the nematode resulted in reduced shoot and root growth. Final nematode population was also reduced with concomitant inoculation of nematode and fungus or inoculation of fungus before nematode. While M. incognita suppressed wilt incidence in two nematode-susceptible cultivars of soybean (TGX 1485-2D and TGX 1440-IE), it had limited effect on wilt incidence in the nematode resistant cultivar of soybean (TGX 1448-2E). When F. oxysporum was inoculated with the nematode, the mean number of nematodes that penetrated soybean roots decreased by 75% in TGX 1448-2E, 68% in TGX 1485-1D and 65% in TGX 1440-1E. Similarly when the soil was treated with S. rolfsii, the number decreased by 78% in TGX 1448-2E, 77% in TGX 1485-1D and 68% in TGX 1440-1E. The nematode did not develop beyond second-stage juvenile in TGX-1448-2E.


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A new dracunculoid genus and species, Moravecia australiensis, is described from gill-filaments of the green porcupine fish Tragulichthys jaculiferus (Cuvier) (Tetraodontiformes: Diodontidae) from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Abundant mobile larvae and a few adult males with females occurred in the gill-filament between the epithelial basement membrane and efferent artery. Gills of all 69 fish examined contained larvae. Eleven harboured adult nematodes of a previously undescribed species belonging to the family Guyanemidae. The new species is placed within a newly proposed genus because it differs from the four existing genera in the family in possessing fine cuticular transverse striations, two forward protruding cephalic elevations, a circumoral elevation, a small triangular mouth surrounded by six cephalic papillae arranged in two lateral clusters of three each and a pair of large lateral amphids. Males have two pairs of pedunculate caudal papillae supporting the caudal alae. A key to the genera of the Guyanemidae is presented.


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The effects of culture filtrates of Fusarium oxysporum and Sclerotium rolfsii on egg hatching and juvenile survival of Meloidogyne incognita in vitro and impact of these filtrates on infectivity of M. incognita were investigated on soybean seedlings. Five- and 10-day-old filtrates of F. oxysporum caused 65 and 54% egg-hatching inhibition, while that of S. rolfsii caused 61 and 49% inhibition, respectively. Juveniles of M. incognita died within 6 days when incubated in 5-day-old filtrate of F. oxysporum, while the similar filtrate of S. rolfsii caused 100% juvenile mortality on the fifth day. Filtrates reduced root galling, egg population, number of adult females in soybean plants at harvest and also soil population. Culture filtrates could be used as source of biological nematicides.


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The abundance and community composition of the endofauna in 2 species of sponge, Haliclona sp. 1 and Haliclona sp. 2 (phylum Porifera: order Haplosclerida), were examined at different sites on the slope at Heron Island Reef, in the southern Great Barrier Reef, on 2 separate occasions. Both species of Haliclona Occupy Similar habitats on the reef slope and are often found living adjacent to each other, but the major groups of secondary metabolites and the gross external morphology in the 2 species of sponge are different. The 2 species of sponge supported significantly different endofaunal communities, with Haliclona sp. 2 Supporting 3 to 4 times more individuals than Haliclona sp. 1. Fewer demersal zooplankton (copepods), nematodes and some peracarid crustaceans were found in Haliclona sp. I compared with Haliclona sp. 2. There were also differences in the numbers of spionid, nereidid and syllid. polychaetes living in the 2 species of sponge. The only taxon that was more abundant in Haliclona sp. 1 than Haliclona sp. 2 was the spionid Polydorella prolifera, and this difference was only evident on 1. of the 2 occasions. The amount of free space (pores, channels, cavities) for a given weight of sponge was only 19% greater in Haliclona sp. 2 than in Haliclona sp. 1, suggesting other factors, such as the differences in the allelochemicals, may have a role in determining the numbers and types of animals living in these 2 species of sponge.


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A field-applicable assay for testing anthelmintic sensitivity is required to monitor for anthelmintic resistance. We undertook a study to evaluate the ability of three in vitro assay systems to define drug sensitivity of clinical isolates of the human hookworm parasite Necator americanus recovered from children resident in a village in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. The assays entailed observation of drug effects on egg hatch (EHA), larval development (LDA), and motility of infective stage larvae (LMA). The egg hatch assay proved the best method for assessing the response to benzimidazole anthelmintics, while the larval motility assay was suitable for assessing the response to ivermectin. The performance of the larval development assay was unsatisfactory on account of interference caused by contaminating bacteria. A simple protocol was developed whereby stool samples were subdivided and used for immediate egg recovery, as well as for faecal culture, in order to provide eggs and infective larvae, respectively, for use in the egg hatch assay and larval motility assay systems. While the assays proved effective in quantifying drug sensitivity in larvae of the drug-susceptible hookworms examined in this study, their ability to indicate drug resistance in larval or adult hookworms remains to be determined. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gastrointestinal tracts of multi-cellular blood-feeding parasites are targets for vaccines and drugs. Recently, recombinant vaccines that interrupt the digestion of blood in the hookworm gut have shown efficacy, so we explored the intestinal transcriptomes of the human and canine hookworms, Necator americanus and Ancylostoma caninum, respectively. We used Laser Microdissection Microscopy to dissect gut tissue from the parasites, extracted the RNA and generated cDNA libraries. A total of 480 expressed sequence tags were sequenced from each library and assembled into contigs, accounting for 268 N. americanus genes and 276 A. caninum genes. Only 17% of N. americanus and 36% of A. caninum contigs were assigned Gene Ontology classifications. Twenty-six (9.8%) N. americanus and 18 (6.5%) A. caninum contigs did not have homologues in any databases including dbEST-of these novel clones, seven N. americanus and three A. caninum contigs had Open Reading Frames with predicted secretory signal peptides. The most abundant transcripts corresponded to mRNAs encoding cholesterol-and fatty acid-binding proteins, C-type lectins, Activation-Associated Secretory Proteins, and proteases of different mechanistic classes, particularly astacin-like metallopeptidases. Expressed sequence tags corresponding to known and potential recombinant vaccines were identified and these included homologues of proteases, anti-clotting factors, defensins and integral membrane proteins involved in cell adhesion. (c) 2006 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc Published by Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Blooms of Lyngbya majuscula have been increasingly recorded in the waters of Moreton Bay, on the south-east coast of Queensland, Australia. The influences of these blooms on sediment infauna and the implications for sediment biogeochemical processes was studied. Sediment samples were taken from Moreton Bay banks during and after the bloom season. The deposition of L. majuscula seems to be responsible for the higher total Kjedahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations measured during the bloom period. Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations did not change. Lyngbya majuscula blooms had a marked influence on the meiobenthos. Nematodes, copepods and polychaetes were the most abundant groups of meiofauna, and the bloom produced a decrease in the abundance and a change in the sediment depth distribution of these organisms. The distribution of nematodes, copepods and polychaetes in sediment became shallower. Further, the bloom did not affect the abundance and distribution of polychaetes as strongly as it did copepods and nematodes. The changes observed in the distribution of meiofauna in the sediment during the bloom period indicate that L. majuscula produces oxygen depletion in sediments, and that different fauna seem to be affected to different degrees.


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The parasite community of animals is generally influenced by host physiology, ecology, and phylogeny. Therefore, sympatric and phylogenetically related hosts with similar ecologies should have similar parasite communities. To test this hypothesis we surveyed the endoparasites of 5 closely related cheilinine fishes (Labridae) from the Great Barrier Reef. They were Cheilinus chlorounts, C. trilobatus, C. fasciatils, Epibulus insidiator and OxYcheilinus diagrainnia. VVe examined the relationship between parasitological variables (richness, abundance and diversity) and host characteristics (bodv weight, diet and phuylogeny). The 5 fishes had 31 parasite species with 9-18 parasite species per fish species. Cestode larvae (mostly Tetraphyllidea) were the most abundant and prevalent parasites followed by nematodes and digeneans. Parasites, body size and diet of hosts differed between fish species. In general, body weight, diet and host phylogeny each explained some of the variation in richness and composition of parasites among the fishes. The 2 most closely related species, Cheilinus chlorourus and C. trilobatus, had broadly similar parasites but the Other fish species differed significantly in all variables. However, there was no all -encompassing pattern. This may, be because different lineages of parasites may react differently to ecological variables. We also argue that adult parasites may respond principally to host diet. In contrast, larval parasite composition may respond both to host diet and predator-prey interactions because this is the path by which many, parasites complete their life-cycles. Finally, variation in parasite phylogeny and parasite life-cycles among hosts likely increase the complexity of the system making it difficult to find all-encompassing patterns between host characteristics and parasites, particularly when all the species in rich parasite communities are considered.


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A molecular approach was used to genetically characterize 5 species (Aoruroides queenslandensis. Blattophila sphaerolaima, Cordonicola gibsoni, Desmicola ornato and Leidynemella fusiformis) belonging to the superfamily. Thelastomatoidea fi (Nematoda: Oxyurida), a group of pinworms that parasitizes terrestrial arthropods. The D3 domain of the large subunit Of nuclear ribosomal RNA (LSU) was sequenced for individual specimens, and the analysis of the sequence data allowed the genetic relationships of the 5 species to be studied dagger. The sequence variation in the D3 domain within individual species (0-1-8%) was significantly less than the differences among species (4(.)3-12(.)4%). Phylogenetic analyses, Using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbour-joining, tree-building methods, established relationships among the 5 species of Thelastomatoidea and Oxyuris equi (a species of the order Oxyurida). The molecular approach employed provides the prospect for developing DNA tools for the specific identification of the Thelastomatoidea, irrespective of developmental stage and sex, as a basis for systematic, ecological and/or population genetic investigations of members within this superfamily.