19 resultados para Muscle, Smooth, Vascular -- cytology -- drug effects -- physiology

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We outline and evaluate competing explanations of three relationships that have consistently been found between cannabis use and the use of other illicit drugs, namely, ( 1) that cannabis use typically precedes the use of other illicit drugs; and that ( 2) the earlier cannabis is used, and ( 3) the more regularly it is used, the more likely a young person is to use other illicit drugs. We consider three major competing explanations of these patterns: ( 1) that the relationship is due to the fact that there is a shared illicit market for cannabis and other drugs which makes it more likely that other illicit drugs will be used if cannabis is used; ( 2) that they are explained by the characteristics of those who use cannabis; and ( 3) that they reflect a causal relationship in which the pharmacological effects of cannabis on brain function increase the likelihood of using other illicit drugs. These explanations are evaluated in the light of evidence from longitudinal epidemiological studies, simulation studies, discordant twin studies and animal studies. The available evidence indicates that the association reflects in part but is not wholly explained by: ( 1) the selective recruitment to heavy cannabis use of persons with pre-existing traits ( that may be in part genetic) that predispose to the use of a variety of different drugs; ( 2) the affiliation of cannabis users with drug using peers in settings that provide more opportunities to use other illicit drugs at an earlier age; ( 3) supported by socialisation into an illicit drug subculture with favourable attitudes towards the use of other illicit drugs. Animal studies have raised the possibility that regular cannabis use may have pharmacological effects on brain function that increase the likelihood of using other drugs. We conclude with suggestions for the type of research studies that will enable a decision to be made about the relative contributions that social context, individual characteristics, and drug effects make to the relationship between cannabis use and the use of other drugs.


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A field-applicable assay for testing anthelmintic sensitivity is required to monitor for anthelmintic resistance. We undertook a study to evaluate the ability of three in vitro assay systems to define drug sensitivity of clinical isolates of the human hookworm parasite Necator americanus recovered from children resident in a village in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. The assays entailed observation of drug effects on egg hatch (EHA), larval development (LDA), and motility of infective stage larvae (LMA). The egg hatch assay proved the best method for assessing the response to benzimidazole anthelmintics, while the larval motility assay was suitable for assessing the response to ivermectin. The performance of the larval development assay was unsatisfactory on account of interference caused by contaminating bacteria. A simple protocol was developed whereby stool samples were subdivided and used for immediate egg recovery, as well as for faecal culture, in order to provide eggs and infective larvae, respectively, for use in the egg hatch assay and larval motility assay systems. While the assays proved effective in quantifying drug sensitivity in larvae of the drug-susceptible hookworms examined in this study, their ability to indicate drug resistance in larval or adult hookworms remains to be determined. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of three burns dressings (TransCyte, a bio-engineered skin substitute; Biobrane; and Silvazine cream (silver sulphadiazine and 0.2% chlorhexidine)), in treating children with partial-thickness burns. The primary objective was to determine the days until greater than or equal to90% re-epithelialization. The secondary objectives were to evaluate the number of wounds requiring autografting and the number of dressing changes/local wound care required. Methods: Study wounds were identified on each patient and the patients were randomized to receive TransCyte or Biobrane or Silvazine. Assessment of study wound closure began at 2 days after treatment and continued at least every other day thereafter until the wounds re-epithelialized or were autografted. A laser Doppler imaging system was used as an adjunct to assessing the depth of the burn. Results: Thirty-three patients with 58 wound sites enrolled in the study (TransCyte, n = 20, Biobrane, n = 17; Silvazine, n = 21). Mean time to re-epithelialization was 7.5 days for TransCyte, 9.5 days for Biobrane, and 11.2 days for Silvazine. The number of wounds requiring autografting were 5/21 (24%) for Silvazine, 3/17 (17%) for Biobrane, and 1/20 (5%) for TransCyte. Conclusions: When used in partial-thickness burns in children, TransCyte promotes fastest re-epithelialization and required less overall dressings then Biobrane or Silvazine. Patients who received Silvazine or Biobrane require more autografting than those treated with TransCyte.


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1 On rat isolated pulmonary arteries, vasorelaxation by S-nitrosocaptopril (SNOcap) was compared with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and nitroprusside, and inhibition by SNOcap of contractions to angiotensin I was compared with the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril. 2 SNOcap was equipotent as a vasorelaxant on main (i.d. 2-3 mm) and intralobar (i.d. 600 mum)pulmonary arteries (pIC(50) values: 5.00 and 4.85, respectively). Vasorelaxant responses reached equilibrium rapidly (2-3 min). 3 Pulmonary vasorelaxant responses to SNOcap, like GSNO, were (i) partially inhibited by the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (1H-(1,2,4) oxadiazolo(4,3-a)-quinoxalin-1-one; 3 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were abolished and (ii) potentiated by hydroxocobalamin (HCOB; NO. free radical scavenger; 100 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were inhibited. 4 The relative potencies for pulmonary vasorelaxation compared with inhibition of platelet aggregation were: SNOcap 7: 1; GSNO 25: 1; nitroprusside > 2000:1. 5 SNOcap, like captopril, concentration-dependently and time-dependently increased the EC50 for angiotensin I but not angiotensin II. The dependence on incubation time was independent of the presence of tissue but differed for SNOcap and captopril. This difference reflected the slow dissociation of SNOcap and instability of captopril, and precluded a valid comparison of the potency of the two drugs. After prolonged incubation (greater than or equal to 5.6 h) SNOcap was more effective than captopril. 6 Thus, in pulmonary arteries SNOcap (i) possesses NO donor properties characteristic of S-nitrosothiols but different from nitroprusside and (ii) inhibits ACE at least as effectively as captopril. These properties suggest that SNOcap could be valuable in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to grow artificial blood vessels for autologous transplantation as arterial interposition grafts in a large animal model (dog). Method and results: Tubing up to 250 mm long, either bare or wrapped in biodegradable polyglycolic acid (Dexon) or nonbiodegradable polypropylene (Prolene) mesh, was inserted in the peritoneal or pleural cavity of dogs, using minimally invasive techniques, and tethered at one end to the wall with a loose suture. After 3 weeks the tubes and their tissue capsules were harvested, and the inert tubing was discarded. The wall of living tissue was uniformly 1-1.5 mm thick throughout its length, and consisted of multiple layers of myofibroblasts and matrix overlaid with a single layer of mesothelium. The myofibroblasts stained for a-smooth muscle actin, vimentin, and desmin. The bursting strength of tissue tubes with no biodegradable mesh scaffolds was in excess of 2500 mm Hg, and the suture holding strength was 11.5 N, both similar to that in dog carotid and femoral arteries. Eleven tissue tubes were transplanted as interposition grafts into the femoral artery of the same dog in which they were grown, and were harvested after 3 to 6.5 months. Eight remained patent during this time. At harvest, their lumens were lined with endothelium-like cells, and wall cells stained for alpha-actin, smooth muscle myosin, desmin and smoothelin; there was also a thick adventitia containing vasa vasorum. Conclusion: Peritoneal and pleural cavities of large animals can function as bioreactors to grow myofibroblast tubes for use as autologous vascular grafts.


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1 The aim was to test the hypothesis that nitric oxide ( NO) donor drugs can inhibit the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) transporter, SERT. 2 The NO donors, MAHMA/NO ( a NONOate; (Z)-1-[N-methyl-N-[6-(N-methylammoniohexyl)amino]]diazen- 1-ium-1,2-diolate), SIN-1 ( a sydnonimine; 5-amino-3-(4-morpholinyl)-1,2,3-oxadiazolium chloride), FK409 ( an oxime; (+/-)-(4-ethyl-2E-(hydroxyimino)-5-nitro-3E-hexenamide)) and peroxynitrite, but not Angeli's salt ( source of nitroxyl anion) or sodium nitrite, caused concentration-dependent inhibition of the specific uptake of [H-3]- 5-HT in COS-7 cells expressing human SERT. 3 Superoxide dismutase (150 U ml(-1)) plus catalase ( 1200 U ml(-1)), used to remove superoxide and hence prevent peroxynitrite formation, prevented the inhibitory effect of SIN-1 ( which generates superoxide) but not of MAHMA/NO or FK409. 4 The inhibitory effects of the NO donors were not affected by the free radical scavenger, hydroxocobalamin (1 mM) or the guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (1H-[ 1,2,4] oxadiazolo[4,3-a] quinoxalin-1-one; 3 muM). 5 L-Cysteine ( 1 mM; source of excess thiol residues) abolished or markedly reduced the inhibitory effects of MAHMA/NO, SIN-1, FK409 and peroxynitrite. 6 It is concluded that inhibition of SERT by the NO donors cannot be attributed exclusively to NO free radical nor to nitroxyl anion. It does not involve guanosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, but may involve nitrosation of cysteine residues on the SERT protein. Peroxynitrite mediates the effect of SIN-1, but not the other drugs. 7 Data in mice with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension suggest that SERT inhibitors may attenuate pulmonary vascular remodelling. Thus, NO donors may be useful in pulmonary hypertension, not only as vasodilators, but also because they inhibit SERT, provided they display this effect in vivo at appropriate doses.


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The Rho family GTPases are regulatory molecules that link surface receptors to organisation of the actin cytoskeleton and play major roles in fundamental cellular processes. In the vasculature Rho signalling pathways are intimately involved in the regulation of endothelial barrier function, inflammation and transendothelial leukocyte migration, platelet activation, thrombosis and oxidative stress, as well as smooth muscle contraction, migration, proliferation and differentiation, and are thus implicated in many of the changes associated with atherogenesis. Indeed, it is believed that many of the beneficial, non-lipid lowering effects of statins occur as a result of their ability to inhibit Rho protein activation. Conversely, the Rho proteins can have beneficial effects on the vasculature, including the promotion of endothelial repair and the maintenance of SMC differentiation. Further identification of the mechanisms by which these proteins and their effectors act in the vasculature should lead to therapies that specifically target only the adverse effects of Rho signalling. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) devices are being marketed as weight/ fat loss devices throughout the world. Commercially available stimulators have the ability to evoke muscle contractions that may affect caloric expenditure while the device is being used. The aim of this study was to test the effects of two different EMS devices (Abtronic and Feminique) on oxygen consumption at rest. Subjects arrived for testing after an overnight fast, had the devices fitted, and then positioned supine with expired air measured to determine oxygen consumption. After a 10-minute acclimation period, oxygen consumption was measured for 20 minutes with the device switched off (resting) then 20 minutes with the device switched on (stimulated). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in oxygen consumption between the resting and stimulated periods with either the Abtronic (mean SD; resting, 3.40 +/- 0.44; stimulated, 3.45 +/- 0.53 ml of O-2.kg(-1).min(-1)) or the Feminique (resting, 3.73 +/- 0.45; stimulated, 3.75 +/- 0.46 ml of O-2.kg(-1).min(-1)). In summary, the EMS devices tested had no effect on oxygen consumption during muscle stimulation.