47 resultados para Motor síncrono de ímanes permanentes de fluxo axial
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the CNS adjusts motor patterns for variants of a complex axial movement-the situp. Adjustments were induced by changing the support surface contact and mass distribution of the body. Healthy adults performed straight-legged sit-ups, 3 s in duration, with support added to or removed from the lumbar trunk, or with mass added to the head or to the legs. Each of these interventions either increased or decreased the difficulty of the task. The study addressed the extent to which changes in sit-up difficulty are compensated by scaling of muscle activity, kinematics, and dynamics versus the extent to which they are compensated by changing discretely the motor pattern. The analysis of muscle activity, kinematics, and dynamics focused on the first 30-40% of the sit-up-the trunk flexion phase-since this is the most critical part of the movement. Our results demonstrate that, in some respects, sit-up kinematics and dynamics scaled with difficulty, but in other respects, they did not. Muscle activity also scaled, in many respects, but in more difficult sit-ups, abdominal flexor activity decreased instead of increased. Non-scaling changes in these parameters suggest that complex movements, such as the sit-up, may require discrete changes in motor pattern in order to deal with large loads, which challenge the available leverage. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the kinematics and muscle activity associated with the standard sit-up, as a first step in the investigation of complex motor coordination. Eight normal human subjects lay on a force table and performed at least 15 sit-ups, with the arms across the chest and the legs straight and unconstrained. Several subjects also performed sit-ups with an additional weight added to the head. Support surface forces were recorded to calculate the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity; conventional motion analysis was used to measure segmental positions; and surface EMG was recorded from eight muscles. While the sit-up consists of two serial components, 'trunk curling' and 'footward pelvic rotation', it can be further subdivided into five phases, based on the kinematics. Phases I and II comprise trunk curling. Phase I consists of neck and upper trunk flexion, and phase II consists of lumbar trunk lifting. Phase II corresponds to the point of peak muscle contraction and maximum postural instability, the 'critical point' of the sit-up. Phases III-V comprise footward pelvic rotation. Phase III begins with pelvic rotation towards the feet. phase W with leg lowering, and phase V with contact between the legs and the support surface. The overall pattern of muscle activity was complex with times of EMG onset, peak activity, offset, and duration differing for different muscles. This complex pattern changed qualitatively from one phase to the next, suggesting that the roles of different muscles and, as a consequence, the overall form of coordination, change during the sit-up. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Numerical experiments using a finite difference method were carried out to determine the motion of axisymmetric Taylor vortices for narrow-gap Taylor vortex flow. When a pressure gradient is imposed on the flow the vortices are observed to move with an axial speed of 1.16 +/- 0.005 times the mean axial flow velocity. The method of Brenner was used to calculate the long-time axial spread of material in the flow. For flows where there is no pressure gradient, the axial dispersion scales with the square root of the molecular diffusion, in agreement with the results of Rosen-bluth et al. for high Peclet number dispersion in spatially periodic flows with a roll structure. When a pressure gradient is imposed the dispersion increases by an amount approximately equal to 6.5 x 10(-4) (W) over bar(2)d(2)/D-m, where (W) over bar is the average axial velocity in the annulus, analogous to Taylor dispersion for laminar flow in an empty tube.
The 75 kD low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) is expressed in developing and axotomised spinal motor neurons. There is now convincing evidence that p75NTR can, under some circumstances, become cytotoxic and promote neuronal cell death. We report here that a single application of antisense p75(NTR) oligodeoxynucleotides to the proximal nerve stumps of neonatal rats significantly reduces the loss of axotomised motor neurons compared to controls treated with nonsense oligodeoxynucleotides or phosphate-buffered saline. Our investigations also show that daily systemic intraperitoneal injections of antisense p75(NTR) oligodeoxynucleotides for 14 days significantly reduce the loss of axotomised motor neurons compared to controls. Furthermore, we found that systemic delivery over a similar period continues to be effective following axotomy when intraperitoneal injections were 1) administered after a delay of 24 hr, 2) limited to the first 7 days, or 3) administered every third day. In addition, p75(NTR) protein levels were reduced in spinal motor neurons following treatment with antisense p75(NTR) oligodeoxynucleotides. There were also no obvious side effects associated with antisense p75(NTR) oligodeoxynucleotide treatments as determined by behavioural observations and postnatal weight gain. Our findings indicate that antisense-based strategies could be a novel approach for the prevention of motor neuron degeneration associated with injuries or disease. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The current study was designed to confirm that female drivers sit closer to the steering wheel than do male drivers and to investigate whether this expected difference in sitting position is attributable to differences in the physical dimensions of men and women. Driver body dimensions and multiple measures of sitting distance from the steering wheel were collected from a sample of 150 men and 150 women. The results confirmed that on average, women sit closer to the steering wheel than men do and that this difference is accounted for by variations in body dimensions, especially height. This result suggests that driver height may provide a good surrogate for sitting distance from the steering wheel when investigating the role of driver position in real-world crash outcomes. The potential applications of this research include change to vehicle design that allows independent adjustment of the relative distance among the driver's seat, the steering wheel, and the floor pedals.
We used positron emission tomography (PET) with O-15-labelled water to record patterns of cerebral activation in six patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), studied when clinically off and after turning on as a result of dopaminergic stimulation. They were asked to imagine a Finger opposition movement performed with their right hand. externally paced at a rate of 1 Hz. Trials alternating between motor imagery and rest were measured. A pilot study of three age-matched controls was also performed. We chose the task as a robust method of activating the supplementary motor area (SMA), defects of which have been reported in PD. The PD patients showed normal de-rees of activation of the SMA (proper) when both off and on. Significant activation with imagining movement also occurred in the ipsilateral inferior parietal cortex (both off and when on) and ipsilateral premotor cortex (when off only). The patients showed significantly greater activation of the rostral anterior cingulate and significantly less activation of the left lingual gyrus and precuneus when performing the task on compared with their performance when off. PD patients when imagining movement and off showed less activation of several sites including the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) when compared to the controls performing the same task. No significant differences from controls were present when the patients imagined when on. Our results are consistent with other studies showing deficits of pre-SMA function in PD with preserved function of the SMA proper. In addition to the areas of reduced activation (anterior cingulate, DLPFC), there were also sites of activation (ipsilateral premotor and inferior parietal cortex) previously reported as locations of compensatory overactivity for PD patients performing similar tasks. Both failure of activation and compensatory changes a-re likely to contribute to the motor deficit in PD. (C) 2001 Movement Disorder Society.
We investigated the recruitment behaviour of low threshold motor units in flexor digitorum superficialis by altering two biomechanical constraints: the load against which the muscle worked and the initial muscle length. The load was increased using isotonic (low load), loaded dynamic (intermediate load) and isometric (high load) contractions in two studies. The initial muscle position reflected resting muscle length in series A, and a longer length with digit III fully extended in series B. Intramuscular EMG was recorded from 48 single motor units in 10 experiments on five healthy subjects, 21 units in series A and,27 in series B, while subjects performed ramp up, hold and ramp down contractions. Increasing the load on the muscle decreased the force, displacement and firing rate of single motor units at recruitment at shorter muscle lengths (P < 0.001, dependent t-test). At longer muscle lengths this recruitment pattern was observed between loaded dynamic and isotonic contractions, but not between isometric and loaded dynamic contractions. Thus, the recruitment properties of single motor units in human flexor digitorum superficialis are sensitive to changes in both imposed external loads and the initial length of the muscle. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Based on a self-similar array model, we systematically investigated the axial Young's modulus (Y-axis) of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) arrays with diameters from nanometer to meter scales by an analytical approach. The results show that the Y-axis of SWNT arrays decreases dramatically with the increases of their hierarchy number (s) and is not sensitive to the specific size and constitution when s is the same, and the specific Young's modulus Y-axis(s) is independent of the packing configuration of SWNTs. Our calculations also show that the Y-axis of SWNT arrays with diameters of several micrometers is close to that of commercial high performance carbon fibers (CFs), but the Y-axis(s) of SWNT arrays is much better than that of high performance CFs. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
In the present study, we analyzed how high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the primary motor hand area (M1-Hand) shapes anticipatory motor activity in frontal areas as indexed by the contingent negative variation (CNV). Eight right-handed volunteers received real or sham 5 Hz rTMS at an intensity of 90% resting motorthreshold (1500 stimuli per session). Real but not sham rTMS to left M1-Hand induced a site-specific increase in amplitude of the late component of the CNV at the electrode C3 overlaying the site of stimulation. The increase in pre-movement activity in the stimulated cortex may reflect an increase in facilitatory drive from connected motor areas, enhanced responsiveness of the stimulated cortex to these inputs or both. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The supplementary motor area (SMA) is thought to play in important role in the preparation and organisation of voluntary movement. It has long been known that cortical activity begins to increase up to 2 s prior to voluntary self-initiated movement. This increasing premovement activity measured in EEG is known as the Bereitschaftspotential or readiness potential. Modern functional brain imaging methods, using event-related and time-resolved functional MRI techniques, are beginning to reveal the role of the SMA, and in particular the more anterior pre-SMA, in premovement activity associated with the readiness for action. In this paper we review recent studies using event-related time-resolved fMRI methods to examine the time-course of activation changes within the SMA throughout the preparation, readiness and execution of action. These studies suggest that the preSMA plays a common role in encoding or representing actions prior to our own voluntary self-initiated movements, during motor imagery, and from the observation of others' actions. We suggest that the pre-SMA generates and encodes motor representations which are then maintained in readiness for action. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper examines upper-body movement kinematics in individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA) and Asperger's disorder (AD). In general, the results indicate that HFA is more consistently associated with impaired motoric preparation/initiation than AD. The data further suggest that this quantitative difference in motor impairment is not necessarily underpinned by greater executive dysfunction vulnerability in autism relative to AD. Quantitative motoric dissociation between autism and AD may have down-stream effects on later stages of movement resulting in qualitative differences between these disorder groups, e.g. motor clumsiness in AD versus abnormal posturing in autism. It will be important for future research to map the developmental trajectory of motor abnormalities in these disorder groups.