38 resultados para Migration plan
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Floor plan showing finalised design.
Hand-drawn floor plan.
Hand-drawn floor plan.
Hand-drawn plan of proposed residence.
This document records the process of migrating eprints.org data to a Fez repository. Fez is a Web-based digital repository and workflow management system based on Fedora (http://www.fedora.info/). At the time of migration, the University of Queensland Library was using EPrints 2.2.1 [pepper] for its ePrintsUQ repository. Once we began to develop Fez, we did not upgrade to later versions of eprints.org software since we knew we would be migrating data from ePrintsUQ to the Fez-based UQ eSpace. Since this document records our experiences of migration from an earlier version of eprints.org, anyone seeking to migrate eprints.org data into a Fez repository might encounter some small differences. Moving UQ publication data from an eprints.org repository into a Fez repository (hereafter called UQ eSpace (http://espace.uq.edu.au/) was part of a plan to integrate metadata (and, in some cases, full texts) about all UQ research outputs, including theses, images, multimedia and datasets, in a single repository. This tied in with the plan to identify and capture the research output of a single institution, the main task of the eScholarshipUQ testbed for the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories project (http://www.apsr.edu.au/). The migration could not occur at UQ until the functionality in Fez was at least equal to that of the existing ePrintsUQ repository. Accordingly, as Fez development occurred throughout 2006, a list of eprints.org functionality not currently supported in Fez was created so that programming of such development could be planned for and implemented.
The testing of a 30-mer dG-rich phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide (LG4PS) for effects on the behaviour of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) in vitro and in vivo is described. LG4PS at 0.3 mu M inhibited significantly the phenotype modulation of freshly isolated rabbit VSMC, and cell outgrowth from pig aortic explants was inhibited similar to 80% by 5 mu M LG4PS. The growth of proliferating rabbit and pig VSMC was inhibited similar to 70% by 0.3 mu M and 5 mu M LG4PS, respectively. Though less marked, the antiproliferative effects of LG4PS on human VSMC were comparable to those obtained with heparin. The cytotoxic effects of LG4PS on VSMC in vitro were low. Despite these promising results, adventitial application of 2-200 nmol LG4PS in pluronic gel failed to reduce vascular hyperplasia in balloon-injured rabbit carotid arteries, and the highest dose caused extensive mortality. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
We examined the distribution of butterflies over the mostly arid and semi-arid continent of Australia and analyzed the proportion of migrant species and species diversity with respect to an array of climatic and geographic variables. On a continent-wide scale, latitude explained virtually no variance in either proportion of migrants (r(2) = 0.01) or species diversity (r(2) = 0.03) in Australian butterflies. These results are in marked contrast to those for temperate-zone birds from three continents where latitude explained between 82 and 98% of the variance in frequency of migrants and also accounted for much of the variance in bird species diversity. In eastern Australia where rainfall regimes are similar to those in temperate Europe and North and South America, latitude explains 78% of the variance in frequency of butterfly migrants. In both eastern and central Australia, latitude also accounts for relatively high proportions of the variance in species diversity. Rainfall patterns and especially soil moisture are negatively associated with migration frequency in Australian butterfly faunas, both alone and in combination with other climate variables. Where moisture levels are relatively high, as in eastern Australia, measures of temperature are associated with migration frequency, a result consistent with findings for temperate-zone birds, suggesting latitude is a surrogate for temperature. The ultimate causes of migration in temperate-zone birds and Australian butterflies are the uneven temporal, and in Australia also spatial, distribution of resources. Uneven distribution is brought about primarily by temperature in temperate regions and by erratic rainfall over much of arid Australia. As a key determinant of productivity, especially in the tropics and subtropics, aridity is likely to be an important determinant of the global distributions of migrants.
Background: T lymphocytes and mast cells infiltrate the lamina propria in oral lichen planus (OLP). Chemokines and their receptors are involved in T cell and mast cell migration and accumulation during the inflammatory process. Methods: In the present study, we investigated the role of RANTES and its receptors in OLP using immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR and an in vitro chemotaxis assay. Results: RANTES and CCR1 were expressed on T cells and mast cells in OLP, while OLP lesional T cell supernatants stimulated CCR1 mRNA expression in a human leukemia mast cell line (HMC-1). TNF-alpha stimulated CCR1, CCR4 and CCR5 mRNA expression in the same cell line. OLP lesional T cell supernatants stimulated HMC-1 migration, which was partly inhibited by anti-RANTES antibody. Conclusions: The present study shows, for the first time, the distribution of RANTES and CCR1 in OLR It is hypothesized that RANTES and CCR1 may play important roles in mast cell trafficking and related events in OLP.
Light is generally regarded as the most likely cue used by zooplankton to regulate their vertical movements through the water column. However, the way in which light is used by zooplankton as a cue is not well understood. In this paper we present a mathematical model of diel vertical migration which produces vertical distributions of zooplankton that vary in space and time. The model is used to predict the patterns of vertical distribution which result when animals are assumed to adopt one of three commonly proposed mechanisms for vertical swimming. First, we assume zooplankton tend to swim towards a preferred intensity of light. We then assume zooplankton swim in response to either the rate of change in light intensity or the relative rate of change in light intensity. The model predicts that for all three mechanisms movement is fastest at sunset and sunrise and populations are primarily influenced by eddy diffusion at night in the absence of a light stimulus. Daytime patterns of vertical distribution differ between the three mechanisms and the reasons for the predicted differences are discussed. Swimming responses to properties of the light field are shown to be adequate for describing diel vertical migration where animals congregate in near surface waters during the evening and reside at deeper depths during the day. However, the model is unable to explain how some populations halt their ascent before reaching surface waters or how populations re-congregate in surface waters a few hours before sunrise, a phenomenon which is sometimes observed in the held. The model results indicate that other exogenous or endogenous factors besides light may play important roles in regulating vertical movement.
Characterizing insect migration systems in inland Australia with novel and traditional methodologies