31 resultados para Microbial Community

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The reductive dechlorination (RD) of tetrachloroethene (PCE) to vinyl chloride (VC) and, to a lesser extent, to ethene (ETH) by an anaerobic microbial community has been investigated by studying the processes and kinetics of the main physiological components of the consortium. Molecular hydrogen, produced by methanol-utilizing acetogens, was the electron donor for the PCE RD to VC and ETH without forming any appreciable amount of other chlorinated intermediates and in the near absence of methanogenic activity. The microbial community structure of the consortium was investigated by preparing a 1 6S rDNA clone library and by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The PCR primers used in the clone library allowed the harvest of 16SrDNA from both bacterial and archaeal members in the community. A total of 616 clones were screened by RFLP analysis of the clone inserts followed by the sequencing of RFLP group representatives and phylogenetic analysis. The clone library contained sequences mostly from hitherto undescribed bacteria. No sequences similar to those of the known RD bacteria like 'Dehalococcoides ethenogenes' or Dehalobacter restrictus were found in the clone library, and none of these bacteria was present in the RD consortium according to FISH. Almost all clones fell into six previously described phyla of the bacterial domain, with the majority (56(.)6%) being deep-branching members of the Spirochaetes phylum. Other clones were in the Firmicutes phylum (18(.)5%), the Chloroflexi phylum (16(.)4%), the Bacteroidetes phylum (6(.)3%), the Synergistes genus (11(.)1%) and a lineage that could not be affiliated with existing phyla (11(.)1%). No archaeal clones were found in the clone library. Owing to the phylogenetic novelty of the microbial community with regard to previously cultured microorganisms, no specific microbial component(s) could be hypothetically affiliated with the RD phenotype. The predominance of Spirochaetes in the microbial consortium, the main group revealed by clone library analysis, was confirmed by FISH using a purposely developed probe.


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The development of a strong, active granular sludge bed is necessary for optimal operation of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. The microbial and mechanical structure of the granules may have a strong influence on desirable properties such as growth rate, settling velocity and shear strength. Theories have been proposed for granule microbial structure based on the relative kinetics of substrate degradation, but contradict some observations from both modelling and microscopic studies. In this paper, the structures of four granule types were examined from full-scale UASB reactors, treating wastewater from a cannery, a slaughterhouse, and two breweries. Microbial structure was determined using fluorescence in situ hybridisation probing with 16S rRNA-directed oligonucleotide probes, and superficial structure and microbial density (volume occupied by cells and microbial debris) assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The granules were also modelled using a distributed parameter biofilm model, with a previously published biochemical model structure, biofilm modelling approach, and model parameters. The model results reflected the trophic structures observed, indicating that the structures were possibly determined by kinetics. Of particular interest were results from simulations of the protein grown granules, which were predicted to have slow growth rates, low microbial density, and no trophic layers, the last two of which were reflected by microscopic observations. The primary cause of this structure, as assessed by modelling, was the particulate nature of the wastewater, and the slow rate of particulate hydrolysis, rather than the presence of proteins in the wastewater. Because solids hydrolysis was rate limiting, soluble substrate concentrations were very low (below Monod half saturation concentration), which caused low growth rates. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A denitrifying microbial consortium was enriched in an anoxically operated, methanol-fed sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed with a mineral salts medium containing methanol as the sole carbon source and nitrate as the electron acceptor. The SBR was inoculated with sludge from a biological nutrient removal activated sludge plant exhibiting good denitrification. The SBR denitrification rate improved from less than 0.02 mg of NO3-.N mg of mixed-liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS)(-1) h(-1) to a steady-state value of 0.06 mg of NO3-.N mg of MLVSS-1 h(-1) over a 7-month operational period. At this time, the enriched microbial community was subjected to stable-isotope probing (SIP) with [C-13] methanol to biomark the DNA of the denitrifiers. The extracted [C-13]DNA and [C-12]DNA from the SIP experiment were separately subjected to full-cycle rRNA analysis. The dominant 16S rRNA gene phylotype (group A clones) in the [C-13]DNA clone library was closely related to those of the obligate methylotrophs Methylobacillus and Methylophilus in the order Methylophilales of the Betaproteobacteria (96 to 97% sequence identities), while the most abundant clone groups in the [C-12]DNA clone library mostly belonged to the family Saprospiraceae in the Bacteroidetes phylum. Oligonucleotide probes for use in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were designed to specifically target the group A clones and Methylophilales (probes DEN67 and MET1216, respectively) and the Saprospiraceae clones (probe SAP553). Application of these probes to the SBR biomass over the enrichment period demonstrated a strong correlation between the level of SBR denitrification and relative abundance of DEN67-targeted bacteria in the SBR community. By contrast, there was no correlation between the denitrification rate and the relative abundances of the well-known denitrifying genera Hyphomicrobium and Paracoccus or the Saprospiraceae clones visualized by FISH in the SBR biomass. FISH combined with microautoradiography independently confirmed that the DEN67-targeted cells were the dominant bacterial group capable of anoxic [C-14] methanol uptake in the enriched biomass. The well-known denitrification lag period in the methanol-fed SBR was shown to coincide with a lag phase in growth of the DEN67-targeted denitrifying population. We conclude that Methylophilales bacteria are the dominant denitrifiers in our SBR system and likely are important denitrifiers in full-scale methanol-fed denitrifying sludges.


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The acetate-utilizing microbial consortium in a full-scale activated sludge process was investigated without prior enrichment using stable isotope probing (SIP). [C-13]acetate was used in SIP to label the DNA of the denitrifiers. The [C-13]DNA fraction that was extracted was subjected to a full-cycle rRNA analysis. The dominant 16S rRNA gene phylotypes in the C-13 library were closely related to the bacterial families Comamonadaceae and Rhodocyclaceae in the class Betaproteobacteria. Seven oligonucleotide probes for use in fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were designed to specifically target these clones. Application of these probes to the sludge of a continuously fed denitrifying sequencing batch reactor (CFDSBR) operated for 16 days revealed that there was a significant positive correlation between the CFDSBR denitrification rate and the relative abundance of all probe-targeted bacteria in the CFDSBR community. FISH-microautoradiography demonstrated that the DEN581 and DEN124 probe-targeted cells that dominated the CFDSBR were capable of taking Up [C-14] acetate under anoxic conditions. Initially, DEN444 and DEN1454 probe-targeted bacteria also dominated the CFDSBR biomass, but eventually DEN581 and DEN124 probe-targeted bacteria were the dominant bacterial groups. All probe-targeted bacteria assessed in this study were denitrifiers capable of utilizing acetate as a source of carbon. The rapid increase in the number of organisms positively correlated with the immediate increase in denitrification rates observed by plant operators when acetate is used as an external source of carbon to enhance denitrification. We suggest that the impact of bacteria on activated sludge subjected to intermittent acetate supplementation should be assessed prior to the widespread use of acetate in the waste-water industry to enhance denitrification.


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In an attempt to better understand the microbial diversity and endosymbiotic microbiota of the pink sugarcane mealybug (PSMB) Saccharicoccus sacchari Cockerell (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), culture-independent approaches, namely PCR, a 16S rDNA clone library, and temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) were used. Previous work has indicated that the acetic acid bacteria Gluconacetobacter sacchari, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, and Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens represent only a small proportion of the microbial community of the PSMB. These findings were supported in this study by TGGE, where no bands representing G. sacchari, G. diazotrophicus, and G. liquefaciens on the acrylamide gel could be observed following electrophoresis, and by a 16S rDNA clone library study, where no clones with the sequence of an acetic acid bacterium were found. Instead, TGGE revealed that the mealybug microbial community was dominated by beta- and gamma-Proteobacteria. The dominant band in TGGE gels found in a majority of the mealybug samples was most similar, according to BLAST analysis, to the beta-symbiont of the craw mealybug Antonina crawii and to Candidatus Tremblaya princeps, an endosymbiont from the mealybug Paracoccus nothofagicola. The sequences of other dominant bands were identified as gamma-Proteobacteria, and were most closely related to uncultured bacterial clones obtained from soil samples. Mealybugs collected from different areas in Queensland, Australia, were found to produce similar TGGE profiles, although there were a few exceptions. A 16S rDNA clone library based on DNA extracted from a mealybug collected from sugarcane in the Burdekin region in Queensland, Australia, indicated very low levels of diversity among mealybug microbial populations. All sequenced clones were most closely related to the same members of the gamma-Proteobacteria, according to BLAST analysis.


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The microbial community composition and activity was investigated in aggregates from a lab-scale bioreactor, in which nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal occurred simultaneously. The biomass was highly enriched for polyphosphate accumulating organisms facilitating complete removal of phosphorus from the bulk liquid; however, some inorganic nitrogen still remained at the end of the reactor cycle. This was ascribed to incomplete coupling of nitrification and denitrification causing NO3- accumulation. After 2 h of aeration, denitrification was dependent on the activity of nitrifying bacteria facilitating the formation of anoxic zones in the aggregates; hence, denitrification could not occur without simultaneous nitrification towards the end of the reactor cycle. Nitrous oxide was identified as a product of denitrification, when based on stored PHA as carbon source. This observation is of critical importance to the outlook of applying PHA-driven denitrification in activated sludge processes. (c) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is widely accepted that cellulose is the rate-limiting substrate in the anaerobic digestion of organic solid wastes and that cellulose solubilisation is largely mediated by surface attached bacteria. However, little is known about the identity or the ecophysiology of cellulolytic microorganisms from landfills and anaerobic digesters. The aim of this study was to investigate an enriched cellulolytic microbial community from an anaerobic batch reactor. Chemical oxygen demand balancing was used to calculate the cellulose solubilisation rate and the degree of cellulose solubilisation. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) was used to assess the relative abundance and physical location of three groups of bacteria belonging to the Clostridium lineage of the Firmicutes that have been implicated as the dominant cellulose degraders in this system. Quantitation of the relative abundance using FISH showed that there were changes in the microbial community structure throughout the digestion. However, comparison of these results to the process data reveals that these changes had no impact on the cellulose solubilisation in the reactor. The rate of cellulose solubilisation was approximately stable for much of the digestion despite changes in the cellulolytic population. The solubilisation rate appears to be most strongly affected by the rate of surface area colonisation and the biofilm architecture with the accepted model of first order kinetics due to surface area limitation applying only when the cellulose particles are fully covered with a thin layer of cells. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The ornate tropical rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus has substantial potential as an aquaculture species though disease outbreaks during the animal's extended larval lifecycle are major constraints for success. In order to effectively address such disease-related issues, an improved understanding of the composition and dynamics of the microbial communities in the larval rearing tanks is required. This study used flow cytometry and molecular microbial techniques (clone libraries and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)) to quantify and characterise the microbial community of the water column in the early stages (developmental stage I-II) of a P. ornatus larval rearing system. DGGE analysis of a 5000 L larval rearing trial demonstrated a dynamic microbial community with distinct changes in the community structure after initial stocking (day I to day 2) and from day 4 to day 5, after which the structure was relatively stable. Flow cytometry analysis of water samples taken over the duration of the trial demonstrated a major increase in bacterial load leading up to and peaking on the first day of the initial larval moult (day 7), before markedly decreasing prior to when > 50% of larvae moulted (day 9). A clone library of a day 10 water sample taken following a mass larval mortality event reflected high microbial diversity confirmed by statistical analysis indices. Sequences retrieved from both clone library and DGGE analyses were dominated by gamma- and alpha-Proteobacteria affiliated organisms with additional sequences affiliated with beta- and epsilon-Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cytophagales and Chlamydiales groups. Vibrio affiliated species were commonly retrieved in the clone library, though absent from DGGE analysis.


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An enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) system was developed in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) using propionate as the sole carbon source. The microbial community was followed using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques and Candidatus 'Accumulibacter phosphatis' were quantified from the start up of the reactor until steady state. A series of SBR cycle studies was performed when 55% of the SBR biomass was Accumulibacter, a confirmed polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO) and when Candidatus 'Competibacter phosphatis,' a confirmed glycogen-accumulating organism (GAO), was essentially undetectable. These experiments evaluated two different carbon sources (propionate and acetate), and in every case, two different P-release rates were detected. The highest rate took place while there was volatile fatty acid (VFA) in the mixed liquor, and after the VFA was depleted a second P-release rate was observed. This second rate was very similar to the one detected in experiments performed without added VFA. A kinetic and stoichiometric model developed as a modification of Activated Sludge Model 2 (ASM2) including glycogen economy, was fitted to the experimental profiles. The validation and calibration of this model was carried out with the cycle study experiments performed using both VFAs. The effect of pH from 6.5 to 8.0 on anaerobic P-release and VFA-uptake and aerobic P-uptake was also studied using propionate. The optimal overall working pH was around 7.5. This is the first study of the microbial community involved in EBPR developed with propionate as a sole carbon source along with detailed process performance investigations of the propionate-utilizing PAOs. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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During the austral summer of 2001/2002, a coral epizootic occurred almost simultaneously with a bleaching event on the fringing reefs of Magnetic Island (Great Barrier Reef region), Australia. This resulted in a 3- to 4-fold increase in the mean percentage of partial mortality rate in a population of the hard coral Montipora aequituberculata. The putative disease state, ‘atramentous necrosis’, was observed on both bleached and normally-pigmented M. aequituberculata, and presented blackened lesions that spread within days across the colony surface and throughout the population. Diseased portions of the corals were only visible for 3 to 4 wk, with diseased tissues becoming covered in sediment and algae, which rapidly obscured evidence of the outbreak. Diseased colonies were again observed in the summer of 2002/2003 after being absent over the 2002 winter. Analysis of when diseased and bleached corals were first observed, and when and where the mortality occurred on individual colonies, indicated virtually all the mortality over the summer could be attributed to the disease and not to the bleaching. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) techniques and cloning, and analysis of the 16S rRNA genes from diseased coral tissue, identified a mixed microbial assemblage in the diseased tissues particularly within the Alphaproteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. While it is not possible in this study to distinguish between a disease-causing microbial community versus secondary invaders, the bacterial 16S rDNA sequences identified within the blackened lesions demonstrated high similarity to sequences from black band disease and white plague infected corals, suggesting either common aetiological agents or development of a bacterial community that is specific to degrading coral tissues. Temperature-induced coral disease outbreaks, with the potential for elevated levels of mortality, may represent an added problem for corals during the warmer summer months and an added dimension to predicted increases in water temperature from climate change.


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Ten strains identified as marine actinomycetes related to the 'Salinospora ' group previously reported only from marine sediments were isolated from the Great Barrier Reef marine sponge Pseudoceratina clavata. The relationship of the isolates to 'Salinospora' was confirmed by phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Colony morphology and pigmentation, occurrence and position of spores, and salinity requirements for growth were all consistent with this relationship. Genes homologous to beta-ketosynthase, an enzyme forming part of a polyketide synthesis complex, were retrieved from these isolates; these genes shared homology with other Type I ketosynthase genes, and phylogenetic comparison with amino acid sequences derived from database beta-ketosynthase genes was consistent with the close relationship of these isolates to the actinomycetes. Primers based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and designed for targeting amplification of members of the 'Salinospora' group via polymerase chain reaction have been used to demonstrate occurrence of these actinomycetes within the sponge tissue. In vitro bioassays of extracts from the isolates for antibiotic activity demonstrated that these actinomycetes have the potential to inhibit other sponge symbionts in vivo, including both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.