1 resultado para Mesa Redonda
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
40Ar/39Ar laser incremental heating analyses of individual grains of supergene jarosite, alunite, and cryptomelane from weathering profiles in the Dugald River area, Queensland, Australia, show a strong positive correlation between a sample’s age and its elevation. We analyzed 125 grains extracted from 35 hand specimens collected from weathering profiles at 11 sites located at 3 distinct elevations. The highest elevation profile hosts the oldest supergene minerals, whereas progressively younger samples occur at lower positions in the landscape. The highest elevation sampling sites (three sites), located on top of an elongated mesa (255 to 275 m elevation), yield ages in the 16 to 12 Ma range. Samples from an intermediate elevation site (225 to 230 m elevation) yield ages in the 6 to 4 Ma range. Samples collected at the lowest elevation sites (200 to 220 m elevation) yield ages in the 2.2 to 0.8 Ma interval. Grains of supergene alunite, jarosite, and cryptomelane analyzed from individual single hand specimens yield reproducible results, confirming the suitability of these minerals to 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Multiple samples collected from the same site also yield reproducible results, indicating that the ages measured are true precipitation ages for the samples analyzed. Different sites, up to 3 km apart, sampled from weathering profiles at the same elevation again yield reproducible results. The consistency of results confirms that 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of supergene jarosite, alunite, and cryptomelane yields ages of formation of weathering profiles, providing a reliable numerical basis for differentiating and correlating these profiles. The age versus elevation relationship obtained suggest that the stepped landscapes in the Dugald River area record a progressive downward migration of a relatively flat weathering front. The steps in the landscape result from differential erosion of previously weathered bedrock displaying different susceptibility to weathering and contrasting resistance to erosion. Combined, the age versus elevation relationships measured yield a weathering rate of 3.8 m. Myr−1 (for the past 15 Ma) if a descending subhorizontal weathering front is assumed. The results also permit the calculation of the erosion rate of the more easily weathered and eroded lithologies, assuming an initially flat landscape as proposed in models of episodic landscape development. The average erosion rate for the past 15 Ma is 3.3 m. Myr−1, consistent with erosion rates obtained by cosmogenic isotope studies in the region.